A Grim Familiar of Zero

I don't own Grim tales or Familiar of zero

Jr. awoke suddenly and found himself loosely wrapped up in Minnie's arms when a scratching noise at the door to their room got his attention so Jr. got up whilst trying his best not to awaken Minnie and after a moment he succeeded in disentangling himself form her before making his way to the door of their room.

Jr. expected that it might have been a rat or maybe a cat that was making the noise at his door he however was shocked when instead he was greeted with the very red and very reptilian face of his afternoon stalker who was standing on its hind legs and giving him a curious look before suddenly lunging forwards and clamping its jaws around his head and hightailing it away from his shared room before he had the opportunity to yell in protest.

When Jr. did manage to yell it was muffled by the scaly creature's mouth that is until he was deposited onto the floor while landing solidly on his behind Jr. took a moment to shake the spit from his person before he began looking around the room only to be greeted by a mostly naked, as her sleep wear didn't really block anything form view, dark skinned girl whom was staring at him with a set of amused and lewd eyes.

Jr. could do little more than blink at the girl before he attempted to speak "H-hi I am Jr. …who might you be?" the girl let a smile slide onto her features he was innocent she thought to herself, she had 'eaten' enough innocent young men to recognize the signs.

Jr. swallowed when he saw that smile and he almost spoke again when his hostess replied "I am Kirche of the fever." her smile grew as Jr. tilted his head in confusion before she stood and began approaching.

"I am called that because when I see a man that I desire a fever builds up within me and it just grows until I capture them for a night…" Kirche spoke as she moved closer before she continued "and tonight I desire you."

Jr. felt blood rush to his cheeks…and other places as Kirche kneeled next to him and began leaning closer the sound of a throat clearing ended whatever mood had been developing "Would thou kindly step away from my brother?" Minnie's voice was tinged with anger despite how politely the words were phrased.

Jr. paled and turned to face the twitching and angry face of his sister and the silent blinking face of Mimi who was for some reason tagging along and Chi…what was this little troupe, the make sure Jr. doesn't lose his V card brigade?

Jr. swallowed roughly as Minnie marched over to him and pulled him to his feet while scowling at Kirche who was still smiling a bit more forced than before until an idea bloomed.

"If you are so opposed to me taking his first time I wouldn't be against you taking the first turn with him." said Kirche without a shred of shame, as this wasn't the first time she had drawn a girl to her bed as rare as an occurrence as it was, before she turned to Mimi and Chi leaving a startled Minnie and Jr. "This invitation extends to you two as well."

Chi almost immediately displayed disgust while Mimi seemed to think on it as shown by her taking a thinking pose with one of her claws began tapping just short of her lips as she tilted her head.

Chi's head immediately whipped around to Mimi and saw her thinking pose but before anything could be said or mimed out a voice rang out "Kirche I believe that we had arranged to…" the young man paused as he saw all the people in the room and for a moment he thought Kirche had arranged a very fun time for him.

That was until he saw the skeleton in the hands of the blonde and he immediately flew away to warn the staff of the corpse and totally not because he was afraid that Kirche was going to kill him as well, he was one of the few who had not heard of Louise's summoning and the fight with Guiche was written off as a baseless rumor after all nothing could survive decapitation except golems.

Everyone in the room however was very confused Jr. blinked at the sudden exit the guy had made before Kirche was suddenly in front of him and Minnie again this time however she placed a hand on both their cheeks and gave them both bedroom eyes.

The same eyes that Jr. had seen before when his mother saw something/someone she liked granted hers were more glare like but the same intent was at play needless to say Jr. froze stiff in shock.

But again Kirche was interrupted by yet another young man this one however was blasted by a fire ball from Kirche's familiar however Minnie had seen enough of the…late night company Kirche kept and pulled both herself and Jr. away.

"No thank you for it is clear that you are a scarlet woman and are more than likely carrying a number of disease within your being so if you excuse us mine brother and I will be leaving as we do not wish to catch such things." stated Minnie while dragging Jr. behind her.

Chi allowed her eyes to drift back to Kirche before she also left having decided that she also would like to test her luck while Mimi was the last to leave and she as usual said nothing and instead just waved a claw and left the now slightly embarrassed and offended Kirche.

Jr. remained frozen well into the hallway his brain having shut down after the advances made by Kirche where understood…needless to say Mimi was having a field day having acquired a marker from somewhere she was making good use of her steady han…claws by drawing on Jr. as he was pulled along it wasn't until Mimi finished with a giant swirly mustache that Jr. snapped out of his shock and anchored himself to the ground.

Minnie almost fell over as result Mimi put up the marker and Chi tried to hide her laughter as Jr. shook his head to clear his thoughts completely unaware of Mimi's…artwork all over his face.

Jr. finally managed to collect himself and asked a question "What in the hell just happened?!"

Minnie who had turned at this point froze in at her brother's new…appearance but after a second she shook free of her shock and replied "We were being propositioned by a scarlet woman, also don't curse!" as she finished Minnie lightly smacked his head.

Jr. blushed at being called out for his cuss but brushed passed it and replied without thinking "And we didn't because?" before immediately flinching at the glare sent his way by Minnie who replied in a clipped tone.

"Because she no doubt was carrying many diseases and more than likely just wants to have the ability to claim that she bedded a prince of hell as well as the son of the Grim Reaper!" Jr. blushed in embarrassment as Minnie gave valid reasons to turn down such an offer from the red head and by the end he had to agree a bit the red head did kinda seem like she slept around allot…more so than his mother even and that raised the question of diseases.

Jr. swallowed roughly and looked back at the direction of Kirche's room before turning back around and walking away his physical health comes before pleasure…but that didn't mean the he didn't wish to try it with someone as despite having flesh for quite some time now he had yet to actually experience its… other uses.

and cut