This is an idea for a story I thought of that just sort of came to me. I often wondered what it would be like to team Harry Potter with James Bond or 007 so this is my attempt. Depending on what people think I may or may not continue this. Please read and review to let me know if you think I should continue it thanks love Angel x
Sitting in his office in headquarters an alarm went off making him growl in rage. When would wizards ever listen!? Didn't they ever think to look for muggles before casting the damn spell?Picking up his phone he dialled her number. "Yeah hello. M there's a situation of the magical variety so I'm going to check it out right now. I'll be back later on where I may or may not have baggage!" he said hanging up. He wandlessly silenced and disillusioned himself before popping over to number four Privet Drive getting a shock when he arrived. Who was there only Albus Dumbledore with Minerva McGonagall and Rubeus Hagrid. What in the hell were they doing here in such a random location and casting magic casually none the less? Now he knew Dumbledore sure as hell knew better so what was he even doing casually casting spells before properly checking for muggles in the area? It was then that Albus lifted up his dilluminator taking all the light from the street lights yet again using magic casually without checking for muggles as Hagrid burst into tears handing him a bundle in a basket. Clearly in his old age he'd become complacant with casually breaking rules like that. It was very annoying indeed to see. I mean everyone knew that if you didn't plainly see the muggle you still looked. What an idiot!
"Oh Dumble'or sir are you sure it needs ter be this way?" Hagrid asked as he blubbered.
"Chin up Hagrid. Harry Potter will be safe here away from our world where followers of the dark lord can get to him with their evil influences and corrupt him which let's face it we neither want or need. After all it's not truly goodbye I mean you will come back here to get him when he's eleven again and this I promise you!" he said as Hagrid brightened up at that.
"Thank you so much for given me such an honour!" he said as McGonagall stood up firmer.
"Albus need I remind you that I've been watching these muggles and they are the worst sort. I saw their child kick his mother up and down the streets screaming for sweets and she never once reprimanded him for it. In fact she went to get the sweets faster so he'd be happy. They dote far too much on their son never ever telling him no and treat all their neighbours like crap. They do so much for him that they don't even care about themselves much less anyone else. I don't want Harry left here where they can abuse him as I know this is what will happen should he be left in their care. I'll even take him in myself if you like. I mean it's not a problem for me. I'd do anything to insure his safety even if it means giving up my career to mind him. He did save us all from Voldermort and he deserves the best of love and care now which I know he won't get here. Also are you doing to do anything about that scar because trust me when I say that I know he didn't have it before the attack as Lily often came to see me with him when he was younger and even before the attack as well. Albus you must find Peter Pettigrew he was their secret keeper Lily herself told me!" she said seriously as Albus straightened up rounding on her.
"Minerva! That's the end of it! I will not hear such complaints. Yes these muggles are quite different but they're the only family living which he has left and it is here he must be. I have errected wards here for his safety so no evil human or mail wise may find him here. As for Peter Pettigrew being their secret keeper I didn't know that but in any case he's dead as are the fifteen muggles Sirius Black killed. He's in jail now you know and to be honest it serves him right the blasted fool!" he said angrily as she gasped in horror.
"Fine! But if you do one thing right please ensure he has a trial as I need to hear why he did it in order to understand things properly. I mean the Sirius I knew would never do this and you actually know it too yourself if you look deep into your heart. I find it hard to believe he'd suddenly go on a random killing spree just like that. So please give me a vow he'll get a trial now!" she said passionately as Albus gasped himself. Damn it now he'd have to actually do couldn't just say he'd do it and casually forget about it. Damn that meddling bitch. "I Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore do hereby swear on my magic and life that Sirius Orion Black will receive a trial as soon as I can get him one tomorrow or in the days following after which I am sure he'll pay!" he said as he instructed them all to leave leaving with them after putting all the lights back on once again carelessly using magic whether or which. His titles didn't save him here either as the law was not on his side. No matter who you are magic must never be done in the presence of a muggle and even the minister himself could go to Azkaban for such a crime.
After looking around initially he saw no muggles either but then a few doors down on the other street he saw the drunk and passed out muggle who was now asleep on his own lawn. He might not have been awake but he was still a muggle and magic was still done in his presence regardless. Dumbledore had probably looked around literally, saw no one and just cast anyway. I mean you're always told that if you need to use magic in the muggle world for whatever reason but you don't see any muggles that you should always look just in case as you may never know where one might be hiding afraid or whatnot. He then saw the door being opened as Vernon Shrieked. Vernon looked around checking no one was there before he picked up a letter reading it and the shouting his anger taking over him to the point where he wouldn't have even cared if anyone had heard him anyway.
