I wanted to wake up like some sort of fairy tale. The morning after Tweek and I made it official, in each other's arms, with the morning light waking us. I'd make us breakfast and he'd wear my clothes.

Instead I wake up to Tweek stirring because I'm practically crushing him. Not exactly the most romantic. And when I give him some space, he pulls away completely. What a bitch move. It's colder now, without him and since he woke up, I'm supposed to wake up but, I wanted to sleep in today. With him. Fucker. I don't know what time it is but I know it's early. And we were fucking cuddling. I flip over to insure he knows I'm gonna continue sleeping. But, then, I hear a click and the sound of pills rattling. My curiosity gets the best of me and I flip back over and peek out of one eye.

Tweek's taking the pills with water, I never saw him get. My eyes can't help but scan over him. His hair is messy and he's not wearing anything so his hip peeks out from the blanket. He scratches at his face. Fuck.

I hook him around the waist and pull him back over. "Morning," I kiss the side of his ass. He's so cute. This all belongs to me now. It's hard to believe. I go over it in my mind a hundred times because we had drinks and smoked so, maybe I did dream it all up.

Startled, Tweek spills some of his pills onto the bed. He calls me an asshole and says, "You couldn't have waited until I was done with this?"

"Sorry," I tell him, snuggling further into his thigh. He begins collecting the ones that fell. "What are those?"

"Pills," he says.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, but, what are they for?"

"I don't know, Craig. I'm not gonna like, list off my disorders for you," he says. "I need to take them so, I do."

Fair enough. He said disorders. Plural. Well then, I shouldn't try to guess what they are either. Not that I know anything about that stuff. It was probably rude of me to ask. I figured I could, now that I'm his boyfriend. "How long have you been taking them?" Boyfriend.

"A while. They change," he says, before catching himself. "What?" he asks. "Why are you bombarding me with questions so early?" He picks up the last pill. It's one that fell on me. It tickles.

"You always seem so put together. It's hard to believe you struggle with something like that," I tell him. I'm slowly falling back asleep, with my arm still around him and my face resting against his skin. I'm very content as he isn't objecting this at all. He must be in a good mood.

"Can't you say that about anyone?" he says, twisting the cap shut and putting the bottle away. With much difficulty thanks to me, holding him.

"I guess," I sigh as if he's the one inconveniencing me. "But, you're more surprising…"

Tweek mumbles a, what is that supposed to mean? I don't respond, resting peacefully. Tweek always does well. It doesn't matter what he's doing. He's kind of like Token in that annoying way. I guess it's hard to imagine Tweek depressed or anxious or anything besides his general pissed off. He's mostly indifferent so it's surprising to find out he takes medication to maintain himself.

What does that even mean? I wonder if it's mood related. "Sorry, if that was rude to ask."

"It was incredibly rude," he tells me. When I peek out of one of my eyes again to check his sincerity, he shrugs. "You can ask whatever you want." I don't think Tweek means this either. It's better translated to, you're gonna ask whatever you want. Which is correct. It's not like he's gonna answer.

"How come you don't want to talk about your medication?"

"How come you won't stop bothering me about it?" he counters.

"I'm curious," I tell him. I want to know as much about Tweek as I can. Especially since, currently, my knowledge is very limited and unreliable. "If you're popping pills, shouldn't I know about it? What if something happens to you and people are asking me questions?"

"What the fuck?" he says. "That wouldn't happen." He's right but I was trying to make a point. "And don't say I'm popping pills."

"There's no real reason I should know but if it's something I can help you with, I want to," I try. Just because he doesn't look like he's struggling, it can't be easy.

Tweek stares at me with narrowed eyes like he's annoyed with me. Fine, I'll let it go. I think he's making it a bigger deal than it is. It's fine if he takes medication, it doesn't have to be some crazy personal thing. "Even if I told you the name, you wouldn't know what it was."

"Then what's it for."

"You're nosy." Tweek mutters with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm just curious." I shrug. "You're not exactly an open book."

Tweek thinks. He looks off the side. "To put it simply, anxiety stuff, depression stuff, bipolar stuff…" He shrugs. "Oh, and what I take to go to sleep." I blink up at him. "But it's not like I'm, 'struggling' like you said. I'm fine. I don't need help or anything. It's totally maintainable."

"I believe you…" I tell him.

His brows furrow. "Then stop fucking staring at me like that," he snaps. "What are you doing anyways? Get off me. We're supposed to study, remember?"

Well, I figured I could do this too now. And so far, I'm right. But once again, Tweek disturbs my peace. Displeased, I turn my face into his thigh. He starts laughing, "Stop," he says, grabbing me. "That tickles." I take in a deep breath and blow a loud, wet raspberry. Tweek starts screaming, shoving my face away. It hurts but, I grab him, attacking his sides. Tweek laughing is the best.

