A room was dimly lit. Two people, no sibling sat next to each other in different chairs. One was named Shane McMahon and the other was Stephanie Levesque. Neither liked each other much. The two sat in their chairs, looking forward and not even acknowledging their sibling. In front of them, Vince McMahon is standing up, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back, as if he was trying to articulate his words. Shane and Stephanie both patiently wait. Both were smart enough to not talk.
"There's a reason why I brought you both into my office, before classes were in session for the new year." Vince said, finally speaking
"Is it about the viewership numbers dropping to an all time low last year on the School Network?" Stephanie said
"That's exactly it. The numbers for our Bi-weekly events were extremely low. We have been on a decline for years. Ever since I stopped forcing my hand and allowed you and your husband to be the Authority around here, we've gone downhill." Vince said narrowing his eyes at his daughter Stephanie, who gazed downward to avoid his father's glare
"Daddy this isn't my fault. And it isn't Hunter's either." Stephanie squeaked out
"Then who's fault is it?" Shane asked with a slightly smug smile. "I was banned from this school from 2009 until late last year."
"It's the students fault. A lot of them were reckless and ended up getting injured at the end of last year. In fact, the only reason daddy begged you to come back was for that reason only." Stephanie said
"Vince McMahon begs no one!" Shouted Vince scaring Stephanie with his intense voice.
"Sorry daddy." Stephanie said
"Listen, this academy makes money through sponsors. Our sponsors like it when we have high viewership, so we need that. That's why I devised a plan to give this school the shot in the arm it needs for next year." Vince said
"And what might that be?" Shane asked, curiously
"Remember a few years ago when our academy was split into two different factions by the names of Raw and Smackdown?" Vince asked with a grin
"There's no way, you're doing that again." Shane said
"Oh, but I am. And it's going to be what my Academy needs. Stephanie, you will be responsible for Raw Students. Shane, you will be responsible for Smackdown Students. Your rosters will not be allowed to mingle with each other during school hours. There will be separate dorm rooms, dining halls and even bathrooms for both factions." Vince said with a proud grin on his face
"That's brilliant daddy!" Stephanie said, clapping and sucking up to his father
"My sister's obvious attempts to kiss your ass aside, what's the motive?" Shane asked
"Motive? Well, for you two it's superiority over each other. For the students, it's a paycheck." Vince said
"You're going to pay the students?" Shane said
"No, I'm going to pay the students with the best brand. The losing brand get's nothing. I want ratings and you both will have to be willing to do anything for them. Even if it means slitting your siblings throat." Vince said, with a evil look on his face. Stephanie looked at Shane
"Slitting your throat sounds like fun." She admits
"Pushing you off a cliff sounds better to me." Shane said, firing back. Stephanie flinged her hair over her shoulders, before standing up.
"This next year is going to be a living hell for you, when I beat your Smackdown faction. Then you'll know why I was always the one who should've been next in line." Stephanie said
"Oh, so you're still angry about me being the prodigal son and you just being….Stephanie." Shane stands up. "You know Stephanie, your vindictiveness is going to be the downfall of your Raw students. The ego that you and your husband have is the reason why this Academy has declined over the years and it might have been the reason that closed this academy down had I not returned. Raw isn't going to thrive under your leadership. It'll fail." Shane said, staring her sister down. Hatred fueled both of their eyes, meanwhile enjoyment filled the eyes of Vince McMahon. This was the beginning of a civil war between students. This is the beginning of a battle between two sibling with different motives. But most importantly this was the beginning of Smackdown vs Raw
A/N: That's the prologue. This is a rewrite of the original WWE Academy (Which was ruined because of the Real Life draft). This will basically follow the same storylines unless I decide otherwise. Although the concept is different. Anyways apps are open, but here are some rules. Also Apps are on my profile as well
1. They Can be related to superstars
2. They can be the child of a legend. (Don't do an adoption thing.)
3. There will be no Femslash or Slash pairing
4. Be as detailed as you can. Anything that looks like it was put together in five minutes or less is thrown out
5. Yes, resubmits are okay
6. I have no limit on how many OC's
7. If you don't plan on keeping up/occasionally reviewing or PM'ing me, don't send in an OC.
Age (15-19):
Appearance: Height, Weight, Skin Color, how their body looks, Bust & butt size if they're a girl XP, Manhood size to be fair XP, Eyes, hair and all that other stuff.
Clothing Style: How do they dress out of their uniform? A few specific outfits/examples would help
Prom attire: A couple examples since this is also fancy wear
Ring Attire:
Beach Attire: a couple examples please
Sleep Attire: a couple example
Sexy attire?!: A couple examples please
Personality: A couple sentences would be great. A bunch of traits would not
Wrestling Style: Pick one or two of the following or something I didn't think of (No All rounders) (Brawler, Technician, Powerhouse, High flyer, Entertainer)
Finisher: Only One. Nothing too crazy please.
Romantic interest: Give me a few to be safe. Put none if you don't want one
Potential Friends:
Potential Enemies:
Faction (Raw or Smackdown):
Face Claim:
Rank: (Heres the Ranks. A- Main Eventers like John Cena, the Shield boys, or Charlotte. Must be an older student (17-19). B- Guy's who are good but not good enough to be A Rank, but not bad enough to be C Rank. Consist of mostly of 17-19 year olds and extremely talented New kids. (15-16) C- Usually the youngest talents (15-16) and most of the lesser older talent that never improved are located here.
Stats (If you're an A rank you have up to 30 points to distribute. If you're B Rank you have up to 25 points to distribute (If 18-19) or you have 20 points to distribute (Younger than 18). If you're C Rank then you have up to 15 points to distribute):
Power: ?/5
Speed: ?/5
Technical/Submission: ?/5
Brawling: ?/5
Intelligence: ?/5
Charisma: ?/5
Mic Skills: ?/5
Looks: ?/5