"Petunia what is the meaning of this? This letter here says your sister died and they've left the freak in our care. I will not have any of this magic nonsense. I know how to fix this actually, I mean we'll beat it out of him and never speak of it so he won't be able to practice it. Yes that's what we'll do. You know I have been known for my smart remarks sometimes. Now you know we do realistically have no room so where should we put him?" he asked in an slightly angrier tone as Petunia smiled slightly with an evil tinge to it.
"Well yes you're right and incredibly sexy. When Dudley goes to bed in a while I'm gonna fuck your brains out you sexy beast. Oh so handsome and strong. He can't have Dudleys second bedroom and the third room is for my sister in law Marge. He can go under the stairs in that cupboard so we barely have to see him and hey he'll even be good for making the dinner for the family once he's three!" she said picking him up and slapping his face as he watched the scene unfolding in rage. Surprisingly Harry didn't wake up after feeding slapped and just grumbled a little bit. He summoned the documents he knew he'd be needing for this particular situation and revealed himself checking no one was around carefully beforehand as he approached them with anger evdient on his face.
"Excuse me but that youth is needed by MI5 for reasons I cannot explain to you. He will not be able to live here and so you must sign this contract making me his gaurdian. If you do not comply I will have to tell the police of your previous conversation which I don't want to do. Just sign it now and we can all move on!" he said as they jumped. He was shocked as they smiled at him.
"Thank goodness you have saved us from his evil influences Mr...?"
"Bond James Bond. I highly doubt a baby has evil influences so just sign the damn papers here and here and stop making such a damn scene you freaks! Oh yes and if I ever catch you slapping a baby again I'll kill you" he said acidly as they Jumped in fear and signed the forms for his muggle and magical custody of the youth before he sent them magically away to be registered in the muggle and wizarding appropriate offices as well as the bank. He had special clearance for showing people some magic in certain emergencies and this was one of them so he risked no harm from doing it this once. He erased their memories of the conversation and indeed their families as he changed their identities with a wand flourish. He then had the new Mr and Mrs Diakon preparing to move to Columbus Ohio soon. He would check in a month that he had been successful in getting them to leave. He then thought logically that their home could be put to good to use and decided to act immediately rather then later. He summoned everything they owned compiling the items into two undetectably extended bags which he then kept himself. He summoned them two suitcases of clothes which he aparated along with them to Ohio where he made sure they had money in their accounts and jobs for each of them before leaving once again Harry in his arms now. He made sure to make both the neighbours and the Diakons themselves remember them living in the area for at least twenty years before returning to Privet Drive.
He found a homeless family with two kids and using magic have them the home and jobs in order to support themselves. The Donovan's and their new neighbors were made to believe they'd always lived there. He then scanned the area for other magic shocked when another house resonated magic which he didn't understand. Waving his arm he could see that loyalty charms to Dumbledore were keyed into this house although he didn't live here himself. He knocked whilst disillusioning himself. Mrs Figg answered and he forced her to swallow one of the small vials of truth serum he always had on him. He noticed her glazed expression and began to ask her qestions.
"Who are you please?"
"I am Arabella June Figg!"
"How do you know Dumbledore?"
"He's been my friend forever even since I was a child. I am a squib myself but we grew up in the same area!"
"How long have you lived here?"
"One month now already. Time really does fly!"
"Why are you living here and what has Dumbledore asked you to do for him?"
"I live here to watch over young Harry Potter in his relatives home as Dumbledore doesn't entirely trust them nor does he trust any maical family to care accurately for the boy. I don't remember the name of his relatives for some reason but I do know where they live. The poor little mite. He saved us all and I will forever be greatful. I was tasked with not only wathing over him but reporting anything and everything the boy does to Dumbledore. It will put his mind at ease!"
"Did Dumbledore cast any magical spells when he helped you move in or told you about your task?"
"Yes he did but honestly don't ask me what they were as I don't know!"
"Ok thank you ma'am you've been so helpful" he said conjuring the clearance potion from his manor and force fed it to her again. He hated having to do so but she did look younger and healthier once he'd done it. With a wave of his hand she couldn't tender l remember Dumbledore any longer. He left making everyone including Mrs Figg believe she'd lived there all of her life. He then took Harry conjurig a carry cot for him and aparated to an alleyway in Diagon Alley without being seen before checking to that Harry who was one again sleeping was alright as he entered the bank.
