A/N: Hello! This is a 3 part - OneShot Richonne Pregnancy Fluff. I wrote it for the Richonne Exchange earlier this summer and finally posting it here. I did do some revamping to the story, so if you read it already you may want to give it another whirl. Hope you all enjoy. Thank you for reading.

First Trimester

Day 1(ish)

"I'm pregnant."

His head snaps up looking at his wife. His mouth gaps open while his eyes widen. He moves his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Looking as if he's going to faint from her news, she takes a concern step towards him calling out his name.

"Rick? Did you hear me?"

He nods.

"I'm pregnant," She repeats.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

It's her turn to nod.

"The test says you're pregnant?"

She nods again and adds, "Yes, I figured I was for the past week but the test confirms it."

She holds up the home pregnancy test in her hand for him to see. He leaps to his feet and starts towards her, a shiver runs through her at his slow gait. It was his bow-leg walk that caused her to first notice him, that swagger and confident as he strolled through the grocery store. His gait a perfect mix of seductiveness and dangerous, it always cause her to become excited for him and today isn't any different. She pushes her lust for her husband aside and focus on the matter at hand, the pregnancy test.

She worries about his reaction to the news of her pregnancy; they discuss starting a family but of them both been busy with their careers. He just been promoted to detective for the Tri-County and she had recently made partner. She knew things were going to change with her now being pregnant, she is just uncertain at how much. Neither one of them should be surprise at the news; they haven't been trying to get pregnant but they weren't doing much to prevent chances of pregnancies either.

He stops in front of her and drops his eyes down, his chin pressing into his chest avoiding her eyes.

"Rick?" She calls out.

When he looks up at her, a smile breaks across his face. His magnificent blue eyes lights up and the crows' feet at the corner of his eyes intensify. She smiles in return as he takes the pregnancy test out her hand and examines it.

"We're pregnant?" He asks after a moment. She nods smiling that smile he fell madly in love with, a smile that lights up the darkest night as if the sun's ray. Her nose crinkle and her brown eyes narrows at her wide smile.

"We're going to have a baby?" He asks laughing. He picks up his wife and swings her around before placing her down and covering her lips with his in a breathless kiss.

"We're having a baby!" He says in disbelief. He drops to his knees in front of her. Lifting up her shirt and places a kiss on her flat stomach.

"Hi little one, it's your daddy."

Michonne tosses her head back with her own laughter, her heart swelling at the sight of her husband on his knees kissing and talking to her stomach. She runs her hand through his chestnut curls as he continues his discussion with their child who's not even the size of a tic-tac.

Day 17

Rick walks into the kitchen and dumps several grocery bags on the table. Upon hearing his return, Michonne starts in his direction to greet him. After exchanging a quick kiss, Michonne starts on unpacking the groceries; she stops and pulls out a book from one of the bags. Picking up the thick heavy book she reads the title and chuckles.

"What to Expect When You're Expecting?"

"What?" Rick asks turning to her and seeing his book in hand.

"Do we really need this? I've been around pregnant women and children my entire life."

"Well I haven't, plus I want to be prepared."

"And you think that book will help? Every pregnancy and woman is different."

"Trust me I know… I fell madly in love with a woman unlike any other."

Michonne smiles and says, "I doubt that book will help."

"Maybe it will or maybe it will not but for me it's a starting point."

Day 18

"You need to find a doctor here in Kings County."

Michonne stifles a sigh. She dislikes when she told what to do. It's his protective nature and most of the time he's right but she still dislike being told what to do. It pulls out the rebellious nature within her.

"I like my doctor! Dr. Deana Monroe has been my doctor for almost ten years," Michonne says looking at the side of Rick's face while he navigates the road back to their home.

"I know but she's far. You need a doctor who's closer to home."

"Dr. Monroe is not that far."

They are returning home from Michonne's appointment with Dr. Monroe. It is their first pregnancy doctor appointment; Dr. Monroe confirmed the pregnancy and informed the couple they were approximately four weeks pregnant and in good health.

