Hello and welcome. Sorry about the long wait but life decided to give me a severe punishment, one that wasn't appreciated.


Dernbu: Ah, welcome. I can keep updating but I'm really slow, sorry.

susan cooper: Sorry can you repeat that one more time, I didn't quite catch it. XD I'll try but I can't promise I'll be quick

Peter Hale Derek Hale: (chapter 2) Thank you, I'll try.

Peter Hale Derek Hale: I hope it wasn't too sad. Again, thank you.

To run: [verb] to move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time.
To escape: [verb] to break free from confinement or control.
To flee: [verb] to run away from a place or situation of danger

How could three things be so similar and yet so different?
Fleeing suggests that someone would run away in a cowardly way but 'escape' suggests a daring fight for your life.
Which one was Percy doing? He had no clue, maybe a bit of both. He was 'fleescaping' or 'escaleeing', or he could have just been advancing in a different direction.
See, he was simply legging it away from everyone, which was fleeing and at the same time he was escaping from their wide eyes and trembling knees. Yeah, Percy wasn't sure where his thought process was heading aside from the middle of nowhere.
"Percy, wait!" Jason called from behind him. Percy could feel the wind pulsing against him as it tried to drag him back to camp. Percy fought like a seagull, uselessly and with the grace of a one-legged ice-skater, without a prosthetic limb. (Try to picture that, I dare you)
"Please, Percy. Let's talk about this," Leo pleaded running a few metres behind him. Percy took a sudden left and sprinted into the thick vegetation of the forest. Annoyingly, he had to stay off the well-trodden path so his arms and legs got thrashed by the lower branches. Not to mention that the holly and needles on the forest floor seemed to have some personal vendetta against him, or he thought they did from the way they pierced through his boots.
"Leave me alone!" Percy shouted back. His aim was to have the words come out like a lion's roar with the strength of the stormy seas, but alas he was not good at being those things; his voice came out a heartbroken sob with a rather tragic break on the last word. Gods, why couldn't he do anything the cool way?
"No, you're our friend; we won't leave you," Jason snapped at him with a tone that was far more impressive that Percy's own. Dusk had made itself known at some point during their meeting so the trees were veiled with long shadows with thin daggers of light shone on the path, their glow did little to illuminate his way.
Jason, with the face of thunder, suddenly darted in front of him. Percy yelped (a very manly yelp, thank you very much) and skidded to a stop. But because life is a pain in the arse, the donkey, of course. He slipped on a small puddle of slushy ice and fell face first at Jason's feet.
Percy was having a very bad day.
"Son of a-" Percy started.
"Percy," Jason sighed as he reached a hand down to help the humiliated boy to his feet. Percy wasn't thick; he could see the amusement shining in the son of Jupiter's eyes, so he got to his feet by himself….and slipped again. Jason caught his elbow and helped him get to his feet. "That was very elegant, well done."
"I live to impress," Percy muttered glaring at the snow-covered floor like muck under his shoes, it kind of was, thinking about it, especially as it had mixed with the mud on the ground giving it a rather disgusting brown hue. It looked like mud with dandruff.
"For the love of Leo the great, you two need to slow the tartar sauce down," Leo heaved as he stumbled upon their little meeting. Percy mouthed a few of the phrases Leo had used; his head began to ache with the effort of thinking so he gave up. One had to simply go with it sometimes.
"I don't like tartar sauce," Jason scowled. Percy straightened his spine in offence; he couldn't believe that anyone on the planet didn't like tartar sauce. Leo mouthed 'who cares?' and that was that.
"Uh, Percy what happened back there," Leo asked after a few moments of suffocating silence. At first, Percy thought that the boy was referring to the way he fell over but them the worst thing came back: memories.
Percy felt the air disappear from his lungs, he wondered if it was Zeus finally deciding to end his inconvenient existence. Then he saw Jason's eyes narrow fractionally and all Hades broke loose.
Whatever had overcome him in the meeting prior to the whole debacle they were in now returned with vengeance and the temperature dropped below freezing. Leo cursed and wrapped his arms around his middle (he said something that rhymed with 'it's trucking freezing') and Jason reached out to grab his shoulder.
