It's here!

Ok so it took me some time 'cause I got some other stories but I'm working in the 3 chapter!

Hoping to put Usagi a little more and Karma too.

Now I know it's not a big chapter but it will do ok?

Love Xxx

It's been a week since she talked with Usagi in the park on her date with Karma. Nagisa didn't see Usagi when she was working in the Asano's household and didn't see any different behavior with Gakushuu that showed that Usagi came when the bluenett wasn't there.

Nagisa was just going to walk into Gakushuu office, she was done with making his room. You would think that he would be a little messy, him being a teenage boy, but the room was clean. Nagisa only needed to tied it up and it was all good.

She started thinking that he won't really let her do hard jobs like cleaning the hall or the "lobby"- it was too big to be called a lobby! The other maids did it and still he won't ask her to do those things, just the really simple ones.

Her hand was already on the knob when she heard someone talking inside, already knowing it was not Gakushuu for the voice was deeper and sounded like it belong to an older man, so that wasn't Usagi too.

Deciding against going in she leaned on the door as quiet as she could, listening in on the conversation. At first she couldn't hear what was being said but then one voice, the man, started talking louder, like he was losing the grip on his anger.

"It is not for you to decide." The man said.

"She is my maid, father." Nagisa heard Gakushuu say and her eyes widen. Father? Was that the chairman in there with Gakushuu?

"She is working in this household." Asano said, sounding like he was not up for this argument.

"Father I will act as I-" Nagisa didn't hear Gakushuu finish for the sound of skin hitting skin was too loud for her ears. The bluenett gasped, not believing she heard that sound, did the chairman slapped his son right now?

After hearing that she decided it was a good time to go in and stop it all, before something else will happen, but just as she was going to open the door she heard the man rise his voice, making Nagisa stop in her trucks.

"YOU will NOT act as YOU see fit! I'm rising you to becoming a SUCCESS!" Asano said, voice full of bloodlust and even if it wasn't directed to Nagisa, she could feel her body shutter. It was like how her mom was when she loses it.

She was still frozen when she heard steps that were getting closer to the door, the door she was now in front of. oh no…. that will not look good if seen like that, with them having an argument and all.

Nagisa stepped back and to the side, hoping that by the doing that, the one that would walk out will be too focused on what just happened then to see her standing there. She watched as the chairman walked out, making her to try and become smaller so that he would not see her there, but she saw the glance he gave her as he kept walking down the hall.

Nagisa released the air she was holding and looked inside, only popping her head in, the rest of the body leaning on the wall next to the open door. She saw Gakushuu standing behind his desk, chair toppled on the floor, and looking down at said desk.

Nagisa was going to do something crazy, something that was against her "little mouse" nature. She was going to see if Gakushuu was okay.

Nagisa ran inside and to Gakushuu side, sure to make some noise so that he will know that she was coming his way but he didn't show any signs that he heard her or even acknowledged her present there.

"Asano-kun?" she asked, voice hesitant and just above a whisper.

The Boy didn't respond, nor did he looked up at her to show he heard her. Nagisa could feel a pang of hurt for the boy before her, not really knowing why. Maybe it was because she knew how he felt. With her mother and all of that.

"Asano…?" Nagisa asked again, this time putting a hand on his shoulder, trying to make the boy notice her. This did not work, for he kept looking at the desk, showing no signs for recognition.

"Gakushuu?" this time Nagisa used his first name, hoping it will snap him out of it, and it did. She watched as Gakushuu took a shaken breath and slowly looked at her. Nagisa could see the red mark on his cheek, showing that he was slapped on his right side, but that wasn't what made her gasp. It was the sad and lost look in Gakushuu eyes, they were wet, showing that he was holding tears.

Nagisa could see that he didn't fully understood that it was her in front of him. Nagisa couldn't take it anymore and she hugged him, letting him drag her to the floor with him, feeling him clinch to her. Just like a child clinching to his mother.

