Dunno why did this happen. Meh.

I bring all of you, another Rip-off from My Craft! *Crowd goes wild* I SAID Rip-off! *Crowd Boos* That's better.

Anyway, this is going to happen before the time of an existence who was originally witless then grew a brain named 'King_Cobb'. Not exactly in the times of 100,000th stuff like those, but more of the 999,999,900th stuff like those. Anyway, feel free to leave a review of what you think about this ripo- I mean fanfic about a fanfic. Anyway, Ciao~

Arc: Origin

Chapter I: Void and Grass

But of course. The first seconds of my existence just had to just be in a void out of all places... Not even going to bother checking all my surroundings.

But I just had to check my surroundings. Left is a void. Right is a void. Below are void, WHERE'S MY FEET?! Let me dwell on that later on... Upwards, A BURNING LIGHT! You wish! An empty void...

Talking to myself internally - or monologuing I shall call it, is quite an interesting way to pass time. But too much of it, can pretty much drive you insane. I really needed to get out of this place, fast, or suffer the wrath of me being cursed by my own Monologues!

How will I get out of this place? Why am I talking to myself? Why am I being calm in this situation where others would panic? Probably a mind of monologues DOES help you keep calm, even if for just a bit longer.

Monologues are starting to get mind bore-ing and I'm sure I'm starting to develop the first stages of Insanity. I decided to try moving. I moved my visible hands, which work. I tried walking around, but the fact I had nowhere to step on and the fact I can't see my legs doesn't help, does it? Ultimately, I decided to try speaking.

"YO! Anyone?" I yelled out to the darkness. Five seconds passed. No reply. Of course there would not be any replies. I was in a void of all places. Who in their right mind would want to go in an empty, black void of all sorts?

"No use speaking" I muttered which instantly made me call me a hypocrite. 'No use speaking' my ass, but I just spoke. "And great, I'm now berating myself"

"Oh great Master of Monologues, am I getting insane talking to myself?" I called out to the empty void. Once again, no reply. "Eh? How dare you ignore me! The great and powerful..."

"... I'm the great and powerful, Monologue Master?!" I yelled to the darkness. No reply. I sighed to myself. Well, monologuing is getting a bit boring now. "Yeah, sure. Thanks students"

And from those words I muttered, spilled forth a bright light.


Ow. Ouch. Every movement I make hurts my entire body over. I waited for a second, and everything just seemed to fix itself. I feel any broken bones start to mend itself together, and all wounds closing and healing. In a few seconds, I'm completely healed.

Arms are pretty good. Legs are also good. I can still breathe and feel my heart pounding away softly, like a drum- what's a drum? Point is, I'm pretty much okay.

I observed myself. I wore Black pants, and black shoes along with Black socks... Emo- whatever that is, caused my legs to camoflouge in the void. I was wearing a red longcoat. I knew- I definitely knew that Longcoats were supposed to be heavy, but I don't feel the weight that much of a burden. In fact, I find the weight comforting. Under the majestic longcoat was a black shirt... what else? Oh, a red belt, with nine pockets, and also a black backpack.

When I examined my arms, the sleeves of my longcoat disappears. When I stopped examining my arms, the sleeves reappeared. While examining them, in my arms also had tattoos on my left and right arms. On my left was a set of 10 red hearts and an empty bar. On my right was a set of 10 Drumstick-shaped things and a row of blue circles.

The first thing I could see directly of me was a beautiful meadow. It was covered in grass, was filled with trees, and overlooked by a MASSIVE mountain over the distance, blocking some of the sun and creating a shadow.

I looked around myself, pillar-like structures were placed at the distance. I looked behind me and saw a house. It fenced and had a small, microscopic farm of sorts when compared to normal farms, although a glance at the sprouts growing told me the plants were definitely crops.

The creaking of a door alerted me and instantly placed me on guard and I turned my head to the direction of the sound immediately. There, I saw something- someone who had an ABSURDly big nose. From there on, I took the person's appearance.

Emerald Green eyes which shone of wisdom. A brown tunic with long sleeves, and the said sleeves are attached to each other.

"Greetings!" She (most likely from the tone of the voice) said. "Hmm? Your name is... Interesting" She sent me a questioning glare.