"May your enemies blood always flow in a river at your feet and may your vaults be always bursting with gold. I need to see Manager Ragnok at once for an emergency. It concerns young Harry Potter here who is now in my custody legally and magically but I need to show Ragnok a memory which explains why!" he said as Griphook looked up in shock.
"Lord Christian James Grey it's been a while. Indeed you may see him now. I'll take you there myself and as I am the account manager of Harrison James Potter I will join you there!" he said leading him up to a grand office guilded in gold where he spoke in gobledegook before leading them inside. It was because of his MI5 status that he used the name James Christian Bond outside the magical world everywhere. It just wasn't safe to do so as Lord Christian James Grey. It made him laugh when he heard all these girls saying they wanted to be with Christian Grey. When he looked into it he heard about E.L James' character and studied him becoming shocked as he was nothing like this man. Still hearing countless women saying they wanted someone with your name sake it was very flattering and funny indeed.
"I am not usually a patient man but for this child I would not be here and so he is a dear friend to the goblin nation as are you now by relation. Please show me this memory and then ask any questions you may have of me" said Ragnok seriously but with a slight smile to his face also.
"This memory is half an hour in length but you need to see it all to understand why I have done what I have done" he said producing the memory which they all watched in horror growling in rage by the end of it.
"Get me Angelique now! Worry not Lord Christian she is our top Goblin Healer and she can look him over right now for magical tampering and see that he get's his shots and so on!" sad Ragnok doing just so.
She arrived and scanned him removing the magical core blockage placed there by Dumbeldore as well as any other spell he'd placed there gasping in shock.
"My lord his scar contains a horcrux and I can tell you that one resides here in our bank too. Unfortunately that is not all as there are five others. I'll be summoning them all here and we'll be putting them in a new vault where we can release the fiendfyre killing them all until the fire wears itself out with no where to go and dies out. As for Harry we can't do that so we'll be waking him and feeding him a bottle with copius ammounts of pheonix tears in it to see what affect that has on it! If nothing else it'll cure his body anyway" she said as she did so. She woke him up and he cried out loudly at being disturbed but soon calmed as the bottle was placed in his mouth and started suckling like mad. When he had last been fed Christian didn't know. Meanwhile the items were summoned by the main cursebraker for that branch who brought them to the vault and locked them in after he'd cast the fiendfyre and heard the wailing screams of them being destroyed. Harry was fed the bottle as he grew in height slightly and his eyes turned golden before he smiled brightly at them all. The bruise on his cheek from Petunias slap earlier was now gone as well. His appearance had changed to James'surprise. He'd forgotten that when you adopted a child magically their assistance l appearance always changed to match your own in some way. He now had chestnut brown hair, slightly sallow skin and dark cerulean blue eyes to match Christians. He could now see perfectly also which a spell had proven and had no magic that shouldn't have been on him asides from the scar.
"My lord the deed with the horcruxes is done and the fiendfyre is wearing down now however although Harrison here is very healthy in every way he can be his scar is still containing the horcrux so we have to go to plan b. We'll need to slice it open and put some basilisk venom inside there in small drops to slowly but surely kill it off completely" she said as they prepared. The knife went in cutting it open which he oddly didn't feel. It was as the horcrux was purged via the six drops of basilisk venom it took that he wailed out crying hysterically at the searing pain it had caused him. When the drops of phoenix tears three in all were adminsitered he was fine and sleeping once again.
"Ragnok thank you so very much. I would like to create an alias for him to use in the muggle world when he is there with me. His name there is to be Thomas Lawrence Bond and he is to have legal records stating this. Now I would like his accounts to be looked over thoroughly and any money taken is to be put back in there and then the account key is to be made null and void. I want the same palm scanner for my own vault put on all of his. No one from here will know how to access it should they try. Should anyone come in with his key looking to get money from any of them they are to be shown the palm scanner which won't work for them and asked to leave. Do you understand?" he said as Ragnok smiled at him nodding.
"Yes Lord Christian it is done and now here we have his records for the muggle world. I should tell you also that the pain scanner like your own won't work for someone using the polyjuice potion. Good night sir!" he said as they returned home to their Diagon Alley home Christian putting Harry in his new room as he hit the hay himself.