"Thank you Lord Gaben."
The man bowed and walked briskly out of the room, leaving Lord Gaben the Awesome alone alongside his two Combine security guards.
"Alright, time to cont-" His train of thought was interrupted by the huge metal door suddenly budging and being blasted apart, shaking the entire room while the two security guards reached for their pulse rifles. Four more Combine guards materialized out of thin fucking air next to Lord Gaben the Glorious and taking up defensive positions, with two of them shielding the man while two others trained their rifles on the door.
"What in the name of fucking fuck happened?!" One of the guards beside Lord Gaben the Creator yelled out to the guards at the door, who walked over to the throne after firing a few shots at an unseen perpetrator.
He walked up to Lord Gaben and snapped a salute.
"My apologies Lord Gaben, it seems an angry fan was trying to burst down the door. He called himself 'Raging Chief' or something, and kept yelling something about Valve HQ and Team Fortress 2 mercenaries, we have successfully kicked him out of the building." The man said sharply.
The guard looked around before heading back to his post, as with the other guards, who teleported away through bloody magic.
"Now, back to RWBY…"
"Spy? Y'know that's pretty fitting for you, kitty-cat!"
"Yea, you being all sneaky beaky." Ruby added as she looked at Blake.
"Weiss, I think you and him will get along just fine!" Yang said, referencing the obviously fancy clothing the Spy donned. Weiss huffed and looked away, earning a snicker from the blonde.
"I tend to be more… Cautious." Especially with teammates like these. Blake wisely decided not to speak her thoughts out loud and instead focusing on the game.
"So… I got a knife? What good is a puny knife!?" Ruby looked like she was about to berate Blake and rant on about weapons but Weiss put a hand over the young girl's mouth, effectively shutting her up.
"Please, we don't need to replace our window again. Speaking of which, when did our window got replaced?!" Weiss pointed out while staring at the clearly-intact window. The others, through the power of plotline-continuation, ignored her and watched Blake learn the controls.
"Oh oh! Try right clicking!"
"Okay Ruby, though why?"
"… Just a hunch!" She smiled innocently. Maybe too innocently…
"And- Oh wow I have cloaking? Now I can actually be sneaky!"
"How is that possible?! Not even Atlas has technology like that! And even if it did, the SDC would've known!"
"Relax Weiss-y, it's just a game. A GAME. You need to chill out!"
Blake tuned the sound of the two bickering back and forth and focused on her game. "Hm?" An BLU Soldier caught her attention. The Soldier just stood there and did nothing, just staring into nothingness while holding a rocket launcher.
3 Seconds Ago
"Hey man, Imma go take a shit."
"Don't need to tell me that."
Present Remnant
"Okay… What's he doing?" Ruby asked. Blake shrugged. The W and Y of RWBY are heard bickering by the two, but was ignored mostly.
Blake quizzically pulled out her revolver and left clicked. The Soldier grunted and a small blood splatter appeared on the ground next to it. Blake saw Ruby wince a tad bit in the corner of her eye.
"Let's see how good this knife is." Blake selected the knife and pressed the W key to walk forward to the Soldier. Blake clicked the mouse when in melee range and the Spy's hand on screen thrust forward. The Soldier was moved back an inch and grunted.
Blake moved around and tried stabbing the head, feet until she moved to the back of the Soldier. "Huh? Why's my hand like that?" Blake clicked the mouse, and the Spy on-screen plunged the reverse held knife downwards.
The action was rewarded by a kill feed notification on the top right corner and the Soldier's body flying forward, dead.
[REMNANT BOT X GBN SOLDIER ONE] (Just imagine the X as a backstab kill icon)
"… That happened." Yang said, walking to the Scroll-top to look. Weiss stopped retorting and deciding to watch as well.
Blake confusedly looked at the screen's knife, and at the Soldier. "I take it back, this knife is good."
Ruby's mind gears moved around before it finally clicked. "Oooh… Backstabbing… Y'know, like spies?" Everybody in the room collectively Oooh'ed and nodded.
"Hey it's that guy that pushed Weiss-y here off the cliff!" Blake looked at where she was pointing and saw the BLU Pyro running towards her with a shotgun. Blake panicked and tried to shoot it with her revolver, but alas, the Pyro jumped and got three shots in before she could kill her. As a finishing move, the Pyro switched to the fireaxe and chopped her to death.
The camera switched to third person and showed her dead body.
"Dang, you're dead." Yang muttered.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Weiss replied.
