Me: Yes this is another song parody, it this time it's fem harry is skull cause I don't see those types of fanfics a lot, skull is my absolute favorite character with Fon following shortly behind him.

Harry name is gonna be harmony, which reminds me take it away girl.

Harmony: Smiley doesn't own Hitman reborn, Harry Potter or the song "Thanks for the memories" by Fall Out Boys even if she made those small changes to fit the story, and if smiley did then trust me both series would be vastly different from the original plot lines in bad ways.

Me: HEY!

And to my Seeing the Unseeable peeps! I have not given up on it! I'm in a slump, I just can't figure out how to continue I have at least half of it done, but I don't know how should progress from there, so don't worry, i'll be back on my two feet soon, so until then enjoy!

I'm gonna make you bend and break
A young woman sits quietly in a lonely home while looking at the beautiful sky setting in the vast sky, she moans in agony at her bruises.

Say a prayer but let the good times roll
In case God doesn't show

The war was awful, it felt endless with the continuous battles, the torture...the deaths. Even if she didn't believe in God, she would have thanked every deity that was known for the ending of the war.

(Let the good times roll)

'Oh yeah' Harmony thought sarcastically 'Let's not forget the aftermath.'

And I want these words to make things right
But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life
Even if she bled for the Wizarding World, they believed of a new Dark Lord rising and guess who that lucky person was..

Who does he think he is?
Vernon, Voldemort, Dumbledore all those people who shackled me, used me, strung me along like I was a puppet in their grand show, no wonder I always hated puppets I was always one, but I should have loathe/despise/hate the person behind/using/commanding the puppet, they should always be the ones to carefully watch.

If that's the worst you got better put your fingers back to the keys
Harmony eyes harden as she leaves the house and continues onwards with her head held high, despite the scars on her back and the wounds on her face, away from its (they don't deserve to be called humans) hold and destroys the chains on her.

One night and one more time

Thanks for the memories
Hermione, Ron, Percy, Fred, Mr and Mrs. Weasley, Sirius, Remus. 'I'm sorry' she whispers in the night. 'For turning my back on the place you love.'

Even though they weren't so great
'I'm sorry I couldn't protect all of you' she says her last goodbye to the gloomy graves in the dark cemetery and finally turned her back.

It tastes like you, only sweeter
'But I will protect the ones left, Teddy, Bill, Charlie, George, and Neville I'm sorry I left' she hopped on her motorcycle and stopped for a few seconds. 'Ask Luna for why, that girl already knew I was leaving before I did.' The scarred girl smiled softly as she revved up her baby and sped off with a certain baby octopus snuggled up in her bag.

One night, yeah, and one more time

Thanks for the memories

Practicing magic with Hermione, playing Quidditch with Ron, pulling pranks with the twins, having dinner with the Weasleys.

Thanks for the memories

Getting ice cream with Remus, learning how to ride a motorcycle from Sirius, Remus almost took off Sirius head for that. Her and Luna finding a baby octopus and Luna saying she should keep it with a mysterious smiled placed on her face. Neville helping her identify the different plants in the forest. Holding baby Teddy in her arms as she softly sang him a lullaby.

See, it tastes like you, only sweeter
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
It will never be the same again without them.

Been looking forward to the future
Time had passed and she was performing amazing stunts, yet Harmony was feeling nostalgic as she stood on the handlebars of her bike as it was still moving and lifted one leg, high above her head, in the air, not knowing someone was watching her every move.

But my eyesight is going bad
And this crystal ball
There was one specific day when she thought Trelawny had one too many screws and finally became insane, 'Beware of a man with a funny mask, yet follow as he will lead you to the rest of the rainbow.' Harmony finally thought she cracked, she should have known better as she sat with other flame users at the table.

It's always cloudy except for

When you look into the past
Ironically enough I have the cloud flames, but Checkerface told me, with that smirking face of his, I'm broken, just a broken sky who turned the other way and found a new path.

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
I can't get them out of my head as I continue to trek on through missions and assignments send by that man.

Even though they weren't so great
Their cries of agony when the killing spell hit our backs.

It tastes like you, only sweeter
Their silent pleas for help when the death eaters slowly torture us for information.

One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories
My family giving their last cry as they lay there silently on the ground.

Thanks for the memories
The last thing I see before I have to keep moving is their cryingsmilingtiredsloemnscared faces, I will never witness any of that ever again.

