When I woke up, I knew that it was going to be a rough day at school, but I didn't expect it to be half as bad as it turned out to be. Seifer seemed to be in an extra good mood, which naturally raised my suspicion. I told Sora not to leave any of his classes until I could get there to walk him to his next one, but when I went to get him for lunch, he wasn't there. I looked up and down the hall, anxious and getting worried because of it.

In the two weeks of being at the school, I hardly recognized anyone, even kids who I guessed were in some of my classes. The only ones I actually knew were Hayner, Pence, Olette, and Seifer. And Axel and Reno, but those two seemed to be in their own world where the rest of the school didn't exist. Oh how I envied them. I walked towards the spot where Sora and I eat lunch with Hayner, Pence, and Olette, but nothing. I walked back to his fourth period class, hoping maybe he left and then forgot to wait for me and went back. No luck. No sign of my twin anywhere. Instead, I saw Seifer. He was smiling and talking with his buddies, but I knew better than to hope for the best.

"Where is he?!" I walked straight up to Seifer, not even thinking about what he might say or do in retaliation.

"What?" He actually looked surprised, but I knew not to trust him.

"Where is he?" I repeated, this time forming a fist to show that I wasn't messing around.

"Who?" He actually took a step behind to distance himself from me.

"My twin you dipshit!" I was getting sick of wasting time.

"I have no idea." Seifer scoffed but I shook my head.

"I know you know! I know you did something to him! Where is he?" I was losing patience.

"I swear!" Seifer put his hands up in defense, but it only made me all the angrier.

"Seifer I swear you little shit," I was only getting started.

"I'm being serious!" Seifer was getting angry at the accusations, but it was nothing compared to my anger.

"Where is he?" I repeated, this time a bit more shaky in the voice.

"Dude, I told you already, I have no idea. I don't care about him anymore." Seifer shrugged, but I couldn't trust him to even give him the benefit of the doubt.


"Roxas!" Seifer yelled, but he immediately calmed down. "Honestly, I don't give a shit about your brother. He's so gay I'm sure everyone wants to beat his ass, I'm not going to waste my time." He shrugged, and I didn't know if that made me feel better or worse.

"Just tell me where he is," I pleaded, sounding desperate.

"I. Have. No. Fucking. Idea!" Seifer screamed at me. I started to panic. What if he didn't know? What if another gang got to him first? Or what if he's lying and his buddies are doing all the dirty work for him.

"Sora," I whispered under my breath, doing everything I could to keep myself from losing it in front of Seifer, trying not to show the weakness that was clearly taking over me.

Seifer sighed loudly and put a hand to his head.

"Rai, Fujin, take two each and split up. Rai you check east, Fujin go north. Roxas and I will take west." Seifer ordered and his buddies immediately and silently went to work.

"What?" I asked, completely confused.

"You want to find him? Let's go." Seifer started walking.

"Why would you help me?" I knew there had to be a catch.

"Cause if someone is going to fuck up you and your twins life, it's going to be me." Seifer didn't slow down or stop to wait for me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I gulped, knowing it had to be a trap of some sort.

"Whatever you say. You aren't going to make any progress just standing there." He made a good point, so I ran after him to catch up as he left the hall. "Glad to see you change your mind." He smiled.

"Yeah, well, the only thing worse than you being alone with me is you alone with him." I glared at him, but he didn't say anything.

We searched empty classrooms and groups of students bunched together for lunch in the West side of the school, but there was no sign of Sora anywhere.

"Anything?" I asked as Seifer checked his phone, but he shook his heads.

"Rai just cleared east side. Fujin is almost done with the north section. We started in the south hall, so that's everywhere." Seifer stopped walking to think. "Do you think he went home by any chance? Or like to the nurse?"

"He'd text me, or call me." I said, verifying that my phone had no missed texts or calls, and no responses to the many messages I had been sending him this whole time.

"If he went to the nurse, maybe he didn't have a chance to tell you."

"Yeah but they'd notify my older brother, who'd go to me first to ask about it." I reasoned.

"Doesn't hurt to check." Seifer said, and as much as I hated it, he was right. We had exhausted every other location. We walked briskly to the nurses office, and I was relieved and horrified to see that Sora was there, bleeding from the nose and eyebrow.

"What the fuck?" I couldn't even hear my own words as I wanted to dart inside.

"Hang on," Seifer held me back, and I couldn't understand why.

"Let me go!" I hollered at him.

"Roxas, chill for just one second. She's not going to let you in until she's finished bandaging him up." Seifer said as we watched Sora through the window, though he didn't seem to even notice me.

The nurse stepped aside and went to the phone which is when Sora made eye contact with me. I walked up to the window, but he looked away. Why? I just wanted to help him. I just wanted to know who hurt him so I could protect him. Sora sat still with his back to me until the nurse returned and talked with him, but no matter how hard I tried to read her lips, I couldn't make anything out.

"Wonder what happened." Seifer thought aloud.

"I swear Seifer if I find out that you're behind this," I started, but Seifer interrupted.

"Don't you think if I was, I wouldn't lead you to him?" Seifer asked in annoyance just as my phone went off. As I predicted, it was Leon.

"Hey," I answered, my mind still running a mile a minute.

"What happened?"

"I have no idea," I didn't even know where to begin.

"Well I just got a call from the nurse that Sora was hurt."

"Yeah, I'm standing outside her office, but I have no idea what happened."

"Sora won't tell her either. And he wants me to pick him up but I'm at work."

"Can Cloud?" I asked, but Leon told me he was in class. "I can walk him home."

"Alright, I'll call the nurse back and let her know to excuse you two until I can get released early. Stay together and try to find out what happened."

