I ran my hand through my hair, stopping as my finger tips hit the brim of my headphones as they rested on top of my head. I squinted at the screen as I looked at the screen. On my desk my finger tapped to the beat of my music as I thought. Then the final piece clicked in my mind and I quickly finished filling it out.
" Finally finished your work?"

My lips parted as I went to answer but waited before I finished typing to answer.
" I am now." I smiled as I spun my chair and pulled my headphones off. Ms. Vanderwood stood there with her arms crossed. Then the end of her lips curled into a smirk.

" Expect anything less from God Seven?" I asked as I stood and made my way into the kitchen. I could hear her scoff behind me.
" I'd complain but you finished your work. So I'll keep my mouth shut. But if you keep drinking nothing but PhD pepper and those damn chips you'll die from heart failure." She continued as I reached into the fridge and grabbed a can.

" You know it's amazing." I counter as I toss a can. She catches it with ease, looking at it as if it's a foreign object in her hand. I waited patiently, staring. Her eyes drifted to me and she snarled.
" You're not going to leave until I drink it are you?"
I just grinned in response. Finally, she opened the can and I made my way back to my computer. There I sat down and logged on happily into the chat room expecting it to be the same as always. After all it was just another normal day. The sun rose, my work was done and soon someone was bound to be online.

" Zero Seven you really need to start cleaning up yourself, I'm not going to be around all the time-Seven?"

No. It couldn't be possible.

I sat my drink down, my desire to drink it long from my mind. The system . . . was this possible?

I quickly swirled and tapped into the cameras. My eyes widened in shock. No, this wasn't possible. It just couldn't be possible!

POV Switch

I sighed as I stretched my arms. Finally, class was done for the day. Now I could go home and enjoy the upcoming weekend. I felt my phone vibrate inside my bag and dug to find it. I had expected it to be Eun, one of my closest friends, thinking perhaps she had forgotten something or would ask to meet up. When instead I found my phone screen black, numbers scrolling up the screen. I froze mid step, gripping the handle of my bag. I looked around, waiting for someone to pop up saying they were playing a trick, when instead everyone continued walking.

Then it suddenly stopped only to open an app.


Another message popped up onto the screen.

[Can you see this?]

My heart raced as I hesitantly responded with a yes. I could almost hear their sigh.
[...It finally connected. Thank god. I found this phone in the subway and all it had was this app. I want to return it but I'm currently abroad.]

I continued to reply with caution, making my way out of the walk way after someone made a smart remark about me standing there. The person refused to tell me who he was despite me asking nor did they exactly give me a choice on helping them. This had to have been a prank. Some dumbass prank that some college boy thought it was funny to pull on me.

[ All it has is an address. Could you go to it?]

I was tired of this bullshit. Instead of responding it I shoved it into my skirt pocket and crossed the street. Yet it seemed with every single step I took I could feel the weight of it pulling me down. I knew that the sender had sent no more messages but it felt as if it was still buzzing. Taunting me, teasing me to answer. This was not going to work .

I agreed to going to the address. Why? I wasn't so sure myself. Common sense would have said to ignore it and just go home. But I knew that no matter how many excuses I made I knew that none of them wasn't the case. So instead of being at home, resting and enjoying the rest of my day, I was stuck in the crowded subway practically dying from the stuffiness of the cab. Next time I'd definitely take a cab. No wait, there never would be a next time!

The door of the apartment laid before me some time later. It seemed normal to me. Just a solid color, the numbers screwed into the door just above the peep hole. Still I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder constantly.
[ Are you there? See nothing strange.]

I growled in irritation. That clearly was not the point of this!

[Here's the combination. Put this in.]

I checked to make sure no one else was in sight before trying to look through the peep hole itself. I waited in hopes of someone to answer after I knocked but no one came. My hand trembled as I put the code in. There was a small buzz and I was able to step inside. I only managed a few steps before turning and debating with him over if I should be in this apartment without anyone's permission. He insisted should anything happen that I could show his messages. Anything to get him off my back. I took a shaky breath and shut the door behind me. Then I stepped further in.

POV Switch

I read the message that the door had been opened and immediately looked at the screen. In the background I could hear the door shut and I held my breath.
" Hello? Is anyone here?"

A voice came through followed by the sound of footsteps. My brows furred slightly in confusion. This wasn't some average intruder.

Then I glanced at the chatroom. There it was. A new username. To think that the others hadn't even noticed it yet! Quickly I announced about the intruder while keeping an eye on the screens. Then the intruder stepped into frame.

I could feel my cheeks redden from embarrassment at the sight of them. They weren't the tall, broad-shouldered man dressed in black. Oh no. They were far from it.

They turned around, their voice echoing in my headphones as I sat frozen. At sometime my hand had slipped to my mouth in hopes to cover the blush on my cheeks. How could I ever think that they could do such damage? They wouldn't even do damage to a fly!

Now they stood in the center of the room, looking around for a sign of life. They glanced at their phone, clearly just as confused as the rest of us, before glancing around the apartment again. They turned where their stood then it seemed they spotted the small camera hidden in the corner of the room. Though they couldn't see me it felt as if our eyes locked. I couldn't help but sink further into my chair as if I could hide from her sight. She had a small frame, her skirt and sweater sitting perfectly on her. Her eyes narrowed, a sparkle dashing across them and her head titled, letting her hair slip off her shoulders.

Oh no. This wasn't going to be like an ordinary day. In fact I had feeling the days to come would be far from how they use to be.

I hope you like it! I'm so in love with seven and this game. I'll update soon. Love you!