Hey frozen2night here and I am back from both vacation and writers block. Hope you all enjoy the second chapter of Naruto Oberon Uzumaki.

Also I will make a list of Naruto's abilities & harem in the near future.

but for now enjoy the story.

Chapter 2: Magnolia, Strauss and Guild

Magnolia Town, one of many cities of the Kingdom of Fiore. One of the many countries residing in the continent of Ishgar. Its population is up to 60,000 inhabitants, and is a merchant city that has been prosperous in Magic since the ancient era. Such reputation was supported by the fact that the town houses the strongest Guild in Fiore, Fairy Tail.

At the front gate of the city there are four kids who have recently arrived. They were all amazed by the smile and the beauty of this place.

"Wow, I never have seen anything like this before. This place looks so much better than my old home." Said the tall young man with spiky sunkissed blond hair with red tips. He wore a black open long sleeve hoodie vest with an orange interior, on the back was a white kanji for 'wolf sage' (ウルフセージ) with white fur around the end of the sleeve and in the hoodie, around the collar are several white magatama beads like design. Under the vest he wore a fishnet shirt. He had black anbu pants with red lining on the side. And a pair of steel toed shinobi sandals. Strapped to his back was a black gourd possibly 3 feet long.

"Well Magnolia is located at the center of the southeastern part of Fiore. So it would be a good central hub for travelers to sell goods." A girl slightly shorter than him spoke up. She is wearing a black cloak with a hood underneath it was a red sundress and a pair of brown boots. She has long white hair held up in a pony tail with two long twirl bangs on the side of her face. However around her right wrist was a tribal markings with the kanji for 'Suppress' (抑圧する) written on the top of her wrist.

"So this will be our new home! Awesome!" shouted a young girl with short bowl cut style white hair. She was wearing a pink shirt with a red collar and a white skirt with white sandals.

"It sure will be better than living in that village." Said a young boy with slightly spiky white hair but well kept. He wore a white long sleeve shirt, with a blue no-sleeve blazer, blue pants and brown shoes.

These four in order are Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, Mirajane Strauss, Lisanna Strauss and Elfman Strauss. The blond ex-shinobi has met the Strauss siblings when he first reached the continent of Ishgar. And saved them from a pickle…

-Flashback a week ago-

As he flew towards his new home, Naruto was enjoying the sensation of flight. It was one of the greatest perks of being a part dragon. His eyes looked at the clear ocean water to see his reflection. And catching sight of a few marine animals swam underneath his shadow. He would have never known this experience if he stayed in the village.

Naruto looked forward, after 3 hours of flying he could finally see Ishgar in his line of sight. Not wanting to be questioned by people he went to a higher altitude. 'Ready to make name for ourselves partner?'

'You know it.'

The blond tri-breed smirked at what adventure he was going to go in. But he heard a group of people shouting a few miles close to a mountain. Using his new improved vision he looked at the direction to see a something he is far too familiar with. An angry mob using farming tools as a alternate weapons. And they apparently are all grouped in front of a house. He soon focused his hearing to listen in on what they are shouting.

"Get out!"

"Get out of our village!"

"Host of a demon!"

"How long do you plan on staying in the village?!"

"Cursed Family!"

"As long as you're in this village, more disasters just keep happening!"

Naruto's anger was already on its limit. He recalled all the shouts from the villagers. The mental and verbal abuse he had suffered. 'Is this something that is so common in the world?'

'Sadly yes.' Said Kyūbi as humanity no matter where you are always will fear what they can't understand. ~crash~ Naruto looked down to see something was thrown into the house.

"Get out, demon!"

"Get out of this village!"

Naruto was about to nose dive down and make them leave. That is until a young girl with short white hair and blue eyes opened the window. Tears where in her eyes. He sensed anger and sadness radiating from the girl.

"Mira-nee defeated the demon that was doing bad things in the church!" shouted the girl. She sniffed by the tears that was falling from her eyes. "She did it for the village…this is too cruel! She was possessed because she defeated the demon. It's not Mira-nee's fault!"

