On a cool day in late April one year, Anne Shirley stood at the window of her second-story classroom, listening to a student read from Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The nervous young man cast Anne a pleading look at having to do this in front of everyone, however, his teacher only smiled and nodded encouragingly.
"'Tis calm indeed! so calm, that it disturbs
And vexes meditation with its strange
And extreme silentness. Sea, hill, and wood,
This populous village! Sea, and hill, and wood,
With all the numberless goings-on of life,
Inaudible as dreams!
The boy finished in a shaky voice and sat down, relieved.
"Excellent, Anthony. Jessica, would you be able to take over and read the next six lines?"
Anne's eyes flickered to the window, with a small sigh of regret at the sight of the chill grey clouds that seemed to make a mockery of the spring. She turned back, noting the wistfulness in the young lady's voice as she read. All of them were growing tired, Anne thought indulgently, her eyes flickering over the twenty second-year students. They all needed a good summer vacation.
Anne's attention was suddenly caught by a knock at the classroom door, and she motioned for the next student to carry on reading as she crossed the room swiftly. To her surprise, a little black-haired teacher was almost dancing with excitement outside.
"Maisie, what is it?" a bewildered Anne asked, as her hand was grasped tightly.
"You need to go, chérie, go now-"
Anne protested as the young Frenchwoman attempted to steer Anne away from her classroom. "Maisie, darling, I have a classroom full of students-"
"Well, you have one in your office too." To Anne's exasperation, her housemate stepped past her and into her classroom with the authority of a trained teacher, clapping her hands and the completely confused students looked at their French teacher, and back to Anne, who sighed in surrender.
"Class, I apologise for the interruption. Professor Picard will be taking you for the last ten minutes while I attend to this matter, please give her your full attention." She turned to Maisie with a courteous bow. "We are reading Frost at Midnight, Professor."
Maisie wrinkled her pert nose at her friend. "I think we should give the dusty English books a spell and have a little French lesson in our remaining time, don't you? Go, chérie, we shall have fun."
Anne gave a little chuckle and turned to go, still puzzled as to why it was important enough to interrupt a class. As she walked through the door, she heard Maisie say to the class: "Now, who can tell me what this means: 'L'amour de ta vie qui étudie en médecine est en train de t'attendre dans ton bureau'?"*
Anne left the classroom with a confused shake of her red head and turned to go downstairs. As she walked down the carpeted staircase, Anne sighed, hoping that this wasn't about Justin Bambrick- the lad hadn't been overly strong that semester and his parents had been reluctant to let him come back to school after the Easter break. According to Emma, he had fallen behind in several of his classes, and the matter was now under review by the principal. The door to her office was shut, and she opened it with some reluctance.
The room was just as she had left it an hour ago, the open drapes sending a beam of light onto her desk- and behind it, studying the photographs on her bookcase was a tall, brown-haired young man. Anne's breath caught as Gilbert Blythe turned, a big grin on his handsome face, his hair much shorter than it had been when she had seen him last. Anne was frozen, wondering distractedly if she was dreaming. He couldn't be here, he had exams-
Gilbert casually stepped behind her to close the door, and she turned in shock as his shoulder brushed hers, the scent of him unmistakable. She gave a little shiver as she heard the lock on the door turn, and huge grey eyes met his twinkling hazel ones.
"I'm going to assume that you're extremely happy to see me," he said, and the smug smile he gave her broke through her daze, and she threw her arms around his neck with a glad cry, holding him as tightly as she could.
"Breathing, darling- need to breathe-" he laughingly gasped after a moment, his arms wrapped around her slender form. She loosened her grip, switching to peppering little kisses all over his dear face.
"Did you miss me?" she demanded, between kisses, and Gilbert paused, holding her still to press a longer, more satisfying kiss to her lips.
"Of course I did, I haven't seen you since New Year's Day-"
Anne scowled at him. "You were the one who went to Montreal at our Easter-"
"I know I did, Anne-girl." he protested. "And you know that Dr Edmonds insisted on taking me, he wanted me to accept the position there. I felt like I had to at least pretend to consider it."
Anne pulled away to study him. "And?"
"And you knew what I was going to say," he said offhandedly. He set her down on the ground again and sat down on her desk, pulling her in close to him. "I have no intention of going there."
Anne ran her fingers through his short hair, smiling at the differences in his appearance. "You cut your curls again, beloved-"
Gilbert chuckled. "That's because I look ridiculous with them poking out from under the surgical cap. Anne, aren't you at all curious as to why I'm here?"
Anne laughed. "Of course- but you can't expect me to focus on that right away, Gil, I'm too glad to see you. I am curious though- you should have exams right now."
"Not until Tuesday, and I'm ahead on all my work. And besides, all the third year students have been disappearing here and there to scout for jobs on the weekends- everyone's jostling for positions."
