AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey, everybody! Welcome to my story! This is my first Blue Bloods story, so be gentle. ;) Chapter two will be coming soon! Please review and thank you for reading!


I DO NOT OWN BLUE BLOODS OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS. No copyright infringement intended.



Two days. It had been two days since Jamie had heard from Eddie. She had banged in sick two days in a row, and the knot in Jamie's stomach was getting bigger by the second.

Something was wrong. He knew it.

He called her on and off all day on the first day, and the second it was more frequent. He had left probably thirty voicemails. But now, Jamie was done waiting around. He had to make sure she was okay, and he would break into her apartment if he had to.

The last time she hadn't answered her phone and had banged in sick, Eddie had opened her apartment door to him and her face was covered in nasty bruises and bloody cuts. That bastard Jake Singer had tried to rape her, but Eddie had fought back. He silently prayed as he grabbed his keys and ran out to his car that this wouldn't be a situation as bad as that one was.

For the past few weeks, whenever Jamie and Eddie worked together, Eddie had seemed distant and withdrawn. Whenever Jamie tried to push, Eddie waved him off and gave him an "I'm okay" smile that convinced absolutely nobody.

The drive to Eddie's apartment felt like it took an hour, but in reality it only added up to less than half of that. Jamie's heart pounded as he walked the hallway, and it was beating faster the closer he got to her door. The feeling that something was wrong was with him every single step of the way.

Jamie took a deep breath before raising his fist and knocking lightly on the door, hoping if she was asleep that he wouldn't scare her to death. He heard nothing, so he knocked again, louder this time. The knot in his stomach now felt like a boulder, and his heart pounded painfully against his ribcage. He put his ear to the door, and that was when he heard it.


That was it. "Eddie!" Jamie yelled, prepared to shove the door open if she didn't answer. "Eddie, it's me. Open up!" But she didn't open up, and the whimpering got louder. That was all the reason he needed. Jamie swiftly shoved his body into the door, and it opened easily.

Eddie's apartment was pitch dark, and it took Jamie's eyes a minute to adjust, but when they did, what he saw turned his blood to ice in his veins. Eddie was laying on the couch, half naked, staring straight ahead, her face drenched in tears and bruises and vicious lacerations. There were bruises and cuts all over her legs and arms, and her hair was matted with something he didn't want to identify. It didn't even look like Eddie.

And she wasn't looking at him. The whimpering had stopped, and she was staring at the wall in front of her, her normally sparkling eyes now wild and haunted. When Jamie finally spoke, it sounded like a bullet in the silence that filled Eddie's apartment. "Eddie? What happened?" He approached her slowly, his hands up, not wanting to alarm her.

Something awful had happened. The look on her face as he got closer chilled him to the bone.

Eddie said nothing, and Jamie finally got close enough to get down on his knees in front of her. Without thinking, he put his hand on her leg, and she jumped a mile with a whimper. He could tell from the look on her face that she'd been through pure hell, and he was determined to find out what had happened.

"Okay, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," Jamie said, rubbing his hands gently up and down her bruised legs. "Eddie, I need you to tell me what happened."

And just like that, Eddie Janko fell apart in front of him. Her face crumpled and tears came pouring out of her eyes, and she shook her head frantically. Whatever happened had torn her apart, and the thought ignited a rage in him that he hadn't felt since Jake Singer. He wanted to know what had happened, but at the same time, he didn't.

"I'm going to sit beside you, okay?" Jamie stated, and Eddie said nothing once again. She just continued to cry, and Jamie gently dropped down on the couch beside her, scooting enough to the other end that she didn't feel trapped. Eddie's face was buried in between her knees now, and her body shook with her cries. Jamie rubbed her back softly, and she didn't flinch away.

They sat there like that for a bit, with Eddie crying her eyes out and Jamie rubbing her back and whispering to her. Jamie slowly scooted closer, and wrapped one arm around her back as her crying slowed to a whimper, and eventually to nothing at all.

"Eddie, who did this to you?" Jamie asked as silence surrounded them again. He grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around Eddie's shoulders, trying to make her feel less exposed. "Who hurt you?"

Eddie tried to take a deep breath before she finally spoke, and just breathing made her whimper. Jamie jumped and put his hand on her back again. "What hurts?"

"Ribs," Eddie muttered, and her voice was hoarse. She sounded like she'd been screaming for hours, and the thought made Jamie sick. "He tried to kill me."

He tried to kill me. The words bounced around in Jamie's head and a lump formed in his throat. "Who, Eddie? Who tried to kill you?" he asked her quietly but insistently.

"He'll kill me if I say anything. I'm so sorry," Eddie said tearfully, shaking her head.

She unexpectedly dropped her head to Jamie's shoulder, and Jamie put his hand on her head and stroked her hair. "I won't let him hurt you again, but I need you to tell me who it is, Eddie. Please. I want to help you."

Eddie chin quivered, but she finally gave him what he wanted. Her answer was quiet, but it was there. "His name was Brian. I met him after tour Wednesday night."

"Did he…" Jamie couldn't even say the word rape. But Eddie knew what he meant, and when her face crumpled again and her head dropped, he knew. Eddie had been raped, and Jamie had never wanted to kill anybody so badly. Not even Jake Singer.

"Eddie, I'm so sorry," was all Jamie could say.

Eddie shook with sobs again, and Jamie gently pulled her into his side. Eventually, the crying stopped again, and Eddie was beginning to doze off in his arms. He knew then it was time to act. "I'm so tired," Eddie muttered, her eyes half-mast.

Jamie stroked her hair and wrapped the blanket tighter around her. "I know you are, but I need you to get dressed. I'm taking you to the hospital."

His statement immediately elicited a "No!" and a whimper from Eddie, and Jamie's hands went to her face, stroking her cheeks gently with his thumbs.

"Eddie, hey. It's okay. It's going to be okay. I promise," Jamie assured her. "I need you to get dressed. I'm taking you to the hospital to get you checked out and have them perform a rape kit."

Eddie shook her head violently as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I can't."

"Yes, you can," Jamie said, stroking her hair. That's when he felt it. There was a bump on the back of Eddie's head so big that he wondered why he hadn't felt it before now. "I'll be with you the whole time. I'm not going anywhere. Okay?"

"It's not too late?" Eddie asked brokenly, but there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Jamie shook his head and stood up off the couch. "No, it's not. They can recover evidence up to 72 hours after… the attack." The rape. Jamie still couldn't say it. "I'm assuming it happened Wednesday night?"

Eddie merely nodded and said, "And into Thursday morning."

Once again, Jamie couldn't speak. He could picture her in her apartment, naked and beaten and bruised, all alone and crying, and it made him sick.

"Let's just get this over with," Eddie said, looking down at the floor as Jamie helped her up off the couch.

Jamie watched his partner carefully. She took four steps, and he was holding onto her elbow for every one of them. He followed her to her bedroom and held her arm to help her keep her balance as she slipped into her sweats. She yanked a t-shirt over her head, but not before Jamie caught sight of the bright red lashes all over her back. She looked like she'd been tortured. He pushed the thought away for now. He couldn't stand to think about what she'd been through, though he knew he'd find out eventually.

Eddie pulled a jacket over her shoulders, flinching from pain as she did so, and she bent over to pull on her shoes when a wave of dizziness hit her, unlike anything she'd ever felt.

Everything went black, and Jamie caught her before she hit the ground.