Naruto he felt touched at the little girl's word. This girl 'Mira' is going through the same thing he had gone through when he was younger. Being seen as something he isn't. And she at least has someone who sees her as a hero. Like he had with Ayame, Teuchi, Sarutobi-jiji and Iruka.
However his eyes catches one of the villagers out of sheer bravery (*cough*stupidity*cough*) decided to throw a torch at the house. This was his final straw as he dived down to stand in front of the crowd. 'Time to do what a few ever did for me.'

-Mirajane P.O.V-

I felt fear as the torch was thrown towards our home. I regretted being in that church and 'absorbing' the demon into me. Now I along with my sibling will die due to their hate towards me. And even thou she may have a body part of a demon. She prayed for someone to save her or her siblings from her fate.
'Please. Someone save me and my family.'

Her prayer apparently was heard. Something crashed down between her home and the mob, creating a dust cloud. When the dust settle the villagers and Mira were staring at a young man. Mira blushed since he looked quite handsome. However his next words shocked her and most likely her siblings.

"Leave her alone."

-Normal P.O.V.-

The blond tri-breed now stood before the mob. All of them taking a step back due to the glare they were getting from the boy. However one of them took a step forward with his axe in hand, most likely the leader of the group. "Step away kid this is between us and the demon."

Naruto tilted his head and looked around. "I don't see any demons?" He turned to look at the girl similar to the little one with a hood up. She looked similar to the little girl from earlier. Only being taller and with her hair longer judging by the two bangs that reached her shoulder. "All I see is a cute girl who saved a town. And some idiots not understanding the difference between human and demons." The blond with red tips boy turned back to the villagers, missing the blush on her face.

The man growled in anger by the boy in front of him. "Oh and how would you know if she is a demon?! Maybe you are one!"
Naruto gave them a cold glare and bringing up his killing intent and aiming it towards the villagers. In an instant some began to faint or have trouble breathing, and it was only on a low-genin-level killing intent. "And if I am?" he said as his eyes changed color from an icy-blue to blood-red.
"Th-Then we will eliminate you too!" the leader of the group shouted as he did a downward slash with his axe.

The blond dragon tribrid heard the girl shouting him to get out of the way. He ignored her scream as he sent a pulse of magnetic chakra affecting all the metal in front of him. The man's axe along with the weapons being used by the mobs began to grind itself into iron dust. The iron particles soon went towards the boy and formed a black like gourd attached to his back. Once he gained his own gourd to use in the future. Naruto went up to the man and sent quick jabs hitting the shoulder joints, leg joints and stomach. The man soon fell down to the ground. The villagers watched as he tried to comeback up but he couldn't, what ever the boy did left him immobile.

Naruto turned to look at the rest of the villagers. "I won't say it again. Leave them alone." He said sending a second wave of killing intent, now matching a high-genin. Not wanting to be told again they ran away back to the village. Many went to pick up those that unconscious to take them back to the village. Waiting a while until they were completely gone he turned towards the house.

"Okay you can come out now. The mean villagers are gone."

After a few minutes the door opened. First to come out was the young girl from earlier who shouted at the villagers. Then came her the cute girl he saw in the window and a boy a few inches shorter than her. "You are all okay."

"Yes thank you for protecting Onee-chan." Said the young girl.

Naruto smiled and patted her head. "No problem. I don't like people hurting someone for something out of their control." He said making the girl smile along with her siblings. "By the way I never introduced myself. I am Naruto Uzumaki."

"I'm Lisanna Strauss. That is my brother Elfman." The young girl pointed at the boy. "And our big sister Mirajane." She said pointing at the one with the hood.
"Pleasure to meet you all."

"Same and thanks again for saving us." Said Elfman.

"Don't mention it." Said the blond and he soon look at Mirajane. His eyes focused on the Ethernano and Youki that was being emitted in her right arm. "Can I see your arm?"

Mira stepped back, the boy sensed the fear emitting from her.

Naruto seeing this made a calm smile and walked towards her slowly. "It's okay; I just want to see it. Because I may be able to turn it back."

Hearing this Mirajane took a few seconds to think it. Wanting her hand back to normal she raises it up. Showing Naruto a brown prune hand with purple orbs that reached her elbow. Placing his right hand he focused on shutting off the ethernano in her arm. Got to love the Yin Seal and Yin release.

