Daenarys stands still as the servants dress her in a red and white gown fit for a Queen. Her hair is done in the style of the women of King's Landing. Her thoughts are not on the upcoming Coronation, but on her unborn child. She also thinks about Jon and their future together. "All done your majesty…" Missandei says observing.
Dany looks at Missandei, "Tell me Missandei…What are your plans for the future…Do you think on marriage?"
She sighs, "I do now that I am no longer a slave…but the man I want cannot love me in the way a man loves a woman…"
"Grey Worm…" She sadly replies.
"Oh! I'm sorry…" Dany frowns, "Does he feel the same for you?"
"If he does he has not expressed such feelings to me…"
"Would you consider other suitors?"
She smiles, "No m'lady…"
An idea came to Dany, but she had to speak with Jorah Mormont first. When Dany emerges from her royal suit an honor guard of Unsullied form around her and they walk to the main entrance of the palace where Jon is dressed like a Prince. Dany smiles as she can tell he feels awkard, but his awkwardness vanishes when they lock eyes. They parade through the streets to the tourney grounds. The sept of baelor was still under construction so it was decided to hold the coronation at the tourney grounds so that all who wished to bear witness could.
"From this day forth let it be known that Daenaerys Stormborn of House Targaryen…First of her name…Khaleesi of Vas Dothraki…Queen of Dragon's bay…Protector of the Realm…Queen of the southern kingdoms…Queen of the Andels and the First Men…is Queen by the will of the gods…"
Jon is crowned as Lord Protector and defender of the Iron Throne…Lord Commander of the Royal Army. Immediately afterwards a wedding is held uniting Dany and Jon as man and wife. The wedding feast lasts for three days. The first thing Dany does is meet in private with Jon Connington. Jon was taking care of business elsewhere in the palace. "Lord Connington, thank you for coming."
"Your majesty…"
"As per our agreement…Documents giving you Lordship over the city of Qarth to rule in my name…I am also placing under your command the Dothraki army…You will use them to conquer any cities still practicing slavery." She hands him the sealed documents.
"I will not fail you…and the other matter."
"I had Lord Varys reach out to many prominent families…Lord Lefford's daughter was once betrothed to Sir Michael of the Crag…He died during the battle of Green Fork…She has refused all suitors since then…With some convincing on the part of Lord Varys both Lefford and his daughter have agreed to meet you…You are invited to Golden Tooth…If she is your liking and her to you she will marry you at Golden Tooth and accompany you to Qarth after the wedding…Lord Lefford insists that your second eldest son inherit Golden Tooth…As your first would inherit the titles of Qarth…"
"Sounds reasonable…What if she is not to my liking?"
"Lord Varys will send letters of introduction to families throughout Westeros…" He Thanks her again and has a meeting with Salladhor Saan. "Are you satisfied with the payment of gold?"
At Dany's request Tyrion commissioned gold to be coined in order to pay the balance of what is owed to Saan. "It is very satisfactory…thank you your grace…"
"I had another matter I wished to spak with you on…My small council needs to be filled and I was wondering if you would consider becoming Master of Ships…You can build your own house…House Saan…"
"That is very generous…" He sighs, "I don't know me an honest man…"
"How about I sweeten the deal…You may continue your smuggling…But I want a cut of ten percent."
He smiles, "You are my kind of ruler…"
Dany meets with a representative of the Iron Bank and pays off the balance of what was owed during Robert's reign. She had collected the gold from a gift given by the major and minor houses of Westeros. Jon had contributed from gold given to him by the Northern families. After her meeting she met up with Jon for a private lunch that leads to love making. She has one more meeting before she can retire for the day and that is with Lord Gordon Estermont. "I am sorry Lord Estermont, but I already promised Lordship of the Stormlands to Lord Gendry Baratheon…"
"I have never heard of any Gendry Baratheon…"
"I have only recently ligitmzed him…"
"A bastard!" He says raising his voice, Gendry draws his sword. He looks at the Unsullied soldier. "My apologies your grace…" Dany raises her hand and Grey Worm sheaths his sword and stands at attention. "With all due respect I will not bend the knee to a bastard…"
"He is not a bastard anymore…"
"I would rather go to war…"
"I'm sure you would…But Lord Gendry has my support…I would be obliged to aid him…and even if I didn't his wife Lady Arya Stark is a very skilled assassin…I am sure you heard what became of the Freys…"
He squirms in his seat, "Very well I will bend the knee…and encourage my allies to do the same…But he must promise me one of his daughters for one of my sons…or vice versa…"
"I am sure he will be agreeable to that…You will bend the knee to him at court tomorrow…"
She has court the next day allowing many of the Southern and Wetsern Lords to pledge oaths to the new Queen. Before Gendry makes his pledge, Lords Estermont, Gradison, Peasebury, Wylde, Davos, and Jorah bend the knee to Gendry Baratheon and he in turn bends the knee to Daenarys. Next Dany orders the Dothraki to follow Jon Connington in war against the remaining slave cities.
