Chapter 1

She flew over the Hub City, looking down at the streets full of people, carrying. The citizens gawked, staring at the colorful, winged being flying above their city. The flying girl noticed a little boy with his mom pointing up at her. She grinned, doing a flip in the air. She then kept flying around the city. Had long, blonde hair, eyes that seemed to always be changing colors, and beautiful large wings. They were like the wings of a giant parrot, the bright reds, blues, and greens displayed in a lovely colorful pattern. The girl wore bright colored clothes, which displayed the same bright colors as her wings. She also carried a metal baseball bat, holding it tightly with both hands. Suddenly, she heard a scream. She looked down at the city below her, noticing a couple of masked men running out of a bank. They held wads of cash and held guns. One of them even had a man hostage, a gun pointed at the hostage's head. The winged girl swooped down towards them, swinging her baseball bat at one of the men's heads. He fell to the ground with a thud, blood oozing from his head. The other men starting firing their guns at her. She avoided the bullets, swooping in different directions so that she wouldn't get hit. She came around for another swing, knocking the gun out of one of the men's hands with her bat. He started running away, but she flew after him and swung at his head. However, she missed, and hit him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He fell to the ground, gasping for breath. Out of nowhere, the girl heard a gunshot felt a flaming pain in her leg. She fell to the ground, clutching where the bullet had hit. The other three men walked up to her, two of them aiming their guns at her head.

"Hurry up." The man with the hostage said. Suddenly, a red blur rushed by, and a second later two of the men were tied up to a fire hydrant with rope. They were knocked out cold, and their guns sat on the ground a few feet away from them. The last robber then disappeared in a blur of red, only to be tied up to a pole a second later. The hostage stood there, confused. The red blur then ran up to the winged girl. Now, it wasn't just a blur, it was a man, but not just any man, The Flash. In his hand was a bandage, which he quickly rapped around the winged girl's hurt leg. She screamed, the mere pressure of his hand sending pain coursing through her leg.


"There," Flash said, wiping his hands together. "All done." He then looked around, and heard sirens. The police pulled up, and began handcuffing the criminals. One of the cops then walked over to The Flash.

"Sir, um, we'll have to take the kid, too. She hurt those guys pretty badly, and we'll need her for questioning." Flash looked around, seeing the man that had been hit in the head. He heard more sirens, and paramedics ran out of an ambulance with a stretcher.

Suddenly, the girl pushed the flash away and took to the skies, flying away from the scene. She was still clutching her wounded leg. One of the officers aimed his gun up to shoot her.

"Hey you can't leave!" he cried. Flash ran over to him and lowered his gun.

"She's only a kid. I'll get the league to handle it." The cop nodded. Yes, this wasn't Flash's city, but police all over the nation had heard of him, and respected him. They all knew full well what Flash had done to help the world.