Nagisa was quiet at first, letting the boy clinch to her, feeling him shake but felt no tears wetting her uniform. Then she made him look at her gently, "Let's go put some ice on that, okay?" she asked, her voice transmitting warm and security, or so she hoped.

She saw Gakushuu nod at her and smiled, standing with him still in her arms, not letting go. She then started walking with him holding her hand and staying close to her. As they walked to the kitchen she felt a nostalgic feeling, like she already did it to help Gakushuu when his father was mad at him.

She also felt like someone was missing from the picture, someone that tried making him laugh by acting stupid, but who? Now was not the time to think about it. She needed to help Gakushuu for he was just like her when her mom gets angry at her.

They walked into the kitchen and Nagisa was relieved that none of the workers were there at this hour, them having a break at that time. She walked Gakushuu to a chair, making him sit there as she got the ice to put on that red mark.

When she got back to him she told him to press it down, still not getting him to say something back to her. She thought about asking him if he wanted some coffee but for some reason felt like she needed to ask if he wanted some hot Choco.

"Gakushuu you want me to make you some hot Choco, with extra chocolate and vanilla stick?" she asked him with a smiled, wondering from where she got that idea but deciding to think about that later.

Gakushuu looked at her, eyes wide, but still he nodded, lowering the ice pack and getting Nagisa telling him to keep it there. Why was he like that with her? Wanting to cry and waiting, oh so agitatedly for her hot Choco.

That girl made him feel safe from his father—his father, Gakushuu could feel the pain in thinking about what he said last. So quiet that only Gakushuu could hear, but it was there, those words.

"Don't be a disappointing again."

Asano was really scared but didn't want to show it for it will label him weak in his father eyes, so when Nagisa walked in he tried keeping it in but when she called him by his name he felt like he was just hit by a bus, taking his breath away and making him want to jump into her arms.

He could still feel the warmth that came from her when she hugged him, letting her take him to get ice on his burning cheek.

Nagisa really felt like she already knew what to do in this kind of situation. She walked him to the kitchen, glad that nobody was there right now, she knew that Gakushuu wouldn't want other people to see him like that. she was shocked that he even let her take him out of the office.

As she walked in with Gakushuu still in arm range into the warm kitchen, she noticed that there were some cupcakes in the oven. This made her smile a little for she knew it was for Gakushuu. The boy may look tough but he really liked his cupcakes.

"Gakushuu go sit there ok?" Nagisa asked, pointing to the chair next to the heating oven.

Gakushuu didn't respond to her saying his first name, only walked to the chair, sitting on it and looking at Nagisa who was smiling fondly to him.

Nagisa walked to the stove and started heating water. She did say she will make him some hot Choco didn't she?

The bluenett could feel the eyes on her back, knowing the Gakushuu was looking at her right now. She didn't really think before she said his first name. Nagisa started making the Choco, now starting to wonder again how did she knew what he liked, or how to make it?

Nagisa was sure she never did this drink or heard that Gakushuu liked this. She giggled a little thinking about Gakushuu telling someone his liked hot Choco.

She finished making it and turned off the stove, pouring it into a round glass cup, the ones she knew that you can touch and you won't feel the warmth of the drink in it. She saw it on TV but it is really expansive so she never got to try one.

Nagisa took the cup in her hand and it was really like they said! She couldn't feel the hot drink that was in it! She walked over to Gakushuu who was still looking at her. "Does your cheek still hurts?" she asked him, getting a small movement of the head that said no but she could see the swelling, red cheek and decided that after the drink she will get him some more ice and a bandage.

Gakushuu took the drink from Nagisa hands, feeling the warm steam coming from the drink and hitting his face, making him smile a little. He felt nostalgic, like this was something that happened and he missed it.

From the corner of his eye he could see Nagisa shocked expression, at first he didn't get it but then he remembered that he never really smiled and so this was the first time she saw it. He regraded it at first, thinking that she will act differently in some way but she didn't. all she did was smile back at him again and sit next to him, saying nothing.

