Over his three years of high school, Leo had learned pretty much everything he could about his school. From who taught each class to the fastest ways to get to each class and even which hallways were the most crowded during each period, he was pretty knowledgeable. He even memorized the little things most people didn't- he had an eye for detail. When school was so easy for him, memorizing so many little things could provide him with some challenge his classes didn't provide.
One of those things he noticed was one girl he had always passed by every day for the last three years of high school yet never spoken to once. And by passed by, he of course meant almost bumped into. Or made awkward eye contact with. All while never even knowing her name. So, maybe she wasn't such a small detail when she gave his best friend Niles so many things to make fun of him for.
The girl was very short for a High School student, as she was barely taller than Leo's own sister Elise, who was a Sophomore and considered tiny for her age. She also had rather unique pink hair. While on many others it would have been seen as striking or punkish, she somehow managed to make it look natural in a way. She had a gentle face and soft brown eyes Despite never speaking to her, Leo almost felt like she was a familiar presence. Perhaps seeing her every day to the point of being able to easily describe her was part of that. I really hope that doesn't make me a creep...
He didn't expect things would be any different in Junior year. He would run into her, but never actually say anything. The same as always. And as he left the school, he recalled one of the many places he would always see her.
The last bell of the day had rung, and Leo had just left the building to head to his bus. Unfortunately, his last class had been at the back of the school and he didn't have any friends to walk with. The same as always. Ugh. Since when was Algebra II something we needed to know? Leo was always good at math, but he much prefered applying it to science over solving meaningless problems.
Lost in his thoughts and not really paying mind to his surroundings, Leo turned around a corner of the building and almost bumped head-first into a shorter girl in front of him. When he looked up, a part of him somehow knew exactly who it would be. Just as he expected, it was the short, pink-haired girl who he had run into every year of High School. She had apparently dressed up for the first day of school, wearing a white dress with a red ribbon and matching red vertical stripes. Meanwhile, Leo had just thrown on a pair of slacks and a shirt that wasn't inside-out. After they both muttered quick, barely audible apologies to each other, they went their separate ways.
When Leo finally got to his bus, every seat was taken. Then again, it was to be expected, as he had literally made a walk from one end of the school to the other. Leo scanned the seats to find the one person nobody else would ever choose to sit next to.
Surely enough, wearing his signature worn black hoodie with his hair dyed white in an attempt to be mysterious and edgy, Niles was sitting near the back of the bus on a larger seat. Leo pushed Niles' backpack aside and took a seat. It was Niles who spoke first.
"Hey dad, how's the first day back been for you?"
Leo sighed. Most people would be put off by the odd language that Niles used on an everyday basis, but Leo had gotten used to it after being friends with him since grade school.
"Well, it wasn't the best. Could be better, could be worse."
After a while of talking about their classes, Niles changed the subject. "So, did you meet anyone new today?"
"I mean, not really. I almost bumped head first into someone on my way here, if that counts."
"Oh, did he kick your ass? Is that why you took thirty years? You're a terrible father."
Repressing the urge to groan, Leo continued on. "Well, 'he' was kind of a she, so…"
"Oooohhh, was she hot? Did your hand fall on her knockers?"
"That's stupid. This isn't one of Odin's animes."
"Hey, I'm just pulling your leg. Anyways, is it the same girl who you kept almost bumping into on our way out of Lit last year?"
Leo thought for a second, as if he didn't already know. "Hmmm… yeah. I think so. Pink hair, really short, always looks like she's scared of something…"
"Yep. Same girl. Doesn't this happen every year? She keeps popping up."
"Yeah. But we've never even talked. Truth be told, I couldn't even tell you her name."
"Hey. I don't need her name and number, that's for you to get."
"Niles. Why are you like this?"
"Hey, she's little and red. And so are tomatoes. So clearly, that's why you're so in love with her."
"Niles, I eat tomatoes. Are you saying I'm going to eat this poor girl? I'm not some cannibal."
Nile suggestively wiggled his eyebrows. Leo realized exactly what he was thinking and punched Niles in the shoulder.
"Damn, Leo. You'd hit a little innocent little flower like me? You're a terrible person."
Leo just smirked. No matter how weird Niles could be, Leo could always rely on him to bring a little bit of laughter into his life.
"Yeah. I would."
Finally reaching the student parking lot, Sakura spotted her sister Hinoka's distinctive red car. As she had finally gotten her license, she had agreed to drive Sakura and Takumi home every day… unless she was going anywhere with her boyfriend Hinata. Thankfully, there wouldn't be any plans on the first day of school. Hey, going with my family is much better than sitting alone on the bus.
Apparently Takumi hadn't arrived yet, so Sakura decided to talk to Hinoka.
"H-hi, Hinoka."
"Hey, Sakura! So how's your first day back?"
"Well, i-it was pretty good, I have to say. I don't have any classes with friends until tomorrow, but I still ate lunch with them. So not bad."
"Eh. Mine was fine too. But hey, last year for me! That's something."
"Aren't you a bit nervous about leaving?"
"Well, not really. I'm more bothered that I won't be around to take care of you. God knows Takumi won't do much."
Sakura flushed. "Y-you know you don't need to take care of me, right? I'm only two years younger than you."
Hinoka sighed. "Yeah, yeah. But you'll always be my baby sister. And Takumi will always be my baby pineapple sibling."