Rick takes his eyes off of the road for a few seconds and looks at her as if she's grown two heads before he replies: "A one way trip on a good day from Kings County to Atlanta it is at least an hour drive. On bad days it can take you two hours to make the trip. Remember last year when it snowed?"

"It was only two inches of snow."

"Yea but it took you three and a half hours to get home. Do you really want to chance giving birth in my truck bed?" Rick asks.

Michonne glances back to Rick's truck bed, it's filled with random tools and equipment; she shudders at the thought of pushing out their child into the world on a back country road in the back of the truck bed.

"Fine! I'll look for a new doctor in Kings County."

Rick doesn't fight his smile from taking over, "We should go with Hershel Greene! He's the best."

"Isn't that the man who delivered you? Isn't he too old?"

"He did and he's not too old, he's experienced."

Michonne rolls her eyes as she grumbles in agreement.

"Now…" Rick starts, "About your job."

Day 27

He wraps his arms around Michonne as she does the dishes, moving her hair off her neck he places soft kisses on neck and presses his body into hers.

"Careful, I have a sharp knife in my hand."

"Are you…" He starts placing a kiss on her neck.

"Still mad at me," a kiss behind her ears.

"For suggesting you-" a flicker of his tongue on her ear lobe, Michonne clenches the knife in her hand the other clutches the edge of the sink trying not to succumb to Rick's touches.

"To quit the office?" He asks before nibbling on her ear. Both hands sneak under her shirt, one hand spreads across her flat stomach while the other crawls up to her breast.

"Yessss," Michonne hisses when he moves his bites to the flesh on her neck. The hand on her stomach drops to the waistband of her sweatpants.

"I'm sorry," He mumbles against her neck.

The hand slinks to the apex of her thigh and pushes aside her underwear, his knuckle grazes her sensitive sex.

"No you're not," Michonne moans against his touch.

"Yes, I am," Rick says alternating between kissing and biting her neck.

"You just want to… ohhhh… yesss… that!" Michonne cries out as his finger slips into her honeywell.

"Do you forgive me?" He asks stroking her gently. Michonne drops the knife and clutches the edge of the sink with both hands, arching her back into him as she grinds her backside into his hardening length.

"You're not-not play-playing… fair."

Rick chuckles into her ear as his thumb caress her pleasure button, "Forgive me?"

"Mmmmhhh. Yess," Michonne cries out, loving the feeling on his stroking fingers.

He detaches from her, turning her around in his arm and kissing her fully. His tongue pushes at her lips, she parts her mouth and their tongue dance against each other. His hand finds its way back into her sweatpants, back to the apex of her thighs. As he makes contact with her quivering sex, Michonne moans into his mouth. He teases her digging two fingers into her saturated warmth, stroking her quickly before slowing down and caressing her button of nerves. Michonne grinds against him, pushing her breast into his chest and moans into his mouth. Her only thoughts on her impending release.

"You should still quit."

Michonne's mind is muddy, she barely hears him over the sound of her moans, uneven breathing, and racing heart. Rick continues his slow torture of her senses. She inhales him and drowns in his signature scent of sandalwood and citrus.


"Maybe get a job closer."

He presses his harden manhood into her hips and gives a slight thrust against her, she buckles in his arms as her sex clenches his fingers. With his other hand, Rick pulls her sweatpants and underwear down her hips. Michonne aids him and the pants pools to the floor; she steps out of the entrapment and pushes her legs open wider for his ministrations.

"Ohhh…." She coos as his fingers plunges deeper into her.

"Or better yet be a stay at home mom."

"Uhhh…. Yesssss," Michonne hisses close to her climax, Rick chuckles before he takes her lips again. She hungrily takes his mouth and tongue, through the clouds of pleasure she hears Rick's belt buckle jingle. Her excitement doubles, on their own accord her hands aids in removing his pants and freeing his manhood. She greedily takes hold of him, stroking and pulling his length to her needy center.

