Chapter 1: A gift from father

A/N: Top o' the mornin' to ya! I'm Asiandude and welcome to my first Pokemon fanfic. Now let's get this straight:
1.I'm not that great of a fanfic writer as some of you out there might be so don't expect the quality to be that great at first. Of course I'll try my best.
2.I don't know if I can really update that often since my schedule is quite cramped, at least for the next few months.
3.I DO NOT own Pokemon. Heck I don't even think I own the main OCs in this story!
If you happen to be someone who has read one of my PvZ fics before, please review or PM to tell me how I did. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Anyway, enjoy!

-Hey = speech
'Hey' = thoughts
"Hey" = written speech, letters, notes, etc

Jack was sitting in front of the TV watching a Pokemon battle. It was a battle between an Alakazam and a Slowking. Jack watched as the two Pokemon with their trainers' commands and tactics launched out an all out psychic brawl. Though this battle is awesome for a normal ten-year-old kid, Jack had seen better. That one time he actually saw his dad in a battle. He knew that his dad was an amazing trainer, a Pokemon master as some people like to call. He worked completely in sync with all his Pokemons and can think up with different ways to counter his opponents in a matter of seconds. He was all that Jack dreamed to be, like his father used to dream of becoming when he was young, Jack has a dream of becoming a Pokemon master. And really soon, he's going to be able to get his trainer licensed from professor Oak and become a trainer. That's one step closer to his ultimate dream.

-Jack! Go to bed honey! It's late!

Hearing his mom called from downstairs, he turned off the TV and head to bed.

-Good night mom!

He said aloud to his mother and turned off the lights. Real soon, his adventures will begin.

Next morning, as the Pidgeys were just starting to chirp, Jack was already woken up by the doorbell.

'Who could be here this early?'

He looked over to his clock to see it pointing at six o' clock. Then he heard the doorbell rang again. Grunting slightly, he sluggishly got out of bed to open the door. As he opened it, he saw a delivery guy holding a small box at the door.

-Ketchum residence?

Jack nodded in response.

-We have a delivery for you. Sign here please.
He hand Jack the delivery confirmation and a pen. After scribbling down his signature, Jack handed the delivery guy back the confirmation and took the small package inside. As the delivery guy left, he heard his mother's bed room opened.

-Who was at the door Jack?

His mother walked down the stairs still in her nightgown.

-Oh, the delivery guy.

-Who's the package by dear?

She asked while slowly reaching her three Pokeballs and let her three Pokemons out. It was a Delphox, a Pangoro and a Sylveon. They cried good morning to their trainer before, going around doing their individual chores. Jack paid them no attention as he was focused more on the package. He noticed there's a small note attached to it that's folded in half.

"Dear Jack,
I'm sorry I missed your tenth birthday. You know how busy I am with all the challengers. So as an apology, I got you your birthday present. Now open the present first before you continue reading the other half of the note."

His mother and her Pokemons got really intrigued.

-So, I guess it's by your dad.

He looked down at the package. It's kinda light so he wondered what it could be.
Pangoro nudged him with an expression that said "open it already!" Quickly rip off the cardboard layer, Jack looked inside the box to find a Pokeball in it.

-A Pokeball?

Jack held the Pokeball and examined it like some kind of extraterrestrial item. His mother made a suggestion.

-Why don't you call out the Pokemon that's inside?

Jack thought about that for a moment or two before pressing the button and released the Pokemon. A small orange dinosaur-like figure appeared from the Pokeball.

-It's a Charmander.

The little Charmander saw Jack and waddled his way over to him, wagging his flaming tail cutely.

-Char char!

Jack's mother bent down and patted the little Pokemon's head.

-Well, aren't you a little cutie?

She asked the little fire lizard, which made him wag his tail even more.

-Charmander char!

Jack picked up the note and continued reading the other half of the note his dad left him.

"As you can see, I gave you a Charmander as your starter on your journey. And he's no ordinary Charmander, he's my Charizard's son. So I suggest you take a good care of him (if you don't want to have burned face). Also, I contacted Gary and Tracey, so just come over to the lab and they'll give you your Pokedex, trainer license and Pokeballs. Good luck on your journey son!