Soon Mirajane, Lisanna and Elfman watched as her arm returned to normal.

"Their we go." He said with a smile at a job well done.

"H-How?" asked the shocked eldest Strauss. She never believed to see her arm back to normal.

"That's easy. Since you had no training in using your magic, you arm was constantly flowing ethernano into it. I simply shut the flow off for a moment so this will be temporary." Said the Uzumaki to the girl. He saw her sadden at his words. "But I can make a seal to suppress your magic flow from going into your arm. But when you have a proper control over it I will remove it."

Mirajane looked up and smiled. "Thank you, Naruto-kun."

"No problem. Also what do you guys plan on doing now?" asked the ex-ninja.

"Well we can't stay here. The villagers may try something once you are gone. We may join one of those guilds that are scattered around." Said Mira, fearing for the villagers to come back for revenge. "The closest one to here is Fairy Tail in Magnolia Town."

"Sound like a plan. I will go with you guys…since I have no skill in reading a map." Said Naruto looking at the floor in shame. The other three giggled at the boy misfortune. They appreciated at his attempt to lighten the mood.

-Flashback end-

After that Naruto created the seal around her wrist using his Yang seal. The group of four got to know each other better during that time. Lisanna along with Elfman saw him as the older brother they never had. Mirajane however had gotten a crush with the young tri-breed. And how can she not? He helped her with her arm problem, protected her siblings and was cute.

Naruto and the Strauss siblings continued to walk down the center road of Magnolia. Thankfully they were given a map of the entire town telling them of where things are located. Soon the four stood in front of Fairy Tail guild building. It was an imposing building consisting of three floors and incorporating several architectonic styles: it took on a shape reminiscent of a pagoda, with each floor being smaller than the one below it and sitting on the latter's roof. The roofs also bore great resemblance to those of real pagoda, consisting of extremely long, arched tiles lined up one after the other and possessing simple curved protrusions jutting upwards on the building's angles. On the highest roof, topping the summit of the building, sat a simple, round and pointed dome, highly reminiscent of those seen on Arabian buildings, which bore a flag on its point. The roof below the one with the dome, the middle one, housed a large banner with Fairy Tail's symbol on it, held up by a pair of vertical poles. The building's large entrance was again Arabian in design, with its shape being reminiscent of that of the dome on the summit, and above it was the guild's name, topped by a protruding, stylized heart shape and flanked by a pair of carved fairies. Stylized heart shapes were also visible on the frames of the numerous, large pentagonal windows located on each floor, with the top floor housing smaller, arched windows partially covered by banners.

"Ready guys?" Naruto looked at his friends and all nodded waiting to see what was inside. As soon as they opened the door they watched as many people were laughing and cheering at the fight that was occurring in the center. It was two young boys possibly Lisanna's age. One had spiky black hair with black eyes and didn't have a shirt on with blue pants and no footwear, he had a blue fairy tail insignia on his right pectoral. While the other one also has spiky hair but in pink with brown eyes, he wore a red shirt with a white scarf around his neck and yellow brown pocket pants. However Naruto's nose twitched at the smell coming from the pink haired boy. 'He smell's like fire…with a hint of dragon? But his smell isn't like mine. So he is a first generation.'

"I'll show that ice is better pinky!" shouted the black haired boy.

"In your dreams! Fire is…what is that smell?" the pink haired boy said as he took a whiff of the air. His eyes soon focused on Naruto. Ignoring the boy who he was having a debate on he soon walked up to the blond with red tips. He took a whiff again and confirmed that the smell was similar to Igneel. "Hi I'm Natsu Dragneel. Why do you smell similar to a dragon?! Have you been raised by a dragons like me?!Are a Dragon Slayer too?! What is your element?! Do you know or have seen a red dragon named Igneel?! If you had seen Igneel please tell me where he is!"

'…by Hagoromo-jiji's beard there are two of you.' Said the fox in despair the blonds head. This boy was similar to how Naruto was when he was a kid. The chakra entity thought that this will never happen in his life time. However Kami decided to make him suffer.

