Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. The story's older than I am for starters. Kudos to the actual Mangaka, Eiichiro Oda. Thank you sir for writing the series we all love.

The Others' Point of View

Introductory Chapter: The Dream

The first one to appear on the ship was a surprise. Or was it? Truth be told, the ship didn't exist before the living being too. There never was anyone or anything interesting on or in the seas before. The lone island within their bounds had some people, or did it?

Did this one and the ship come first? Or the people on the island that always existed. Probably even before they existed, but they were the world, so how could this island exist? As they focus on the ship, the island becomes foggy in their attention. But if they focus on the island, they can almost forget there's a ship out there. They're almost separate but somehow linked.

They don't like this division. One of them has to go.

The island has more people and they like the island, they don't want it to go because to them it was constant. So, the ship and the sole person on it will have to go.

They had almost done it too, but the ship would not allow it. Apparently, it was alive. How can a ship live? It's an object. A thing made of corpses and other things that never lived.

They elected to ignore it instead. It could exist, but it would see nothing from them.

The islanders grew more numerous. More boisterous. They were entertaining like nothing else ever was. They loved them. Loved them for the break in the monotony and they didn't want them to go. So, they helped them in any way they could.

Then things went south. They loved each other, but it was clear that some hated each other too. Some wanted to get away and never come back and didn't react well to always being there. It wasn't always so bad. Things were going so well until the most boisterous of the lot died.

But now he was gone, and the others were fracturing. It hurt them. There wasn't anything hurting when they focused on the ship. Although a long time ago that had been.

Maybe… maybe they should have let the island and its occupants go. But they managed to charm them, specifically the one with that large grin. The one who'll never return.

They were hurting, and so were the islanders. They should let them go. It will never be happy again on the island. There was no reason to torture the people that also loved the man with that large grin.

So they let them go. The island was vacant of life once more.

But it became boring again. So boring, and so lonely. The grinning man could talk to them, he spoiled them.

But there was nothing to do anymore. No one to watch over. So they turned on the island. Back to the ship.

They were overwhelmed in that instant. So much had happened while they weren't paying attention.

There were more people on the ship now, three children for the once squabbling baby that would have never entertained them as the grinning man did. The ship glared at them, even though the ship had no real eyes and they had no real body.

The ship, the Thousand Sunny it had been named, didn't believe that they weren't here to kill it. Erase it from the only real existence it had, other than a child's dream.

That confused them. The specific dreamer child in question wasn't the first one to appear with the boat. It wasn't even the second. No, it was the third. How could a ship exist when it had no parent to bear and create it?

They looked at the ship itself. It was full of signs of life, from those who currently live on it and from some who did not and never have. It confused them.

The ship stood resolute even as its life was questioned. It defied them for the people who are currently and will come to live on it.

They like this ship. Are the people on it like it as well? Will they stand up and glare it down should it threaten anyone they care about? Will they exist when and where they never should have to be together before they ever could?

It would like to see that. They look inside the ship. Ten bunks. Ten people. That less than the islanders. Hmm, maybe if they prove themselves like this ship that protects them, then they can survive and gain what the islanders were given. Maybe more too. That is if they can even prove themselves.

The ship stands resolute with them. The Thousand Sunny, a Pirate Ship who loved its crew so much it's come here to help them. Before the crew was even born. There no direness in the Sunny, they would have cast them out if it thought they would be used like that. They have no use for mercy, the concept means nothing to them.

What's this the dreamer child calls them? The Dream? Oh, it's never been given a name before. The island did get a name, but the islanders never gave them a name. This Dreamer Child, Franky, gets one favour.

He better use it well. The Dream isn't going to take heartbreak from those who'd die and break apart. They'll get a chance, but they're gone if it threatens to happen again.

They'd rather disappear than live in that agony again.

Celebratory Short for Four Years since publishing The Dream.

There's gonna be more where this came from.