Hey guys! So sorry, I have been worried bout class and trying to study an what not so I haven't had time to really write anything! So, imma give you this Promo, an idea given to me by the fanfic author- Aymen Ya should totes go read their stories! They are radical!
Anyway, I've also decided this story will be more than one more chapter. We're gonna have some fun with Sam and Dean for a bit. I'll try to update soon. Promises! I also wanna thanks all of you guys who have read, favorited, followed or reviewed this fic! Many loved from Kat 3
The darkness, it surrounded him. It developed him in a black abyss, wrapping around him like a veil. His body was heavy and he could feel the harsh tremors traveling throughout his arms, legs and torso. Even his veins throbbed mercifully under his skin followed by a burning sensation. It was as if he was chained down because his limbs refused to cooperate and he found himself unable to even lift a finger. It felt like a hundred ton was pressing against him to keep him in place.
When he was able to open his eyes? He immediately wish he hadn't.
(In Sam's room)
"Sam, he's going through whatever the hell this is, alone and let me tell you I have been here before. I didn't like it."
(Scene- Dean is standing beside the bed that held an unconscious Sam, Castiel at the foot of the bed.)
"His mind, it's trapped. He's reliving his past memories." Cas realized, looking at Dean with helpless eyes.
"So what do we do?" Mary asked walking into the room, having heard what the angel said.
A determined look overtakes Dean's expression and he looks at Cas with serious eyes.
"Dream root."
-Different Scene-
"Where am I and why are you here? You're suppose to be dead." He's in a barn, a familiar building he's been in before and he's tied to a chair, his arm broke and of no use.
Just like before.
"You see, Sammy. Your brother? He's a monster."
-Different Scene-
He finds himself in the impala driving to who knows where. It's where he ended up after taking the dream root.
Somehow, it looks too familiar.
-Different Scene-
"Sam? Hey, listen, it's me? Okay? I'm here and i'm me. Ya gotta believe me." Dean tries to sooth his confused and terrified brother fears.
Sam stares at him, gun drawn up, eyes wide and fearful. He's staring at Dean as if he didn't even recognize him.
One moment, he was seeing Dean, with black eyes and now? Those eyes were a gentle green.
-Different Scene-
Starring at a unconscious Dean, she asks, "How do we know this is going to work?"
"We don't.