'I wasn't that…' Naruto didn't finish his thought. As Kurama did a quick flashbacks of his childhood. Showing how similar the boy before him acted like him. He even has a dark hair and eye colored rival, though much friendlier. 'Okay so he can be mistaken for a younger me.'

"Okay I will answer your questions in reverse order Natsu. I don't know a dragon named Igneel. If I ever see a giant red dragon you will be the first to know. Yes I am a dragon slayer, my element is ice-fire. No I wasn't raised by a dragon. And the reason I smell like a dragon…it's a secret." Naruto said making the boy pout a little. But soon did a megawatt smile.

"Yes! Now I am not the only Dragon Slayer in the guild!" Natsu began to run around in joy. Naruto laughed at the boys antics. He can so see him like a mini him.

"Hold on their little guy." Naruto stopped the pink haired boy from continuing his victory run by getting him by the back of his shirt. "Me and my friends still need to join this guild to make it official. So where is the guild master?"

"Over here." Naruto and the Strauss siblings looked over at the bar table to see a short man. He had a white beard, eyebrow and hair. He wore a white yukata with a black over coat. along with a black hat. On his hand was a staff with a smiley face. "I am Makarov Dreyar, Guild Master of Fairy Tail. And may I know the name of the four who want to join my guild?"

"Sure thing Jiji. I am Naruto Uzumaki." The red tipped blond said. He was still not used to saying his father's last name.

"Mirajane Strauss."

"Lisanna Strauss."

"Elfman Strauss."

"Alright so where do you want your stamps? And the color?" said the old man. Bringing out a stamp shaped like the guilds symbol.

"Uhm Makarov-jiji, not that I mind. But aren't you going to ask any question for why we want to join your guild or something?" Naruto asked since the old man was very mellow. He didn't mind since it would be nice to have an elder who isn't uptight.

"No need my boy. I am a good judge of character. I can see that you all have what it takes to be a part of our guild." The man said with a very infectious smile.

Naruto smirked at the old man. He can list him with Sarutobi-jiji in the 'cool elder' list. And it is really hard to be on. "I will take mine in between my shoulder blade in orange with red outline." The young tri-breed removed his shirt to reveal his well muscled body. Mirajane and two other girls blushed at the sight. While some adults wondered where he got the two scars on his chest. Makarov placed the stamp on the location the boy wanted it on and soon revealed his guild mark.

"Left shoulder in white please." Lisanna said being the next one to get her mark.

"Left side of my neck in black." Elfman said undoing his shirt a bit so the Makarov could place the stamp. Later putting it back on when it was finished.
"Left thigh and in white would do." She said as she pulled her skirt up to reveal her thigh. Her eyes went to look at Naruto who was facing the other way. However she saw a red blush on his cheek, making her happy that he reacted the way she wanted him to. But the two other girls glared at her for the boys attention.

Makarov mentally sighed when he felt a spike of ethernano. 'Why do I feel the guild will be rowdier than normal.' He put the stamps away once he was done. "Alright now I need to know what kind of magic you use. If you unlocked it. We start with you Mirajane."

"Well I don't know what my magic is called. But I can show it to you, Naruto do you mind." She lifted her right arm.

"Sure, Fūin Kai." Naruto said and the seal around her wrist was undone. Soon revealing her demonic arm. Naruto and the Strauss siblings looked around hopping they didn't react like the villagers. Imagine their surprise when they looked at her arm in fascination instead.

"So you have Take Over Magic more specifically Demon Take Over. That is quite a powerful magic you have my dear." Said Makarov as he told her what magic she has. His eyes soon went to the blond. "Also I saw you made that 'seal' on her arm. You must have rune magic or something similar to it."
"Does rune magic needs a certain matrix, writing and imagination of the caster." asked Naruto getting a nod from the Guild Master. "Then yes it's similar to it but a lot more dangerous. For one mistake in the sealing matrix can lead to untold consequence."

"Like all magic I am afraid. They can be dangerous by one small error. So what can you tell me about your magic and skills?" asked Makarov now curious of the boy.

