My name is Rika. I am the founder of Rika's Fundraising Association or RFA. Together with my fiancé, V, we both led this group with our members Jumin, Zen, Jaehee, Yoosung, Saeyoung and Saeran. Our group hosts extravagant parties that invite various elites in the country. All proceeds would go to various charities group to assist them in any way possible. This is the vision I had for RFA, however, that is not all. I made this group for personal reasons and for that, I pray for your understanding but not for your forgiveness.

When this group started, what I wanted was to help people around me and make sure that they all have a chance of a normal life. A life that was taken from me as a child. You see, I got adopted when I was 16 years old. My adoptive parents were careful around me, I guess because they knew the incident before I was in their home. This story is something I haven't shared with anyone yet because if I did, the person dearest to me would be in danger and I cannot let that happen. If you're reading this, then there's a chance that I am already gone from this world so I ask of you, to please protect that person in my place. Please protect that person since I cannot do it anymore. Please make sure that that person will live a happy and long life. If you could do that for me, then I will be eternally grateful.


Today was such a long day. Walking around the big city looking for a possible part-time job is already tiring enough but to actually not get one is the worst. I deeply sigh adjusting the face mask around my mouth. I wish they would just accept my reason that I am extremely sensitive but without any medical record or proof from the doctor… I guess they wouldn't buy that reason at all. I look at my watch and notice that it's almost midnight. "Oh no, I haven't had dinner yet from all the job interviews I went" I rush back to my apartment. Closing the door, I look at the strange box that I received a few days ago.

I originally grew up in the suburbs, far from the city but since I graduated from high school, I've been meaning to support myself to remove the burden from my parents. They're very kind and warm, and would probably support me but I don't want to burden them any longer that's why I decided to come to Seoul on my own to continue my education while working as well but because of my unique condition, it's a bit difficult to find one. I sigh deeply once more. Maybe I should just remove the mask? I shook my head vigorously. "No. No. No. No. I already promised my parents I won't do reckless stuff like that anymore." I went to the kitchen to check the fridge for any food, "Oh no… I forgot to buy some groceries. I hope the convenience store is still open," I quickly put my mask on and grabbed my other stuff in a rush. The convenience store will close in a few minutes. At least let me buy some sandwich or meat bun.

I see the convenience store and it's still open. "Thank goodness," I muttered and rushed inside. I quickly picked up some bread, a warm drink and some other snacks. I went to the counter since the cashier looked like he wasn't going to wait for me when it's closing time and it was almost midnight, which is the closing time. I dropped everything I picked on the counter and the cashier clicked his tongue. Jerk. As he placed everything in plastic bag and I started counting my change, I heard a phone ring. I ignored since it didn't sound familiar at all until the cashier angrily told me, "Hey, lady. Why don't you answer your phone? It's so annoying and it's been ringing nonstop already." My phone? He's right! The ringing noise came from my bag, I checked and saw the phone that was on that strange package I got a few days ago. I must have grabbed it by accident when I was in a hurry. Since the cashier looked so angry, I quickly answered the phone and saw a message. What?

[Chat with Unknown]
[Unknown]: Hello, can you see this message?
[Me]: Yes, I can. Who is this? Why did you send me this phone?
[Unknown]: I'm so happy you finally opened this phone. I was worried that you were never going to reply. I've been trying to get in touch with you for the longest time but you seem to ignore my messages. I'm glad that you responded before the batteries ran out. Umm… I know about your condition and I would like to talk to you about it. Can we meet up? I have the address here so you just need to go there.
[Me]: An address?
[Unknown]: I know I sound very suspicious and creepy but I really would like to meet you and talk about your condition. So you could you please come over?
[Me]: I don't know… you did say you sound very suspicious and I really don't trust you. How did you find out about my address in the first place?
[Unknown]: I'll tell you all about it when you we see each other so please? I'm honestly not dangerous at all.
[Me]: Fine but I am leaving right away at the first sign of danger. Do I have to go there now? It's already midnight. Why can't I go there in the morning?
[Unknown]: True but if you go there by the morning, you won't get to meet everyone. Please come. Here's the address.

I placed the phone inside my bag, grabbed the food I purchased and went out. The address doesn't seem too far, that's good but… it's on the rich side of the city. I felt my stomach flip. The message also gave me the Apartment number and I found it easily. It's pretty big. I ring the doorbell and nobody answered. I grabbed the phone and started sending that person a message.

