AN: I got an idea and decided to run with it. I hope that anyone who chooses to read this enjoys. Tell me what you think. The main characters are twin sisters. They are Daenerys and Viserys's cousins, but not Rhaegar's children. They are 2 years younger than Viserys. You can go by show ages or book ages, I don't know if I will be specifying ages or not but we'll see. Let me know what you think.
Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones. George R.R. Martin does.
The sisters had been walking for days now. They were forced to abandon their horses at an inn for they no longer had the supplies to care for them. Raena looked over at her sister, who she could only barely see in the dark of night. She too seemed weathered by the journey. Marya looked over at her, as if she had felt her sibling's gaze. They nodded at each other and then returned their eyes to the landscape ahead once more.
Raena had often wondered if this would be worth it in the long run. After everything they had been through, for this to kill them would just be pathetic. She was deep in thought, when the vehement sound of fighting could be heard. Raena looked at Marya again. The two nodded at each other silently agreeing on what to do next.
They both dropped their sacks and grabbed their weapons. Raena ran soundlessly parallel to her sister into the trees. They each slipped behind one of the towering plants the moment they saw men. Before her eyes were two different groups, one a fancily clad team of knights, the other a ragtag bunch of dirty little boys.
She stared back at Marya tacitly informing her of what to do. She looked utterly confused for a moment but then nodded. The two girls ran out from their hiding places to the action, dark hair flowing behind them.
Raena kicked the back of the first knight that she saw. He staggered forward for a moment then turned to face her. She slashed her spear at the man barely scraping his fine chain mail. Carefully she aimed at his neck this time so that his expensive armor did not block her blows. She looked around when the job was done making certain Marya was safe. Her sister had had better luck than she, having already taken down three men.
Raena pushed herself harder. She went to place herself between a gruff looking man and one particularly pompous looking knight. She grunted protecting herself from the man's swinging sword. Her spear was made of a fine steel meant to mimic wood in hollowness but nothing else. It was barely hard enough to withstand blows from a sword but it could handle it for a decent measure time before snapping. She moved to the side to take on a different man who was now charging at her.
She caught his wrist with her spear and tossed his sword out of his hand. She swung her spear at another man who approached. He fell to the ground wind knocked from his body. The gruff man was back to targeting the one who to her looked like the knight in charge. She stabbed her spear into the necks of two more men. She looked once more for her sister. She was surrounded by three knights.
Raena rushed to her sister's aid, but before she reached her, a small boy drove an equally small sword into the crotch of the closest man to her. Raena slammed her spear into the face of a man running at her. She spun the weapon around killing and disarming men who dared to attack. Marya seemed out of trouble as a few boys aided her. Raena then turned her attention back to the gruff man who must have been the boys' leader. He seemed to be doing a great deal better than when she last saw him.
She fought until only one knight remained. The one in charge was still fighting the gruff man. Marya was nowhere in sight and that made her nervous but nonetheless she went to help the man whose side she decided to be on. She always grunted loudly while fighting and this was no exception. She swung and jabbed her spear at the grey haired man whilst crying out. The gruff man looked at her bemused. She simply replied with an obvious wink.
She searched for a window on the well-guarded man. Finally, she found an opening and swung her weapon across his shins bringing him to his knees. The gruff man sliced his sword across the knight's neck and the danger was gone.
"Who in the seven hells are you?" The gruff man questioned.
"Raena daughter of Aegal and I may ask the same of you." She answered and then asked.
"Yoren of the night's watch." He responded.
"Night's watch eh, a noble cause. How did a noble cause get into a full on battle with richly dressed knights?" She surveyed the area once again looking for Marya. "Where is my sister?"
Yoren looked at her with narrowed eyes. Of course he didn't know where Marya was. "Making the journey to the wall when these pretty cloaked Lannister men come by demanding I give my men to them, so of course I said no." Yoren's response did not surprise her. Tywin Lannister was a treacherous man.