"Well I am a Ice-Fire Dragon Slayer, I am a near master in Fūinjutsu, I am a near master in hand combat and sword combat, I have many other skill which I will show later. And have maybe 15 different elemental magical attacks." Said Naruto making many wonder how a boy so young can have so many skills and magic. And the blond decided to keep his origin a secret till it needs to be revealed. So he told the half-lies.

If one looked at Makarov he was calm. But internally he was doing the 'I won the jackpot!' dance. To have such a skilled young man join his guild will be a blessing. And he could later rub it in the other guild masters faces. "I see care demonstrate?"

"Sure." Said Naruto with a smile. He had been itching for a good fight.

-Fairy Tail Guild Arena-

Everyone in fairy tail took a seat on the stand a waiting to see who was going to face the red tipped blond. Naruto was down on the floor stretching for his fight. When he finished he looked up to the Guild Master. "So who will I face?"

"Your opponent will face three people each revolving one of your skills. First is Macao who you will fight with Magic, then Erza Scarlet with Swordsmanship and finally my grandson Laxus on hand-combat. Sounds good." Said the guild master. Naruto nodded in approval.

Soon a man with spiky upward blue hair and black eyes appeared. He wore a blue short sleeve shirt with beige jeans and white shoes. "Ready for a fight kid?" said the man.

"You must be Macao. And I am whenever you are." The boy said with a smile as a blue flames flickered from his skin.

"Ready, fight!"

Macao soon conjured purple flames from his hand and fired it at the newest member of his guild. Naruto dodged the attacks however he was also testing out the ability of the mans flame. Naruto soon breathed in and thought of the jutsu. "Water Style: Water Formation wall!" soon a wall of water shot out from his mouth. However he saw the flames turning the wall into steam. 'This flame is possibly weaker than my Amaterasu flame.' He thought putting more chakra into the water to hold the flame back.

'No surprise their. But it matches Matatabi's blue flame. Amazing that a normal human can match her flame.' Kurama said praising Macao. To see a human with the same level of power in flame as his sister. Was worth some respect.

"Sorry kid my flame is quite unique. It can't be quenched by water or snuff out by wind. Making it far superior than other flames." Said Macao with a smirk of pride for his magic. "Now eat this Purple Rain!" a purple magic shield appeared in front of the man and a scattered swarm of purple bullets headed towards Naruto.

The boy smirked. Dropping the water wall he soon opened his mouth. As he began to inhale all of the purple flames began to enter his mouth. Macao soon felt like an idiot for forgetting that Natsu ate his flame once. So the boy could do the same. When they were all gone Naruto burped. "Mmm, got to say that has nice taste. And goes smoothly down my throat." The red tipped blond soon had blue flames coming from the side of his mouth. "Now have a taste of mine! Ice-fire Dragon roar!" soon a torrent of blue flames was sent towards Macao. The man dodged the attack. Turning around he saw blue flame on the wall and floor where the torrent of flame has passed through. But where the flame was a light blue sheet of ice formed underneath it.

"That…so…awesome!" Shouted the pink and black haired kid at the sight before them. To see such an awesome flame of their element. The rest of the guild actually though he was joking about his flame being a combination of ice and fire. Now that they are proof of such a flame they felt bad for mentally calling him a liar.

"Here eat this!" he jump into the air and ignites two blue streams of fire from his hands. "Ice-fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" swinging his attacks downward to Macao's side missing him by a few inches. This was a new attack he thought up using a dragon's anatomy. "Surrender?" Macao nodded not wanting to face the powerhouse of a teen.

"Very well First match goes to Naruto. Next up is Erza Scarlet." Announced Makarov. Soon a girl with scarlet-red hair held in a braid and brown eyes appeared. She wore a white shirt with a red bowtie and skirt, black socks and brown heeled shoes. On top of her shirt metal chest and shoulder armor, strapped to the left side of her waist was a sword with a gold hand guard.

Naruto felt something off about her. Focusing on her body he sees that her right eye was a fake. A very good one if it can still allow her to see. 'I want to meet whoever did her eye. She must be in the same league as Baa-chan.'