"Will do." I said before Leon hung up.

"Any news?" Seifer asked, but I shook my head.

"I found him. I don't need you anymore." I glared at him.

"Damn, alright then," Seifer actually looked insulted as he turned and walked away. What was his plan? What was he working towards? I had so many questions but I couldn't be bothered by that right now when I had to focus on Sora and figure out who hurt him.

I walked into the nurses office and told her who I was and she let me in to see Sora.

"Hey, um, Leon said I can walk us home." I said quietly, and he nodded. I wanted to ask what happened, but I knew that wasn't the place. Sora didn't take my hand, didn't say a word, just followed me like he was in shock of some sort.

When we made it inside the house, I knew I was going to have to risk his comfort for answers.

"Sora, I can't help you if I don't know what happened." I tried to help him see where I was coming from, but he didn't respond. "Sora?" I wanted to get his full attention, but he wouldn't even give me that much. "Who did this to you? Where?" I just wanted those two answers, that's all I needed. "Sora, please?" I hated how hard it was to just get simple information from him. "Sora come on," I sighed in frustration. "Who hit you? Was it just one person?" I switched to yes or no questions, which worked, because Sora shook his head. "More than one?" He nodded. "More than two?" He nodded again. "More than three?" He shook his head. "Three people?" I wanted to be sure as he nodded once more. "Was it in that same bathroom as last time?" He shook his head. "Was it in a classroom?" Again, no. "In another bathroom?" Another no. "Outside?" I was running out of ideas, but just in time because Sora nodded. "Once lunch started?" I asked and he nodded yet again. "Who?" I wasn't about to run through the entire school roster listing names one by one, but Sora shook his head as if he didn't want to say anything. "Was it Seifer?" I had to at least confirm whether or not he was responsible, but to my surprise Sora shook his head. "Are you sure?" I couldn't believe him, but he nodded. "Was it Axel or Reno?" I was using the only few names I actually knew, but Sora eliminated the other twins as suspects. "Sora, you need to tell me who." I was starting to get annoyed.

"I don't know their names." Sora finally opened his mouth.

"What did they look like?" I asked, but Sora shrugged.

"Normal. Guys." He gave the most vague and unhelpful description ever.

"What did they say?" I asked, hoping maybe I could get a better clue using any hint possible.

"Not much. They grabbed my arms and rushed me outside by the dumpster. They just started beating me up, calling me names. But that was it. Once I stopped moving on the ground, they left." He said as I fumed with thoughts of revenge.

"Can you point them out? At school tomorrow?" I asked, but Sora shook his head.

"I didn't really get a good look. They grabbed me out of nowhere and one held my head down. Once we were outside they hit me really hard in the head, everything turned blurry."

"Fucking assholes." I sighed as I rubbed my temples, trying to figure out who would do this if not Seifer.

"Rox, I don't want to go back." Sora had tears in his eyes, and I could only nod.

"I'm so sorry baby." I held him and offered whatever encouragement I could.

"I can't go back there. I can't take this anymore." He sniffled, but I knew that was a decision that neither he or I could make. I texted Leon with as much detail as Sora had provided, but he, like me, knew it wasn't enough for anything to be done about it.

Cloud came home first, and Leon had informed him of the situation, so luckily he knew better than to ask too many questions and upset Sora all over again after I had worked so hard to distract him and keep him positive with a Disney movie playing in the living room.

"He alright?" Cloud asked me when he and I were alone in the kitchen, fixing popcorn and sodas.

"He will be. I just want to know who did this."

"Yeah, can't really file a complaint unless we know for certain."

"Fuck complaints, I'm going to fuck them up once I find out." I said, determined to follow through with the promise I had made to myself.

"Yeah, okay," Cloud laughed but I knew better than to start a fight with him when I needed to be there for Sora.

"Here," I walked back to the living room and handed him his cup of cherry flavored soda.

"Thanks," He didn't smile, but he was talking, and that was a start.

"Yeah." I sat down next to him when Cloud came out with the popcorn. Leon came home just before the movie ended and insisted on talking to Sora alone, so they went upstairs while Cloud demanded the remote.

"No more kiddie shit." He started searching horror movies.

"Sora can't watch scary movies, he gets nightmares." I said, knowing that it would be a terrible idea.

"What is he, five?" Cloud asked, but it only upset me.

"He's already had a bad enough day, don't you think?"

Cloud thought for a moment before he sighed. "Fine. But we're watching something meant for adults." He said, and I figured that was as much cooperation as I was going to get from him, so I agreed. He picked a sci-fi movie that I know would have absolutely no interest to Sora, but at least they wouldn't keep him up all night. I expected our brunette brothers to be back in a matter of minutes, but the movie finished before they did.

"Damn, almost two hours," I looked upstairs, wondering if I should go check on Sora.

"Could have watched that scary movie after all." Cloud glared at me as if it were my fault. He put it on and I was too distracted thinking about what Sora and Leon could be talking about to argue with him.

I couldn't fight the urge to go upstairs and figure out what was taking so long, so I stood outside Leon's door and tried to eavesdrop, but since they were both much more naturally quiet than me and Cloud, it was pointless. I gave up and went back downstairs, entertaining myself on my phone for the next ten minutes before Sora and Leon finally joined us again.

Authors Note: Hey guys, I'll make this quick. I constantly feel so guilty for how long its taking me to post and how it probably seems like I gave up writing altogether. Luckily, that won't be the case anymore. I just finished all of my surgeries for the predictable future and will have lots of time to recover, so writing will be my priority. Thank you for not giving up on me or my stories. Lots of Love!
Living Legacy, Silent Sacrifice, Sarabllum