"What about me?"
Sakura giggled at Takumi's timing. He had a penchant for walking in at the wrong time and generally being the siblings' go-to for any jokes. Even then, it was all in good fun and Takumi didn't mind as long as nobody picked on his insecurities.
"Hinoka was just saying that she can't wait to go to college so she can find a place to plant you and grow a beautiful pineapple plant."
Takumi grumbled. "Ah, whatever. So my day was fine, thanks for asking."
Sakura saw a tiny bit of guilt on Hinoka's face before she spoke again. "Oh yeah, how was your day?"
Takumi's face brightened. "As I said, alright. I hung out with Oboro and Hinata, have some classes with them. Even though I do sort of miss Orochi since she graduated. I never thought I'd say it, but I miss her making fun of me."
Hinoka grinned. "Then it's a good thing you have me to pick up the slack."
Takumi and Hinoka mostly talked to each other at that point, letting Sakura think about her day a bit more. Her day and the boy who she had run into for the third year in a row. She never knew his name, but she knew his face. After all, she had quite a few run-ins with the stranger over her three years at the high school.
Despite not him not knowing her at all, he had somehow seen almost every accident Sakura had in a hallway. Then again, a lot somehow involved him. Whether it was accidental and awkward eye contact that lasted a second too long, her tripping in front of him, or even the few times she accidentally ran straight into the poor guy, the boy seemed to be a magnet for Sakura's accidents.
She never talked about it much, even though Takumi shared chess club with him. The few times she did talk about the incidents mostly just led to embarrassment. Even if her family found the stories amusing, she didn't like being laughed at over them. So she just kept most of her run-ins to herself and maybe would mention them to Hana or Subaki. I really hope that noticing that guy all the time doesn't make me a weirdo...
The bus finally reached the stop near Nohr Junior High. Leo and Niles both walked off and went their separate ways to their houses. Elise caught up with Leo after a few seconds.
Before Leo had time to react, Elise was already crushing his ribs with a massive hug. Even though they were in the middle of the sidewalk. Most people would be embarrassed, but Leo always had a soft spot for his little sister.
"Jeez, Elise. You're going to break all my bones one day. I really hope you know that."
Elise laughed. "Yeah, and then I'll be the smartest one in the family!" Leo smiled as Elise continued speaking. "So anyways, how was your first day?"
After having a conversation similar to the earlier one with Niles (Albeit with much less profanity, dirty remarks, and memes), Leo and Elise got to their house.
It was a large, dark blue and black house with high hedges and an immaculately kept lawn. To some, the house would be imposing. Something straight out of a villainous lair in an old fantasy story. But to Leo and Elise, it was home. And what looked dark and scary on the outside was truly a warm, welcoming place on the inside. Leo and Elise were the only ones home, as Camilla had decided to drive home with her friends, which meant stopping on the other side of town to drop off Beruka… who Leo was pretty sure wasn't just a "friend" to her at this point. Corrin was probably out with her boyfriend Silas again. Their father would not be returning home until dinnertime, as he had to work. Their stepmother would probably be picking up their stepsister Azura from a band meeting, as their school had decided that a meeting on the first day was somehow a good idea.
Fishing the keys out of his pocket and going inside, Leo plopped down on his favorite spot on the couch in his family room. It was a large, beige couch that they had for years. Leo always sat in the same spot, as he had decided it was the perfect spot years ago due to its convenient proximity to outlets, a small table, and a perfect viewing point for the television. Elise sat on the other end of the couch and put her feet up to lay down.
"So, Elise. Did you meet anyone new today?"
"Oh, yeah! I mostly hung out with Arthur and Effie as usual, but when I went to my Bio class, there was a really nice girl I sat with!"
"Nice, nice. I didn't really meet anyone today, but I'm good with the friends I have. So what's your new friend like?
"Oh, she's actually kind of like you!"
Intrigued, Leo raised his eyebrows. "Really? Makes it hard to believe you'd want to hang around her if she's anything like me."
Elise puffed her cheeks out. "Leo, you're such a meanie!"
Leo smirked. "Point proven."
Elise playfully kicked Leo in the ribs. "Anyways, back to what I was saying. She's like you, but not a BIG STUPID MEANIE." She giggled. "But seriously, she actually did remind me of you. She was really shy at first, but then when I talked to her she was really polite. I didn't know much about her since she had a hard time opening up, but once we had to do some silly little ice breakers, I learned a lot about her!"
"So, how's she like me?"
"Well, I already said she's shy. Well, I know you're a bit more antsy and anxious than shy, but still. She also really likes science, just like you! And she likes Pokemon and World of Warcraft and all that nerd stuff too! She's super smart also, she skipped a grade like you so she's technically a Junior now. I thought of telling her she reminded me of you, but I figured comparing a girl to your brother isn't always a good idea, you know?"
"Yeah. But hey, color me impressed by your taste in friends. What's her name?"
"Sakura! If you ever see her, you can't miss her. She's really short like me. Well, not AS short, but still pretty small. She's also got pink hair, so she's pretty hard to miss."
Suddenly, Leo felt an odd feeling in his chest. He was a bit anxious, but also a bit excited. He was happy with the friends he had, but if there was someone who was just like him that he saw every day, well… that's just the kind of person worth getting to know.
"Actually, I think I've seen her around before."