She gave him a look of pride. "You aren't." She had known of the opportunities that were being offered to Redmond's top medical student- hospitals and clinics, research positions at the university.
"I'm just lucky, I guess," Gilbert said, with a shrug.
Anne's fingers stroked the rough stubble on his chin with a little smile. "You know it's not luck." She studied him then. "So I assume that you're here because you've found somewhere." Her voice was oddly hesitant, something that Gilbert didn't miss.
"I have an interview," he said gently. "And I was wondering if you would accompany me there."
Anne looked bewildered. "Oh, Gil, I don't know- how far will we be travelling?"
He cupped her cheeks in his hands, his smile tender. "Well, that's why I'm here. It's in White Sands."
There was a moment where her eyes grew even larger, and she faltered. "Here? On the island?"
Gilbert laughed. "Anne, what other White Sands do you know of?"
She swatted him then, her smile growing. "Oh, be quiet. I'm just so surprised. How-"
"Telmann," he said simply. "He often contacts me if he's got a puzzling case, he knows the top research comes through the university- and he told me that Doctor Stewart is retiring, that if I was interested I should go and see him."
Anne looked at him in amazement. "Gilbert-"
He gave her a sheepish look. "I got that on Tuesday- I left Kingsport last night with letters of recommendation from Edmonds, the professors, the hospital and from the head of the university. Doctor Edmonds let me call him from his office to set up the appointment."
Anne stepped away from him, turning to briefly cover her face with her hands. Knowing what a surprise this would be to her, Gilbert watched her move around the room with a loving look.
"Is this what you want?" she asked turning suddenly, her intelligent eyes searching his face. "You know that you could go for bigger practices- you could have any practice you want, go anywhere you want. And you know Uncle Dave was hoping you would go to Four Winds with him." Gilbert sighed, a slight smile on his face.
"I don't know exactly," he said frankly. "All I know is that I had to be here for this. I wouldn't even have known about it if it wasn't for Telmann. I know Uncle Dave wants me, but he also says that the community you serve becomes a part of you, and that you can only choose to suit yourself. White Sands is a place I already love. We'd be close to home, and to our families- we've been away for long enough, I think." He chuckled, leaning back on her desk with his palms. "And part of me that thinks it would be perfect for us. It's bigger than home, it's different and changes constantly. It's close but not too close, and I wouldn't have to be a doctor to the Sloane and Pye and Andrews connections-"
Anne laughed, adopting a teasing voice, faintly reminiscent of Mrs Almira Sloane, "'Are you sure you know what you're doing, Gilbert Blythe? I remember when you were an infant- your mother had such a terrible time nursing you-'"
Gilbert began to laugh. "Exactly," he said, and then suddenly sobered. "Not to mention attending every birth and death for those I've grown up with." He shook his head, his mouth steady. "But this is a different thing altogether. So- will you come, Anne? I'll understand if it can't be until tomorrow evening-"
Anne chuckled and moved to sit on her desk next to him, and Gilbert touched the lilac skirts that brushed against his grey trousered legs with a smile.
"I haven't seen this one," he commented softly. "It's pretty."
Anne smiled. "It's new." She let out a deep breath, resting her cheek against his shoulder as he slipped his arm around her. "Well, I'll need to see if someone can take my classes tomorrow-"
Gilbert's face brightened. "You'll come tonight?"
"I just got you back, I'm not letting you out of sight if I don't have to," Anne said demurely, and then fluttered her eyelashes at him. "Do you have a plan?"
Gilbert's grin was smug. "Well, I know a little hotel that isn't too expensive in the off-season, I'm sure we'll be able to get rooms there. We can spend the day tomorrow checking the town out, and if you like we can go back to Avonlea tomorrow evening- give the families a big surprise."
Anne clapped her hands with starry eyes and pulled him to his feet. "Well then, dearest, we need to see Principal Walters!"
It was nearly nine o clock in the morning when Anne awoke the next day, blinking in surprise at the bright sunlight shining in through the open windows. It had been late in the evening when Gilbert and she had walked from the station to the Little Bay Hotel, and after a hasty meal in the downstairs dining room, with Gilbert nearly asleep on his feet, the two of them had headed for their rooms soon afterwards. He had told her that he would not wake her before he left, and now Anne stretched luxuriously under the covers, before pulling them back to run on light feet to the windows. Her room looked out over the ocean, and she breathed in the fresh smell with satisfaction. Her eyes studied the horizon with interest, seeing fishing vessels sailing in the distance, and couples already walking along the shore nearby. With a dreamy smile, and the pricking in her thumbs that said this was an important day, she turned to ready herself for the morning.