Tweek tries to fend me off but once we start wrestling, he argues we're naked and it's weird. So, he gives up and I pin him.

"You're into kinky shit though." I say, holding myself over him.

"Not when it's nine in the morning."

"Is it that early?"

"That's not that early, Craig." Tweek looks disappointed. "If we don't do the study guide. I'm gonna fail, for sure."

"We'll finish it," I promise. "Even if we don't finish today, we have all day tomorrow. It's only a couple of pages." He doesn't say anything. "What? You don't believe me?"

"I mean look at us right now, Craig," he points out. "Plus, you said you wanted to study but now, I feel like you only invited me over to mess around."

"That's bullshit. Yesterday, you started it."

"You started it with the drinking and shit."

I wanna argue, we can do the packet and have fun. But, he's kind of right so, I'll stop. "Fine. We'll finish it today. We can just work on it until we're done." I sigh again. I know he's right but that doesn't make it any easier. I want to sleep some more and make out with him and eat and definitely shower. We both should. That thing's like ten pages long, it'll take forever to get done.

Tweek pushes me over and sits up. I don't want to get up and I don't want to let him go. I compromise, sitting up and then draping myself over him instead.

"What the fuck, Craig?" Tweek complains, supporting me. "You're too heavy for this shit!" I kiss in between his shoulder and his neck. "You just said…" he trails off, involuntarily tilting his head so more of it shows. I make out with Tweek's neck, leaving a few hickeys on his shoulder before letting out a giant yawn and stretch. Then, I get up, leaving him on the bed. He looks disoriented. I snicker, feeling accomplished.

I grab some clothes from my dresser. "We should shower and eat breakfast first."

"Of course," he says, looking anywhere but at me. I think it's because I'm naked. Weirdo. "I have to shower again because you're a piece of trash that doesn't know how to use a condom." He didn't call me shit. He did call me trash though. Is this really something I should be this happy about?

"Sorry about that," I tell him. "I was, in the moment." He gives me a look that says, bullshit. "C'mon," I try. "Doesn't it feel better for you too?" Tweek's glare darkens so, I retreat. "Okay, I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

He sighs, "I didn't say you couldn't do it again." He says, "Just, next time, don't come inside…"

I flush at his candidness. "Right. Sorry…" Is he doing this on purpose?

"Yeah, so if you don't mind, I'm gonna go first."

"We could shower together," I suggest. Tweek gives me one more glare and flicks me off before exiting with his stuff. I guess not.

I grab my stuff and head to my parents bathroom to shower. That was weird. I thought it was weird that he didn't get angry earlier too. I think if Tweek's usually at a level 6, today feels like he's at a level 2. It's only jarring because I've never seen him below a 3.

He's acting a little bit different but he's slowly been doing that anyways. That's why I couldn't stand that we weren't together. If we were gonna be dating anyways, why couldn't we date? If he was gonna be doing cute shit like sneaking into bed while I'm sleeping to cuddle with me, why couldn't we just date?

So, I just said it. Tipsy, high, and half asleep. But I had a thought that it would just work out. Like, maybe everyone was right about Tweek liking me. I don't know though… Tweek seemed confused with himself. I wish he'd have told me what the issue was. It makes me feel like he only said yes for selfish reasons.

Ah… I scrub my head harder. These are not thoughts I want to be having but, it's hard when we're talking about Tweek. He was right. Even though we've known each other for so long, I only recently started learning things about him. And so far, hasn't he proven to be untrustworthy? And a liar too. He didn't say he liked me or anything. He did what he always does and blamed me. You're not gonna let it go, right? Is hardly a yes.

But, I can't bring it up again. It was so hard to bring it up the first time. And what do I want from him? I can't force him to like me. I shouldn't expect much and just see what happens. I said we'd stop if it wasn't working. And nothing changes really.

Would Tweek have said yes, just to continue our arrangement? I'm worrying too much. I should be happy right now.

…What a shitty thought. Because he would, wouldn't he?

When I return from my shower, Tweek's already out. He's changed into some shorts and a T-shirt and he's put his hair back up. I think the longer it gets the more it bothers him.

He's sitting on the floor in front of my desk with all the drawers opened. There's shit everywhere and Tweek's sat in the middle of it all, holding my camera. I've been looking for that. He only glances at me when I enter the room.

"What're you doing?" I inquire, drying my head with my towel. I'm wearing sweats but I still lack a shirt.

"Going through your shit, obviously."

I guess he means this is his payback, since I went through his room before. That's fine. It's only fair and he can't blame me for the things he finds. "I couldn't believe you'd be smart enough to know how to use it so, I had to see for myself," he says, referring to the camera.

I plop down on the bed. "And?"

