Hello boys and girl. Not much of an update here, sadly. Not even really an update to be honest. Still, I figured it would be helpful in regards to understanding the story itself since I'm merging two universes together and trying to fit their histories kind of semi-together, in an entirely new way that applies to the rules of the Dragon Ball Z universe(s).
Here we go then;
Elementia is the home planet to the race known as the 'Elementian's'. This planet itself, while not playing a massive role in the story, is more or less where the story branches out from.
Eons ago, Elementia was the home planet of the God of Creation Hagoromo. He rose to both his power and rank in the overall universe when he clashed against a Primordial God simply known as 'Juubi'.
The Primordial was too powerful to be defeated. Thus, Hagoromo weakened the beast as best he was able and split it apart into nine separate forms. These forms were upon their birth, were taken in by Hagoromo and not long later sealed away.
Ascending past mortal life, Hagoromo left the task of protecting the nine parts of the Juubi to his descendants while keeping the original, lifeless form of the beast sealed within himself.
Eventually, major countries formed around the protection of the beasts through Hagoromo's descendants. Each leader and protector of a separate part of the beast becoming the ruler of their countries.
As time passed on, the Elementian's were drafted into the Planet Trade Orginization at the behest of both Hagoromo and the God of Destruction, Beerus.
The planet itself, had a gravity thirty times that of Earth.
Elementian's as a race, were quite similar in regards to Saiyan's. First and foremost, they were a warrior race descended from a god. But, where Saiyan's bodies grew stronger through defeat and built resistances to certain attacks upon their bodies – Elementian's themselves, had bodies that 'adapted and evolved'. Whether it be climate, poison in the body, strenuous techniques or even blunt force, their bodies adapted to anything they were put through and grew stronger for it. Some even evolved to the point where they could survive both underwater and within space for large periods of time.
Their ability to adapt wasn't limited to the physical aspects alone either. Elementian's could breed with many different races, and the blood of the Elementian's adapted to the genes of other races and incorporated them in the best way to strengthen future offspring. Through incorporating the strength and techniques of other races, many different Elementian clans were born. And many, many techniques were brought in or created.
All technique information was then passed on to the Royal Family(s) to better allow them to protect the parts of the Juubi.
Story Information Preview
Minato Namikaze, or Arlic as was his birth name, is the middle child of Bardock and Gine. Born after Raditz, but a while before Goku/Kakarot. He was born with a power level of 1250, much more so than any of his brothers. A few years later, his power has grown to over 2000 and Bardock has him sent away with Goku to escape Frieza destroying Vegeta-sei.
While originally intended for Earth, his space pod is thrown off course by an asteroid field and he crash lands on Elementia – where he is found and taken in by Jiraiya, one of the strongest warriors on Elementia. Although, it doesn't go off without a fight, one where Jiraiya proves he's far stronger than Arlic/Minato.
A few years later, Arlic now named Minato Namikaze, renamed such by Jiraiya and given his family name attends the training academy from the country/kingdom Jiraiya hails from. At this point, Minato's power level has already risen to nearly 15,000.
Only, to his utter shock..he's the weakest in the entire class. Humiliating, especially because as he was Minato knew few saiyan's besides his father and King Vegeta could have taken on his power and came close to winning. The strongest of his class? The heiress of the royal family, Kushina Uzumaki.
Whom had a whopping power level over 80,000 despite only being around 8 years old. The Elementian's as a whole, were known for producing outstandingly powerful soldiers, their elites such as Jiraiya easily having a power level over a million and ways to go even higher. And because of the sheer fact that Elementian's bred true and thriived when breeding with other races, meant that the race as a whole had many, many different abilities and techniques spread throughout the world.
Skip ahead four years, to the graduation of Minato's class and a heated rivalry sprung up between Minato and Kushina. Minato had somehow, inherited more of his mother, Gine's temperament as he aged despite his prodigious skill as a warrior, and that attitude rubbed the heated Kushina the wrong way when Minato surged through the ranks of the classroom, going from the weakest...to even becoming stronger than Kushina herself.
By the time they graduated, Kushina had a power level of 125,000 where as Minato himself had shot upwards within four short years to 150,000. Kushina declares Minato her rival, and after graduating they end up competing through mission after mission. Somehow rivalry, turned to love.
Around the time they're 15. They're on a mission together and an Arcosian/Icejin tries to push his luck and try and kidnap Kushina to steal her for her genes and knowledge on her peoples techniques. Now, at this time Minato has a power level of around 550,000 and Kushina around 400,000. Prodigies they're both named, but this Arcosian/Icejin when he transforms has a power level of 2 million at his max and they're swiftly defeated.