Gakushuu took a sip from the hot Choco, surprised that it was exactly how he liked it. How did she know? It couldn't be the cook, he didn't know about the drink, only his uncle and his mother sister knew about that drink.

Gakushuu looked at the drink and he could feel himself crumbling down. Why now? He didn't want Nagisa to see him like that, so weak.

Nagisa could see Gakushuu trembling, knowing he was trying to control himself. She also knew that was one way to self-destruct.

She could see him biting his lower lip, to stop it from trembling and for the sob sound to stay in his throat. She wanted to hug him again, to tell him it is not weak to cry when needed, for the ones that are strong are the ones that need to cry the most.

Gakushuu hands clinched to the cup, turning red from the pressure. At this Nagisa thought 'Fuck it' and jumped from her chair, making it fall backwards, making Gakushuu look up.

He felt the arms more the saw them as Nagisa was hugging him again, making him drop the cup to the ground, hearing it crush. He wanted so badly to hug her back but instead he struggled against her, telling her to let him go.

"No." he heard her say in his ear, hugging him tighter.

"Why?" he asked her, stopping his struggle, knowing it will not help him.

Nagisa didn't answer him, she only held him in silence. Gakushuu could feel himself relaxing into her but he couldn't let himself be weaker than he already was- "You are not." Gakushuu heard the bluenett say.

"Eh?" he asked, not getting her. What wasn't he? Strong? She didn't need to tell him that, his father did so every day.

"You are not weak!" she said in a harsh tone.

This made Gakushuu angry for how could she tell him that he wasn't weak as she was weak herself? He wanted to laugh seeing that a weak girl is hugging him, saying that he wasn't weak.

"I don't care if you see me as weak but you aren't weak!" she said in a whisper voice and Gakushuu wondered if he said it out loud.

"How can you say that? you know nothing about me." Gakushuu said, and it was almost like he was empty with how his voice sounded.

"You are right; I don't know you." She said and Gakushuu wanted to yell at her that if he was right she shouldn't say those kind of things, but Nagisa was faster as she continued, "I don't know you but it's okay to cry, it's ok to show that you're alive."

Nagisa then looked at him, still having her arms around her. Gakushuu could see the pain in her eyes, almost like she felt it for him. "It's ok to be human." She said with a small smile and that did it to Gakushuu.

It was like he was hit with something and then he remembered trying not to cry, expression showing the self-hate he felt for himself, being weak in his father eyes. He saw a girl coming to him and he was ready to scream at her to go away, knowing she will ask if he was okay.

Gakushuu also remembered that she didn't ask him anything, just looked at him and then said "It's ok to be human." She then walked away.

Nagisa was quiet, wanting to let Gakushuu make his own choice in the matter. She felt Gakushuu hands on her arms, readying herself for when he would push her away, but instead she felt him clinching at her shirt.

After a minute she felt him shaking and water drops hitting her shirt. She knew what he decided and she let him do as he felt.

The two stayed like that for thirty minutes, just Nagisa holding him as Gakushuu cried at the pain he felt for so many years before it. It was no longer just about the pain he felt now, from those words his father whispered to him. It was the pain for all the years he couldn't let it show.

Gakushuu knew that the bluenett know that it was no longer just about now and he was glad that she just stayed quite, letting him cry. He knew that if it was someone else he would feel embarrassment, making him feel worst for he was never embarrass.

With Nagisa he felt safe, he felt like he could tell her everything and also wanting to protect her from harm way. He never felt like it in his life for someone, not even his uncle that he loved so much.

But, even though he says he never felt like that for someone, this feeling is so familiar that he just wants to go down memory lane. Gakushuu breathed in and he could small her. the small of vanilla and something he couldn't put in words but it was making him relax.

Gakushuu opened his eyes, not remembering when he closed them in the first time, and pushed himself off Nagisa. Using a little more force then needed because he felt like his body won't move if he didn't.