"You're pretty good," he says. He has the nerve to sound genuinely surprised. Despite that, the compliment makes me beam a little, on the inside. I don't know what I expected. Actually, I expected him to call me bad. That wouldn't have been as surprising. "But you take pictures of weird things." He says clicking through photos.

"I take pictures of interesting things," I correct him.

"There's literally a picture of trash in here."

"Not trash, litter! And it's about the composition!" He's right, though. My portfolio would be confusing. I like to take pictures of mundane things and mess with the angles and lighting. He's looking at raws though.

He snickers, "Whatever you say."

I don't remember what's on the camera. I peek over to see which pictures he's looking at. It looks like one shoot I did with the guys. We went hiking and I forced them to pose for me. Token was a natural, of course and Kenny went all out for me because he wanted the pictures (too bad I never actually edited them for him and they were forgotten). Clyde was annoyed and looks as such. Then I got some shots of a cool looking caterpillar, some woods shots, and snowy landscapes. That was a fun day and the pictures really capture it.

"It's been a while since I've shot anything though," I admit.

Tweek stops on a picture of Clyde flipping off the camera and laughs, "Clyde's a fucking idiot."

I'm suddenly struck with a genius idea. "Let me see," I motion for the camera. Tweek hands it over, unaware of my master plan. When I raise the camera to my face, he starts freaking out.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking a picture, obviously," I mock him from earlier. Tweek blocks his face with both hands. I put the camera down. "Sometimes, you really act like a girl."

"Anyone would act this way if you shoved a camera in their face," he says. "So, cut it out. This isn't studying."

"Just let me take a picture of you." I say.

"I just woke up."

"You took a shower, you look great."

"Pervert." But, his hands come down.

I laugh loudly, "If I'm a pervert for wanting a picture of my boyfriend, then fine." Tweek flushes. That's right, boyfriend. I snap the photo. "Thank you."

Tweek starts throwing things back into the drawer. "You suck," he mumbles and I laugh louder, examining the results.

"Why? Keep looking, I don't care." It's really cute. I took it at the perfect time. Tweek looking past the camera at me with pink cheeks and mouth slightly parted.

"That's the problem. You suck," he repeats, slamming the drawer. Tweek looks like he's organizing, which doesn't help my laughing. "Nothing ever bothers you."

"You're mad... that I'm not mad?" I ask. Tweek doesn't respond. I'm sure he's realized how ridiculous that sounds. "Sometimes, you really act like a girl."

"You're the one acting like a girl," he argues, using the desk to pull himself to his feet. "Let's hurry up and eat so we can get started." Great, now he's grumpy. I don't even know why he's upset. It really doesn't make any sense. What does he want from me? To yell at him?

Fuck, knowing Tweek… he probably does.

"Do you wanna see it?"

Tweek throws the nearest object: a sock. It floats through the air and lands on my leg. Tweek looks annoyed but, gives up. He peeks over. I hold the camera out so he can see it clearly. "Fucking gross."

"It's cute."

"That's even grosser," he says. "I don't want to be cute."

I make a face, "That's too bad." Because Tweek is cute.

"Don't make that face, asshole!" He throws a pencil this time. It pegs me in the shoulder. "You're the only one who thinks that."

"It's not a bad thing," I assure him.

"Okay, are we ever gonna eat?!" He storms out of the room. "I'm fucking starving and this packet's gonna take hours to finish."

Eating means working so, I groan. "Fine." I abandon the camera on the bed and we head downstairs. It's not like I have a choice. I feel bad, maybe I did only invite him over to mess around. What are my priorities, these days?

I make us breakfast and as soon as we're finished eating, Tweek whips out the study guide. We begin working (with more success than last time). Tweek stays serious. He doesn't even laugh at my jokes. I get antsy quickly but we plow through. After almost two hours, my pleas for a break become more desperate.

"My brain is malfunctioning," I tell him. "This is starting to look like another language."

"Shut up, we're almost done."

"It's already past noon, Tweek. Please," I press. "We only have one page left, right?"

Tweek flips through the packet and cracks his neck. "Alright. A short one. I wanna get this over with." If Tweek hadn't come over I probably wouldn't have finished the packet at all. I would've cheated off Token at school on Monday. This is good though. I have to do well on the test now that I actually studied.

"Wanna make out?"

"Is that all you ever think about?"

"You're too distracting."

"Then why did you want to study together?" he wonders. "I should've just done this with Butters."

"Why do you study with Butters anyways?"

"Butters is actually pretty smart. Smarter than you, for sure." I'm smart. I just don't apply myself. "And our moms are friends." He looks at me. "Are you seriously jealous of Butters?"