Then she decrees that criminals and law breakers can no longer escape justice by joining the Night's Watch. Dany sends all orphans to the Wall to be trained as men of the watch and reveals that the New Lord Commander decreed that the men of the Watch can have families but they and their children are pledged to the wall. Then Dany introduces her small council, Varys Lord of Whispers, Tyrion Lannister Hand of the Queen, Jorah Mormont Master of Laws, Salladhor Saan Master of Ships, Princess Obara Martell Commander of the City Watch, and Jon Targaryen Lord Commander of the Royal Army.
Nine months after her coronation Dany gives birth to a healthy baby boy. They name him Viserys II Targaryen, his name day is a huge celebration planned by Jon the proud father. They have two more Children Sam Targaryen named after Samwell Tarly Jon's friend and Rhaella named after Dany's mother. A month after Rhaella's birth Jon leaves for Essos to help Jon Connington in the Eastern wars. Jon Connington and Amellia Lefford had fallen in love and married. By the time he reached Qarth Amellia was pregnant with their first child. Connington had been severely wounded and had to return home. Jon Targaryen took command of the Dothraki riders and the Golden company. He led them from his Dragon Viserion. In one battle Jon took an entire city by himself a feat that caused the rest of the free cities, the ones that practiced Slavery to surrender.
Jon returned to the Red Keep and Dany's side. In the coming years they had four more children. Aemon, Aryne, Daeon, and Rickon. Viserys was a good and kind Prince, taking after his father, but he was severely wounded in a tourney hotsed by his Cousin the King in the North. He died after three days and was mourned by the entire realm. Viserys was seventeen years of age. Both Sam and Rickon joined the Knight's Watch at the age of sixteen, so the throne would go to Rhaella who married her brother Aemon. Jon was not pleased as he had been working to end the practice. Dany and Jon lived long lives and retired as of their children Aemon was the only person who could wield Lightbringer. Of their children Rickon, Aemon, and Rhaella became Dragon riders. Rickon and Rhaella got their own Dragons, Tiamax and Visan, Aemon inherited his mother's Dragon. When they retired Jon and Dany built a castle on a small Island.
Gendry's first two years as Lord of the Stormlands did not go well as most of the Storm Lords challenged him in one form or another. But he learned quickly with Arya's help and through his perseverance he won them over. Both Gendry and Arya went with Jon to fight in the wars they brought their son Eddard Baratheon with them. While across the sea Arya has a daughter they name Catelyn who is just as wild as Arya was at that age. While sailing back to Storm's End Arya gets pregnant again and has another daughter, she names Sansa after her sister. Sansa is more crafty and cunning than her sister Catelyn. She uses her wits and charms to get her way. They have a son next and name him Brynnon everyone calls him BB.
Because of their pack with Lord Estermont Sansa is promised to Francis Estermont. She has Unella, who is like a second mother to her poison him. Sansa then spreads a rumor that her family had Estermont poisoned and it starts the Stormland wars. The Estermonts are crushed by Gendry who sends his daughter to King's Landing to be a ward of the Queen. Instead Sansa runs away to Braavos and trains with the faceless men.
Tyrion is a great Hand and serves for six years, but eventually he longs for Casterly Rock. He trains a suitable replacement and after a feast held by the Queen leaves with Jaime and his Dragon Rhaegal. He marries a young high born lady from the Reach. As time passes Tyrion's reputation spreads across the Westerlands. Through his ingenious endeavors and personal projects the wealth of Casterly Rock soars. He has four children with his wife, two sets of Twins all with Targaryen hair and eyes. Their names are Tommen and Jaime, Joanna and Cersei which shocks his brother Jaime.
Tommen and Cersei become Dragon Riders like his father, Joanna marries Prince Sam and moves to the wall with him. Cersei moves to the Red Keep and serves Queen Daenarys first then Queen Rhaella. She never marries, but is her uncle Jaime's favorite niece.
Daario and Nymeria become the Lord and Lady of Dorne after Ellaria Martell because Obara had given up her claim to serve Queen Daenarys. They have five children, Elia, Oberyn, Tyrstan, Domin, and Myrene. All fierce warriors like their parents, though Oberyn travels across the sea and trains with the faceless men. He and Sansa marry and take over the order of the Faceless Men. Tynene marries Bronn and moves to the Westerlands. Bronn becomes the Lord of Clegane's Keep and renames it Blackwater Castle. He adds onto the keep making it bigger and builds a wall around it. His sigil is five black water waves on a white background. His words 'Beware the Black Water', a motto invented by Tynene who created a black poison that tastes like water. All crimes are punishable by forcing people to drink the blackwater.
