The waterfront air stung my nose as I walked down the coast. I wrapped my cardigan tighter around my body as the thoughts of how my life was about to change sped through my head.

I was going to have to have to switch the sunny beach front, for a rainy forest. I was going to have to change a twenty minute drive to Disneyland for a twenty minute drive to the supermarket. Newport was going to become Forks and I couldn't mentally prepare myself enough.

The decision to move came out of the blue. Mom and Dad brought it up casually during a family dinner, like if moving two states up was nothing but the change of a scenery still propped up behind the window. This was going to change our lives. I was no longer going to be the Junior Class president at my high school, Sebastian and Santiago were no longer going to be the twin brothers on the football team. We were no longer going to be the Maradona siblings of Newport Beach High school, but those new kids at Forks High School. Nobody would know me by name, Gabriela, but instead "that new girl with the bushy eyebrows".

I sighed and took one last look at the waves, I let the foam touch my toes. A few more early admission applications and I could be back in 7 months. 7 months.

" Gabriela, " my mom yelled from the balcony. I looked up to see her smiling down at me. Her brown shoulder length hair framing her face in the form of big blowed-dry waves, her brown eyes showing happiness, and the wrinkles around her eyes becoming more prominent as her smile only grew bigger at the thought that she was finally going to see her eldest "daughter," Emily.

Emily wasn't related to us, but a long time ago my mom went on a trip to the reservation of the Quileute tribe, in La Push. She was there to study the history and culture, being a Chicano and Culture major at the University of Southern California she became interested in Native American History and Culture. So she reached out to the tribe, booked a trip and at the age of 18 stayed there for 2 years. There she met a young Patricia Hall and her 3 year old daughter Emily. They became instant friends and after the two years they still kept in touch. My mom still visited her, going back and forth from LA to the reservation. She last went back when Patricia was in a car accident leaving behind 7 year old Emily.

My mom was distraught at the loss of her friend, but more hurt that a child was left without her parents. So Laura Quintanilla did what she knew was right, and at the age of 21, a freshly graduated Laura took in Emily as her adopted daughter. For 4 years it was just her and Emily. My grandparents sent her belongings, she got the permission to live on the Reservation, and became a full time mother. While still researching and writing articles on the Chicano culture she left behind in Los Angeles she began to write about the new Native American culture she was emerged into.

As much as the 11 year old loved my mom, Emily began to question why she went with her mother's friend and not her family. My mom had only met Patricia's parents and her cousin Sue Clearwater. She had never met Emily's birth father, and all she knew about him was his name and that he was from a different tribe named the Makah. The Makah reservation was located higher north in the most Northwestern point of the United States, and even though my mom reached out to them to ask about Michael Young she wasn't welcomed.

Emily began to become upset as kids from her school teased her about her "mom" not being part of the tribe so she took matter into her own hands. She reached out to the tribe herself, and was granted access to reach out to her father. Without my mom knowing, Emily wrote letters to her father about her situation. Michael came down and took his daughter. My mom only had a letter from Patricia granting my mom permission to look over Emily, but not real legal custody rights. So Emily left with her father, and since my mom no longer had a tie to the reservation, she left.

She was 25 and heartbroken. She moved into an apartment in Laguna Beach. The beach reminded her of First Beach on the Reservation, and all the times she had with Emily there. Her friends from college would invite her to shows, and theatre productions in hope of making her somewhat happy. A year later she met Emiliano Maradona at a rendition of Don Quixote. Emiliano was a 28 year old lawyer, working for firms in Irvine, who had a side passion for Spanish plays.

The romance of my parents started and has been filled with nothing but passion. They knew the moment they met that they were meant for each other. Emiliano now had an excuse to stay in the states instead of going back to his hometown of Granada, Espana and Laura now had another light that brought her happiness. 6 months later they married, and a year after they first met Laura became pregnant with twin boys. Shortly after she became pregnant with a baby girl. By the age of 27, Laura still missed Emily but she had three new reasons to go to the beach.

Both Emiliano, and Laura had a love for the beach which they passed on to me and my older brothers. I grew up in Newport, and fell in love with the beach here. Although, I knew my mom loved us she always missed Emily so she became thrilled to get a wedding invitation 3 years ago from Emily. Who apparently went back to the Quileute reservation and married a guy there. Then 2 ½ years after the wedding my mom got a call from Emily telling her she was pregnant.

My mom seeing this as an excuse to go visit Emily and help her with her newborn child, decided to go and live with her for 2 months. Fast forward to last month, when at her first dinner back with us she decided to to tell us that she found a perfect house for us outside of La Push, in a city named Forks. My dad who was now working from home decided to make his wife happy, and went along with the decision to move his family to a new city.

" Gabriela," my dad yelled now coming behind my mom, breaking my thoughts. " We have to be at the airport in 40 minutes let's go," he says with a wave of his hand signaling for me to come into the house.

" I'm going, " I yell back. Turning my head to take one more long look at the beach. The beach I grew up with. I would come here everyday to

surf, to hang out with friends. Now there would be no reason to go to the beach.. or so I thought.

Hey guys ! This isn't really an update but I just went over the first chapter and changed some things here and there ! I'll hopefully be updating every Tuesday and Thursday :) Please leave favorite, follow, or leave a comment ! Any kind of love towards this is greatly appreciated, and any suggestions are also taken into consideration ! Thank you everyone.