Third Trimester

Day 189


It's one-thirty in the morning, Michonne feels bad for waking him but she's hungry. She calls out his name and tries to wake him. She has recently been put on limited bed rest by Dr. Greene after she started bleeding which ended up with an overnight trip to the hospital earlier in the week. Now Rick didn't want her to leave the bed if it wasn't necessary. She calls out his name and tries to wake him.



"Rick," she shakes him harder.


"Rick, I'm hungry."

He shifts and turns in bed before leaning over and turning on his bedside lamp.

"Yes?" He asks rubbing his bloodshot eyes, trying to wake up. A shot of guilt race across her chest, she almost wants to tell him to forget it and go back to sleep but her stomach grumbles loudly.

"I'm hungry."

"What do you want?"

"The usual," She says.

Rick nods and hauls himself out of bed. Before shuffling out their bedroom. Michonne reaches for the remote and turns on the TV, she rubs her round belly telling the boys to relax that daddy went to get food. Less than fifteen minutes Rick returns with a tray pile high with her prefer snacks.

A tired smile tugs on his lips at Michonne's bright smile, she looks like a child on Christmas morning at the sight of the tray of food. Rick hands her the tray before slipping onto the bed next to her.

Michonne immediately starts with the burrito, she drenches the food with a combination of ranch dressing, ketchup, barbecue, and soy sauce. She practically inhales the burrito before she starts of the spinach and fun size Big Cat bars. She wraps the spinach around the chocolate bar then dips it into her mixture left by her burrito. Rick has learn not to question her craving, last time it ended up with an argument and Michonne crying. She only calm down after he promise to take her to get a slab of ribs and ice cream.

He smiles at the recent memory while he marvels at her; she inhales the food but as much as Michonne eats, she's mostly all belly. There's only a slight fullness to her face that causes her face to glow brightly especially when she smiles. Her breasts increase two cup sizes which Rick loves and appreciate the extra bounce they now have. Her hips are curvier and her ass is fuller; the changes of her body only makes him want her more. He feels his manhood stir at the thought of his voluptuous wife.

Rick plucks some slices of avocados from her tray and eats a few as Michonne eats several spinach wrap fun size Big Cat bars before moving onto the melting ice cream and avocados, she dumps the fruit into her bowl mashes them together before eating a spoonful. After Michonne eats her fill while Rick taste a few of her weird concoctions himself, he removes the tray from the bed and places it on the dresses planning to take it down in the morning.

"Thank you," Michonne says sheepishly, "I'm sorry I have to wake you up."

"Come here," Rick says climbing back in bed. Michonne turns her back to his chest as she snuggles into him. Rick wraps his arm around Michonne's belly, caressing in small circles, "Michonne, I'll do anythan' for you."

Day 197

A loud laugh bellows out from his lips as his friends join in along with him while Abraham talks about his latest adventure as an Army boot camp trainer.

"And I shit you not the fucker started quoting Bubba from Forrest Gump!"

Abraham roars with laughter at his own joke while Rick, Glenn, and Daryl does the same. It is Glenn who stops laughing first, he quickly puts the beer bottle down and move to his feet. Rick notices his action and follow his eyes to the door way to find Michonne, Maggie, and Sasha filling the entryway of the nursery.

"Michonne…" Rick starts also standing to his feet trying not too look guilty.

She steps further into the room and looks around to see that much hasn't change since she left Rick and the others several hours earlier.

"We were just taking a break" He finishes sheepishly.

"A break from what? What have you all done?" Michonne asks.

"We put together the crib," Daryl says.

All eyes move to the lone assemble furniture.

"In three hours, four men put together one crib?" Sasha asks.

"Ain't easy, it is harder than it looks," Abraham replies.

"How hard can it be when it comes with step by step instructions?" Sasha retorts.

"It comes with fucking instructions?" Abraham incredulously.

"Language!" Michonne and Rick says unison.

Rick then turns to his wife and steps toward her, "We're just wanted to make sure it is perfect."

"Yea, had Glenn climb in to make sure it was durable and sh- stuff," Daryl boasts.

"Glenn!" Maggie reprimands.

Michonne looks at Glenn who raises his hand in surrender and takes a step away. Her eyes goes to Daryl who shrugs carelessly and then Rick.

"We'll get started on the other crib right now," he says.

"We could probably finish the room faster than them," Sasha suggests.