Jack zoned out for a good minute or two.

'This is Charizard's son?!'

He looked down to see Charmander looking at him expectantly. He smiled and stroke the little fire lizard's head gently, earning a delight coo from him.
Delphox, Sylveon and Pangoro quickly make their way over to the smaller Pokemon and play kept him entertained. Though surrounded by bigger Pokemons, the little Charmander showed no sign of fear or being overwhelmed. Instead, he's even enjoying the others' presence. Squatting down to Charmander's eye level, Jack spoke directly to his starter Pokemon.

-Hi Charmander, I'm Jack, your trainer. Would you like to join me on my journey to be a Pokemon master?

Charmander nodded his head excitedly. He had always wanted to one day become the strongest Charizard ever, even stronger than his dad.

-Great, now let's head to the lab and get our Pokedex!

-Char char!

They both cheered. Jack put Charmander on his shoulder and rushed out of the house.

-Bye mom! I'm headed to the lab, catch you later!

Serena shook her head at Jack's antics.

-He's just like his father.

Her three Pokemons nodded in agreement.

Jack stopped for a breath when he was in front of the lab. After getting his breath back, he pressed the doorbell. A few moments later, a man in his thirties opened the door. He was wearing a lab coat with a bandana holding up his long black hair.

-Ah, Jack! You're probably here to get your Pokedex and trainer license?

Jack enthusiastically replied.

-Yes Mr Tracey!

Tracey smiled and told Jack to go inside and wait while he go get the Pokedex. Jack heard footsteps coming from upstairs and turned around. A man in his thirties with spiky brown hair was walking down the stairs. It was none other than professor Gary Oak, the grandson of the famous professor Samuel Oak, who is now retired.

-Well, if it isn't Jack! What brought you here to the lab?

Jack smiled at the professor. He has always been a great friend of the family. He used to his dad's best friend and rival.

-Hi professor. I'm just here to get the Pokedex. Mr Tracey is getting it.

Gary gave a genuine smile. It's great seeing the next generation growing up and preparing for their Pokemon journey. It made him miss the old days.

-What perfect timing! Luna and Rick should be here any moment now to get their starter Pokemon. I see that your dad already sent you one.

Jack looked Charmander who's taking in all the awesomeness of the Pokemon lab and chuckled.

'Charmander is so cute!'

From behind the professor, came a big canine Pokemon. The professor's Arcanine came up to little Charmander and they chatted. He shared some battle experience with the young Pokemon. Jack felt good when he saw Charmander got himself a mentor.
The door to the lab opened, revealing two other ten-year-olds, a boy and a girl. They both have bright brown hair and brown eyes. The boy has short curly hair and a pair of round glasses. He was wearing a dark red Pokeball T-shirt and mossy green trousers. The girl had long straight hair. She was wearing a green Bellossom T-shirt, a maroon short skirt and a white beanie with a flower decoration. They were Rick and Luna, the 'troubled' twins of Pallet town and the children of Mrs Leaf, another great friend of Jack's father and professor Oak.

-Morning professor!

They both said at the same time. Gary smiled at them in response.

-Good timing both of you! Come on in, your starter Pokemons are on the table.

Rick looked like he couldn't wait any longer to pick his Pokemon. He rushed past Jack, paying him no attention. Luna, who was much calmer just sighed and slowly followed him.

-When is he ever gonna grow up?

Noticing Jack standing against the wall, Luna flashed a smile.

-Hey Jack! I bet you picked Charmander as your starter huh?

Luna asked pointing to Charmander who was on Jack's shoulder.

-Oh this little guy was actually sent to from my dad, I didn't pick a starter.

Luna raised her eyebrows at this. He's one lucky kid to receive his starter Pokemon from the champion, who is none other than his father.

-Well, good for you.

Luna continued walking towards the table that the Pokeballs were on. She saw Rick, her twin brother holding a Pokeball like it's his life.

-So, why don't you let your Squirtle out?

Rick was a bit amused by this. She wasn't even there when he picked Squirtle, how did she know?

-How do know I picked Squirtle?