After a leisurely breakfast in the dining room, Anne stood on the steps of the hotel looking out over the water. She closed her eyes at the breeze coming off the ocean, at the warmth of the sunshine on the late April day. It was wonderful to be able to breathe in the fresh air again. She looked down at the little watch pinned to her pretty ivory walking suit. She was right on time- he'd said that he would be there by eleven.
When several minutes had gone by, she looked up the street to see Gilbert in the distance tearing towards her, hurriedly excusing himself to ladies walking with lacy parasols that he had startled in his flight. An amused smile lit her face. Impatiently he stopped for a family of young girls and their governess to cross his path; mischievous hazel eyes dancing into hers less than ten yards from her now. When the group had passed, he bounded up the steps to give her a bold kiss that caused a group of elderly ladies passing to fan themselves in horror. Anne emerged from his embrace laughing, holding the hat that had somehow fallen from his brown head. Without speaking, Gilbert took her hand in his and ran down the steps, pulling her toward the shore to talk. In the shadow of a high sand dune, he spread his jacket on the ground for the two of them to sit on and turned to face her, his countenance lit up.
Anne watched him, a small lump in her throat. She'd seen him happy before- but as he took her hands in his, she looked at him in wonder, fulfilment of all he had dreamed for the two of them. A peace entered her heart, and she smiled at him.
"It's right here, isn't it," she said softly.
"Only if you want it to be, darling girl. It's why I wanted you here."
Anne gave him a loving look. "What happened, Gil?"
He drew in a deep breath. "It's mine, if I want it. He has an office in the main street that I can continue the lease on, and he wants me to come here for a month in June to help with the summer rush, and to get to know the practice- and any work I do then will pay for the equipment and inventory, he's not taking anything with him. Some of it will need updating, the advances that have happened since he bought them-" he halted then with a sheepish grin, hearing himself ramble. "If we decided to come here, he would stay until September- that will give us time to plan an earlier wedding, and give us time for our honeymoon. It's a fair-sized practice- there's a fishing village down the road and a lumber mill through the hills; the local population and then of course all of the wealthy summer visitors-" here his tone was dry. "The ones who call you out to treat the sniffles, and pay handsomely for you to tell them to close the window when it's cold." He squeezed her hand, bringing her eyes to his. "He's happy with my references, and I think Dr Telmann's letter helped too. He's offered it to me."
Anne drew in a deep breath, and looked out to study the rolling waves coming into shore. So many castles had she built of their life together- so many ways she had tried to imagine their future looking, city of country, mountains or plain, far from loved ones- or in Avonlea itself. A dreamy smile began to grow in her grey eyes, picturing a life by the sea, a home close to their loved ones, and yet with the privacy to transition to their new life together. She turned to him, her eyes sparkling with a green intensity that made him catch his breath. She placed gentle hands on his face, coming to her knees to press a kiss to his waiting lips.
"Then this will be our home," she said softly, and he pulled her close with a joyous laugh that seemed to spring up from his very heart.
Gilbert's last meeting with the elderly doctor was conducted with Anne at his side, who had tea with the little white haired lady who had been by his side for over forty years. Anne smiled at her descriptions of the perils of being married to the town doctor, noting the twinkle and the gentle pride in Mrs Stewart's face. She patted Anne's knee with a bright smile.
"Take it from me, dear. All he needs from you is a listening ear, a strong stomach, and for you to help him to escape from everyone else's troubles when he's with you. That's all you ever need to do."
Anne looked at the two men talking, watching Gilbert demonstrating something with his hands as Doctor Stewart was showing him his case books. She gave the lady a warm smile. "I only hope I can do it as well as you have, Mrs Stewart."
At three o clock the two of them stood outside the hotel, their bags in hand. Gilbert had phoned from the reception desk through to speak to his father on the new line, and Cora had all but flown to the buggy in a whirlwind of excitement as soon as she heard that Anne and Gilbert were both in White Sands- although with all of the receivers down, Gilbert chose to say nothing of the reason for them being there, only saying they had caught the train from Charlottetown as a surprise. They would be picking them up soon from the address Gilbert had given them, and Anne had watched him as he spoke, a curious look on her face.
With his bags in one hand, and Anne's hand in the other, he glanced at her. "I asked Dad to pick us up from somewhere that I want to show you," he said slowly. "You're so much better than I am at believing in serendipity- in looking beyond the facts and figures. But even I find this one hard to see as anything other than kismet."
Anne gave him a startled glance. "Gilbert?"
He only smiled, as they walked up a nearby street that overlooked the ocean. They walked past tidy houses as the street rose, before the space opened out to a dark wood. The pine trees were blowing in the sea breeze, their melody haunting. To the right of the wood was a lane, and Gilbert gave her a careful look as he led her along it. A row of birch trees was on either side, and at the bend in the road, Anne stopped suddenly. Gilbert stood watching her, holding his breath. The dark wood seemed to stretch protective arms around a little house at the top of the hill, a white house with fat chimneys, and faded green shutters on the windows. She placed her bags down on the grass, and moved in wonder to the gate, where an archway of pink roses like those of Patty's Place rose above it.