"Now woman-"

"Don't 'now woman' me, you all been up here for three hours and assembled one crib! We can probably do it faster," Sasha says cutting off Abraham. She walks deeper into the room and starts to rifle through one of the boxes pulling out an instruction booklet. The big man pouts but doesn't reply to his wife.

"This is not helping my stress level, baby," Michonne starts, "I want to get everything ready for the babies. I want the room done so I can do laundry and start putting away their clothes."

"We get it Michonne, you wanting to get everything ready is part of you wanting to nest and –" Glenn shuts his mouth as everyone looks at him. Several with surprise and others with amusement.

"You've been reading Rick's books?" Daryl asks.

"It looked interesting so I read a couple of chapters and…" Glenn trails off as Daryl and Abraham crackle with laughter. Michonne notices the look in Maggie's eyes and smiles too as she watches the baby fever takes hold of Maggie.

"Abe be nice! That's sweet Glenn," Sasha offers.

"Ugh… Glenn can I talk to you for a minute?" Maggie asks her eyes only on her husband.

"They gonna be doin' more than talkin'," Daryl jests after Maggie and Glenn leave the room.

Abraham chortle, "He's going to be pour some Bisquik in that pan."

"I suggest you worry about your own Bisquik… that you'll be taking care of all by yourself if you don't get this room done!"

"Damn woman, I wa-"

"Don't 'damn woman' me! Finish the room so I can help Michonne nest," Sasha cuts him off as she slaps the instruction booklet against his chest. She then turns on her heel and sashay out the room.

"Woman!" Abraham says slapping the booklet against the box contain the changing table. He rushes after his wife while Michonne, Rick, and Daryl watch after him.

"I'm gonna go outside," Daryl announces when he glances at the couple looking at him.

"I thought you quit smoking?" Michonne asks.

"I did," Daryl shows Michonne his nicotine patch, "I can't be the boys Godfather reeking of cigarettes. I just need some air and another beer before we really get going with starting to build your nest."

Once he leaves Michonne turns to Rick, he closes the distance between them and pulls her into his arm.

"Are you nesting?"

"I need the room finish."

"We still have some time before they get here."

"What if they come early? Twins are rarely carried to full term."

"You've been reading my books too?"

Michonne moves out of Rick's arms and slaps him gentle on his arms. He smiles and pulls her back into his embrace. Holding her as tightly as he can with her extended belly creating space between them, he kisses his wife on her forehead.

"I had a dream last night they came early and they were placed in those little chambers because they were so early. In my dream we weren't ready an- and… are we ready, Rick?" Michonne asks looking up at him with pleading eyes. He drops his lips and gives her a chastise kiss.

"The boys will come on time and will be healthy. And when they do come we will be ready Michonne."



Day 201

Rick ends his call with Michonne as strolls into the room were the boot camp will be held. He looks around the room and takes in the faces of nervous and anxious men. He chuckles softly to himself, they look like he feels. He walks deeper into the room, spotting an empty seat next to a man with a buzz cut and brown eyes, Rick makes his way towards the empty chair.

"Is this seat taken?" Rick asks.

"Nah… go head."

Rick places his duffle bag on the floor and takes a seat next to the man, once he's settle he looks around the room before he turns to face the man besides him.

"Rick Grimes."

"Shane Walsh."

The two men shake hands.

"Did your wife bribe or threaten you to take this class?"

He looks around the room again at the faces of the men in attendance for the Daddy Boot Camp. After Rick signed him and Michonne for Lamaze class he ran across the Daddy Boot Camp course and decided to take the class. Michonne only rolled her eyes when he told her about the class. Rick chuckles, "Neither, I volunteered."

"Fuck man… why?"

"To be prepared, I guess."

Shane sighs and rubs his hand over his face, "Yea… I guess. Lori had to bribe and threaten me. I was going to skip the class but she said if I didn't come home with definitive proof I was at this class she wouldn't have sex with me for a year."

"Ouch," Rick chuckles.

"Yea fucking ouch! When is your kid due?"

"Kids," Rick corrects him.

"Twins?" Shane asks in surprise.

"Yea… we're due in ten weeks but there's a chance she'll go early."

"Congrats man! We're about the same. A little girl, Elle Shannon Walsh," Shane beams with pride.

"Congrats!" Rick says patting the man on his back.

"What are y'all having? Boys, girls, or one of each?"

Rick scratches his chin and shrugs, "Not sure, each time we check we can't get a clear view but I'm sure they're boys."

"Picked out names yet?"

"Not really, we have a few in mind but we'll decide when they're born."