"You agree?"

"Yes. Yes…" She cries out. Rick removes his hand from her sex and she whimpers against his lips. He pushes her back against the sink, lifting her up just enough to align himself with her. His tongue subdues hers again as he pushes himself into her saturated canal.

"Yeessssss," Michonne screams out already coming undone around him.

Day 28

"I cannot be held accountable about what I agree to when I'm in the middle of an orgasm!"

"You already agreed-"

"I was cumming! We agreed that we do not listen to anything that horny orgasmic Michonne says! She cannot be trusted!"

Rick catches her eyes as he looks at her through the mirror, he spits out the mouth full of toothpaste as a smile pulls across his lips, "I like Horny Orgasmic Michonne, she's agreeable."

Dress in one of his old t-shirt and underwear Michonne folds her arms over her chest and immediately drops them. Her breast are overly sensitive and too much pressure causes discomfort or excitement. Instead she places her hands on her hips and scowls at her husband, "Of course you like her, she's practically putty in your hands."

He smiles wide turning to her with the toothbrush held in his mouth by one hand, he reaches out to touch her with the other, "Just the way I like her."

Michonne knocks his hand away and takes a step back; she knows from experience with a couple of touches and sweet words she will melt to his desires, her body will immediately betray her mind and commonsense. He is dress for bed wearing only a pair of baggy basketball short and his lean body looks delectable. The Horny Michonne will come out and agree to his every suggestion and demand. This is too serious to be distracted by the promise of a blissful release no matter how good getting to that release is. Rick shrugs before turning to the sink and resuming brushing his teeth.

"I am not quitting the law firm!" Michonne states.

He rinses his mouth out before he says, "We agreed you are, so we're done with this conversation."

"We're not done until I say so! This is my career we're talking about! I didn't go to school for seven years and climb through the muck of the good ol' boy club bullshit to give up on my career. I am not going to throw it all away because I'm having a kid."

"Michonne, we talked about this," Rick says placing his toothbrush in the holder and turning off the faucet, "The drive to Atlanta alone is-"

"I can manage!" She cuts him off.

"Now but what happens when the baby starts growing? What will happen if you get sick on the drive? God forbid if you're in a car accident on the way home or work! Or if you go into labor in Atlanta? Staying at home and raising our child is the best option."

"For fucking who?"

"For you and the baby! For us as a family!" Rick shouts.

"For me? This is not the best option for me… this… quitting now right after my promotion to partner is going to be a major blow to my career. I am not going to do this! I am not going to quit just to play into your fantasy of a white fucking picket fence. I am not and that's the end of this conversation!" She yells in return. She glares at him for several seconds before she turns on her heel and marches out the bathroom and towards their bathroom.

Rick inhales deeply pinching the bridge of his nose as he does so trying to calm himself before going after Michonne. He releases a sigh and turns off the light in the bathroom before he follows after his wife.

He walks into the room and watches Michonne aggressively toss the mountain of decorative pillows from their bed onto a nearby chair.

"I was wrong asking you to quit after you worked so hard to accomplish what you have and in such a short amount of time. I'm sorry. I should have not ask- demanded you do that."

Michonne stops tossing the pillow and look up at Rick as he moves toward her. That slow gait of his causing her knees to go weak with her hormones in disarray Horny Michonne begs to make an appearance. She points to the other side of the bed and Rick grants her wish keeping distance between them.

"I am sorry. I am proud of you and your accomplishments. You're an amazing lawyer and you deserved to be made partner-"

Michonne starts to smile as she falls captive to his ocean crystal blue eyes.

"But I am not wrong about you continuing to work in Atlanta," he finishes.

Her smile falls away, she tosses the last pillow aside and curses the thought of having a mountain of pillows on the bed. She yanks the comforter back as Rick calls out her name. She scowls at him while climbing onto their bed.