Luna sighed again. She decided to keep silence. Her brother is so dumb sometimes, asking a question like that after telling her like fifty times that he was gonna pick Squirtle. She wished Rick can be a bit more mature and smarter, like Jack.

-Never mind...

She walked up to the two other Pokeballs and reached out to the one on the left.

-I choose you, Bulbasaur!

She threw the Pokeball up onto the air and a small green dinosaur Pokemon with a bulb on its back popped out of it.


Bulbasaur looked up at his trainer curiously.

-Hi Bulbasaur! I'm Luna, your trainer. Are you willing to be my partner on my journey to the best grass-type trainer?

Bulbasaur was immediately taken interest. It certainly would want to prove to the other Bulbasaurs at the lab that it's the strongest.


Luna smiled at his reaction.

-I'll take that as a yes.

She was immediately rudely interrupted by her brother.

-Good now that you have picked your starter can we go now?

Everyone glared at Rick. The boy was always obnoxiously loud and annoying. Bulbasaur growled at Rick. He doesn't know who do he think he is but that behavior was certainly unacceptable. Just as he was about to do a Vine Whip attack at the boy, he felt his trainer's placed on his bulb soothingly.

-No need to be rash Bulbasaur.


He calmed down but still glaring at Rick. Thanks for Tracey coming into the room with three Pokedexes that the tension was released.

-Here are your Pokedexes.

He handed each one of them a Pokedex with their names respectively signed up in it.

-And here are some starting Pokeballs.

Gary handed each one them five Pokeballs. They all said thanks to the two researchers and took their leave.

-See you at the entrance of town in thirty minutes!

Rick said before running back home.

-Hey Rick! Wait up!

Luna immediately took up as fast as possible, trying to keep up with Rick. Jack sighed and sweatdropped at the comical scene in front of him.

-Those two...

He started walking back home. Charmander was getting a bit tired so he decided to get into the Pokeball and take a quick nap.

-Mom! I'm home!

Nobody answered.

'Huh? Where is everybody?'

He looked everywhere inside the house but there was no sign of them anywhere. When he entered the kitchen, he noticed a small note on the dining table.

"Dear Jack,
Meet me at the town entrance. I already have everything prepared for you. Just put on a new set of clothes and meet me there.

Placing the note back down on the table. He headed upstairs into his room and changed into his adventure clothes. It consisted of a blue light hoodie, a pair of loose-fitting blue jeans and red sneakers. But it couldn't be finished without his father's old Pokemon league cap. His decided to pass this cap down to him on his ninth birthday which he was really glad about. Putting Charmander's Pokeball on his trainer's belt, Jack took a final look of the house before heading out. He won't be back at this place for a while. At the entrance of Pallet town, Jack saw five figures waiting for him. He recognized them as Luna, Sylveon, Delphox, Pangoro and his mom.

-Jack! Over here!

He rushed towards them. This is it, a new beginning for him. Is he ready for this, of course he is.

-I packed you a some clothes, some medicine and packed food.

His mother handed him his bag which he gladly accepted. She stared at him for a few seconds before a shred of tears rolled down her face. Jack pulled his mom into a comforting hug.

-It's okay mom. I'm gonna be alright.

She nodded, still clutching onto her son like her dear life.

-I know that. You just remind me of your dad a lot. I'm proud of you honey.
Jack smiled before pulling away from the hug.

-Thanks mom.

Then Delphox also gave a hug, Pangoro fist bumped him and Sylveon gave him a few nuzzles as a goodbye.

-So I guess I might need to go ahead if I want to catch up with Rick, see you later Jack!
Luna said before rushing off to Route 1. Jack turned back to his family and flashed them a final smile.

-Goodbye everyone! I'll be back before you even know it!

He slowly walked towards Route 1 while waving back to the four figures waving at him at the entrance of town. Slowly making his way into Route 1, Jack couldn't help but wonder what kind of interesting things will happen, as the journey continues...

Well, that wraps it up for the first chapter. I do hope you enjoy it and I will try to keep the story as good and as original as I can for you guys. Also, any suggestions for Jack's team? I kinda had some ideas in mind but feel free to leave me some suggestions. I will read through every single one of them.
Anyways, Asiandude's out! PEACE!