Percy wrenched his entire body out of their reach, he curled in one himself as if he were nothing but a defenceless animal, although, considering the situation, he was anything but.
"I'm sorry," Percy whispered giving his two friends a sad smile before he pivoted on his heel and ran away, yet again. Percy couldn't be sure but he didn't think that they were coming after him this time, exactly what he wanted them to do; leave him alone. So why did it hurt so much?
It was snowing, Percy realised. Little diamonds falling from the sky with grace that rain drops couldn't even attempt to challenge. He slowed down slightly, letting the snow burrow in his hair until he was barely even jogging – no one was chasing him so why run?
Seeing things under the snow was, well, impossible as everything looked the same. Percy could dimly remember once it had snowed in New York when he was about eight, it had been so heavy that he couldn't tell his apartment block from any of the others in the entire city. In camp it was no better; the moon shone in the sky as a silent guardian but that was the only thing that Percy could see clearly. The trees had been buried alive and the grass was gone, hidden under fifteen centre metres, give or take, of white powder.
Usually, he would have thought something along the lines of: 'damn this snow' and he would've sulked in his cabin for days; he couldn't swim when the water was frozen. But that particular summer he thought 'this is beautiful'.
It was so very appealing to look at and the thought was so very utterly terrifying. How was he supposed to feel ashamed for what he had done to summer and what he had done to Clarisse if he wasn't at all upset by what had happened to him? Granted, he had no idea what had happened to him but it was better than what had happened the last time an immortal being had messed with his internal wiring (cough thanks, Hera cough)
That wasn't the last time thought, Percy remembered, the last time was on Olympus not long ago. Zeus had torn out their powers then ignored the fact that they even existed, that wasn't as bad as what Hera had done to him and Jason but it was still bad; Percy still wanted to slam a chair into the floor and sulk about it in a typical teenage fashion. One cannot simply be robbed of the one thing that made their life worthwhile and not give flying pigs behind.
Percy snarled under his breath his hands curled into fists and the temperature plummeted even further, he ignored it. If he had gotten the quirks that he had from Zeus' intervention then did that mean that the others had as well?
Around him a hurricane formed at the thought of his friends' terror, he was sure as Hades scared and so there was a high chance the others were as well.
How would Leo react? The boy had been petrified by his original power so how would he react to getting something else. Something that didn't belong to him, Leo was so strong but he was also so afraid. Percy internally collapsed as the ground beneath him shuddered, still the reaction of the world around him didn't compute. The worry over the well-being of his friends was too loud to ignore, it was a burning fire and he felt it in every fibre of his being.
Years of ADHD and demigod training came back at him in the space of a few seconds. Percy's mind cleared and the only thing that he could see was the details of the storm around him, he could see every little snowflake and felt the sharp bite of the wind on his skin, or rather a playful nip that resembled Mrs O'Leary's own gentle violence.
'Calm down,' he told himself as he buried his nails into the flesh of his elbow. His sharp claws didn't pierce his skin but they did create little dents that brought him back to the present, which was good. However, the pain made the wind scream in his ears, which was not good.
'Calm down,' he repeated the phrase over and over again until the words were as familiar as the beat of his own heart. The two words washed over him as the waves fell over the sand and drew it back into the warm depths where it was to be protected. That's what calm did to him; it brought him back from the burning fire of fear into the warmth of bliss.
Of course, how had he not thought about it before? Percy mental scolded himself as he opened his eyes, he was unsure when he had closed them but he supposed that it had helped him escape to his underwater mind palace.
The storm had been banished to gods knows where Percy didn't dwell on its location but from the cold lingering beneath his skin, he had a pretty good guess. Around him, the world looked unscathed as if the storm hadn't ever been there. Wait, had it been there at all? Or was it merely a self-created illusion? Percy had no way to be sure after all; it wouldn't be the first time his mind had played tricks on him.
'Water,' his mind reminded him.