"Lori was picking out names as soon as she found out she was pregnant," Shane says shaking his head, "I'm just happy we're not going to name the kid, Pear or Rainbow Bright."

Rick chuckles as their boot camp leader calls their attention.

"Good morning, Gentlemen! I'm Morgan Jones and this little man here," Morgan says lifting his infant son for the gather men to see, "Is Duane, my son, and we're going to be instructing the boot camp class today."

Day 211

Michonne pouts with arms folded across her chest not wanting to get out of the car.

"Michonne," Rick starts.

"You can't make me go in there."

"Please, you promised!"

"We already had this talk… several times. I can't be held responsible for what I say and agree to in the middle of an orgasm. Horny Michonne is -"

"Not to be trusted," Rick finishes with a smirk at the memory.

Knowing Michonne wouldn't willing sign up for Lamaze class he signed them up before he found the Daddy Boot Camp Course. After signing up, Rick used his fingers and tongue to get Michonne to agree to attend the birthing class with him.

"Come on, Michonne. We're going to be late."

"Then you go!"

"I can't go to a Lamaze class without a pregnant woman, it defeats the purpose."

"You promised me, Murry's ice cream!" She pouts.

"We'll get dinner and ice cream after the class."

Michonne's knits her brows together scowling; she narrows her eyes and stares out the windshield of the car.

"We'll go to Kings' Barbeque and I'll get you a full rack of ribs."

Her scowl softens, "Two full racks."

"Two full racks."

"And then ice cream!"

"And then Murry's for ice cream."

"I want a half gallon of mint chocolate chip."

"Yes. I'll even stop by the grocer on our way home and get you more spinach and Big Cats bars."



"Fine… let's get this shit over with!"


"Shut up and help me out this car."

He chuckles good naturally and helps his wife out the car. Michonne starts toward the building with Rick following a few steps behind with their bag and yoga mat in hand. She waddles gently back and forth with each step. He smiles as he watches her walk finding it adorable, at 32 weeks she can't help but sway when she walks even though she makes a conscious effort not to.

Inside the room the class is held in, the couple is greeted by joyful plump woman name Olivia. She instructs them to find a seat and make themselves comfortable. They follow her instruction, Rick lays down Michonne's yoga mat down and helps his wife ease to the floor. As soon as he sits next to her, Rick hears a familiar laugh and looks up to see Shane Walsh, the man who he met at the Daddy Boot Camp a couple of weeks ago.

When Shane and his wife enters the room, he waves them over. The couple head towards them, Rick turns to Michonne and explains who the man is. Michonne nods as she takes in the tall thin woman with long brown hair and what looks like to be a basketball under her paid shirt and her fit and handsome husband who even from a distance has expressive brown eyes. The new couple get situated next to them before introductions are exchange. The two couples talk about their respective pregnancies as the room fills with other couples. As Michonne and Lori get engross in the details of their pregnancy Shane leans over and whispers to Rick.

"Thanks for suggesting this, man!"

"No problem."

"This class got me out the doghouse and is sure to get me a solid week of pregnancy sex. And let me tell you about pregnancy sex with Lori, it is-"

Rick chuckles while he holds up his hand and shakes his head as Shane's crudeness, "I don't need the details but you're welcome."

"Any other suggestions?"

"Murry's Ice Cream, a hot bath and foot rubs."

Shane nods and make a mental note, "Fuck where have you been all of my life? Could have save me some real trouble!"

Rick laughs catches the attention of Michonne, he moves back to her side as the Olivia the instructor calls the class to attention.

Michonne grins with pride at Rick and his extensive knowledge of the various birth method and technique by the time the class comes to an end Rick is the star-pupil. Olivia praises his knowledge and tells Michonne how lucky she is to have such an attentive husband. She notices the other women watching him with appreciations and wonderment while shooting their own husbands and partners looks of disapproval at their lack of knowledge. She even catches a few women throw envious glares at her which only causes her to smile wider.

Loris watches as Rick and Michonne quietly chat as Rick help slip his wife's shoes on. Even though he was helpful to the teacher Olivia, Rick only has eyes for his wife. Lori admits to herself they're a beautiful couple; Rick is handsome and Michonne seems to glow radiant with her pregnancy. Michonne fights a smirk as Rick leans into her, he places a quick kiss on her lips before helping her to her feet.

"You got a great one," Lori says quickly glancing to Rick before looking at Michonne.

"Yes, I'm blessed and lucky. He spoils me rotten."

"I hope you took notes, Shane!" Lori says turning to her own husband.