He heard her murmur "sea and hill and wood-"; her tone amazed as she looked at the beauty around her. "Gilbert, what is this place?"
He had come alongside her, watching her with hesitant eyes. "It's not what it is, it's what it could be." He drew in a deep breath, his cheeks flushing. "I- I guess I first saw it a long time ago. It sounds funny to say it out loud, but it's as if I knew the place as soon as I saw it. It's what I pictured when I thought about bringing you home after- after we are married. And this morning I just wanted to look at if before I came to get you- and- I could hardly believe it myself- but it's for sale, Anne-girl."
Anne's cheeks paled, as she looked at the tidy fence. "But there is no sign now- what if-"
Gilbert placed his hands on her waist and drew her to him. "I asked them to take it down. Just until you could see it. I don't know what it's like on the inside- I don't know how much they want for it. But with the amount that we've saved together- I wondered if maybe this could be our home." Here, his voice faltered.
Anne looked at him, tears springing to her eyes. Gilbert, so practical and determined and ambitious- and she knew that when it came to her, these things fell to one side in place for the deep intuition within. Anne knew the romance and passion that beat within his heart, the things within that called to her, that yearned for knowledge and adventure and wildness- the heart that could understand her own. She kissed him tenderly under the rose covered archway, the spicy scent lingering in the air like a benediction. When she pulled away, her eyes met his with all the love she had for him.
"Then let's go see together."
With a look of sunlight on his face, Gilbert took Anne's hand in his, and together they walked up the pathway to the little house on the hill for the very first time.
The End.
* "The love of your life studying medicine is waiting for you in your office."
Beloved people!
Thank you to everyone who has been on the whole One More Day With You and When Tomorrow Comes journey with me. For those who took a chance on me from the very first chapter of Golden Days, and all those who have joined in along the way; thank you. It's been an epic journey for me, and epic in length for everyone- but it has been a wonderful learning experience. I will most likely never write anything this long again- although I loved every bit of it. I'm grateful for those who have liked my story, and I'm even more grateful for those who pushed me to make it a better one. You know who you are, lovely ladies. I hope you can recognise the characters we love in these stories, and that it's brought you pleasure along the way.
There is a song that to me was always linked to this story, called How can we see that Far, by Amy Grant. There's a wistfulness to it that I love, and thematically it's perfect- in the beginning of love we can't see what life will bring, and if we did see the extent of what could happen it we would want to run- but we can choose to go on the journey and trust that love will be enough to see us through. To me this was the journey of When Tomorrow Comes.
Now, I promised that I would tell you how it all plays out- however I'm not going to. I started OMDWY saying it would play out in a thoroughly canon manner- but as you can see, I went all AU on this AU. I won't tell you yet. Because there is a third story to be told, making this little (gigantic) story into a trilogy. Ta daa! Isn't that every writer's dream? It will feature the first year of this Anne and Gil's marriage, incorporating the time at Queens and med school. This, however won't be happening for a while. I'm going dark on here for a time because much to my surprise, there's another story in the wings that needs to come first.
I have a brand new idea.
Completely took me by surprise. And I'm so excited about it that it took an amazing amount of willpower to actually finish this one first. It was inspired by a comment that someone made, that no matter what, Anne and Gilbert would always end up together. The romantic in me can't help but agree, so I am taking yet another plunge into AU territory, with an Anne and Gilbert who never reconciled, never learned how the other one really felt. It's set six years after the events of Convocation, and the story takes place in Glen St Mary. It's going to be a very different sort of story, I hope (and a much shorter story too- for me, anyway) with an older and understandably different Anne and Gil. This Anne is very broken after the death of Marilla, and an accident that leaves her needing a new beginning far from Avonlea.
The gauntlet has been laid down. So coming soon, will be the brand new Shore of Dreams. I hope you will join me for that then.
Thank you to everyone who has left reviews, they have blessed me so much- that you take the time to do such a thing blesses my socks off- and sometimes I think some of your reviews themselves are more lovely than the chapters in question- Julie, Rebecca and Original Mcfishie, I'm talking to you….
Lastly, special thanks to Katherine-with-a-K, hecalledmeCarrots, Alinyaalethia, LizzyEastwood, Formerly known as J, and Kim Blythe (Kim, Thanks for your help with the translations to French for this chapter!) - you are beautiful writers, the lot of you- you inspire me with your stories and perspectives, you review like rock stars, and make this so very fun to do together. Thank heavens there will always be stories for us to tell.
Love to you all,