Edmure and Rosalin return to Riverrun with baby Hoster. They have three more children, Bryden, Stevron, Minisa, and Lyndon. Lord Tyrion Lannister makes reparations to the Riverlords so they can rebuild. When Brynden turns seventeen Edmure rebuilds the Twins and makes his son Lord of the Twins. "Better a relative holds title to the Twins than someone else." Edmure says. It is a long winter and Rosalin dies of sickness a year before the Winter ends. Heartbroken Edmure gives Hoster lordship of Riverrun and joins the Night's Watch. Hoster marries his cousin Catelyn Stark, the two fall in love at a Tourney hosted by the new Lord of High Garden a nephew of Olenna's. Hoster placed second in the Tourney as it was won by Prince Aemon.
Robin was a good Lord and gained the respect of the Vale Lords. He and Mya had five children, Jon II, Lysa, Robert, Joan, and Bailey. Bailey joined the Knight's Watch at thirteen. Lysa became a healer, Robert a Knight. Jon II married his cousin Princess Sonja Stark daughter of Bran and Meera Stark.
A year after returning to the Pyke Theon left and joined the Knight's Watch. He rose quickly in the ranks and became a Ranger. After Sam passed Theon became the next Lord Commander of the Watch and a second father to Sam's two sons Sam II and Jon Tarly both sworn to the Watch.
Yara's reign was long and full of hardship. Her other Uncle Victarion came to the Iron Isles with an army 10,000 strong. Many of the Iron Born followed Victarion increasing his numbers to 30,000. The war lasted for seven long years. Yara's pride would not allow her to ask the Queen for help. Eventually she lost her left arm but won the war. She married Bryon Sparr who returned to the Iron Isles after Salladhor Saan was made Master of Ships. The two had been childhood friends. They had seven sons and four daughters. Her eldest daughter Alannys married Prince Torrhen Stark of Winterfell. Yara and Bryon were poisoned by her own son Balon II who managed to kill three of his brothers and his sister Nadine. He proclaimed himself Lord of the Iron Isles and rebelled against the two Great Houses of Targaryen and Stark. In his wars he managed to take Torrhen Square and the Stony Shore. His rebellion was put down by Prince Torrhen, Prince Aemon and Lady Catelyn Tully nee' Baratheon.
Bran and Meera married when he turned sixteen. Bran was a wise and good King whom many came to for advise. It was Bran who advised Yara that she would win the war without help from the Queen. Meera and Bran had nine children together. Their eldest they named Torrhen, then there was Lyanna, Sonja, Ned, Jon, Robb, Talisa after his brother's murdered wife, Brynden, and Jojen. Sonja and Jojen had the gift of foresight and were the ones who like their father saw the Iron Born Rebellion. They were also wargs along with Talisa and Jon. Ned joined the watch along with Brynden. Bran died at the age of a hundred. Meera passed two days after he did.
Sansa's attraction to Sandor caused many problems, but it was allowed after the service he performed for the Starks. They married and moved into the Dread Fort renaming it Hard Stone. Sandor kept the three hounds as his Sigil but they were on a grey background instead of a yellow one. The Words of his House Beware our Might. The words fit as all his children were just as tall and strong as him. They had three boys and two girls. Jonathan the eldest, Aryan was like her aunt Arya and Warded at Storm's End when she turned fourteen. Jordan, Victoria, and Cullen, all warriors who loved their mother very deeply. Like their father they cared not for the title of Knight. After Sansa gave birth to Victoria she released Brienne from her oath.
Brienne returned to Tarth with Tormund whom she had fallen in love with. Reluctantly her father allowed her to marry Tormund so long as he took the Tarth name. She taught Tormund to read and write along with many other things. They had 13 children and named the eldest a girl Sansa. Then there was Mance, Brian, Jasmine, Edward, Josh, Reese, Catelyn, Karl, Obrien, Diana, Darm, Tyler, and Morgan.
Jorah Mormont had been given land to build a Keep, he married and fully supported his Lord Gendry. He married, but as soon as his son was born the Elder Ones came for their payment. They wanted his child, his son Jeor named after his father. At first Jorah refused, but after his entire House was threatened with the dicease he was cured of he consented. It took many years for his wife to forgive him and they had three more children. Their daughter Dany died when the Estermonts attacked his Keep. He fled to Storm's End and helped Gendry put down the Estermont Rebellion. Gendry gives Jorah the Estermont castle after the war ends.
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