'Oh yeah,' Percy shook his head and walked on to the beach. Even though he was hopelessly lost in the woods he could still feel the shore to his left, a thing that made no sense. He had lost all his powers over the sea including his ability to sense water sources. That had hurt the most; it felt like he had lost a friend who had been with him for the entirety of his short, miserable life.
Yet he could feel it again, not the same as before, though, it was a feeling of trepidation rather than comfort that swamp him the closer he came to the one thing that he had cared about. He felt afraid.
'Pft, as if water can scare me,' Percy huffed to himself snorting at the mere thought, and yet he had been afraid of water before. Of the all-encompassing blue suffocating him and drawing him under…. Ok so he might have had a tiny, icny, wincy fear of drowning but everyone's afraid of something, right?
Percy stopped dead in his tracks as he reached his destination. The trees seemed to part before him as the deep, midnight blue pushed all other thoughts in his head aside. The moonlight danced with the sea on the surface as Percy sank down into the sand, which wasn't as soft as the white powder behind him but was still like a bed of silk.
Percy lay down with a content sigh, his body lost all its bones and his mind spun to a halt until he was simply part of the ever-changing wilderness around him. His deep breaths were the whispering wind and his hair was the swaying grass.
His peace was shattered as voices drew closer. "I think he went this way, come on!" Percy cursed softly and stumbled to his feet.
"Where are you, Jackson?" Clarisse shouted into the darkness her voice tight with anger. Percy blinked in surprise and took a step back; he couldn't believe that the girl was going to try to fight him again. Like, honestly, hadn't he beaten her up enough for one day?
Then he saw the torches and decided that she wasn't after a fight. They shone in the darkness like the fire was being drawn straight from hell, or Tartarus, whatever.
"Hello," Clarisse greeted as she stepped out of the safety of the forest. Percy folded his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow, waiting. "You made a big mistake,"
"I have made a lot of mistakes in my time, please be more specific," Percy replied coldly. He took a small step back as the daughter of Ares stalked towards him.
"You humiliated me, now you're going to suffer the consequences." Clarisse drawled. Percy broke out snickering.
"Wow, which film did you steal that one from? Seriously, that was the best you could come up with?" Percy laughed. He wondered if he had finally made the girl angry enough to explode.
"Oh do shut up!" Clarisse hissed raising her spear towards him. Percy didn't draw his weapon, he didn't know why but he knew that he wouldn't need it.
A cold wind brushed against his neck from behind making him shudder not from the cold but from the invasion of his personal space. Percy turned around only to see a small patch of ice covering the sea, a small prison yet it successfully kept the uncontrollable water contained.
An idea, small but consuming formed in his mind and he stepped onto the patch. It held him up effortlessly, what point was there in lingering where he wasn't wanted. Oblivious to what was going on before her Clarisse blabbered on about how she was going to 'strangle him with his own intestines until his neck snaps.'
"You know, Clarisse, I'm pretty sure that a broken neck will be the least of my worries once you have opened be up and ripped out some vital organs." Yeah, she must've inherited her father's intelligence.
A blinding pain erupted from his shoulder making him fall back onto his small icy platform with a hiss. Through the black spots that had disrupted his vision he caught sight of scarlet red liquid trickling down his arm. Percy shifted his gave to Clarisse who looked as stunned as he felt, so it wasn't her then.
"Who's there?" Clarisse demanded into the darkness. Behind him the ocean rumbled in fury as his blood mixed with the water, Percy slapped his hand over the wound hoping that the action would stop the bleeding, but no that would've been too easy. Stars flashed across his vision, it was horrible really – how something so beautiful was used to describe pain. It must've been some kind of sick joke.
No reply, how annoying. Percy wanted to demand answers and, more than anything, he wanted to stomp over to his attacker and give them a hard smack around the head with Riptide. Actually, multiple whacks around the head would be better, he decided.
Percy got to his feet and then took a menacing step forward, well he tried to. The result of his action was a hurricane of blobs flickering across his vision and he stumbled to his knees. Yeah, he was really 'menacing'. Gods he was having the worst day in the history of days.