"What's that glare for?" I asked her.

"I suppose you probably have a lot in your mind, to name yourself a name such as 'Monologue Master'?" She ignored my question and sent another questioning glare at me. "You do seem a bit shady though..." She said with a suspicious tone.

I personally do not like the tone of her voice as she matched it with her questioning glare.

Before I could even ask how she knew my name, she was already saying something.

"Ah what the hell. It's probably nothing! Anyway welcome to Minecraftia, Crafter number Nine-hundred ninety-nine million, nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred Ninety fourth Crafter!" She said as she bounced up and down.

As soon as I heard the number, I already deduced the words to digits. 999,999,994.

"Oh... That's a rather large number, don't you think?" I asked. "I'm guessing I'm not the first to be placed in the empty void?"

"Correct! In fact, You are the most recent Crafter to have spawned" She replied.

"Uh. That sucks" I responded awkwardly. "Anyway, what will I do here?"

"Hm? Oh right! It's time to teach you how to survive in this world!" She said as she jumped up and down. "Come on, follow me"


"..." I stared at the tree that Helena (the one with the big nose) led me to. It was big and sturdy, as evident by the size of the thing. "It's... majestic, I guess?"

She looked at me. "Punch the tree"

I stared at her in return. "What? This isn't a game called Minecraft where you can punch trees!" I retorted back, not knowing where Minecraft came from.

She sighed. "Just punch the tree"

"..." I should definitely have more monologue to live up to my name. "Fine" I raised my right hand, and gave the tree a light punch. "You happy?"

She looked at me again, with those glaring glares she's giving me. "Punch harder, and repeat it again and again"

I sighed. I once again, raised my Right hand and punched the tree with a strength... let's just say I felt the world shake slightly with the punch I gave it. To my surprise, it didn't hurt and the blocky trunk of the tree formed cracks on it.

I punched the tree again, and the cracks expanded. I kept punching it, until the cracks took over and made the wood 'pop'. It was transformed into a small miniature version of the previous wood block.

The wood was floating. In midair. Which breaks all laws of Gravity and Science... And, it flew into me belt.

"Okay, Good job" She said while patting me on the back.

I scratched my head sheepishly as a response. "It was pretty easy, you know"

"Not all crafters have common sense" She told me seriously while gesturing in the air. "In fact, I know that 50 witless crafters' intelligence could be mixed and can be nowhere as near as yours"

"..." I kept silent while analyzing the statement. "... So its either that I'm smart, or they're just that witless?"

"Of course, smart remarks about things" Helena said as she turned around. "Now punch more logs. Once you get 4 Oak Logs, inform me" She said as she started to walk, before pausing. "No actually, I want to watch you. I know it would just take a couple of ticks to get it done"

I nodded slightly before raising once again, my right hand. "So, what are ticks?" I asked while punching another log.

"Its Minecraftia's measurement of time, or atleast what clocks use" She said while watching me collect another log. "Speaking of which, catch!"

I raised my hands up in instinct and caught a shiny golden disc. It had a display. In that said display was an arrow, in which the sun was in the middle of it. I see it rotating slowly.

"This is definitely something to keep track of time, isn't it?" I asked after dropping the disc which flew in my belt and resumed punching the tree. Another log flew into my belt.

"You know," Helena said while looking at me seriously. "At this rate, I'm pretty sure you have a fairly good chance of surviving this world"

"I like to take good chances for an answer" I responded and checked my belt. "Anyway, I collected Four Logs. Now what?" I asked.

"Well first you have to craft a Crafting Table- pretty Ironic, then make some tools but we don't have enough time to stay here longer. Follow me" She replied to my question as we walked in the forest, casted with light by the sunset.

I swear that the sun was just in the middle of the day a few minutes ago. "Is time unnaturally fast here?" I asked.

"Yes" Helena replied and we reached a barrier of sorts, as with the glowing lights and a glowing dome. "You see, Notch and the first crafters created this place. He made time in this place, and in a radius of 200 blocks fast, so that people wouldn't have to wait for hours just to get their firsf combat lessons"

"Grrrr" A groan sounded from just outside the barrier. I traced the direction of the sound and found something. It was wearing a blue shirt, with matching blue pants. Its skin color was green and looked to be undead.