The next few minutes were spent by Blake figuring out that the enemy isn't actually very smart, and so is their team. I mean, c'mon. This is TF2 bots we're talking about here, the species that had multiple versus and documentary videos dedicated towards due to their stupidity. What do you expect?
"Wow. Our allies are reaaaaaaally stupid." Ruby said, dragging out the 'a' in really, as Blake watched in amusement and frustration when multiple bots – At once – walked off a cliff.
"Ugh…" Weiss let out a frustrated sigh and palmed her face. As soon as Weiss lifted her hand off her face, Ruby started giggling at her. "What?"
"Heehee… You-" A hand was quickly placed over Ruby's mouth by her sister. "Nothing Weiss! Nothing's wrong! Right Ruby?" Yang casted a 'Please' glance at Ruby, who nodded slowly.
"You again." Blake muttered in a monotone voice as she cloaked and went behind a Soldier. She uncloaked and backstabbed the Soldier.
"Yay! One more kill for Blakey!" Yang cheered, earning a small smile from the Faunus. "Thanks."
Ten Seconds Later
"It's that Soldier again!"
"One more kill then." As of now, Blake was relatively skilled as Spy. Tons of experience as a White Fang assassin and stealth-based training certainly helped a good deal. Her skill level now could be placed in between 'Newbie' and 'Intermediate'.
"And… Kill!" The knife was driven into the Soldier's back while he was firing rockets at a Heavy, and the Soldier enacted the death animation.
"Gah! What was that?" Ruby was referring to the DOMINATION sound, as Yang set her computer that the external speakers still functioned even though a pair of headsets had been plugged into it, surprising everyone with its signature sound.
"Dominating?" Weiss asked confusedly.
"Guess that's the word they use to describe you killing someone over and over." Blake, the gamer answered with her wonderful knowledge of the dark gaming practices
"… M8, is this server cheat enabled?"
"Hmm? No it's not."
"… Huh. It is now."
"Cool. Who's admin?"
"Alright. Also, you might want to take off your headphones."
"What are you going to do?"
"Type… Console… Sv_alltalk 1. Enter."
"This might get earrape-y."
"Don't tell me…"
"Yep. Opening voice modifier program… Changing pitch… +200 seems like a good number. Volume… Amplify by 50… Done. Cover your ears. And now, back to TF2, press 'V'…"
"Deep breath… (Insert all possible insults in TF2 and imagine them being said with the highest pitch you've ever heard and with earrape-y volume.)!"
"Jesus Christ! I sure feel pity for whoever on RED."
"Wait, aren't they all bots?"
"I'unno. I forgot."
Back To Team RWBY's Dorm Room
One minute Later
"First of all, let's agree to not enable external speakers next time when already having a headset plugged in. Secondly, someone check on Blake's ears." Ruby continued rubbing her ears as the ringing subsided slowly.
"Blake! Blake you okay?" Yang walked into the bathroom, where Blake is at. "Oh hey. How's your ears? Can't hear me?"
One Minute Later
"Guys, I don't think leaving Blake here with bleeding ears is a good idea." Yang pointed to Blake, who was still plugging tissues in both pairs of her ears and quietly sobbing. "Rest in peace my poor, poor ears…*Sniff*."
"I'm going to take her to the infirmary to get checked out. C'mon Blakey!" Yang dragged the Faunus out the door, but then, suddenly Gaben the great and almighty casted a healing spell on the poor girl.
"Huh? I can hear! I CAN HEAR NOW!" Blake fist-pumped OOC-edly, while everyone looked at her with confusion. "What? How?"
"I don't know, but I suddenly felt rejuvenated and my ears are healed!" Blake proceeded to remove the tissues from her ears.
"Okay… Now I can play!" Yang sped over and literally crashed into the chair, before finally getting up and grabbing the mouse.
"Hmm… Imma go with-"
In another Realm
Gaben the large and kind frowned slightly. He had unconsciously decided to pause his viewings of the other realm exactly when the girls are about to choose which class to play as for three times in a row now, as if something is controlling his actions like an author of a story…
Waving that thought away, The strong and fearless Gaben waved his hand in the air and mentally thought something. Soon, the object of his thought, a lavish dinner table with glamorous meals ready to eat materialized in front of him.
He will continue to watch the antics of the other-dimensionly girls. But for now,
Time to eat.
A/N: This story has no upload schedule, despite what I implied in the last chapter. I have absolutely no intentions of putting this story on a schedule.
Fun fact: The Blake 'Torture' idea was come up as shower thought. A literal shower thought, in the shower.