[Me]: I'm here. I rang the doorbell but nobody answered. I should come back tomorrow.

I heard the door unlock and at the same time the phone beeped.

[Unknown]: I opened it now. Please go inside. We can talk once you're inside.

I hesitated for a moment, "I am leaving right away at the first sign of danger," I told myself and poked my head inside. "Hello?" No response. It's really dark too. I go inside the lights automatically turn on, the door closed and locked. I grabbed the knob and tried to pull it as hard as I could. I hear some buzzing and look back to the room, a computer? I approach it and see some information. The phone in my hand rang again suddenly that I dropped it on the ground, I quickly checked the messages.

[Unknown]: Please stay safe in here until everything is finished.

The phone started buzzing again and something else popped out. An application and it seems there are active people in it.

[Chat 00:00]

What the hell is this? They're talking nonsensical things but they appear to be close with one another if they can easily mock each other that way. Ah, someone noticed that I am on their chat group. Is this messenger exclusive? They're quite hyper in the chat room… and too relaxed. I find a place to sit while these people talk with each other. Finally, this person called Zen asks

[Zen]: Maybe, one of my fans?
[Me]: My name is Lulu. Who are you all and what is this place?
[707]: Lol so awkward.
[707]: I thought it was a computer talking

What the hell are these talking about? I'm locked inside this apartment and the person who told me to come here left me this cryptic message. They're quite easy going and now introducing themselves. Zen is an actor and he is 24 years old. Ah… he also posted a photo of himself, "Narcissist…" I giggled a bit. Jaehee seems to like Zen. Seven introduces himself but not much. He just says his nickname is 707and that his real name is secret. I am curious now. Ah, he mentioned Zen's real name, Hyun Ryu. That sounds very normal. Jaehee is commenting that Seven has a very unique now… "I am very curious now," I giggle some more. Aaah… they're bickering now because of Seven abusing Jumin's cat. Jumin seems to be the elite type, oh. He's a company heir, he's more than an elite type. Oh god, they type so quickly are they really worried about my trespassing? They seem to take everything so well. They're now asking how I got inside the apartment.

[Me]: Someone by the name of Unknown told me come here because they had something to discuss with me. Do you know that person?
[707]: Discuss?
[Jumin]: Unknown?

Ah, there they go again. They're talking about a hacker that led me here, that sounds pretty serious. I can't have any eyes on me at all. Seven says he's going to try and trace the person who led me here. He seems tech-savvy, I like him. I smile. Now they're talking about another person… V? I look around the room and find some random things. I don't understand it but this place makes me feel… sentimental. I wonder who used to live here. Seven is calling this V person.

[707]: lookedintoownerofdevice
[707]: she'scutelol

I dropped the phone and looked around me frantically. I instinctively covered my face. How did he see my face? I made sure to cover my face more properly with the mask. I grabbed the phone again and saw V's name. He just logged on the chat room. What a strong charisma to the group. They're somewhat behaving now but Yoosung sounds hostile towards V. It seems this apartment's address is a secret to everyone but V and Seven, that actually sounds a bit better. V is asking me not to reveal the address to others, well I can't get out anyway so I have to tell him that one too. I am locked inside. I need to go home and get ready for tomorrow.

[Me]: V, I need to talk to you privately. Please call me.
[V]: I understand. I also need to talk to you so I will go there and personally explain everything to you. Please wait for a bit since I need to prepare some things.
[V]: I am guessing you don't have food and clothes there, right?
[Me]: Yes.
[V]: Luciel, let me borrow some of your clothes. Lulu needs them.
[707]: My clothes?! MY CLOTHES?!
[Me]: It's only for tonight, right?
[V]: We'll talk about that. Luciel I will be coming over now.

He logged out lightning fast. I don't know how to respond to that. I guess that's fine. While waiting for V, everyone in the chat started talking about the previous owner of this apartment and what this application was about. Apparently these people belong to a group called RFA and they hold these parties for a good cause. Rika… that names sound so familiar to me. V told me to stay put but I was getting hungry so I walked around the room looking for something to use for my food. First, I removed the mask from my face and I could finally breathe properly again. I tied my hair in a ponytail and started looking around the kitchen. This Rika person doesn't have any kettle… I want to cook my cup noodles. I sighed. Well, at least I have bread and some juice. I sit down on the sofa and started munching on my extremely late dinner. It's almost 1am and still no news from V. Should I even wait for him, well… it's not like I have much of a choice since I am locked inside here.