I press my lips together and my brows draw together. I don't know what to call it. Butters hardly challenges my masculinity but if Tweek's gay, he could be into blonde, little twinks. That's what bothers me. "I'm not jealous."

"You seem very concerned."

"Well, Butters is gay-"

"How do you know that?"

I give him a look. "C'mon…"

"That's rude, Craig."

"Whatever," I say. "He's obviously gay and he's not ugly. I should be concerned." Tweek's oblivious which makes him vulnerable.

"What, you think Butters is cute or something?"

"Is that what I said?"

"Whatever, let's change the subject."

Once again, I'm confused as to why Tweek's suddenly grumpy. But I oblige when I remember something I've been meaning to ask. Something I can ask, now that we're boyfriends. "Speaking of your mom, how are your parents?" He never told me what happened. But, that's like him, I guess.

"They were fine," he says. "Not that it's any of your business," he adds. "They gave a speech about how much they love me and said that I'm lucky and you're a catch. Pricks," he says. "I'm the catch here."

I laugh and agree. I feel lucky he said yes. I don't think there's many people Tweek would've said yes for. "I'm glad everything worked out," I tell him. "Is it better?"

"Of course," he says. "Don't you feel like it's better?" I nod. I felt better but, Tweek's different. "It's weird now. My parents are all clingy. They won't leave me alone."

I can relate to that. "Yeah, that's how mine acted too."

"They want you to come to dinner for a formal meeting but, I can't handle that kind of social situation."

I laugh. "What do you mean?"

"My parents only know how to embarrass me. And you. Well… you're you. The combination is too chaotic."

"That's a bit dramatic," I point out. "But, sure, I'll meet your parents whenever you're ready."

"Ew," he says. "Let's get back to work."

"Aw, that's it?"

"We can finish this is in an hour if we focus."

Another hour? I sit back and try to focus. We continue working and Tweek was right, we finish within the hour. I stretch out. "Finally. Wanna watch a movie or something?" Honestly, I just want to nap for a bit. I'm drained.

Tweek shrugs and nods, yawning. I think he could use a nap too. I turn the TV on and drop onto the couch. Tweek comes soon after me, sitting close, he's a little bit on top of me. He throws his leg across mine. I try to not act surprised. This is normal. This is fine. We've done so many things, sitting this close should be nothing.

I try not get flustered as I click through films. I pick one that's decent enough. Last night he seemed so nervous, now he's sitting on my lap. Not like it upsets me, I just don't get it, man.

I still wanna make out but, I'm too tired to mess around so this is a nice alternative.

"I can't wait for summer," Tweek says, sleepily. I feel like we were having similar thoughts. Though, in my mind, summer poses more problems I don't want to think about. Like Tweek and everyone leaving.

"Coach said you were leaving right after graduation…"

"I was going to."

"What happened?"

Tweek processes the question for too long. "Honestly, once I really started to look into it, getting an apartment by yourself is... intimidating. There's a lot of things I didn't think about." he says. "I wouldn't have a job right away which is scary, financially. I'd be in a new place with nobody I know. Plus, I rely on my parents a lot. I started to wonder if I could live without them," he says. "I don't know. Maybe these are normal things and I'm just making excuses not to go…"

I think for a while. "What about a roommate?"

Tweek gives me a look and shrugs, "I never thought about it because there's no one I could even ask. Living with someone is a lot of work. I can barely stand living with my parents."

I think Tweek is already a lot of work. "We could room together," I suggest. "I'm still figuring things out and I have some money saved. With two people we could split the rent, you wouldn't be alone, you'd be with someone you know and I don't mind taking care of you," I tell him. "If we go to Denver, we'll be close enough for our parents to visit whenever but far enough that they won't just pop up."

Tweek looks at a loss for words. "You sound fucking crazy," he eventually tells me. "We just started dating. That's like, getting married."

"Tweek, I think it's time we talk about your trust issues."

"Fuck you. I don't have trust issues."

"Fine," I say. "Then give me one good reason and I'll drop it."

"Fine," he retorts. "You're an asshole."

"That's not a reason," I argue. "It's is kinda crazy and there were tons of things you could've said but instead you call me an asshole. You could've even said you just don't like me."

"Fine, I don't like you."

I laugh, loudly and call him an asshole. "It is a lot. Just think about it."

"Whatever," he turns his attention back to the TV. We continue to watch the movie, even though we missed a good chunk of the beginning which seemed to be the important part. Tweek started falling asleep. It'd been really nice, until my family came home early. Or… I realize I never asked when they were coming back.

Tweek nearly jumps out of his skin when it happens. And because my dad is the only one to say something and it's a panicked, "Sorry," and "Carry on!" before him and everyone flees from the scene, I can't help but laugh. Tweek tries to move away from me but I don't let him. My mom looked so happy, my dad had to practically drag her out of the room.