"Don't die before I get the chance to kill you," Clarisse instructed her voice void of emotion. Percy frowned at the ice beneath him.
"How kind you are," he sighed turning his head to inspect his wounded arm. It wasn't that bad really, just a gash from an arrow or maybe a bullet – he had never been shot before so he couldn't tell the difference.
"Get to your feet and fight me like a man," Clarisse growled. Percy wasn't sure if that was a good thing to say or a bad thing coming from a female, you know 'fight like a man', what if he wanted to fight like a woman? He didn't, Leo would never let him forget it if he did such a thing, but hypothetically thinking…
Clarisse took a step forward and pointed her spear between his eyes, "Come on Jackson, I haven't got all day."
"It's night time," he pointed out. The pain dulled in his arm mildly so it felt as if a knife was stuck in his arm rather than feeling the knife was on fire. It hurt more than an injury of its size should've hurt but Percy supposed that he was weaker than he had been before.
"Yes, I am aware of that!" Clarisse snapped her face glowing red. She looked a bit like the Minotaur, Percy snorted at the thought.
Out of nowhere, a breeze blew past, at first it seemed gentle but as it got closer to the two of them it reformed to have the strength of a dozen angry Romans. Clarisse was thrown away from Percy along with her spear so Percy's life was no longer at risk. Percy breathed a silent thank you as he watched Clarisse get to her feet, her hair was matted like a ball of yarn and her face was flecked with sand which looked startlingly like monster remains.
"What the Hades was that? What did you do?" She demanded, reaching for her spear. Another gust of wind stole the weapon from her muscular hands and deposited next to Percy. Percy stared at the gleaming spear point before his gave panned to Clarisse and back again. What the Hades just happened?
"Um… that wasn't me," Percy shook his head, he regretted the action moments later when his arm gave out and affronted 'oi' in the form of pain. Thanks, arm.
"Percy!" Leo cried from the tree line. Percy closed his eyes for a moment, mentally preparing himself, and then he looked at his friend and the many campers behind him.
"Shit," he breathed as he scrambled to his feet and took a step back. The second he was stable on his feet Clarisse's spear flew into his hands. His audience gave out an awed gasp, just like a theatre production – annoying and unnecessary.
"Stand down Percy, we're not going to hurt you," Annabeth soothed from her place at the front of the group. Percy fumbled with the spear for a few moments before he had it in a reasonably strong grip.
"Stay back," he advised. The wind howled around him as if it was cheering, he could've sworn he heard 'fight, fight, fight' chanting. Or maybe Ares was watching their situation, Percy wouldn't be surprised
"Percy, calm down," Chiron took a step forward and, as if they were dancing the waltz, Percy took a stop back. A light grew in his hands illuminating the spear in his hands until he could see every little speck of dried blood.
The weapon began to feel heavy in his hands as ice danced across its surface. His body didn't need his consent before he raised the spear in both hands and jammed it into the sand, hard. Ice erupted upon impact, Percy couldn't bring himself to look up but the sound was enough; he could hear the ice coming from the earth or from him, it sounded like unsheathing weapons or the rustle of trees during a storm.
Eventually, his natural curiosity consumed him and he peaked out at the jagged icicles that began from the mark the spear had made on the ground. Hundreds of them spread outwards, each a bit bigger than the last, they looked a bit like flower petals, weirdly. The biggest one was nearly as tall as he was.
"Percy…." Annabeth breathed. She sounded afraid and upset, but she also sounded like she knew what he was going to do, and like she knew that it was the smart option.
"I'm sorry Annabeth," Percy whispered looked up at her across the field of ice. Annabeth smiled sadly.
"It's ok," She replied tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and straightening her spine. Percy smiled at the utterly 'Annabeth' reaction.
"Goodbye, Wise Girl," He bowed slightly, the action was meant to be sarcastic but it came out impossibly depressing.
"Goodbye, Seaweed Brain," And then he turned and sprinted across the ocean.
He was running away from everyone and everything he loved, it was a stupid idea.
He was running away from comfort and safety, so stupid.
He was running from confinement and control, logical.
He was running from danger, highly logical.
What was he doing?