"That does not look very friendly" I commented as I scanned the undead creature.

"Indeed. It is a Zombie, among the dumbest creatures to walk in the face of Minecraftia" She stated as she took out a book, and once again tossed it to me. I caught the book by raising my arms, again. "Read up before I send you to your combat lessons" She said before she went outside the house and started collecting carrots.

I scanned the book. It looked old from age, the spine was still holding up but demanded caution and gentle treatment. The pages were yellowed and torn at the edges of a page. It also smelled rather old. I started reading...

Thank you, Mr. Herobrain according to the smudged signature, for writing this.

*5 minutes later*

So, what the book told me was, Zombies are extremely dumb. Skeletons are smarter since they have the capacity to use bows. Creepers are highly explosive and damage can be reduced by blocking with a sword. Spiders are rather (fr)agile and can climb walls.

"You done?" Helena asked after she was done. In her arms was a bundle of carrots, most likely meant for me.

"Yes" I replied as I gave her back the book. "Something definitely tells me I should return this"

"Observant as always" She duly commented as she received the book. "It's time to learn how to craft"

"..." I kept silent, before retorting another smart comment. "That's where crafters get their names"

"Tomorrow though. You look tired" She ordered me as I walked towards the bed.

After all, 'You look tired' is an understatement.


"Wake up"

"Huh?" I sat and groggily rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?"

"It is already morning" Helena informed me. "And it's time to learn to craft. But we need to go outside the barrier to do it though"


Once we were outside the Barrier, she started to teach me the basics of crafting and its purpose in my life. After a few minutes, she finally started the actual lesson.

"First off, I want you to make planks" Helena said as she pointed to my pouch were my Logs were kept. "It's simply made from imagining the log being split into four different pieces"

Pretty basic stuff.

"Like this?" I said and immediately, the log I placed shifted slightly, before splitting and forming four refined looking wooden blocks.

"Exactly. Now just place the planks in a 2x2 square formation and imaging it fusing with each other"

I placed the Planks as so, and ended up with a small table, with details I couldn't make up.

"Yes. Now place the table. Do so by imaging the Table growing larger and throwing it in the ground" Helena instructed.

I did so and it became a block sized Table, with a small mat at the top which sported a grid.

"Yes. Now make a stick by placing two planks adjacent to each other"

"Horizontally or Vertically?"

Helena winked at me. "That's entirely up for you to decide"

I paused for a few seconds. Ultimately, I decided to craft the sticks Diagonally. "Nothing happened? I thought you were reverse psychologing me" I said as I tried again. This time I crafted sticks by placing them vertically.

"Good" Helena patted me on the back again (which is still impossible). "Now make a sword, and do hurry up"

If swords needed sticks, then it should have a short handle. One stick would be fine. Now the problem was, what was the arrangement of the blsde itself? I placed one stick at the bottom and a plank above the stick.

Nothing happened.

I placed a stick at the corner and two planks diagonally. Still nothing.

"Eh, a little help please?" I requested.

Helena raised an eyebrow. "Just two planks above the stick" She simply replied.

I placed two planks above the stick... And there we go! A perfectly freshly crafted Wooden Sword, out of the oven, er, Table.

"Now craft an Axe" She ordered and I immediately wondered how to make one of those.

I placed two sticks vertically then wondered what to do from there on. I placed an upside-down 'u' over the sticks, hoping to make a doublesided Axe, but nothing happened.

"Keep trying" Helena told me as I tinkered around.

After a few minutes later, I found out the recipe. It was just two sticks vertically and three planks. One on a diagonal corner, another in the left side of the top stick, and the last on the top of the sticks. Needless to say, I wouldn't be punching trees anytime soon.

"It's almost nighttime now" Helena informed me. I looked outside the window and saw the sun threading over the edge of the sky. "Still, it took you faster to make an axe than most other people"

"Well, you did say I'm smart afterall"

"Okay! Now go and kill some zombies! You're infinitely smarter than them so go give them a sword down their throats!" I'm sure that's a reference to a sex-related pun. "And also make sure to keep your Hunger Bar up" Helena said as she tossed me a bundle of carrots.


