A/N: So, for one last time, guys: I want to thank EVERYONE who reviewed, favourited, and followed this story. (I think for a first fic the outcome wasn't too bad.) Well, I hope I brought many of you joy with this story.

I also want to thank my betas, TheDaringInferno and Cecelia Everhart! Thank you for your work.

I've been asked about a sequel and all I can tell you is that, yes, I have ideas for a continuation of their love story, BUT I'm in the process of writing another, quite dark, story. So until that is finished, there'll be no sequel. I'm not even sure if my ideas will make a whole story. Maybe it'll just be a series of short stories that are posted in chapters, as a kind of a sequel. I promise I'll keep you posted.

Now, a last note on this chapter. I'm sorry, but writing endings is not one of my strengths. I wanted to tie up a few loose ends, but leave it open enough for a sequel. I'm sorry it's not as romantic as it could be.

Well, after this sheer endless author's note - enjoy the last chapter!

39. Epilogue: Time to move

Draco stormed into Blaise's lab without even bothering to knock. "Hey mate, wanna grab some lunch?"

Blaise, who had been working concentrated over his cauldron, flinched in surprise. "Bloody hell, Draco!" he snapped, glaring at his friend. "Within a hair's breadth, I'd have put in another drop of the Dragon Blood! I've told you a million times to not waltz in here like that! The potion could've –"

"Exploded. I know!" Draco finished Blaise's sentence, rolling his eyes. In his opinion, his friend was wildly exaggerating.

Blaise narrowed his eyes, then, abruptly, turned back to his cauldron. "Why are you in the ministry anyway? I thought you never wanted to step another foot in here and live off your Malfoy fortune?" he enquired drily, roughly stirring the simmering potion. A few drops splashed over the edge and fell to the floor, leaving burning marks on the stone.

"True." Draco shrugged. "But plans can change. I'll tell you if you have lunch with me," he added, grinning mischievously.

Blaise groaned and shot his friend a dark look. "You're insufferable. Fine. Just let me finish this."

Green smoke was already welling up from the cauldron and the stench of rotten eggs penetrated Draco's nostrils. He really didn't know what the finished product would smell like, so he nodded and left the potion's lab to wait for his friend outside.

Five minutes later, they were on their way to the café they normally frequented. Draco could feel his friend's gaze on him the whole time and tried to look as expressionless as possible. But as soon as they sat down, Blaise blurted out, "It's about Hermione, isn't it?"

A frown furrowed Draco's brow. "Er," he murmured eloquently. "What makes you say that?"

Blaise grinned cheekily. "You have that look on your face."

"What look? I don't have a look on my face!" Draco protested, turning to the window as if to check his reflection.

"Of course, you do." Blaise laughed. "You have the 'something-happened-with-Hermione-look' on your face."

Draco's head snapped back towards him, his eyes wide. How could he have known? "Well, something did happen with Hermione," he finally admitted a little reluctantly.

A triumphant smile flickered across Blaise's features, but he concealed it quickly. "Enlighten me," he said drily, knowing that Draco felt the burning desire to tell him all about it.

Draco cleared his throat, putting in a dramatic pause; then he said, "In a nutshell, my mother had bequeathed Hermione with an old Black heirloom, which made her accidentally tell me that she's still in love with me." He couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips.

This seemed to genuinely surprise his friend. "What?" he asked, agape.

"Don't look so surprised. I told you I'm irresistible."

The dark-skinned wizard rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah. I forgot. What happened next?"

Draco only smiled smugly and took a sip of his Earl Grey. Impatiently, Blaise began to tap his fingers on the table. He was just about to say something, when Draco continued. "Well, I told her that I loved her still, and then … kissed her and …" His voice quavered a little. "In the end, I might've stayed the night." Although he seemed cool and a little smug on the surface, it looked very different inside of him. A part of him still couldn't believe all of this had really happened. However, another, much greater, part was so ecstatic he felt like screaming it out to the whole world.

Blaise's mouth fell open again. "You're kidding me, right? She would've never ever forgiven you so easily."

Draco flinched back, his smile vanishing. Blaise's words managed to burst his little bubble of happiness just like that. He swallowed, his fingers tightening around the tea cup. "I don't think Hermione has forgiven me, but she will. I know she will." He nodded, as if to not only convince Blaise but himself. "I know I messed up. But I won't let her down again." He hoped with all his heart that these words were true. He knew he would fight for her, do anything for her; anything to not lose her again.

Blaise raised one sceptical eyebrow, but said nothing.

"Don't you understand?" Draco asked forcefully. "She still wants me. She still loves me. Everything'll be alright. I'll work it out."

Blaise slowly shook his head. "What about her past? You don't think it'll … interfere?"

"How do you know about that?" Draco gasped, his eyes widening. Blaise did know? Hermione wouldn't say a word to him, but she had talked to Blaise? A little pang of jealousy shot through his chest.

