Item #: SCP-5746

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5746 is implanted with a tracking device and is currently housed at Site-17 in a standard D Class cell. SCP-5746 is allowed Class 0 site privileges with approved personnel, granted based on continued good behavior and cooperation with the Foundation personnel. Psychological tests are to be administered bi-weekly to determine SCP-5746's mental stability.

Subject's "wand" (designated SCP-5746-B) is contained in a locked safe-deposit box at Site-19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times while SCP-5746-B is within containment.

(The following information is restricted to O5 members only)

Subject's "scissors" (designated SCP-5746-C) is contained in a locked safe-deposit box at Site-██. SCP-5746-C's storage is to be guarded by ██ armed guards rotated weekly and under constant surveillance via █ security cameras. Pressure sensors are installed in the safe-deposit box to ensure item is in containment.

At no point is SCP-5746 to be in contact with SCP-5746-B or SCP-5746-C without approval of 4 Level 4 researchers and unanimous approval from the O5 members.

Description: SCP-5746 is a humanoid female with identical human features with the exception of two heart shaped birthmarks on its cheeks and wings (approximately 16 centimeters in length) on its back. SCP-5746 (formerly known as Star Butterfly) has blonde hair and blue eyes, 1.72 meters in height, 50kg in weight, and estimated to be approximately 2█ years old. Subject claims to be from another dimension called Mewni, a matriarchal society where SCP-5746 is to be the heir to the throne.

SCP-5746-B is a purple, rattle-like object with a reflective golden star in the center. SCP-5746-B has no anomalous features for all persons aside from SCP-5746. When in contact with SCP-5746, SCP-5746-B's star will begin to glow. SCP-5746-B at this moment has reality bending properties and responds to its owner's will via vocal commands.

SCP-5746-C is a pair of scissors made of unidentified materials. SCP-5746-C has the ability to tear open portals to other dimensions by cutting the space in front of it. The destination and duration of the portals created by SCP-5746-C seems random. See Addendum 5746-A for test results.

SCP-5746 is relatively reserved and refuses to share information about itself, however its cooperation and personality greatly improves when researcher Dr. ████ Diaz is in its presence. For this reason, Dr. Diaz is assigned to be SCP-5746's primary handler. Should any personal feelings develop for SCP-5746, Dr. Diaz is to be administered Class-A amnesiacs and reassigned to a different division.

Interview 5746-1

Interviewed: SCP-5746

Interviewer: Dr. Diaz

Note: Undercover Foundation agent witnessed an unconscious woman, now identified as SCP-5746, fall from a portal nearby. The Foundation agent brought it into a nearby safehouse before it was transferred to Site-17. First interview with SCP-5746.

[Begin Log]

Dr. Diaz: Glad to see you're awake now. How are you feeling?

SCP-5746: ...What's… going on?

Dr. Diaz: I'm sure this is all very confusing for you. We're not here to hurt you. We just want to ask you a few questions about yourself.

SCP-5746: ...Am I in trouble?

Dr. Diaz: No, no, not at all. Like I said, we just want to ask you some questions. Is that alright? (SCP-5746 does not respond) Well, let's start off with an easy one. My name is ████ Diaz... What's your name?

SCP-5746: ...Star Butterfly.

Dr. Diaz: Star… That's a nice name… And, uh, where are you from?

SCP-5746: Mewni.

Dr. Diaz: Er... where?

SCP-5746: Mewni… It's… a pretty well known place where I'm from.

Dr. Diaz: Hm… Well, I was never really that good at geography. Can you name any neighboring countries around Mewni?

SCP-5746: Um… I… don't really know… I guess the closest dimension is [REDACTED].

Dr. Diaz: I'm sorry, did you say dimension?

SCP-5746: Y-yeah… it's… have you never been to another dimension?

Dr. Diaz: Well… I guess you can say the Foundation has some experience with dimension hopping…

SCP-5746: When can I go home?


SCP-5746: It's gone?

Dr. Diaz: That's right.

SCP-5746: Then… I'm stuck here in your dimension…

Dr. Diaz: I'm afraid so.

SCP-5746: Then… may I… stay here…?

Dr. Diaz: Huh… that's surprising.

SCP-5746: What is?

Dr. Diaz: Usually people want to leave the Foundation as soon as possible.

SCP-5746: I don't have anywhere else to go now… and… you're a kind man.

Dr. Diaz: ...If you only knew...