He could see Nagisa stretching, then she looked at him with that smile of her. Gakushuu breathed deep and said, "Thank you Nagisa." He wanted to see how she will react for how he said her name.

She was surprised at how Gakushuu called her. Is that an invite to call him by his first name? she did it before but only to get him out of whatever he was in. she could feel her face getting warmer, not used to people saying only 'Nagisa'.

"We should go Gakushuu." She said, feeling instant fear taking over her. She just said his first name and she's really hoping that, that name calling before meant that.

"Yes we should. The stuff will be coming back any moment now, right?" Gakushuu asked, not showing any disapprove about her using his real name.

"Yes, Gakushuu." She said with a small smile that if you knew Nagisa well you would know it was a smirk. She knew she was having too much fun with the name but, for her defiance, she always wanted to call him but his first name.

Gakushuu started walking with her after him, not talking but it wasn't uncomfortable, it was nice, to just walk around. Nagisa noticed that they were not going to the office as she thought they would. She looked around, not recognizing this part of the house.

Now she started wandering if she was supposed to walked after him or not. He didn't say anything about her walking after him. As if hearing what she thought Gakushuu said, "We are almost there." She looked at him thinking he might have looked back and saw her worried look but his back was still to her.

How did he do that? she knew Isogai-kun could do that but it took him two mouth to control it right and he practiced with Karasuma-sensei. She looked at Gakushuu wondering if there something that she didn't know about him. It wouldn't be the first time that people didn't look like what they really were.

"Gakushuu…" Nagisa stared but stopped not knowing how to start her question.

"Yes Nagisa?" he asked her.

She knew she had to answer but how? She sighed at the idea of how she was going to say it, which was really bad, and said "Did you knew there is such a thing as assassination art?"

When Nagisa asked him that question he knew it had something to do with the secret of class 3-E. yes he also knew about the form of art but had never really gone into it. "Yes I do know about it, why asking?" he answered her with a question of his own.

"Did you ever… tried it?" she asked him instead of answering him and Gakushuu was not happy about her not answering his own question.

He didn't like people ignore what he asks or say, it was how his father taught him to be. If people won't ignore you then that means they respect you and that you are above, them but if they do it's means that you are on the same level as them. He didn't really know if he cared that he was on the same level as Nagisa.

"No, I did not, now can you tell me why you're asking?" he asked her this time you could hear that he wanted an answer from her.

Nagisa really didn't know how to answer him without spilling her class secret and she felt that Gakushuu knew it. He wanted her to tell him the class secret but she won't, she knows that even though they had a touching moment Gakushuu was still an Asano and so she knew he always wanted something the you couldn't see on the surface of the questions.

She made herself giggle a little and said "I tried, when I was bullied. There this thing called blood lust and I thought that if I could master it they would leave me alone, but…"

Asano looked at her suspicious and she knew he could see behind her lie but said nothing about it. "Ok." He simply said as they reached another office that Nagisa never saw. "It's my mother office… just wanted you to know where it is if you can't find me in mine." Gakushuu said and took a shaky breath and opened the door.

Walking in he looked back at Nagisa and said "You can go home." He then closed the door, not even letting her answer.

Nagisa frowned on that. was he still upset? But he didn't look like it, then again it could be because she saw him like that. Nagisa hoped that he won't fire her.

She decided to walk home for it was still light out and she wanted to think and relax a little. Today was hard but she felt like she was closer to Gakushuu. Nagisa smiled to herself, that thought made her happy for some reason.

After she got home she took a shower and started working on her homework, the exams were near and se needed to work on that too, maybe tomorrow she could ask him to let her learn a little, that is, if she's still working there.

She knew she fall asleep at some point when she did homework for the weird dream of her being chased by an evil book of math. As the book was going to get her the dream shifted to her and her dad, only that the chairman was there with little Gakushuu. Nagisa looked at her hands and they were so little, which mean she too was a little girl.

