" Turn to page 394." Severus said as the students eye Snape with guarded curiosity, Draco finishes scrawling something on a bit of parchment and balls it up in his hands. As he opens them, a moth flutters from his palms.

" Excuse me, sir, but... where's Professor Lupin?" Harry questioned seeing Severus and Julianne waved at him

" That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time Page 394. Severus said waving the moth away, blows out a candle and a slide show begins .

An ancient woodcut of a horrific beast flickers at the front of the room. Ron frowns down at his book.

" Werewolves?" Ron asked as he saw the page and Julianne smiled at her Papa

" But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks." Hermione said as Severus looked at her and Harry turned around

" Quiet!" Severus yelled at Hermione and Ron jumped a little bit

" When did she come in? Did you see her come in." Ron asked Harry and Julianne glared at Ron

" Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?" Severus asked as Julianne looked at him and she looked at the silde

As the class stares mutely at a slide of an attacking werewolf, Hermione waiting desperately for someone to respond to Snape's question, the moth flutters by Harry. Swat! He pins it to his desk. A tiny cloud of moth dust mushrooms into the air and Harry lifts his palm. Draco s parchment has reappeared.

"No one? How... disappointing." Severus asked as Hermione rose her hand and Julianne looked at her

" Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind." Hermione said as Draco lets out a low howl and Julianne looked at him with curiosity

" Quiet, Malfoy! Though one must admit to feeling your pain. That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Tell me. Are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" Severus asked Hermoine and Julianne felt bad for her

" He's got a point, you know. " Ron said whispering to Harry and Harry stares at the parchment. Malfoy has drawn a crude caricature of Harry in his Quidditch robes being struck by lighting over and over.

"Five points from Gryffindor! As a antidote to your ignorance, I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning, with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it. Passing notes, Potter?" Severus snatches the drawing from under Harry's nose he eyes it

" Not exactly Picasso, are you? I hope you demonstrate more talent on the Quidditch pitch this weekend then you do as an artist If not, I fear you'll perish, given the weather forecast. Until that time, however, you'll forgive me if I don't let you off homework. Should you die, I assure you... you need not hand it in." As Severus said turns away, Draco sniggers with Crabbe, Goyle and Julianne. Harry glances down at the drawing once more

After everyone leave Julianne stays behind to help Professor Snape clean up the classroom. Severus picked up the books and then looked at Julianne.

" Julianne I need to tell you something." Severus said as she stopped and looked at him

" Yes Papa?" Julianne asked as he motioned her to sit down and she sat down

Severus sat down to he looked at her. Severus felt his heart beating fast and she looked at him with James's eye's.

" Julianne you remember when I told you that you weren't my real daughter?" Severus asked as she looked at him and sighed

" Yes I remember Papa." Julianne as she hoped he wouldn't bring that up anymore and he looked at her

Severus knew it was the right thing to do now that she was older and hopefully won't yell at him.

" Julianne your are the daughter of Tom Riddle better known as the dark lord, But your also the daughter of James Potter." Severus said as Julianne's eyes widen and her jaw dropped open

" No way in hell I'm Harry Potter's sister! That asshole's friend made fun of you Papa." Julianne said as Severus's jaw dropped at her fowl language and stood up

Severus grabbed her arm and marched in his private quarters. Julianne knew she went to far and tried to escape her Papa's grip.

" Papa please I'm sorry please don't spank me please daddy." Julianne pleaded and he shot her a glare that made her shut up

" Julianne Tamantha Snape you know better then to cuss at me young lady." Severus said as Julianne pulled again and he swatted her bottom once

Julianne whimpered she didn't want a spanking. Julianne pulled away freeing herself and ran from Severus who was right on her tail.

Severus caught her and got to the quarters. Julianne covered her bottom and fearing the worst.

" Please no daddy." Julianne said as tears flowed down and Severus sat down

" Look at me. Julianne I am very disappointed in you. You know your not allowed to cuss at me. You will receive a bare spanking with my belt." Severus said as Julianne sobbed and Severus frowned she was already crying yet he hadn't touched her

Severus sighed maybe a bare spanking with just his hand will do. He bent her over his knee, moving her hands, lowed her skirt and panties. Severus spanked her and after the spanking he lifted her up after placing her clothes back.

" Shhhh, it's over my beautiful daughter." Severus said as Julianne sniffed and hugged Severus

" I'm sorry daddy." Julianne said as Severus kissed her forehead and hugs her

Severus held her close and tears flowed down his face. He knew the dark lord would return to take away his little girl and Julianne would hage to make a decision.

author's note: I'm playing catch up on this story.