"Let's have a decent fight." The scarlet haired girl said as she drew her sword. Naruto soon pulled out a scroll from his jacket and opened it. Everyone wondered how he will fight without a sword. But then a puff of smoke appeared and he was now holding onto a giant cleaver. "…that scroll works similar to Requip magic." Said Erza amazed by such a useful tool. "How at use you able to such a large sword?"

Naruto rolled the scroll back and put it in his jacket. "Well Kubikiribōchō is quite special. I will tell you more about it another time." Naruto put the sword on his shoulder. "And I do a lot of physical training to improve how to use it. So ready Scarlet?"

"Whenever you are." She said with excitement in her voice.


The two sword-users rushed at each other and met in the center their blades. The two sword wielders began to clash with the evading their respected weapons. They both blocked each others attack or evaded the attack. Until their swords were grinding against each other. Erza pulled back when she felt her opponent overpowering her leaving a slash mark on the ground. The red haired swordswoman went to pierce him. But Naruto raised his sword to block her attack with the flat side of his sword. Pushing his sword forward he made Erza unbalanced and went for a downward slash. But the red-haired knight used her free hand to push herself away. The giant clever hit the ground making a small crater from the impact. Naruto once more rested his sword on his shoulder.

"You are good Erza. I am glad to face a strong opponent." Said Naruto with a smile on his face. Finding a good future sparring partner in the art of swordsmanship.

Erza smiled at fighting a swordsman that can match her. "Same to me. But I will end it. Requip: Swords!" As soon as Erza said that multiple swords appeared and floating in the air. "Let's see how you handle multiple swords at once." Soon the swords launched after the blond.

However what happened next shocked the guild members. A black sand-like wall surrounded the blond blocking all the swords. "That wasn't nice Erza. Using multiple weapons on me isn't fair. So I will even the playing field." Naruto said as the wall pushed all the swords away. The black sand soon began to change shape and turned into swords. "Let's kick thing up a notch!"

Soon the two swordsman and their respected cluster of swords clashed all around them. They also had to dodge a sword of their respected owner when they got a chance to strike. Their guildmates were watching the sword battle royal that was occurring all over the arena. Makarov was impressed on how the younger generation was surpassing the old one. 'That boy will be a powerhouse.' He thought seeing a bit of himself in the boy.

"Go Naruto!" shouted Lisanna, Natsu and the dark haired kid. Mirajane, Elfman and a brown haired girl were also routing for the red-tipped blond.

The two swordsman continued their fight along with their other weapons. But when Naruto slashed, Erza went underneath the giant blade and had her sword ready to impale him. "Give up?"

The Uzumaki heir smirked. "I should be the one saying that." Erza raised a brow before she saw the black swords and her own sword ready to strike her. She tried to take control of her weapons once more but they didn't budge. "If you are wondering how I am controlling your weapons. The black sand is actually iron dust which I control with magnetism. Each time they clashed with your swords the magnetic property slowly began to infuse into it. Until without you knowing the weapons fell under my control." Naruto explained as he as he puts his Zanbatō on his shoulder.

Erza sighed knowing it was her loss. She underestimated her opponent and didn't took caution of the iron sand. The redhead soon sheated her sword back to the scabbard. And called her weapons off sending them back to the pocket dimension. "Guess it's my loss. It was a great fight."

"Same here. I wouldn't mind sparring with you some more." Said the blond pulling out his scroll once more and sealing his weapon.

"Like wise." She said with a faint blush.

Makarov in his head can place the boy between a Mid-Class A to Low-Class S. But he needed to see how the boy does in close-quarter combat. "Now for the last match. Laxus vs Naruto."

Soon a spiky blond haired boy with grey eyes jumped down to the arena. He wore a white sweat shirt with brown baggy shorts and black boots. On the right side of his face was a lightning-bolt like scar passing through the eye. Naruto however soon smelled a faint sent on Laxus. He focused chakra to his nose to smell the scent of Dragon on him. 'Hmm, the scent is different from Natsu. And has an electric scent to it. So he is a Second Generation Lightning Slayer .'