She opened her mouth to ask what was going on here only to hear herself say something else.

"Daddy can I fight against Gakushuu?" she asked her father as he smiled down at her.

She then heard Gakushuu asked the same of his father and both said yes, but one cut and the one who got it is the loser. Both she and Gakushuu were so happy and started walking to the arena when she heard a voice.

"Don't forget about me."

That was when she woke up and thought she had gone crazy. She could still remember the dream like it was a sweet memory. Nagisa got up and started to ask herself what was that. who was that owner of the voice?

"Don't forget about me… why does it sounds like he wanted me to remember him today?" she asked herself bur decided to think about it later, for now. She was late!

After school was done and she got a scolding from Koro-sensei about coming in late, she got to Gakushuu house, ready to ask to study or to not get fired. She walked in on her own for now she was already used to it.

She walked to Gakushuu office to see him looking at some papers. He looked up at her and she could feel her body harden under his look, for nervousness taken over her. "You going to stand there all day?" he asked and Nagisa let out the breath she was holding. She walked inside and closed the door then walked up to Gakushuu desk ready to ask what she wanted but before she could he spoke.

"Yes you can." And now she was sure that he was trained in assassination for how else could he know what she wanted from him. Nagisa nodded and said "Thank you."

Gakushuu hummed at her but said nothing as he continued reading the paper. He watched from the corner of his eye, Nagisa waked and pull out her math book and notebook and her pencils case. He was reading some information about one of class 3-E teachers, Tadaomi Karasuma.

He was a teacher for PE in the army but also learned tactics and polities. He worked for the government for a little but decided that he wanted to teach kids for life and asked to be putted in Class E, so that means he was also one of those that wanted to look like the good guy that tried to help the end class.

Gakushuu sighed, he just couldn't find anything wrong in this teacher file but he felt like there was something wrong in it. He looked over to Nagisa to see her spacing out and an eraser marks on the answer place, so many pencils marks too.

He got up but noticed that Nagisa was in her own world for she didn't look up as the chair made noise. He walked up to her and set down, seeing as her face changed to surprise and she jumped a little in her place.

"G-Gakushuu..." she said in a shaky voice.

"You need to do it like that..." he said and showed her how to answer the question. Nagisa looked at how he did it and nodded, thanking him for the help and started solving the others.

She thought that he would go back to his desk but he didn't he kept helping her and showing her how to solve it and suddenly math was not as hard as it looked like with Karma.

They were at it for another hour, almost making Nagisa go crazy with all the math. She was just asking him how to solve a problem in algebra when the door burst open and Usagi was in the door frame.

Gakushuu sighed and got up from next to Nagisa and walked to his own desk. "What do you want Usagi?" he asked and she frowned at the question.

"I can come as I want, I'm your fiancé after all." It was the only answer she could give him.

"What do you want?" he asked again, this time with a hard tone.

"Just wanted to ask if you want to go on a date with me?" she asked with a hopeful look but she was ready for reject.

"No." Asano simply said and looked at the papers on his desk, not paying attention to her.

"But why? Why do you never want to go out with me?!" She asked, her voice loud and that made Gakushuu angry.

"Like I said, I don't love you, or like you." He told her, voice getting a little of his real emotions.

"But why? What did I do?!" she asked, tears now in her eyes.

"Why you ask…" he said and walked up to Nagisa, making her to get up and kissed her. To say she wasn't shocked would be a lie. What the hell was Gakushuu doing?!

When he let her go Nagisa looked at Usagi to see her hurt look. She was now crying and she didn't even say a thing as she ran out of the room.

Gakushuu sighed in relief and was about to thank Nagisa for not saying anything when he felt his head being pushed to the side and a stinging sensation was now on his right cheek.

He didn't move his head back to look at her. He did however touch his hurting cheek.