He stands from rolling mat as Rick does the same, "Oh I have!"

"We're going to grab some dinner want to join us?" Rick asks.

"Another time… actually I was thinking going home and getting you into a hot bath and rubbing your feet."

"Really Shane?" Lori asks lighting up with joy.

"Yea… maybe even get you some ice cream on our way home."

"Oh Sweetie!" Lori exclaims hugging Shane. Shane looks over at Rick, he nods and winks at the other man before he releases his wife's hold.

The two couples exchanges information stating to get together before and after the babies arrivals before they say their goodbyes as they part ways. Once at their vehicle, Rick helps Michonne into the car before he hops into the driver seat.

"Did you have fun?" Rick asks starting the car.

"It was okay, I don't know why we went when you knew everything."

"For the experience, Grimes."

"Hmmph," Michonne replies with an eye roll.

"Olivia asked if I wanted to come back and help teach the class with her."


Rick didn't have to looks at his wife to see her eyes narrow and face folding into a scowl, "I told her no."


He chuckles, "Did you enjoy the experience at least?"

"Yes, I did but I still want my three racks of ribs."

"You said tw-" Rick starts peering at Michonne incredulously. Her face is pinch in a scowl daring him to finish his sentence, "Three… three racks of ribs."

Michonne nods leaning back into her seat rubbing her round belly as the boys did summersaults at the thoughts of ribs.

Day 226

Her tossing, turning, and groaning cuts into his sleep. He opens his eyes and feels her shift in the bed trying to get comfortable. Michonne made it pass the 32 weeks marker a couple of weeks before; she can possibly give birth at any moment and the babies will be okay. Dr. Hershel Greene wants to keep the babies in Michonne for as long as possible but as her pregnancy advances so does the discomfort and pain. Knowing her constant turning and tossing wakes him during the night, Michonne tells him to sleep in the guest bed room so she doesn't disturb him. Rick tried it one night but half way through he woke up reaching for her and promptly returned to his bed with his wife. He would rather have her be restless next to him than sleep in an empty bed without her.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"What's wrong?"

"Can't sleep, they're kicking-boxing."

He sits up and turns on the light. Picking up his most recent pregnancy book: "The Expectant Father" and flips to the page he left off. Michonne turns toward him and tries to get comfortable. Rick helps prop Michonne up with a copious amount of pillows behind her back and hips, under her neck and head, and one between her thighs. Once she's situated, he leans against the headboard and starts reading from the pages while rubbing Michonne's belly with one hand. At the sound of their father's voice and the constant rubbing the twin stops their kicking, Michonne relaxes and allows the cadence of Rick's southern drawl to lull her and the babies to sleep. It doesn't take long for Michonne to fall asleep as Rick finishes a few more pages of the book before he drifts off to sleep himself.

Day 230

Michonne feels Rick's hardness press against the back of her thigh, she pushes her eyes open to the sun of the new day streaming into their bedroom. Rick pulls her closer to him as he snuggles her in his sleep, one arm wraps under her cupping her breast while the other drapes over her extended belly.

She pushes her hip against him and feels his morning hardness, instantly the familiar ache of needing to be fill by him burns at her core. She pushes her backside against him, trying to wake him from his slumber.

"Stop it," Rick grumbles, voice still heavy with sleep.

Michonne continues to rub against him.

"Michonne stop," Sleep fading from his voice.

"Come on, baby."

"You're starting something, I don't think you're ready to finish."

"Oh, I'm ready."

She takes the hand around her waist and pulls it to rest at the apex of her thighs. Rick presses his middle finger to her center and feels the wetness through her panties.

He doesn't need any more encouragement or instructions, with her help he removes her underwear and his pajamas bottoms. Rick strokes her center, teasing her button of nerves as he leans over and takes Michonne's lips. She twist from her position on her side and sloppily kiss him in return.

Rick aligns his hard dick with Michonne's slick canal and gently pushes in. Michonne moans against his lips as he groans at her slick tightness. He breaks the kiss and nuzzle her neck, his thrusts are slow and even. Michonne meets his thrust with eager ones of her own.

"Faster, baby!"

Rick props himself onto his elbow as his strokes pick up pace, one hand tweaking her overly sensitive nipples while he leans against her and continues to kiss and nip her neck. He feels Michonne slick walls tighten against him in a quivering vise. He knows she's not going to last long and he knows he won't either if she keeps squeezing his dick like that.

"Baby, harder!"

"You sure?" Rick murmurs into her neck.

"Yea… harder." She breathes.