"Hey new guy you better just give up. Since I unlike those two am a S-class Mage." Said the fellow blond with a smug. He went into a brawler stance. It had no style or form, but by his body appearance he had speed and power. Making up for the lack of knowing a fighting style.

'…great we found the mage equivalent of an Uchiha.' Said the fox to his container. Who was also in the same thought as his.

'Well we better teach this guy a lesson. And kick that pole out of his ass before it expands.' Thought the ex-shinobi as he got into his Silent Stun stance (it's basically a Back Stance).

"Ready…" Makarov looked at the two boys. "Fight!"

Laxus was the first to charge wanting to get this over with. He threw a straight punch but Naruto dodged it by going to the side. The lightning bolt scar blond soon sent a kick to his opponent left side. But Naruto caught it with his right hand, he sweep kick knocking Laxus off balance. Then used his left hand to have a firmer grip on his opponent to throw him to the ground face first. Naruto let go and got back in his stance.

Laxus got back up angered by being showed off. The young Dreyar began to send a barrage of punches and kicks at the blond opponent. However he dodged or blocked them all with ease. But his anger was getting close to a boiling point. Why? Because the one he want to beat to a bloody pulp was doing all of this with his eyes closed. His grandfather told him of people who have skill to sense others ethernano miles away. Even use these skills to dodge an ambush when standing still. But that took years of practice, and here was a guy around his age doing it with little difficulty.

Naruto having enough dodge a punch to his face by going underneath it. And then did a palm strike to the fellow blonds gut. Sending the young Dreyar into the wall.

Getting out of his wall shaped dent. His grey eyes looked up to Naruto and he could only see red. He prided himself in being the youngest S-class mage. And the strongest of his generation. And for this nobody to humiliate him before his own guild. And even his own grandfather. Was not something he will take lightly.

"You're dead." Electricity began to dance on his body and he disappeared in a bolt of lightning. He kept moving trying to try and get the guy overloaded from the constant movement. But Naruto covered that by training with his Kage Bunshin. Facing thousands of clones going at unnatural speed helped on homing to a fast moving target.

When Laxus went to attack the back of his head. Naruto moved it to the right. He opened his eyes showing his sharingan. Naruto did an elbow strike to the boys gut taking all the air out of him. And turned around to stand infront of the boy. "Silent Stun Style: Out Cold." Then did a barrage of jabs at differnet joints and pressure points. To the guild his hands were moving in a complete blur. When he stopped his attack Laxus fell to the floor. If it wasn't for his chest slightly moving he would have been presumed dead.

"Winner Naruto Uzumaki." Said Makarov. Smiling at the coming future of his guild. "Now that this is finished. You can have the rest of the day to relax and enjoy. And I don't want to hear anything being broken." He went down to the field and picked his grandson up. 'Better head over to Porlyusica. Laxus will need it after being beaten like this. Hopefully this will be a good lesson to see that there are people stronger than him out their.' He soon headed to the healer of his guild.

Soon Naruto was surrounded by Lisanna, Elfman, Mirajane, Elsa, Natsu, a brown haired girl and a black haired boy. The other guild members soon followed. All of them congratulating on his victory against some like Laxus.

"That was awesome aniki." Shouted Natsu as he jumped in joy.

"Aniki?" Naruto looked at the kid.

"Well yeah. I mean you are older than me and a dragon slayer. So why not. Don't like it?" Natsu looked up at the blond. However his hair was soon ruffled into a mess. His black looked up to see a very contagious smile.

"I wouldn't mind being your aniki Natsu. In fact from now on we are brother, maybe not in blood but in but in bond. How does that sound Otōto." Naruto said not minding having the kid as a brother. Natsu smiled hugging the older dragon slayer and now newly named brother.

'Yeah…I am going to like it here.' He thought as he soon followed everyone into the guild hall. To celebrate his victory and acceptance into the guild. All the adults were retelling his action and amazed on how the younger generation will bring their guild to be the strongest in the world.

'Same here.' Kurama said looking through the boys eyes. However in the back of his head he knew that those in the elemental nation will stop at nothing to get the kit back. But for now he will watch over him and see him grow. In a place he can truly call a home.

Hope you enjoyed the story. Until next time. and please review.