As soon as I was pushed outside of Helena pass the barrier, My hand immediately flew towards my pocket, where my Wooden Sword was kept and held it steadily in my hands.

*Swap* The sound of an arrow could be heard. An arrow just nearly imbedded itself to me and was shot just a few inches from my face. I looked onwards to my right and saw a Skeleton, the Bow being drawed back again and aimed.

Hmm... Suicidal technique, but could I slice arrows in midflight? The Skeleton fired another arrow and I tried hitting it. The arrow however, was just too fast for me to see and pierced my right arm. "Ow! Hey!" I looked at my health bar and saw one and a half hearts disappeared.

The Skeleton fired another arrow and I dodged it by sidestepping. I finally decided to rush in the Skeleton.

After a few minutes of sidestepping, rolling and jumping, I finally managed to get near the Skeleton to execute a downwards slash. It was knocked back considerably and resumed fired arrows.

Rolling and Sidestepping were a way to go, but hitting would just knock it back slightly, just enough for it to fire more arrows. By the time I killed the Skeleton, I was covered in nicks and small cuts from the arrows not truely finding their marks. I was rewarded with a Bone, two Arrows and a floating orb, which flew up to my left arm and filled the bar with green quarterways.

I checked my Health Bar and saw that 5 hearts were still present. I also checked my hunger and found 5 drumsticks left. I ate three carrots, bringing my hunger to 9 and 1/2 drumsticks.

As soon as I ate the carrots, I felt my health slow trickling back, regenerating slowly. By the time I reached Eight Hearts, I met a zombie.

I hacked and slashed at the Zombie, which would occasionally get some lucky blocks and get hit immediately after that. I was once again, rewarded with green floating orbs. They flew into my arm and almost filled it three-fourths. I was also rewarded with Rotten Flesh... Not that I'll eat it.

I saw the sun rising in the horizon, and all the Skeletons and Zombies burned, as according to the book. Spiders became neutral and Creepers... are still Creepers.

Better report back to Helena, who was still watching me at the edge of the Origin Zone.

"You had fun?" Helena asked me as soon as I stepped inside the Origin Zone.

"I got two Arrows. Does that count for fun?" I asked a question of my own and took out the Arrows I looted earlier and showed them to Helena for emphasis.

"I take that as a yes" She stated as she took out a couple of arrows. "Some crafters decided to gave me Arrows that they looted so that just incase, a future Crafter might need one"

"I definitely doubt that not everyone thinks that there is something called a 'Bow' in this world, which is a curved stick with strings" I replied, then wondered where does my thoughts actually come from.

"I know you're wondering where that thought came from, right?" She asked.

I nodded. "How did-"

"You see, all crafters have some sense of Normalracy, or an instinct which tells them that something is odd, or something is normal. It is most likely interconnected with your past life, before you got here"

I rubbed my forehead. "What do you mean, 'past life'?"

"Oh. Crafters say that they experience a brief memory before they came here" She replies while hiding the Arrows in a chest.

"Anyway, what's up with these tattoos, aside from the Drumsticks and Heart bars, what does the blue circle and the bar do?"

"The bar is called the Experience bar. When it fills up, a number is placed in the center of the bar. The number varies on how much you fill it up, but it progressively gets harder and harder to fill it up, eventually stopping to a point" Helena explained thoroughly as we walked towards the house.

"And the circle ones?" I asked, intent of discovering the final secret to these tattoos.

"It is the Oxygen Bar. Submerging your head in water will cause it to slowly decrease and when it's empty, it will kill you by drowning" She replied. "And by the way, you ask a lot of questions. I expected someone with a name such as yours to simply ask it to yourself"

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. "Well, I could afford to ask questions, right?"

"It depends on what questions" She said statically.



Mono: Wooden Sword {lightly damaged}, Wooden Axe, Clock, 1 stick, 9 Wooden Planks, 2 Arrows, 1 Bone, 2 Rotten Flesh

EXP: 0 levels (14 EXP)

Yay! Instead of other fanfics over the horizon of fanfiction talking about people coming AFTER Cobb or Noman existed, I decided to backtrack just a couple of steps. Not really much to say to this, but I'm diddly darn proud of myself. Anyway, Ciao~ and leave a review or something~

Next Chapter, would pretty much wrap up the First Arc.