Rick lifts her leg, placing it over his own thigh allowing him to dive deeper. He increase the speed and force of his thrust, his hand dropping to gently message her clit. Michonne trembles at the contact.

"Baby you feels so good."

"Mmm… yessss! Right there baby, don't-"

Her words cuts off as Rick swivels his hips and piston into her with fervor. Michonne makes an animalistic sound from the back of her throat as she reaches up behind her. Rick drills into her and leans down knowing what she's reaching for. Her hand sinks into hair and she grips his curls as he double his pace.

"Fuck… Rick… just… like… that!" She cries out in tune to his thrusts. His fingers circles her clit as he swivels his hips with each thrust. Using his thigh he lifts her leg higher, parting her thigh wider allowing him to dive even deeper. The position is awkward but the pleasure overshadows any other feeling.

"Yes!" She hisses pushing her hips back to meet his hard thrust. Rick bites an area behind Michonne's ear, presses her clit, and thrust harder into her. Michonne quacks and spazzes under his touch cumming on him. Rick feels the muscle of her sex pulse around him as he's soak with her wetness, Rick pistons in and out of her several more times before he releases his seed deep within her clenching walls. Kissing the slope of her neck, he withdrawals from her slick center enticing another moan from her lips.

"Mmmm," She moans as her husband settles behind her wrapping his arms around her breast and extended belly.

"Good Morning, Grimes."

"Mmm-hmm, yes... good morning indeed Grimes."

Day 241

"Are you excited to meet your boys?" Sasha asks helping Michonne nest, since she was technically still on bedrest and not supposed to be on her feet. She takes the chance since Sasha, June, and her mom were all at the house aiding in putting the last piece of the nursery together. Michonne sits on the floor folding the cleaned baby clothes that June retrieve from the drier.

"I'm just ready not to be pregnant anymore. I am ready to evict them from my uterus," Michonne says thinking about her schedule C-section. It is the best way to deliver the twins without complications; the surgery schedule to take place in four days.

Sasha chuckles putting away wipes and diapers in one of the duel changing table drawers, "It wasn't too hard, was it?" She asks.

"There were moments but Rick that man and his damn pregnancy books are life savers. He is so understanding, thoughtful, and caring. He made all the difference."

"He's a good man," her mother, Edith, says walking into the room placing another basket of clean baby clothes by Michonne, "Your father was the exact same way, except there weren't any pregnancy books or the internet but your father was dotting since the moment I told him I was pregnant."

"Same with Rick's father," June comments, "He talked to my mother and his mother consistently always asking if I did this or that what did it mean. He talked to my mother about my pregnancy more than I did. That man got on my last good nerve but I wouldn't have it any other way."

"That sounds like Rick, he's so caring. He spoils me," Michonne admits.

"If Abraham and I decide to try to get pregnant I'm sending him to the Rick Grimes' father-to-be workshop," Sasha quips.

"Hmmph, I know that boy so good luck with him," June states.

"Rick will whip him in shape," Michonne says.

"Hopefully, Abraham will need all the help he can get," Edith hopes.

"We're going to get lunch, do you want anything in particular?" June asks.

Michonne shakes her head not feeling particularly hungry, which is odd because she always feel hungry. Her mom and mother-in-law leave to get lunch leaving Sasha and Michonne alone.

"Is he still planning on calling the boys Ricky and Richie?" Sasha asks.

Michonne rolls her eyes and nods, "He's doesn't want to let it go! He says he's going to name all of his boys after him, like George Foreman. The twins will be Richard Anthony Grimes the second and the third. If we have any more boys they will be the fourth, the fifth and so on."

Sasha chuckles, "He's not serious."

"I don't know. He's seems adamant about it," Michonne says shaking her head, "Can you help me up?"

Sasha goes to Michonne and aids her to her feet. As she does she asks, "Are you planning to have more after the twins?"

"I'm just trying to make it through this pregnancy, we'll see about the rest later," Michonne grunts and heaves herself to her feet as she does she feels a popping sensation in her lower region follow by a slow trickle as if she peeing on herself. Sasha notices her pants grow wet.

"Ummm... did you just-"

"No… No… I think… I think my water just broke."

Two Hours Later

"You have to push soon," Dr. Carol Peltier coax her.

With teeth clench, hands ball into a fist, legs cross close and fighting every desires to comply with the doctor and the need to push. Michonne stubbornly refuses.

"Michonne you're causing unnecessary stress on you and the babies," Dr. Greene states.

