
"You know what they called me in my first year of high school? 'The Tailor', because of how I-"

Hunk and Pidge suppressed groans of displeasure, spooning some more of the mess hall's green goopy food and playing with it. They had lost their appetite at the sight of the food, and then again at the conversation of Lance's sex life. Or what sex life Lance wished he had. Either way, it earned distasteful comments from Hunk and Pidge.

"This campus has, what? Five thousand something students?"

"Five thousand seven hundred and three students to turn you down, Lance." Pidge pushed up their glasses, a slight smirk pulling at their lips.

"Yeah, and I call dibs on not being your shoulder to cry on." Hunk put in his two cents, before managing to force down some more of the food goo.

"Alright, neither of you have faith in me, I see. You just wait," Lance propped his long, lanky legs up on the table and leaned back in the plastic chair, "I'm going to exceed your low expectations by-"

Lance hardly had the chance to finish when he lost balance, causing both himself and his chair to slam on to the ground. The mess hall quieted down significantly to stare at Lance, who was lying on the floor, his face as red as the plastic chair he'd fallen out of. His cheeks weren't burning because of the embarrassment of falling out of his chair on the first day, no; it was because he was staring up at a handsome man.


Lance glanced over. Correction: he was staring up at two handsome men. One of them offered him a ghost of a smile and helped him up, and he was the first one Lance had noticed. He had black hair with shaggy white bangs and the most wonderful smile, and hell, he was built like a male model- buff in all the right places.

"You okay?" He inquired softly, and Lance felt his heart skip a beat.

"Y-Yeah, pfff I'm fine." Lance brushed it off, despite the pain in his back from hitting the tile floor. "It doesn't hurt, because I was falling for you."

Pidge and Hunk watched the exchange, practically watching the hearts circle around Lance's head. Hunk just let out a sigh, and Pidge shook their head; they had seen this all before. Many times. In high school. What came next, however, was something entirely new. Usually Lance was rejected directly, but this time…

A dark skinned female with long silvery hair bounced up to the man Lance had been hitting on. She grabbed the guy's hand, lighting up and causing him to turn red.

"Shiro, isn't it lovely? I know my way around this year!" She bubbled, her English accent light and dainty.

Lance felt his heart sink, and turned to find Hunk and Pidge stifling their laughter. The guy he had been hitting on- Shiro, apparently- was already taken. Damn it. How come all of the good guys were either taken or straight?!

Lance turned to the second handsome man, and gave him the most charming smile. He opened his mouth to speak, when the guy cut him off.

"Don't even bother." He grunted, sauntering off after Shiro.

Lance crossed his arms over his chest at the second guy, who wore a red jacket, and- Lance gasped. The fucking guy had a mullet. A MULLET. How could Lance have let his standards stoop so low?

Lance pulled his chair back up to the table, sitting down and sulking over his tray of green goo. So far day one of University was sucking. What was worse, Lance wasn't rooming with anyone he knew. Pidge and Hunk were rooming together, but Lance was stuck with some guy named Keith.

Dinner wrapped up, and the trio headed back to their dorm rooms. Lance was down the hall from Hunk and Pidge, but it felt like they were on opposite ends of the Earth, especially as Lance trudged back to his dorm. Alone.

When Lance entered his room, he noticed that his roommate 'Keith' was not there, but his boxes were. Lance could care less, and he finished unpacking his photographs and trinkets. He began pinning photos and posters to his wall, most of which had previously hung in his room at home. His Kill Bill movie poster was posted on the wall next to where his bed was pushed, and his Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back poster sat next to it, and Lanced traced his fingers over Mark Hamill's messy signature. Lance then moved from his bed over to the small desk that had been provided by the University, beginning to pin his photos above it. He put up the Polaroid from junior prom, featuring Hunk shoving his face full of food (when did he not?), Pidge with their small pyramid-shaped robot (Rover, as they called it), and Lance with sunglasses that read "BAD ASS" across the lenses and finger guns.

Lance then pinned up only a few more photographs. One was from one of the first times when he went to Disney. He had been only ten at the time, and it had been for his birthday. He was grinning as Princess Belle kissed his cheek, and his mamá was pulling a 'shocked' face in the background. Another was of Lance and all of his siblings and his brother's and sister's kids from a few years ago at Christmas. Another was of him and his perrito, Obi-Wan, on Halloween, both dressed up as Jedi Knights ten years ago. The final photo was from la boda de sus parientes. It was delicate and yellowing from age, as it had been taken over thirty years ago, and Lance pinned it up with care, gently touching his parents' smiling faces.

The opening of the door nearly made Lance topple off the swivel chair he was kneeling on. The door nearly hit Lance in the face, and his roommate swaggered in. When the door closed and Lance got a look at his roommate, he felt his heart drop at the sight of the red jacket and the hideous mullet.

"Oh no."

His first day at University was sucking worse than Poe Dameron sucking Finn's dick.

Author's Note: Hey guys! This is my first Klance fic. I've been watching Voltron for the past few months and am psyCHHHED for season two come 2017. I'm a huge Klance fan, and I sometimes ship Sheith,,,, I also support agender/non-binary Pidge headcanons. Tell me what you want to see, and please cry with me over the season two trailer.

-Crash Cola (noahcomemidnight)