Three years since one fell in love with a superhero. Three years since the other fell in love with a model. Three days since their feelings for each other became muddled. Fifteen hours since they truly and completely fell in love with each other.

Adrien and Marinette walked arm in arm along the edge of the Seine, the Eiffel Tower to their left, the Trocadero to their right across the river. They had stopped for smoothies that morning and spent the day simply walking and talking. Adrien had a duffel bag slung over his shoulder that he carried on the side opposite Marinette. He made it clear she wasn't allowed anywhere near it. At least, not yet.

"Seriously? We've been that close transforming before?"

"I know, right?" Adrien sipped up the last of his smoothie and deftly tossed the empty cup into a nearby trash can. "It always amazed me how we always seemed to show up at the same time." He chuckled. "Just like Horrificator."

"Oh yeah, I never really questioned how Chat got past the giant goo cocoon."


She groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Do I have to deal with your puns all the time now?"

A big Chat Noir grin. "You love it."

She shook her smoothie cup at him and pouted. "No. I'm mad you. You tried to set me up with Nino."

Adrien waved his hands. "Hey! It worked out in the end! He's a much better match with Alya, right?"

Marinette considered this. "You're right. In a weird way, I'm responsible for whatever children they have." She sucked on her straw for a second. "They better name a kid after me."

"And one after Uncle Adrien."

"Yeah," Marinette giggled. "Speaking of Alya, she's gonna flip when she finds out..." She paused. "Oh, shit. Adrien, uh..."

"What is it, bugaboo?"

She looked up at him, wincing. "Alya...knows I'm Ladybug."

He lifted an eyebrow. "Why does that mat..." His eyes widened. "Oh. Oh."

"Yeah," she dragged out. "Once I tell her we're together, she's gonna know you're..."

Adrien shrugged and smiled. "That wouldn't be so bad. It's just Alya. And considering I've never seen anything about your identity on the blog, I know she can keep a secret. Worst case scenario, she blabs to Nino and I...I..." The smile faded. "I haven't spoken to Nino in days."

Marinette pulled him closer. "He's probably worried about you. I'm sure a lot of people are. Especially considering..." She looked up at him. "Do you ever want to talk about it? What happened with your fa..." She received cutting looked from Adrien. "Uh, Gabriel?"

They walked in silence for a minute. Then, "Maybe someday. Maybe I'll talk about it. I just have a lot of emotional baggage to sort through."

"Well, just let us know and we'll help you sort." He looked down at her, surprised, and she smiled. "I love you, chaton, and so do Nino and Alya. Whenever you want to talk, we'll be there for you."

His smile struggled to return, but return it did. "Thank you. I don't deserve it..."

"Shut up yes you do." She smacked him on the chest.

Now his smile didn't have to fight. "...but thank you anyways. And in a show of gratitude for the whole 'dealing with my idiot self' thing..." He swung the duffel bag of his shoulder and took a knee to unzip it. From beside a sleeping Plagg and Tikki he pulled a plain black umbrella, but Marinette instantly recognized the 'AA' scratched into the handle.

"Is this...?" Her eyes flashed.

"Yeah." Adrien gave his biggest Cheshire grin. "Chat Noir saw this pretty little princess lose it in the storm a few days ago. He fished it out of the water because he just had to get it back to her."

"Oh, how sweet he is!" He could practically taste the sarcasm on her words. She took the umbrella from him and spun it in her hands. "Be sure to thank him for me."

"What, you're not going to tell him yourself?"

She smirked. "I would, but those superheroes are just so gosh-darned difficult to find! I simply don't know how Alya can keep up with those two!"

"Well, purr-incess," Adrien hummed, "I have it on good authority that Chat Noir can be found, in his civilian identity no less, at La Belle Rouge tomorrow night meeting his Lady for an exquisite dinner."

Marinette pursed her lips against a giggle. 'So that's his game.' "And you know this how?"

His smile grew. "I have my ways."

Marinette stepped in front of him and looked up into his gorgeous green eyes. "So, if I wanted to catch Chat Noir at La Belle Rouge, what time should I be there?"


She smiled. "It's a date."

He brushed a strand of hair from her face and stroked the back of his hand against her cheek. "I love you, Marinette."

She held a knuckle to her mouth to hold back the giggles, but failed. "I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing that."

Adrien tried to look pathetic and hurt, but in the fight against pout and smile, the smile won. "Not exactly the response I was hoping for, princess."

"Then how abou this?" She pushed her hands up his chest, over his shoulder, and draped her arms around his neck. "I love you too, Adrien."

She pushed herself up and brought her lips against his in what they both realized was their first kiss as Adrien and Marinette. The people walking around them on the sidewalk saw nothing more than a couple in love. But the two in the passionate embrace understood far more. They saw years of trust. Pain. Love. Heartache. Discovery. Understanding. Growth.