"Sweetie just listen to the doctor!" June pleas.

Michonne shakes her head no unable to speak as another contraction stabs through her. It isn't supposed to be happening this fast. When her water broke she was supposed to have hours before she was fully dilated and ready to push. Unfortunately and unbeknown to Michonne she's been experiencing silent contractions all morning by the time her water broke she was already seven centimeters dilated.

Michonne first call was to Rick who along with another Marshals were going to pick a man up in Jefferson and deliver him in Atlanta in order to face chargers in the city. The second call was to her mom and mother-in-law who immediately return to house. Her third call was to Dr. Greene. By the time June and Edith returned Michonne and Sasha stood at the front door waiting for their arrival with the hospital bag Rick packed weeks ago.

Michonne remains clam and cool even withstanding the pain of her contractions without aid of drugs. By time they arrive she was too far dilated to get an epidural. It is not until Dr. Greene tells her that she has to push soon that she starts to panic; the cause of her panic, Rick's absent.

"Michonne, honey you're going to have to push soon. I know you want to wait for Rick but you can't wait. You're going to have to push when Dr. Greene tells you. You're hurting the babies, Rick is not here but he's going to want you have healthy boys. He'll want you to push," Her mother's states in her ear.

At the thought of harming sons, Michonne breaks out into a sob. Her mother is right. Another contraction rolls through her causing her to cry out in pain. She loses her breath and has a hard time breathing, as the contraction subsides another gripes her in another painful embrace. She starts to hyperventilate as she tries to catch her breath, one of the nurses tries to place an oxygen masks over her face but Michonne knocks it away cursing at the woman to stay away from her. Edith consoles her as best as possible.

"I want Rick!" Michonne sobs, his absent more painful than the contractions.

She uncrosses her legs and Dr. Greene puts her legs up into stirs-up. He lifts her gown and checks her cervix.

"You're crowning, so don't push quite yet!"


"It is okay, honey! It is okay just listen to Dr. Greene," June comforts Michonne.

"I want Rick, h-he… read all… the books!" Michonne cries hysterically.

"Michonne, on my count push on three."


As the heavens part only for her, Michonne hears the sweetest sound a deep southern drawl that belong to the person she needs the most Rick.




She screams his names her sobs intensifies as the contraction vehemently roll through her.


Day 242... Day 1

"They are adorable," Sasha coos looking at the second born twin cradle in Rick's arms.

"Them pancakes are adorable," Abraham grumbles an unlit cigar in his mouth, "Maybe we should start working on a pancake of our own."

"Pancakes?" Edith asks looking from Abraham to Sasha while Michonne laughs holding her son in her arm at her mother's confused face.

"Don't bother asking," Sasha replies.

"You did good work son," his father pats him on the back.

"Michonne did all the work," Rick says smiling up at his wife holding their first born.

"I couldn't have done it without you," Michonne says smiling brightly as her husband.

Climbing into the narrow hospital bed with her, Rick leans down kisses his son's head before capturing Michonne's lips. With the others in the room forgotten the couple deepen the kiss until Michonne's father coughs loudly to interrupt them; the couple still don't pull away until they're the door opens and interrupts them.

"Hey, hey, hey! None of that now, at least for six weeks," Dr. Greene jokes as he enters the room.

"Sorry," Michonne whispers hiding her face in embarrassment.

Rick smiles not caring that both sets of grandparents and Michonne are embarrass by their display of affection. He steals another kiss from her before he allows Dr. Greene to quickly check on the new mother and the boys. Once he's satisfy with his check-up he waves at the young family and their guest goodnight before leaving to check on other patients.

"Y'all decided on names yet?" Rick's father questions.

"Actually we have!" He beams with pride.

The room is silent for a moment before Sasha speaks, "Well don't keep us waiting!"

Smiling the smile that lights up the night, Michonne introduce her first born son: "Guys meet: Carl Richard Grimes."

Rick eyes shines brightly as he beams and introduce their second son, "And Andre Anthony Grimes."

A/N: *TEARS* I LOVE RICHONNE pregnancy fics and there are not a lot out there, so I was inspired to write my own. Once again this was an old tale that I wrote for the Richonne Exchanged that I revamped and updated. I think one of the changes is the addition of Shane and Lori. I always wonder how would Rick's relationship be if him and Shane met as adults instead of growing up together so I put a piece of it in here.

My favorite day is Day 226. Rick reading to Michonne... ugh SO ROMANTIC! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed. Let me know your thoughts! Also, as always thank you for reading!