Disclaimer: No ownership of Pokémon.
Birth of the Kalos Knight
Chapter 1: Recording the Abduction
Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and their Pokémon friends arrived at a Pokémon Center. On a computer, Serena logged on and saw that she had e-mail. Looking at the address of the sender, her eyes widen. "It's from Aria!" she screeched. When she opened it, Aria appeared on a web video.
"To all my Pokémon Showcase Performers, this is Queen Aria," she greeted. "First, I want to thank all of you for the season of great showcases… which is why I'm presenting an opportunity to bring everyone together for a promotional PokéVision video to encourage the fun of Pokémon Showcases to any and all upcoming performers who want to showoff for crowds. The end of this video will have the location of where we'll meet up for this moment. I'll see you there!" The video ended and a map of Kalos emerged with a red dot. Seeing this, Serena brought her digital map to check how close she would be to reuniting with her performing friends. Her eyes shot wide open.
"It's only a few miles from here! I can be there in an hour!" Her excitement brought Ash and the blond siblings to check on the commotion.
"Serena, what's up?" asked Ash.
"Yeah, your voice woke Dedenne from his sleep!" complained Bonnie. Dedenne squeaked, upset to prove her point.
"Sorry about that," Serena apologized. "Aria's asking all the performers for a PokéVision video together here." She showed the device and how close it was to the Pokémon Center from the rendezvous point.
"That's nearby," Clemont observed. "You can be there shortly."
"Right… but not until tomorrow. Luckily, I'll see Shauna, Nini… Miette..." Bonnie sneered to Serena's dismay of mentioning the last performer.
"Hey, everyone's doing nothing but preparing for the Kalos League and besides," Ash pointed out. "It's for a video of you and the rest of the performers. You'll be fine over there."
"Thanks, Ash!" The encouragement helped restore Serena's confidence.
"He is still so dense," Bonnie hushed under her breath. Squishy darted its head up to understand its handler.
"Anyway, after our Pokémon are checked out, let's have dinner," Clemont suggested. The others agreed and just then, Nurse Joy used the speakers to make an announcement after its chime.
"Ash, Serena, Clemont?" she listed. "Your Pokémon are ready for pickup." Ash and Clemont headed to the counter but not Serena.
"Talk about timing," she gulped before donning an apron. "Bonnie, could you get my Pokémon? I'm gonna start cooking."
"Okay!" cheered Bonnie before racing to retrieve Braixen, Pancham and Sylveon. After their pickups, Serena made dinner before feeding her friends and their Pokémon. Typically, Pancham and Chespin had their disagreement. Everyone hit the sack in preparation for tomorrow. After breakfast, Serena began to head out.
"Are you gonna be okay?" asked Clemont.
"Don't get too concern," Serena advised. "I'll be back by dinnertime." With that promise, Serena bolted to the outskirt which the rest of the performers met. Almost an hour, she found the crowd of girls who played a role in the showcases. Something else caught her eyes: everyone here wore their showcase gowns. Shauna wore her pink gown with the white shoulder drapes and pink boots with the white forearm gloves. Miette sported her blue maid-style gown with her hair in ribbons and head dress. Nini stood with her black pseudo-gothic gown and pantyhose. Blanche still adored her white gown over a heat-compressed black t-shirt. Alouette styled herself in the white strap gown with the blue skirt around her sides and back. Amelia marveled herself with her shoulder-less purple gown and stockings. Elma wore her flowery green gown with the red and blue petal-skirt. Sara Lee wore her green midriff and tight black pants with a green half-skirt and white dress shoes. Concetta dazzled with her yellow gown and white gloves. Lily rocked the glasses as well as the yellow and orange ball gown. Shulin wore her blue sleeveless shirt/skirt hybrid with her right leg in a black stocking and the left with green wraps. Finally, Kazalie offered a new look to the set with a green ball gown and a blue skirt.
"Serena, you made it!" cheered Shauna. "Anything with Aria, I knew you wouldn't pass up a chance."
"Shauna! I knew you'd be here yourself!" That's when seeing the outfits caused her to ask out. "By the way, why are you guys wearing the showcase dresses?" Shauna giggled to the question.
"It's Aria's idea. She teased that we should look our best when we do this PokéVision video. Now we're all in our dresses and feeling good about it." Serena giggled to the thought.
"Funny enough, I brought both of my dresses. I just can't decide which one." Nini approached to offer her suggestion.
"Go with the pink one!" she chose while gowned in her Gothitelle-designed dress. Thinking it over, Serena couldn't argue with her competitor's option.
"Okay, the one I wore facing Aria. I'll go with that."
"Well, make sure you hurry," Shauna warned. "The camera crew's suppose to be here in 15 minutes, according to her." Serena scoffed to the information.
"Ten minutes more than I need. Be right back!" She dashed off to change. Once redressed in her pink dress and high heels, she rejoined the performers. Miette saw Serena, interest growing at her appearance.
"Hello there, Serena," she greeted. Serena found Miette, cringing a meeting with her.
"Oh, don't give me that face. You're the Showcase Princess. You should have more dignity shown." She leaned to Serena's ear to whisper a secret. "Of course, that face also means you're hesitant to ask him, right?" Serena's face perked from her taunt about Ash. She jumped back from Miette to breathe.
"That's none of your concern!" The blue-haired sneered, knowing she didn't pop the question.
"Don't let this twerpette get under too much of your skin," Jessie cautioned as she appeared. Of course, the performers knew her as Jessilinda while not aware of her affiliation with Team Rocket.
"I'm just telling her that she's running out of time to say of her feelings to someone, Jessilinda," Miette downplayed. Aria finally came forward in her lovely white ballgown that she wore in her performance with Serena.