See, it tastes like you, only sweeter
Who says ends of wars brings joy, happiness, relief not pain and loneliness...I'm so tired. She didn't even notice the barrage of bullets heading straight for her until she felt it.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh - They say
I only think
In the form of crunching numbers
Yet it seems as if she was never alone in the first place, when the number of her precious family increased when she awoken on a hospital bed surrounded by the sleeping arcobaleno.

In hotel rooms
Collecting patient lovers
When they awake I was once more shocked by their hidden relief when they berated me for being careless and for not looking at my surroundings, that is when I came to a sudden realization, maybe I'm not so alone after all.

Just get me out of my mind
I'll get you out of those clothes
I'm puzzled that they never question me about my choice of bizarre make-up when I cover my scars on my face and body. I'm not sure if they know why I do that or not, but I'm really grateful to them.

I'm a drink away
From getting into the mood
Uh, oh, oh

I remember their dumbfounded faces when I told them I was only nineteen before the dreadful incident had occurred. I can't remember who took the alcohol out of my hands, pretty sure it was verde, but did they really have to do that? I was one drink away from finally passing out. All I do remember is someone carrying me back to the car berating me about not telling them.

One night and one more time
I won't forget the times we shared with each other for a long time.

Thanks for the memories

I remember the lessons Verde taught me with that small smirk of his, the soft hugs from Luce, Aria, and Yuni as they smiled gently, Colonello grinning goofily while we have a snowboard race with each other, Lal proudly smiling when I hit my first bullseye, Fon calmly smiling as we made lunch for the others, and Reborn casually smirking as I knocked out another mafia men.

Even though they weren't so great
Then the incident occurred and we had shrunk to kids, we were told we can't change this, I'm being chained again...I hate it.

It tastes like you, only sweeter
Bless the little Vongola heart, he freed us from this curse and my famiglia grew once again that day. He won't turn out like me, I decide, he won't be broken like me, Juudaime/The Tenth Vongola/Primo successor/Tsunayoshi Sawada is strong, he will shake things up in the bloody Mafia world. 'I can't wait to see it.'

One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories

Playing video games with Tsuna, helping make sushi with Takeshi, creating homemade bombs with Gokudera, running, to the extreme, with Ryohei, ate grape candies with Lambo.

Thanks for the memories
Training with Kyoya, he was pissed when he found out I was actually a carnivore, pulling pranks with Mukuro, eating sweets with Chrome, play games with Fuuta and I-pin, survived Bianchi cooking and run away with Dino from Reborn sadistic torture/training.

See, it tastes like you, only sweeter
The times we spent with each other is something I will remember for eternity.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
One night and one more time - One more night, one more time
Thanks for the memories
I nurture my drink in the bar as I look on as I watch the Vongola and the rest of the Arcobaleno talking/arguing loudly to one another, even the stoic Kyoya and the gentle Fon, and I can't help but think while listening to the soft song in the background...

Even though they weren't so great
It tastes like you, only sweeter
One night, yeah and one more time - One more night, one more time
Thanks for the memories - For the memories Thanks for the memories - For the memories

I'm so fucking grateful to have a famiglia like this once again, thank you, thank you Thank you my family. I can smile once again because of you crazy bastards.

See, it tastes like you, only sweeter
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I can't forget my past, I mean come on who actually can, but what I can do is make new memories of the future, and I for one intend to make lots of them.





"Oi lackey? What are you doing over there? Get over here and tell Reborn that I'm right, Kora!"

"No, your not, I'm always right, isn't that right lackey?"

"You're both wrong, science proves that it can't be possible."

"This conversation is stupid to have in the first place!"

"I don't know about that, it could be possible Lal."

"...shut up Fon and get your ass over here Skull! If I have to suffer through this, so do you!"

"Coming, coming."

Once again NO REGRETS, I know that this song is a romantic song about failed relationship, but in my opinion it almost relates to this story

1 She loved the wizarding world with all her heart and was betrayed by them like a cheating lover

2 She moved on, but still holds on to some of the past and can't get it out of her head of the pain

3 When she finds a new place to call home and while she finally accepts she has a new famiglia she will still hold on to those she previously cherished.

Well this is my opinion I don't know if I want to make a squeal out of this, but without the songs or just leave is as it is, meh time will tell I guess anyways…