A troubled expression appeared on Blaise's face. "Hermione told me, okay?" He bit his lip. "Don't be mad. It was when you were in the hospital, and … there was nobody left to protect her from Skeeter. So I offered my help."

Draco gritted his teeth. "I would've protected her."

His friend sighed because they both knew that Draco was wrong. Back then, he hadn't been able to protect Hermione, even if he had wanted to. "I'm sorry, mate. You never asked." Blaise shrugged. "Anyway, you didn't answer my question."

Draco glared at him. Of course, he wouldn't go round, 'mentioning' Hermione's past or ask somebody if they knew about her secret, not even his best friend. However, Blaise's question was valid. Her secrecy, her past, had wrecked their relationship before, but not this time.

He swallowed his anger and replied, "No, it won't interfere. I understand it now, everything. I won't let her push me away again. I can protect her from the flashbacks and the nightmares, and help her deal with it, get over it." Draco shifted on his chair, feeling a little uncomfortable speaking about that yet. He and Hermione hadn't really talked everything over. Quickly, he changed the subject. "As you've mentioned Skeeter – any news from her?"

Blaise narrowed his eyes, but accepted the question. "I've told you months ago that she doesn't seem to be continuing her story. Her source apparently isn't talking anymore."

Draco nodded stiffly. Blaise still didn't know that Draco's father had been the source, and Draco didn't plan on telling him anytime soon. So far, it seemed Lucius had really stopped informing on Hermione. But why would he? Draco wasn't sure. Maybe because Lucius thought he had won – Draco and Hermione had broken up, so he didn't need to fear any marriage or – Merlin forbid! – children. But, on the other side, Lucius would love to see her get torn apart by the papers, just to spite Draco.

"And," Blaise grinned, interrupting Draco's pondering, "Tracey finally – I mean might've – managed to destroy some of Skeeter's notes."

Draco forced a wan smile. "Thank her for me."

A little of the tension left Draco when he realised that Skeeter seemed to be in abeyance for now. One worry less. And Blaise seemed to be back on speaking terms with Tracey. That was good news, wasn't it?

"Will do. What about Hermione's friends?" Blaise asked casually, taking a sip of his coffee, but watching Draco closely.

"They won't dare to meddle again. They saw how miserable she was," Draco said firmly, even though he wasn't completely sure of it. He could imagine Molly Weasley blurting out something derogatory about him, provoking another fight between her and Hermione. But then, he also knew that Mrs Weasley loved Hermione, so she might pull herself together for her sake. So he added confidently, "It'll work out, believe me."

Blaise nodded, not completely convinced either, but trying to play along with it.

Suddenly, a thought crossed Draco's mind, and he began grinning like an infatuated maniac. "And she kept the ring."

"Ring?" Blaise echoed, a confused frown appearing on his face.

Draco only smirked, winking at his friend. He simply knew he and Hermione would make it through.

All was going to be well.

"So, sweetie, what's going on?" Ginny asked pointedly, putting her teacup back down on the table.

"How do you know something's going on?" Hermione replied innocently, appearing suddenly very interested in the picture of a Scottish landscape that decorated the wall of the café where they had met for lunch.

"Because you have your 'something's-up-face' on," Ginny deadpanned.

Hermione's head snapped back towards her. "My what-face?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Stop stalling and spill!" she said, a demanding undertone in her voice.

Hermione inhaled deeply, staring down at her clasped hands. "Well … I don't know where to start." The silver ring on her finger seemed to shine especially bright. Hermione was sure Ginny would notice it, but so far, she hadn't.

"At the beginning," Ginny commented drily, turning to check baby Lily in the pram. But the baby girl was still sleeping peacefully. Quickly, she turned her attention back to the other witch.

Hermione took in a deep breath, considered her words carefully, and opened her mouth to answer, but then paused. Finally, she pulled herself together, telling Ginny everything that had happened since Christmas: the letters from Narcissa, the ring, the promise, and the days after Narcissa's death, until she reached yesterday evening. Ginny's eyes grew bigger with every word, especially when she explained the magical properties of the Black ring.

"Narcissa really gave you that ring?" Ginny asked incredulously, pronouncing every word with extra emphasis.

"Hm, hm." Hermione nodded. "And then – well, I might've let it slip that I love him."

"You – ?" Ginny interrupted herself. She didn't seem to be sure if she should be excited or horrified. "And then?" she asked breathlessly.

Hermione quickly took a sip from her coffee, drawing out the seconds until she had to reply. "And then, Draco told me that he loved me, too. The next second, he was kissing me, which made me feel all … aw inside – you know?"

"Hm." Ginny nodded, her mouth slightly open, expectantly waiting for more. Her whole body was tense with anticipation and she was leaning forward over the table to catch every word Hermione uttered.

"And then we – ugh – might've ended up in bed together," Hermione admitted, peering up at the other girl through her lashes, a little nervous about her reaction.