I took my time getting to know the apartment. It's a very nice apartment, definitely A+. It's a shame nobody lives here now. I went to the bathroom and it was huge. The bedroom is close to the bathroom and the bathroom is in between the kitchen and dining table. The computer is at the living room and is facing the kitchen. The living room is quite simple. There's no TV or radio too. I was about to check the bedroom again when I heard the door unlock. I ran towards it and see a man enter with some plastic and bags.

"V?" I assumed and he made this big brother smile at me. "You must be Lulu. I'm so sorry for being late. I tried to get as many items as I could to make your stay here comfortable." I start to fidget, "Umm… V, I can't stay here," I start but he raised his hand to keep me quiet. "I know you can't but you're finally here so I cannot let you leave," he said quietly. He went inside the house and started turning on the other lights. He came so naturally that I completely forgot that I wasn't wearing my mask and just as I was about to wear them, he says, "There's no need for that," V said. Does he know about my condition too? I put the mask on my pocket, "You said finally… did you send me that package?" I asked. "No, but I do know who sent it." He started arranging the food he brought on the fridge and the cabinets. "That's a lot of food…" I commented and he made a small smile, "Well, I need to take care of you or else the person that invited you over will kill me," he replied. Finally, he finished arranging everything and turned towards me with the bag. "I'm sorry that we have nothing that could fit you but if you could bear with this for the time being," he says handing me bag full of clothes. I pull one out and it's a hoodie with some yellow circles and lines around it.

"A hoodie?" I asked checking the other clothes. A black tank top, a red long sleeve, a white shirt… the size fits me but they're too big. "Those belong to Luciel." V informs me and my hands just automatically dropped them while I felt my face starting to burn up. I am wearing a man's clothes, "I…"

"You don't have to wear them if you don't want but I am sure you will be uncomfortable with your clothes. It's only temporary anyway and Luciel's place was closest from here." He explains but I can't stop myself from being embarrassed. "I… I suppose you're right but," I grab one and hold it close to my face, "Why is it very warm and smells so sweet?" V looks like I caught him off guard with that question. "Oh… that's because he panicked when I told him you will borrow his clothes for the time being and he started pulling all his clean clothes and rewashed them quickly. He also put his best cologne on them so won't feel disgusted wearing them. That's also the reason why I was late. I apologize." V explained. I giggled learning that. I haven't seen nor met Seven yet but I think I can imagine how he would fluster over borrowed clothes. "Seven's so cute." I muttered and V smiled at that.

"So, about you coming over here," V's tone became serious that I automatically tensed up, "l'm sure you have many questions about it. I am here to answer them but not all of them." He sat down on the sofa and looked at straight in the eye. I'm thankful that I was holding Seven's jacket and that he washed them again, it feels like he's beside me and this warmth from his jacket is giving me a bit of reassurance that V isn't dangerous… like them. "I got this letter with my complete name and new address. I don't live from around here, in fact I moved in recently maybe around 3 weeks ago. I got that letter 5 days ago in my new address… have you been watching me?" He bowed his before answering, "Rika did."

"Rika? You mean the owner of this apartment?"
"I can't answer that question but I can tell you she only wants you to be safe and happy."
"I…" he sighs deeply and bows his head lower, "I can't answer that too." I hold on to Seven's jacket tighter. "Is someone watching you?" He raised his head and looked at me again, "No but there will be consequences if I were to answer those questions. Are you ready for those?"


"Then, I can't answer those questions." I paused for a moment, deciding on what my next question would be. "Then… tell me about Rika." He obviously didn't expect that since his eyes widened a bit.

"Rika… she's the one who co-founded this organization and recruited the members. She hated seeing people suffer and due to her difficult childhood, she wanted to make sure that whatever she went through won't be experienced by another person."

"Difficult childhood?"

"Her biological parents died when she was young and she was adopted at a rather later age."

"That's it?" I didn't mean to sound so rude but I guess I sounded that way because V sounds like I insulted him. "No, that's not it but that's all I can tell you for now." I just realized something while talking to him. It's worth a try, I flip my hair back and look at him more seriously this time but before I could ask him my next question, he cuts me off, "It won't work on me." He stands up and gives me a pat on the head.