"I know it is selfish but I want you close to home. I want to know that if you and the baby need me, I can be by your side in ten minutes or less. I want you near Dr. Greene and the hospital. I want you near our family and friends. More than want Michonne, I need this to happen. I need to know you and the baby are safe, Atlanta may only be an hour away but that's too far for comfort."

She feels her glare soften towards him.

"You know how much I never liked you working so far away in Atlanta. You know I hate it but more than that it scares me. Every day you leave for work I feel this indescribable fear that grips me and doesn't go away until I see your face when we return home. I've had this fear since we started dating and somehow I've lived with it but now that you're pregnant-" His voice breaks which causes him to pause for a minute trying to gain control of his emotions, "I love you Michonne, if I could I would give you the moon if you asked but I am not backing away from this. If this job mean so much to you then we'll move to Atlanta. I'll join the police force there or I'll be the stay at home parent. We'll sell this house and found a place in Atlanta. I know how hard you worked to get where you are and I am proud of you, baby, but I can't keep living with that fear each time you leave the house."

Michonne knows how much starting a family and raising their child in his hometown surrounded by friends and family means to Rick. She knows how much he loves working and living in Kings County and how much it means to him, so for him to even suggest moving to Atlanta causes her heart to swell even more with love for her soulmate. Tears threatens to fall from her eyes so she quickly wipes at her eyes, "I don't want to throw away all I've worked for."

"I know, baby."

Rick climbs into bed with his wife and pulls her against his chest, she wraps her arms around him and holds him tightly.

"We have some money saved up, you can open up the law firm you always wanted to," Rick whispers above her head. Michonne pulls away from him and looks into his eyes.


"You always wanted to start your own firm why not now? Why not here in Kings County?"

She searches his eyes for a moment before she smiles, "It will be too much with the baby coming and being a new mom."

He nods looking into her molten chocolate eyes, he knows she's right. Opening up a firm will be too stressful for her and the baby.

"There's Kings County prosecuting office as well as Dale Horvath. He has a law office in town and I'm sure he'll love to have one of the brightest mind in law come work for him. Or we can-"

Michonne cuts Rick short with a scorching kiss. She presses him against the bed as she straddles his lap and pries his mouth open with her tongue. Rick's hands goes to her thickening waist and holds her as they share an intense kiss. They both breathe heavily once they break away from the kiss staring intently into each other's eyes.

"Whatever we decide, moving to Atlanta, opening a firm, you staying home or going to work here in Kings County know we have options and we'll make the best decision for our family together," Rick says.

She smiles nodding her head as she starts to grind against his growing manhood, "Okay, we'll decide together."

"Is this you talking or Horny Michonne?" Rick asks with a raise eyebrow feeling Michonne become wet as she rocks her crotch against his.

"This is all me but Horny Michonne is done talking about this. She wants to find better use for your tongue."

Her husband smiles and in one smooth move flips her over so she's on her back and he's blankets her with his body. He covers her mouth with his, soon their tongue meets as his hand trails down her body and under her night shirt up to squeeze her sensitive breast. Michonne moans against his lips, raising her hips to rock against his hardness. Rick pulls away from her lips and starts to trail kisses down her body.

He pushes her thighs apart and settles between her parted thighs, he sweeps her underwear to the side and mumbles against her lower lips, "Horny Michonne give me ten minutes and I'll introduce you to Orgasmic Michonne."

Day 41

Michonne heaves and retches releasing the contains of her stomach into the toilet. She groans, her eyes water as she retches again. Tears from the retching and coughing blurry her visions as her stomach heaves violently. Once her stomach settles with the heaving and retching; she flushes the toilet and steps out the stall. Sasha waits for her by the sink. Sasha is one of two people who know she is pregnant, she wasn't planning to tell the woman but her many trips to the restroom were quickly notice by her close friend who also happens to be a paralegal at the firm.

"Feeling better?"

She nods and walks up to the sink, splashing water upon her face.

"Why is it called morning sick when it happens all day?" Sasha asks noting it is two o'clock in the afternoon.

"When you find out, be sure to tell me," She replies turning off the faucet. Sasha hands her paper towels to dry her face and hands.