It's when Kushina, beaten and bloodied is being dragged away to a fate worse than death to her that Minato actualizes the legend in his blood. The rage at the arcosian/Icejin and the need to save his young love ends up being enough to push him through the boundary and ascend to a Super Saiyan. Jumping from 550k to 27.5 million in power level. He swiftly defeats and kills the Arcosian/Icejin and he and Kushina both from warrior races kinda consummate their relationship right there and then.
A few years later, Minato marries Kushina and basically becomes the king to her queen. He's more or less the strongest on the planet due to both his power level and genius level intellect that allows him to master a many variety of techniques and even create a few of his own.
Naruto is born not long later. But tragedy strikes then as the supposed dead Madara Uchiha, an ancestor of the Uchiha clan from hundreds of years before makes his grand debut and reveals he has taken eight of the sealed Bijuu and now is there for the ninth.
Madara is ungodly strong at this point. He's had hundreds of years to train, coupled with the teachings of his clan and the Elementian race with again those hundreds of years used to master near all the arts of the Elementian race. Minato stands no chance against him, despite being a Super Saiyan.
Outmatched and with no options left, Minato and Kushina seal the ninth inside of Naruto giving up their very lives to do it. Madara is forced to flee with the other eight Bijuu when he feels the attention of the gods locking on the planets. Not before he in revenge blows up the entire planet, wiping out most of the Elementian Race.
Naruto escapes unharmed, sent off in a space pod to the last place Minato thinks Madara would ever think to look. His older brother Raditz.
Not all of the Elementian's or their allies were killed. Many escaped and relocated to a new planet, all loyal to the last of Elementian royal blood – Naruto.
God Power Levels
Beerus – Godly Ki – 10
Whis – Godly Ki – 15
Hagoromo – Godly Ki – 22
Juubi – Godly Ki – 95
Juubi/Divided – Godly Ki – 50
Kurama – Godly Ki – 9
Gyuki – Godly Ki – 8
Chomei – Godly Ki – 7
Seiken – Godly Ki – 6
Kokuo – Godly Ki – 5
Son Wukong – Godly Ki – 4
Isobu – Godly Ki – 3
Matatabi – Godly Ki – 2
Shukaku – Godly Ki – 1
(While the lower powered beasts in terms of power seem far outclassed in comparison to Kurama; they're in fact not just beasts of power, but beasts that gained specific abilities that once belonged to the Juubi a Primordial God. Shukaku while a lot weaker than say Gyuki, could still defeat Gyuki in battle with the right use of its power.)
Normal Power Levels
Minato – 9,520,000
Kushina – 8,770,000
Jiraiya – 8,400,000
Bardock – 14,420
King Vegeta – 15,500
Raditz – 1,050
Gine – 975
Madara - ?
Naruto(birth) – 13,450
Naruto(Age 4/Madara Attacks) – 42,320
I may have revealed a ton here. Granted, not really. This is just the bare bones of the very beginning and to save me time without having to give a massive info dump.
Naruto is overpowered? Yes, he really is. But taking into account, that he's half saiyan, half Elementian, and born to the royal line of Elementian's alongside being the son of a Super Saiyan...on a planet with thirty times that of Earth's gravity, and three times that of Vegeta-sei...and well if he wasn't atleast this powerful you'd have to call bullshit.
Either way, Gohan was what? Five? And he had a power level over a hundred thousand – sure he had his potential unlocked and a couple Zenkai's but still. I'll counter with atleast in this regard, Naruto began training earlier, in a harsher environment.
Why am I using power levels? Despite becoming bullshit later on...I just like them. I thought the whole scouter thing and measuring power was neat. Plus, despite that..it's not like knowing someone's power level lets you know all their tricks.
You could have a power level of 25,000 and be about to kill old Roshi..but wait, what's this!? Mafuba, bitch! Fun shit.
Anyway, I've been building the world...well universe for this story for freaking ages. I've even designed Naruto an awesome, plucky little sidekick designed on a 'character' from Xenoverse.
...Hell, you know what. Naruto has three attendants, bodyguards and such, though I've only fully designed two of them at this point. If you can guess what Xenoverse 'character' I built his sidekick from...I'll let one of you give me an OC for the third attendant, as long as they aren't a Saiyan and with a retarded character/back story.
One guess only though.