"Hermione Granger," Ginny laughed. "That's a good thing." But noticing Hermione's look, she quickly amended, "Isn't it? I thought that's what you wanted."

Hermione raked her fingers through her hair, thinking. Yes, it was what she wanted. But that wasn't the whole story. Quietly, she replied, "The problem is Draco's hurting and he's using me for comfort. But what will happen when he's better?" Her voice broke on the last syllable, betraying her fear. She was glad that she knew now how they felt for each other, but she couldn't really trust his feelings yet, couldn't so easily trust in their new, fragile relationship.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Don't you dare to chicken out of this relationship and find stupid excuses, just because you're scared he might hurt you again."

"But if he leaves me – or something goes wrong …" Hermione swallowed thickly. "I won't survive that."

Ginny reached out and took Hermione's hand in her own, squeezing it reassuringly. "Sweetie, you can't avoid getting hurt. That's love. You get hurt, you're vulnerable, but it also makes you insanely happy."

Hermione regarded her friend intently for a few seconds, pondering her words. But then a slight smile crept onto her face. "Maybe you're right. I'm ready for a bit of insane happiness."

Ginny laughed heartily, squeezing Hermione's fingers one last time and then drawing back her hand. "Good. But I can't believe how easily you've forgiven that git." A flash of anger flickered across her face, but she hid it quickly.

Hermione pressed her lips together, staring down at the milky liquid in her cup. "I don't know if I have. But I know that I must and that I will." She glanced up and smiled at the other girl. "Thank you, Gin."

"That's what I'm here for. By the way, is that the infamous ring on your finger?"

Hermione squinted at the flashing emerald and nodded. Slowly, she took the ring off and handed it to Ginny.

Slowly, Ginny turned it around in her fingers and held it against the light as if to check its authenticity. Tracing the intertwined bands of silver, she looked back up and eyed Hermione questioningly. "Why are you wearing it?"

Hermione smiled dreamily, remembering this morning. A warm feeling spread in her chest when she thought about Draco, about his words, about his smile. "Just before I wanted to leave today, Draco stopped me and put the ring on my finger. He told me that his mother wanted me to have it and that I should wear it no matter what it stood for." Her smile broadened. "As a sign of trust, he gave me its counterpart – the ring he's supposed to wear. This way I'd know that my feelings for him are real and not magically enhanced or anything."

Ginny smiled as if she looked at a cute, adorable kitten, not at Hermione. At least she didn't say 'aw'. "How can you still doubt him?" she asked, apparently forgetting that she had been mad at Draco just a second ago.

Hermione shrugged.

"Well, don't. He's perfect." Ginny tilted her head. "But … what about –?" She bit her lip, unsure if she should continue.

Hermione sighed. "You mean Viktor?"

Ginny nodded silently.

Hermione paused, choosing her words carefully. "I think I'm better now. I didn't have nightmares for a few weeks and no more flashbacks. He won't … interfere, like he has before. We'll be okay." That Draco knew the truth about her past now lifted a heavy burden from her shoulders. There would be no more misunderstandings, nor fear, nor arguments about it. She wouldn't fool herself with thinking that she was completely over it, but she knew she might be one day with Draco's help.

"Oh, sweetie, that's great," Ginny smiled warmly. "I need to tell Harry all about it."

Hermione winced. "Oh, but … what about Ron and your mum?"

Ginny narrowed her eyes, a dangerous looked appearing on her face. "They won't dare to make a scene again. They all saw how miserable you were without Draco." Her tone carried a silent threat –that if her family chose to meddle, she wouldn't stand by idly.

"I couldn't fool you, could I?" Hermione whispered.

"Not even for a second."Ginny smiled softly.

Hermione clasped her hands around the cup and took a large gulp of coffee. "So, do you think it'll all work out?" she asked pointedly casual.

"It will, Mione. Don't worry," Ginny replied reassuringly. "All's going to be well."

Ginny might be right, Hermione thought. She and Draco were finally able to talk to each other like normal people, without turning their life into a soap opera.

With every moment they spent together, Hermione realised how empty her life had been without him and that she never wanted to feel that emptiness again; that absence, that lostness, inside of her that threatened to expand and engulf her. She wanted Draco to be there forever. Even if he had hurt her, she had hurt him, too; and they would probably hurt each other again, but she didn't care anymore. She wanted to wake up next to him every morning. Not once, in the previous days, had she thought he was Viktor or remembered anything from her past. Maybe because the break up with Draco had hurt so much more than what Viktor had done to her. (Besides, she was dead-sure now that Draco would never hurt her physically, even when he was drunk or out of control.) It was time to move on from her past, time for a brighter future. Maybe now, with Draco, she could have everything she had ever wanted.

Hermione couldn't explain it, but somehow she agreed with her redheaded friend.

All was going to be well.

Let me say it one last time: please review!

PS: Love and virtual chocolate to all my readers!

PPS: Cookies with extra chocolate to Sherlock H. Winchester for reviewing every single chapter! (::) (::)

- CP :)