"NOOOO . . ." Peridot screeched, drumming her gravity connectors on the chair cushion.

"Eh," Lapis said, standing up from her chair to stand in front of the television, only partially blocking out the words "to be continued." As the credits for Camp Pining Hearts rolled onto the screen, she turned it off.

Peri was tiring of her tantrum and was now pouting, fists clenched and bottom lip bared. Her hands flew up to her spiky, green hair and tugged at the strands. "No, no, no, no . . ." she muttered as she paced the "loft" of the barn. Lapis was sure she was going to wear a hole in the floor. She stalked up to her, planting her bare feet in Peri's path.

The distraught peridot didn't look up until her feet were nearly touching Lapis's. She craned her neck, looking up, up, up until her gaze met the other gem's blue one, serious as ever.

Lapis placed her hand on her shoulders, and though she didn't say anything, Peri had gotten good at reading her face. The determined set to her mouth, the indifferent swoop of her nose, the expression that pooled in her dark eyes. It will be okay, she imagined her saying. Everything will be okay.

"Thank you," Peri whispered, mouth dry. Instinctively, she ran her small pink tongue over her lips, heart pounding.

She reached up, standing on her toes, wanting, needing, to get closer, but even with Lapis ducking her head, she wasn't quite tall enough . . . but if she had the leg enhancers Steven had given her, perhaps she might be . . .

"Just a moment," she murmured, hurriedly, starting to pull away — before Lapis scooped her up, pressing their foreheads together. Their shallow, quick breaths mingling, Peri could feel the delicate balance they held on the line between desire and doubt. She could feel the electricity crackling between them. She could feel the moment her long-suppressed urge won out.

Peri slid her arms around Lapis's neck and pressed her lips to hers, taking the other gem by surprise. Her shock didn't last long though, and soon her grip on Peri's waist tightened, and she was responding to the sensation of her roommate's mouth on hers.

Sinking down onto the floor, feeling Lapis's warm body pressing into her own, giving in to the feeling that was love, Peri couldn't remember what had made her so upset to begin with. Whatever it was, she was grateful for it now.