Goodbyes were awful. Saying goodbye to your best friends was like having a limb amputated. She hated it with a burning passion, although she hated sudden departures just as much, if not more.
Last time she lost Percy it had nearly driven her insane, this time she felt numb to it all. Part of her was waiting for him to come back to her, but he wasn't going to. And she couldn't really blame him considering that a couple of Ares children had voted to chain him up if they caught him, 'caught' as if he was a prisoner or an animal.
"We need to go to Olympus," Chiron began his voice unnaturally silent.
"Why?" Leo asked, for a moment Annabeth thought that the boy was joking but the confusion and anger on his face had her regretting her deduction. "They did this to us. Why should we go to them and have to witness them bathe in their victory?" His voice was that of a broken stereo and his eyes a scalding city.
"We could go yell at them," Piper croaked fiercely. Leo seemed to mull over that idea for a while before he nodded gravely looking significantly happier than he had before.
"What are we waiting for?" She asked nobody in particular before swivelling around to face Chiron and smiling at him with a look as sharp as a razor.
Chiron frowned but began to lead the way to the truck they used to make trips to New York, it was an old, red rusty four-by-four. Chiron bid them goodbye and good luck before leaving them to take care of the traumatised campers.
Inside on the ceiling, they had pinned Polaroid pictures from every trip to the halls of their parents. Most of which Percy featured in, he was the kind of guy that drew your attention without even trying – he had eyes that demanded to be seen and a voice that screamed to be heard, it was one of the things she thought made him incredible.
They were silent as Jason drove them to the camp, Annabeth wasn't sure when the son of Jupiter had completed his driving test but she was happy about it nonetheless; she wasn't sure she was in the state of mind to be trusted with all their lives.
Reaching her arm up she pulled one of the photos down, she carefully cradled the pin so that she could replace it afterwards. It was after they had had their second visit to the city in the sky after she had spent days holding up the sky for Luke. Percy wasn't really looking at the camera, typical seaweed brain.
Everyone else: *pays attention*
Percy: Oh look at that shiny thing, I must investigate!
Thalia had her arm slung around Grover's shoulders and the two of them leant their heads against one another and smiled tiredly at her. She herself was looking at the Camera but her face was turning fractionally towards Percy, they must've been talking about something.
They were all a bit hurt, a little bruised but they all looked so alive, Annabeth definitely didn't see that twinkle in her eyes anymore. She wished that she had treasured it more.
Percy was a different story entirely; he stared out into the distance with a blank look in his eyes but a faint smile on his face, as if he knew exactly what was going to happen and was taking a picture in his mind. Percy was a lot more perceptive than he ever let anyone believe, she knew of course.
"We're here," Jason informed them some time later. Annabeth reluctantly pressed the pin into the picture and them onto the roof where it would remain for years, hopefully.
As she exited the car she felt a familiar flicker of awe at the sight of the architectural marvel that pierced the sky. No matter how many times she saw it, it never seemed to get any less impressive.
"So here we are. How is my shirt– I would hate to be inappropriately dressed?" Leo questioned tugging on said item of clothing, frowning.
"You look like you always do," Annabeth replied frankly. Leo smiled then frowned.
"Is that good or bad?" He pondered aloud. Jason grabbed the son of Hephaestus by the arm and began to bodily drag the boy into the Empire State Building.
"Don't manhandle me, dude!" Leo shouted. Annabeth blushed slightly as multiple people stared at them with annoyance and concern. "Let me go!"
"No," Jason answered shortly. He looked agitated but his eyes were gleaming in a way that suggested that he was nowhere near as upset as he was letting on.
"Let me go," Leo repeated. Jason raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "Let me go or…. I'll scream 'rape' at the top of my lungs," Jason winced and stopped in his tracks. Piper made an aborted snort/scream noise and Annabeth just stared, slightly peeved off.
"Oh for the love of- look let's just go to Olympus," she lowered her voice at the last part and took a step closer, "and yell at the Gods and then you can finish this conversation, ok?" she snapped, blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes so that she could glare at all of them.
"Mam, yes, mam," Leo saluted once Jason had released his arm. The pyromaniac cradled the limb close as he danced out of reach and marched towards the front desk, then stopped short.
"What's wrong now?" She demanded but Leo didn't answer; he continued to stare at the front desk with morbid fascination. Annabeth stalked up to him and followed his gaze to the desk.
"Lord Poseidon?" she mumbled under her breath in slight amazement. The Sea God was casually leaning against the desk, nursing a glass of water looking like he wished to be anywhere else than where he was currently lingering.
"Ah, evening Demigods," he greeted placing his water down on the desk, he seemingly didn't notice the glare the man at the desk sent his way. Either that or he didn't care, both were pretty likely.
Poseidon beckoned them to follow his before walking off into a room behind the desk leaving them no choice but to follow, much to Annabeth's displeasure.
"So I hear that some drama has unfolded at camp," Poseidon folded his arms across his chest as the entered a storage room about the size of a bathroom, a school one.
"Yeah, shocking right," Leo drawled running his hands along the boxes on the metal shelves. Poseidon didn't look very amused.
"With all due respect, Lord Poseidon," Annabeth bowed her head slightly as Poseidon's raging eyes snapped to her. She couldn't remember ever seeing the Sea God so blatantly annoyed. "But we need to talk to Zeus about his stupid…uh...his…" Annabeth frowned as she tried to think of the word, "meddling." She finished lamely.
"Ah yes, my brother is quite the little annoyance isn't he?" Thunder rumbled outside but Poseidon don't look remotely fazed. "Well, before you go, I must ask you one thing." Annabeth waited patiently but the Sea God remained silent for a long stretch of time as he stared at the wall with bleary eyes.
"Miss Chase, do you know where my son is?" He asked finally and Annabeth's breath hitched.
"No, Lord Poseidon, I do not," the words were like barbed wire in her throat. Poseidon nodded as if he'd been awaiting that response.
"Well then, it would do you good to go find him then," the god suggested lightly but there was rage in his tone that couldn't be ignored. Since when did the Sea God care so much about Percy; the two had hardly ever spoken.
"I suppose that it would," She replied coldly, she wasn't at all impressed that the god thought for a moment that she wouldn't go looking for her best friend. Did he really think so lowly of her?
"Time is dangerous, Miss Chase. It is the healer of wounds but it is also the inflictor of some, don't brush it aside as many do." With those parting words the scent of sea breeze wafted through the air and the god vanished.
"Well," Leo mumbled. "That was interesting,"
"Indeed," She responded brushing away a drop of dew that had landed on her cheek.

I know, it's not a great update but I'm really tired and having a serious writers block, again.

Happy New Year, I still need to think of a New Years revolution, oops.

Until next time, bye.