"What…?" he asked and now looked at Nagisa to see a look of fury in her face. "Who do you think you are?" she asked him but didn't let him talk for she kept talking, "I'm not here for you to use me! I'm with Karma and Usagi-san know him, they are like best friends and now she was going to tell him that I'm cheating on him!" she now had tears in her eyes just thinking about it.

"I love him so much that I would never do it to him, but now he would think I did it! Do you ever think about other people other than yourself?! You are just like your father" she said the last part in a venom filled voice.

She then ran out of the room, leaving Gakushuu alone. Not caring if she hurt him or if she would get fired, all she wanted was to get to Usagi in time and tell her that what she saw wasn't right on her part. She didn't want to lose Karma.

"USAGI!" she screamed when she got out, seeing said girl getting into a limo. Usagi stopped and looked around to see Nagisa running towards her. "What do you want?" she asked in an angry voice.

"Please listen to me!" Nagisa begged as she catch up to her.

"To what? how you took my love from me when you have your own?!" Usagi asked and Nagisa was about to respond when she continued "I love him! So why… why!?" she asked as more tears leaked from her eyes.

"It was all him… please believe me! I can't lose Karma… not him!" Nagisa fall down into her knees no longer having the strange to stand, she started crying loud, making Usagi look at her with sadness in her eyes for the other girl.

Usagi knew it wasn't real, she can read people very good and she could see that Nagisa was shocked not because it was sudden but because it wasn't supposed to happen. She just didn't want anyone to know that, so she acted like she didn't know she was being lied to even if she so much wanted to tell them that she knew.

She knows that they are lying to her, with all those falls promises and words.

She bends down to the crying girl and hugged her. "You won't lose him Nagisa." She said and Nagisa looked at her, tears still running.

"You won't tell?" she asked and Usagi nodded at her.

"I know it was a lie so you don't have to worry, you Won't lose Karma." Usagi told her and Nagisa hugged her, crying as she said thank you over and over again.

Usagi smiled and asked "Do you want a ride?" and Nagisa nodded.

Both girls walked into the limo and Nagisa asked "How... how did you meet Ga-Asano-san?" she was going to call him by his first name but decided against it for now.

"It's ok, you can say Gakushuu. Ummm let's see… I met him when we were nine, he was so quiet and looked so sad, like he lost something that he kept close to hurt. I remember thinking he was so cute and small, for his age." Usagi told her and giggled at the end.

"He was smaller for his age?" Nagisa asked thinking that the Gakushuu in her dream was also kind of small for his age.

"Yep~ was so cute, why?" Usagi asked, knowing that something was on Nagisa mind.

"Well I kind of had this dream and I saw little Gakushuu. He was kind of small and cute, but I'm sure we never met before junior high…" Nagisa told her and Usagi was kind of shocked that she actually told her the truth.

"Maybe you met as little kids and you don't remember." Usagi told her and Nagisa shrugged "Then it wasn't important." She said and then continued "He likes you."

"What?" Usagi asked, looking at her puzzled.

"Gakushuu, he likes you but he got a problem…" Nagisa said and Usagi looked at her with a face that said to continue so she did, "He never really loved anyone like that or had someone to love him like that back so he's scared and don't know that he's feeling."

"You really think so?" Usagi asked and Nagisa nodded.

"I'm sure of it, I saw the way he looks at you and he wants you to go after him, think about it like that, he's the girl you're the man." Nagisa said and both laughed at the thought of Gakushuu as s girl.

"Then can you help me?" she asked after she got her laugher under control.

"Yes, if you help me with Karma." Nagisa said.

"With Karma?" Usagi asked, watching as Nagisa nodded.

"I can't be with him a lot because of work and I'm scared that he will fall out of love with me and won't like me, but I don't want him to know I'm working for Gakushuu… I need the money!" Nagisa told her, a desperate look on her face.

"Ok I'll, if you help me, deal?" Usagi asked, holding out her hand.

"Deal." Nagisa said taking the hand and shaking it, looking into each other eyes, both smiled.

This was a new start for both of them.

So how was it?

Was it good?