He knows what I am and what I can do.

"Is that why Rika brought me here?"
"Yes among other things."
"Then, please tell me! Tell me how to get rid of it! I'm tired of having this. Why me? I don't want this anymore. I want to be normal!" He looks at me sadly then lowers his head, "I'm sorry but I don't know how but if you stay with us, we will protect you as much to our abilities."

"I don't want to be protected… I want to be free! Please, let me be normal! I want to be normal!" I begged him and he looked at me so sadly. His face was in so much pain that my tears started to pour out, "Please…" I whispered. He gathered me in his arms and tightly embraced me as he apologized over and over. A few minutes after, I managed to calm down and he made me wear Seven's jacked then made some warm tea for both of us.

"Seven's jacket is big" I tried to do some small talk so that we wouldn't be awkward. He giggled, "He's a big boy." A big boy, huh? I hugged myself while being wrapped in Seven's jacket, it smells so good then I heard a click. I looked up and saw V with a camera out. "I'm a photographer. Sorry, but I instinctively take photos when I see something wonderful." He handed me the tea, "Did I look pretty?" He chuckled and showed it to me, "You looked like a potato!" He was right! "AH! Delete it! I look very bad!" I went after his camera but he raised his hand all the way up. What the hell… this guy is huge! "That's not fair!" He patted my head, "Now, now. The photo is charming in a way so don't worry. I never take bad photos." He pushes me back and puts the camera inside his jacket. "Have you calmed down? Let's continue our conversation."

He asks me to sit down on the sofa and he sits beside me. "I will tell you everything I can. Eventually, you will learn about everything on your own and I hope that when you do, we will still be able to have this conversation. I also… have a selfish request to ask of you. I hope you don't mind it." He sounded so serious again that all I could do was nod my head. "Okay, first Rika and I founded this organization to help the less fortunate people. We've only hosted a few parties but the recent ones were more extravagant with high profile guests. We managed to get the attention of the world both good and bad. Along the way, Rika became obsessed with something and she started to work harder on the parties. Eventually she revealed to me a bit of it. She was looking for you."

My heart started to beat quickly. Rika… why does that name sound so nostalgic.

"I already said before that I can't tell you why but she was looking for you, and she worked like the devil was after her. You could say that she succeeded because you're here now with us but Rika… is missing."

"What? But in the chatroom everyone said that she was just-"

"Yes, they don't know so please don't tell them. If they know she's missing, they would do anything within their power to locate her and everything Rika had worked hard for would be for nothing so please don't tell them. This is… one of the favors I ask of you." I didn't agree not disagree. I just hugged myself tighter, feeling a bit of comfort from Seven's jacket.

"You have more favors to ask me?"

"Just one more."

"What is it?"

"Please start hosting our RFA parties. Take over Rika's job and be our new hostess."

"You want me to use my abilities?"

"What if I don't want to?"
"Then you will never know the reason why Rika asked you to come here."

"That doesn't make any sense."
"Rika used the parties to search for you. She invited high profile guests to find information about you but now she is missing and you are here. If we continue to host these parties, we should be able to get information about Rika and her whereabouts and she can answer all your questions about being normal again and why she's brought you here."

"I see but I don't want to meet people."

"You don't have to. The other members of RFA will search for potential guests and all you have to do is communicate with them via emails. Convince them to come to our party. Your abilities don't work if they can't see nor hear you, right?"

He knows it. Why does he know so much about this? But I have to trust him for the time being, "I understand. I'll do it." He reaches out his hand and offers a hand shake to seal the deal. Hesitant for a moment, he grabs my hand first and firmly shook it. "Welcome to RFA, Lulu."

I actually did it! I have started my main fanfiction! To be honest, it's been awhile since I made a long one so please bear with me. I am trying to make sure that I cover everything and there won't be any loopholes but I would like to have your honest opinion. I know this chapter is a bit dragging and not much action, but I promise you there would be more on the next chapter. I have really thought about this fanfiction for some time and I really want to make it very good because 707 deserves all the happiness in the world! I hope that this first chapter won't bore you and that you would continue to read after this one. I am almost done with the next chapter so please look forward to more 707 x MC's love story! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