Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Everything belongs to Masashi Kishimoto!

"All around you are spirits, child. They live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you."

-Grandmother Willow

Yukigakure, literally translated as the village hidden among the snow. It's where I live. It's where I was raised. It's where I come from. My name is Hinata, Hyuga Hinata. I was born during a rough period of war, bloodshed and massacre. My clan was totally incinerated, our houses pulverized and blown to shreds. I'm a lone survivor, at least as far as I'm aware.

Waking up on a daily basis reminds me of how sad life is. I wake up, look at the tattered ceilings of the orphanage I live in. I hate living here, no one will ever adopt a freak. I have a little tattoo on my wrist that says Je suis prete, but no one has been able to tell me what it means yet. I roll out of bed and my midnight locks cascade down my face. I look out my window, at the skies, all dark and lovely, it's my most favorite time of day. When dawn begins to fade, and the sun is slowly peeking far beyond the horizon.

Sadly, a bell awakens me out of my reverie, "morning chores everyone!" Goes Miss Ushiba. I love Miss Ushiba, she is my favorite out of our two caretakers but the idea of living in an orphanage makes it hard to express one's love for others. A day at the orphanage is always the same, no one ever speaks to me because they think I'm weird. and the fact that I'm pupil less, doesn't help the situation.

I'm used to it now, though. I've learned to know my place and routine. Wake up, morning chores, morning devotion, school, 2 hours of solitude, chores and sleep; nothing really changes, except for the weekends, when school is out of session. I begin my chores before anyone else is awake, which means I always get to use the shower first when the water is still extremely hot!

Once I am done with everything, I grab my school supplies and run out of the orphanage with a quick "see ya" to Miss Ushiba. I still have about an hour before school starts so I decide to run down to the park, my favorite place in the entire village. It's the beginning of spring, and there's a huge willow tree that shades a portion of the most beautiful lakes in Yukigakure. It's the native habitat for koi fish, and when the sun glistens at day break, it's the most breathtaking sight.

I love this willow tree, my teacher Mr. Yamadera says it was planted once the village was built. I always feel at home beneath it, I can cast away all my worries, as its branches shade me and the lake performs a melodic symphony for me. A willow tree has always been a symbol of strength to me, it looks like it's weeping, but its stem is so strongly rooted. It's a constant reminder to keep my head up, I may seem to be at a disadvantage, being an orphan and all, but I know that I have strength within.

With my eyes closed beneath the willow tree, I find myself being drawn to sleep. I am awoken by the chit chats, singing, laughing and shuffles of high school students my age. I quickly awaken and trail behind the masses, head hanging low, locks tied back in a high ponytail, and uniform neatly in place. I like school on some occasions, but on most occasions, I do not.

I have no friends in school either, which doesn't really bother me as much as it used to. It's junior year and I just console myself with the thought that in a year I will be out of here, in due time. As I walk into my first-period art class with Mrs. Otake, I notice that there was no one there to mock my hair, scrutinize my looks, or show me pity. Everyone was occupied with something, but I couldn't tell what, I could practically care less. As long as I wasn't being picked on it was fine with me.

Heading to my seat, the crowd dispersed at the sound of Mrs. Otake's whistling. Mrs. Otake is a weird one, she dresses like a hippie, and I love her for it. Her full hip length strawberry blond her is kept from moving by her floral headband and her signature bell bottom flares never went out of style.

"Alright class, we have a new student today. Since you're in an elective class, please introduce yourself by first stating your name, grade, and place from which you transferred." Said Mrs. Otake

Standing with the motion of one well raised, the new student lifted his head, and spoke: "Uchiha Sasuke, I am a junior and I transferred from Konoha high in Konohagakure."

No one spoke after that, I'm not sure if it's because everyone just realized that he was the king's son, or if it's because his poise alone left girls in awe and boys in fear. I again, couldn't care less. I left class pissed off that day. I, unfortunately, had Sasuke seated a few feet away from me, and none of the girls would shut up! All the endless chatter just boiled down to these four statements, "Sasuke is so handsome," "Sasuke is the best," "I am going to marry Sasuke," and the famous of all "Sasuke is such a great artist."

I had a study hall second period, so I went up to the roof for solitude. No one ever came up to the roof, thankfully. Being on the roof allowed me to contemplate on life, where I'd go at 18, how I'd complete my education by getting a year off to work. Suddenly, I heard the roof doors swing open, I couldn't believe it. Right before me, was the person I so desperately wanted to avoid, Uchiha Sasuke.

"Can I join you?"

"it's public space."

"What is your name?"

"Why would that matter to you. you don't know me and I don't know you. I'd rather we keep it so." Turning to face him, I began to walk away from him.

"I would like that we be friends," I paused at that

"I don't know what it's like to be a prince, but I don't need friends," I walked out the door fuming at the likes of him. Who did he think he was?! The nerve of that guy, who did he think he was playing. He probably found out that I was the joke of the village and wanted to join in the fun.

Sasuke's POV

I don't know why I followed her up here. I had a whole lot of people that wanted to be my friend, why her? Who was she? And why was her hair exactly like mine? She wasn't an Uchiha. Perhaps it was her eyes, pupiless, like Neji's yet completely unlike his. Ugh, this really wasn't a good first encounter, if I should say so myself. I guess I better head back to class before I'm sought for.

Walking down the hallways, I realized a group of kids huddled together. I didn't want to get involved, so I turned my back to them ready to walk away when I heard someone shriek in pain. My first instinct was to help, but then again, what kind of reputation would that set for me in this new school? So I just kept walking, whilst kids walked by me, whispering stuff, all I could make out was "Yuno Yamasaki…Hinata,"

At the sound of Hinata, I turned back to face the circle, hoping, praying, that it wasn't the Hinata I was thinking of. Was her name Hinata anyways? I think that's what she was called, but I hope I'm wrong. Suddenly I saw midnight locks fly by, and with that sight, I ran as fast as I could into the circle.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you not know your place," a girl yelled, I'm guessing she's Yuno.

"It's public space," said Hinata as she stood looking at Yuno, with empty eyes.

Her face was pale and bruised, her hair falling loosely like it had been yanked.

"You do not deserve to be in this school, you're a freak! That is what you have been, and that is what you will always be."

"Are you done?" What am I doing

"Sa.. Sasuke," Yuno stammered

"Is that all you have to say?! Are you done?!" I yelled, and I saw the crowd beginning to open up, including me into the inner circle

"It is school, every student is eligible to this public space known as a hallway, now get out of my sight before I report you to the principal,"

And with that everyone scattered, leaving a bruised up Hinata standing by the lockers

"Are you okay?"

"Can I join you?"

"What is wrong with you?!" Hinata yelled

"What do you mean, I just saved your life, you could at least act grateful!"

"it's public space."

"That would be dishonesty on my part! This happens every day! Your interference has only made this worse!'

"I'm sorry... I didn't think..."

"What is your name?"

"I know you didn't think! Way to go your highness,"

And with that sarcastic remark she turned around ready to leave

"I want to be your friend,"

"Why would that matter to you. you don't know me and I don't know you. I'd rather we keep it so."

"ha! The humor you have is impeccable! Don't come anywhere near me! Ever"

As she turned to leave, I held her hand, forcing her to look me in the eyes

"I am sorry, I really am. I was just trying to help" I said

"I would like that we be friends,"

"What the hell! Let go of me you jerk,"

"Not until you agree to be my friend,"

"I don't know what it's like to be a prince, but I don't need friends,"

"Not over my dead body, "

"please! I'm lonely here..."

"What the... insensitive creep," and with that, she yanked her hands out and walked away