"Serena, Jessilinda, Nini, Shauna, Miette," she listed. "There's five minutes before we start our performance for the PokéVision video. If you want, I have a few makeup artists that can powder you up." Pointing the direction, Serena and Jessie nodded and headed over to the artist for one last touch-up. A van from the Lumiose Press drove to the scene and out came a few people with camera equipment like a tripod, screens, audio board…
"Looks like it will be one heck of a PokéVision video," Blanche noticed. Alexa and Helioptile emerged and called the performers over then to Aria.
"Do we have everyone?" she asked. Serena and Jessie returned to the rest. Alexa seemed satisfied with the attendance. "Okay, we'll need Aria and Serena to lead things off. Then, we'll have everyone say their names, their Pokémon and have them perform a move." Everyone seemed happy with the set up. Aria and Serena brought out their Pokémon, Braixen and her evolved form Delphox. Other Pokémon came out to be with their performers. Braixen and Delphox shook paws, showing respect. "Okay, is everyone ready?"
"Hold on!" shouted Aria. Everyone wondered what the Kalos Queen wanted. That's when she brought out a gold tiara and dressed Serena's head. "Sorry. Now… we're ready!" Alexa laughed to the interruption.
"Okay!" Aria, Serena and the later forms of Fennekin stood side-by-side as the countdown to recording began.
"Lights!" one crew member checked.
"We're rolling, Alexa!" another crew member confirmed.
"Marker!" one more holding a clip before snapping them together.
"Go!" ordered Alexa.
"Hello, World!" started Aria. "I am Kalos Queen Aria… and this is my Pokémon, Delphox!"
"And I'm Serena, Kalos Princess," Serena said. "...And this is my Pokémon, Braixen!"
"And we welcome to our Pokémon Showcase show-" A scream cut off Aria as all turned to the fear-making shout. Nini became the center of attention when she pointed to three figures flying to the group. A trio of Malamar zeroed in on the performers. Jessie and Serena gulped at the sighting of the Overturning Pokémon.
"Malamar?!" shuttered Jessie.
"What are they doing here?!" shrieked Serena. The Malamar began chortling, leaving the performers and Pokémon befuddled.
"Keep that camera trained on the Malamar," Alexa ordered. One of the Malamar overheard the Pokémon Journalist before firing a Hyper Beam at the camera. The cameraman wasn't willing to take a pot shot and scrambled from his spot. The Hyper Beam totaled the camera, but its operator escaped harm. The power from the Malamar forced the crew to retreat and the performers to recall their Pokémon. Hearing the callbacks of the Pokémon, the Malamar turned their attention back to the performers. Before one performer could move, a pulse of Confusion snared the girls.
"I… I can't move!" freaked Amelia. Alexa noticed the trio intent on the performers and not her. She decided to use this advantage.
"Noivern, come on out!" Her Pokéball opened and released her Dragon-Type. "Now, use Boom Burst!" Noivern's ears began gathering energy for one blow. One Malamar turned and shined hypnotic lights in Noivern's eyes. The charge faded to nothing and the Sound Wave Pokémon descended to the ground in a trance. "Noivern?" Malamar garbled something and Noivern turned to its trainer. It used Gust and blew away the equipment. "Noivern, stop!" Malamar garbled some more and Noivern fired Dragon Pulse.
"Incoming!" a crew member shouted. All dove clear of Dragon Pulse but the attack destroyed the van and the equipment. Helioptile cried for Noivern to stop but nothing entered its enormous ears aside from Malamar's voice. Before Noivern could attack again, one Malamar garbled to another about a performer. They turned to Jessie with something not to their liking.
"What do you squid-faces want?!" she argued. A Malamar garbled before Noivern joined. Serena shook her body as much as possible before a Pokéball broke free. It opened and revealed Sylveon. The Intertwining Pokémon saw her trainer in trouble.
"Sylveon, go get Ash!" she ordered. Sylveon barked but before she could, Alexa's Noivern used Boom Burst, blasting Jessie to the ground.
"Jessilinda!" cried Shauna. Malamar finished the strike with Hyper Beam as Jessie started to stand. Nailed, she flew for a few seconds before landing on the ground in a sickening thud. Malamar chortled before freezing the other performers in place. The Malamar trio carried the performers through the air and leaving Jessie on the ground. James and Meowth found their partner in a heap.
"Jessie!" cried James. "Jessie, get up!" They shook Jessie but nothing.
"Jess, you're stronger dan dat!" yelled Meowth. "Get up!" Sylveon saw Jessie in dire straits. She soon dashed over to Alexa and her crew, barking about their condition.
"You're Serena's Sylveon, right?" she asked. Sylveon barked to confirm her suspicion. "Okay, go find her friends and tell them what's going on. I'm calling for an ambulance. No question there are plenty of injuries." She reached her phone and dialed a number. "I'm gonna need a few ambulances. We've got multiple injuries and a kidnapping by Malamar." A pause. "Yeah, about three miles west of Lumiose City… and we may have one critical." She saw James and Meowth trying to stir Jessie in vain. Sylveon ran as fast as her legs could move. She needed to hurry and run as a convoy of ambulances passed her. The Intertwining Pokémon questioned whether or not to return to Alexa and find her trainer or head back to Ash and the siblings.
"Go get Ash!" echoed Serena's voice. No choice, she raced to find her friends. EMT crew arrived. One found Jessie and knew her condition wasn't good.
"I don't know if she'll pull through," muttered one EMT. Other crew checked others like Alexa while Officer Jenny took notes from the crew members. What could the Malamar want with the Pokémon Performers? Why did they use Alexa's Noivern to take out Jessie?