"Andrea wasn't this sick."

Nodding in agreement Michonne pats her face dry and wipes her hands. Her mind wanders to her close friend, Andrea Mamet, who recently gave birth to her second daughter a few months prior. Andrea was never sick throughout both of her pregnancies.

"Rick says it is different for every woman," she mumbles.

"Rick?" Sasha asks handing Michonne a small bottle of mouthwash. She gratefully takes it and rinses out her mouth before turning to face Sasha.

"Yes, Rick. Ever since we found out we're pregnant he's been reading all of these damn baby books and then telling me what each books says practically word for word."

Sasha starts to chuckle as she digs into her bag and hands Michonne a bottle of water, "No shit?"

"It's annoying as hell! Last Sunday all I wanted to do was stay in bed and sleep. I told him to go hang out with Daryl and Glenn but he stayed in bed with me and telling me what each book says of pregnancy and babies."

Michonne drinks the water as Sasha laughs harder, "What did you do?"

"I snapped and kicked him out the house."

Sasha continues to laugh.

"He wasn't even upset, he just said it was me being moody because I was hormonal!"

"I bet that didn't help, him calling you hormonal."

"I threw his damn books at his head."

Sasha laughs harder.

"I missed but I did clip him with a shoe," Michonne adds.

"That's sweet, at least he's trying to be understanding," Sasha says as her laughter dies down, "If I ever get pregnant, I'm sure Abraham will just disappear for nine months and only reappear after the kid arrives."

"I guess it is sweet," she says with a roll of her eyes. The two women step out the restroom and into the foyer of the law office they work at; Michonne takes a few steps when she feels her stomach roll and heave again.


She covers her month and rushes back into the rest room, Sasha smiles and shakes her head as she follows her into the restroom again.

Day 50

The windows shutter against the howl of the wind, Michonne cuddle closer to Rick as the rain comes down in thick sheets against their bedroom window. Rick absentmindedly pulls Michonne closer, his eyes never leaving the page he's reading in his new pregnancy book. Michonne eyes remain on the TV screen mounted on the wall across their bed. The couple spends the rainy Saturday curl in bed watching old movies on Netflix and reading.

"We should tell our parents soon," Rick says turning the page in his book, "My mother is no longer hinting that there may be something wrong with my sperm count, she straight out told me."

Michonne chuckles in his arms understanding his desire to tell their parents. After three years of marriage both of their parents thought they waited long enough to start a family of their own. Their parents were also desperate for their first grandchild.

"I'm serious, she gave me a pamphlet to go to a specialist."

"My mom hasn't been very subtle either."

"When are we going to tell them?"

He feels her stiffen in his arms before she says, "After I'm out of my first trimester."

Rick looks down at her from the pages of his book, "Why? Are you okay?"

Peeking up into his blue eyes, she sighs and lifts herself from the safety of his arms.

"I just don't want to tell people that we're pregnant and then something happens."

"Like what?"

"Miscarriages are common during the first trimester."

"You've been reading my pregnancy books?" Rick teases with a smirk as he sits up on his elbow. Michonne is a little over 9 weeks and close to the end of her first trimester. She's right, it is common for women to have miscarriages during the first trimester of their pregnancy but Rick isn't concern. He knows his wife and child will be fine, he wants to tell everyone of their great news as soon as possible.

"Hush!" She says. She rolls her eyes before pushing him onto back again and moving back into his arms, "I just want to be sure, you know."

Putting the book down, he turns into her. His hand tugs and lifts her chin until they lock eyes, "You're going to be fine. Our baby is going to fine."

"How do you now? You can't be sure."

"Do you trust me?"

Michonne doesn't hesitate she nods automatically before she says, "Yes. Of course I do."

"Then trust me when I say you and the baby will be okay."


Rick smiles and kisses her lips, "Promise."

A/N: The "Horny Michonne" is ode to the comic book Saga and the heroine, Alana. Just something random I thought I would share. :)