"How terrible." She commented. Her heart was still pounding with worry for Marya. Just then she and Yoren jumped and out from the doors of a little cottage came her sister and company of four boys and a little girl clutching onto her hand.
"Men," Yoren called and all of the living boys gathered around. Raena did not care about anything but her sister's safety.
She ran to her, smashing Marya into a hug. "Good job sister." The sister complimented stepping out of the embrace. The little girl had released Marya's hand before the hug but was right back to it once she let go.
"I shall say the same for you." Raena smiled at her. Her sister grinned back, only her smile wasn't as it usually was but rather a bright red color. "Marya, your teeth."
The girl ran her finger along her teeth and then examined it. When it came up red she hissed. "A knight punched me in the face. I worried that I had lost a tooth, but I stopped worrying when a check around proved everyone still in my mouth. One still could've gotten knocked from its place." She informed Raena.
"I shall check for you." She came up close to her sister's mouth looking in the dark as best she could. "All good. Thank the gods, whatever would we do if your tooth had been made crooked. Tis a shame beauty is all that we have."
Marya gave her a good natured shove. "Well it is all that you have. I got all the brains."
"That jape was almost decent. You are improving." She shoved Raena once more.
Yoren's deep voice cut through their banter like valyrian steel through soft wood. "Many thanks to the two of you for the aid. We must make camp for the night." He continued on instructing the boys on what to do. When they got to work Raena and Marya aided them. They had decided to make camp with them for a short while.
They sat down in a circle with the four boys that fought with Marya. "How did you learn to fight like that?" The smallest boy answered. The high pitch of his voice lead Raena to believe that Arry was no boy.
Marya perked up, she had always been the more talkative of the two. "In Dorne we learned to fight with spears there as many do. Our mother was Dornish and so when we were orphaned some people of Dorne wanted to help us. They trained us. They gifted us with coin and we then journeyed to meet up with our cousins in the free cities."
Yoren then asked a question, "What brings you so far north in Westeros?"
Marya looked at Raena for allowance to divulge such information. Raena nodded. "We seek an audience with the one they call king in the north, Robb Stark of Winterfell. It is imperative that we speak with him and earn his trust."
"If he does not trust us, then he is a fool." Raena added on.
Her sister nodded. "We have an idea of what could be done to remove the boy from the throne. As long as he agrees to our terms a deal shall be struck and an alliance made. We have weapons at our disposal like no other. All we need is time bought and friends in Westeros."
"Arry," Her sister began.
The child looked at her with more focus than before, "I know who you are. I know that more than anything else you want to go home. Arry, we can take you home."
Arry seemed shocked by this, her mouth hung wide open and her iris went wide.
"As long as that is alright with Yoren." Raena added for good measure. She had no idea what her sister was getting on about. The girl disguised as a boy looked as common as they get. Arry did not respond but instead continued to gawk.
"Arya come with us, please." Arya Stark? Everyone looked about as shocked as a person could look. Even Raena could feel her lips part and eyes widen. Marya had always paid more attention to who was who in Westeros.
"How did you know?" Arya yelled.
"And how are we to know you are not the queen's women?" Yoren looked angry and on guard.
"Do you honestly think that someone as daft as King Joffrey could think to employ people like us to find the Stark girl?" Raena spat.
"It is true as my sister says, we harbor no love for the Lannisters. We did not come looking for you and your men. It was chance that we met. We will ask of his grace for the north to protect the watch as they go for now on. We simply wish to bring Arya home to her family. We had assumed that we would find her somewhere in King's Landing. It would seem that the one left that we must retrieve is Sansa. Our dear cousin is working towards it." Marya explained. She had a way of describing Raena's thoughts more eloquently than she ever could. It was as if she could read her mind. Raena was certain that she could do the same. She knew exactly when to worry and when to be confident based on Marya.
Arya fidgeted uncomfortably where she sat. "I'll go."