Harry Potter: The Return of the Shinobi

Summary: - What would happen if Lily was a true seer. What would happen if she came out alive. How this will change the wizarding world. Join in to watch how a small decision makes a ripple in the destiny of many. Pairing TBD. AU version of HP.

Disclaimer: - I do not own anything that I mentioned in this story.

Chapter 5: Reunion

Next day with Narcissa

The day after the trial was new day for Narcissa. She was free from that raping and murdering death eater of a husband. She felt in her magic that her marriage was annulled the previous day. So she took her daughter and went to gringotts to check if she still has some assets from her ex – husband. She found that since Lucius violated the marriage contract all of the Malfoy assets were now her. She was beyond happy after hearing this.

After doing her morning ritual she went to her daughter's room to see that she was still sleeping. She smiled at her then ordered Dobby to make her some breakfast. She then came downstairs at the dining table. When she sat another house elf brought the Prophet of that day to her. She saw the headline was rendered speechless. Lucius was convicted as DE and so was Rudolphus Lastrange. But what made her speechless was that what was written about her sister Bellatrix.

"It was all a lie." She mumbled to herself as she read the paper that wrote the actual fate of her sister. She could never believe that Bella was a raving lunatic right after the marriage.

"I have to find Lily." She thought to herself. She started to write a letter to her giving her the floo address of the Malfoy manor. She sent the letter with her owl. As the avian creature took the letter to designated address she thought to herself what she should do now.

She knew about James's death and Lily's and her son's survival. It may sound colossal of her, but she kind of happy that James died. He was very far in Dumbledore's pocket that there was no return. Uncle Charlus and Aunt Dorea must be rolling in their grave for his attitude. They never liked his (Dumbledore) attitude of thinking himself better suited to govern the magical world. She has every reason to suspect that the DE attack on them was orchestrated by Dumbledore by leaking some information of them. They were his greatest rival in the political and financial arena after all.

After their death James was only knew the things that was spewed from Dumbledore's mouth. Any sensible parents would have been fled the country the second they knew that their child was a target for the enemy. He was so idiot that he left the Potter manor's most greatest and powerful wards and started to live on that cottage under fidelius charm which can be beaten if the secret keeper is caught. She was sure that Lily tried to do that. But she also knew that Dumbledore and James also thought that as well so they must have barred her to leave the house.

But now she knew that Lily has a chance to live a normal life and she will be damn sure to help her sister in everything but blood. All she now has to do is to wait for the reply.

With Lily

Next morning Lily was happy. She is now free from Dumbles and his manipulation. She could see that the future is changed and her baby was safe and healthy in every possible path. But she has to leave Europe so that she and her baby could live a normal life. The magical at Europe were so backwards that it was not even funny. The more she lives with them the more she felt her IQ dropped one point. And frankly for a witch who prided herself for her intelligence it was beyond acceptable. So she decided she would leave this country.

'Bellatrix is now resting after the body change and she will be up today.' Thought lily. She was happy that her friend and sister was now fine and has a chance to live a normal life. She also wrote a letter to Andromeda to come at the manor. She was in her thoughts when an unknown owl came in.

She was curious about who sent in this owl. She first checked it for any curse or portkey and found it to be safe. She opened the letter and found it from Narcissa. She was happy and saw the floo address of her. She immediately went to the floo and called Cissa.

"Cissa are you there?"

"Lily is that you? Good to see you my friend."

"Yeah it is good to see you too. Will you come in? I have a present for you."

"Wait, I will be there. Let me take my daughter."

"Okay come in."

With that Narcissa took her daughter and came through the floo. After seeing lily she hugged her friend.

"Ohh… Lily I am very happy to see you. I am very sorry for what happened to James."

"It is alright Cissa. I know it will sound very bad but I am actually glad that he was dead. If not then my and Harry's life would be miserable."

"So you also had the same suspicion about James."

"Not suspicion but confirmation. He was already on Dumbledore's pocket but in his last days he was imperiused by Dumbles and he was not even fighting it."


"Yes Cissa. But forget about him, let me see your daughter." Said Lily as she took Lucretia from Cissa and she started to coo at her.

"Where is Harry?" asked Narcissa.

"Come I will take you to his nursery." With that she took her to his nursery.

When they came in the nursery and looked at Harry Cissa's knee instantly buckled and baby Lucretia squirmed and looked at the little male baby. Harry also looked at them and gurgled happily and lifted his armes towards them. Cissa took him and she almost started to pant. She could feel her magic was like singing to his more powerful and potent magic. She looked at Lily and asked.

"What is this feeling Lily. The room is saturated with his magic and he is leaking it unconsciously."

Lily just smiled at her and said the one word that made her shocked her to very core. "The next heir of the Ototsuki clan."

"WHAT!" it was all she could say before she sat down at the chair next to the crib and became speechless. Lily took both children and placed them in the crib where the two babies started to play with each other.

Cissa just looked at the friend and said on word. "How."

"Let Andy come and Bella to awaken."

"Bella is here. You found her."

"Yes. I will tell you all just wait for sometime." Lily said. It was then the floo activated and Andy came with her four year old daughter Nymphadora. The years have been kind to her. She looked the still beautiful woman that she looked at Howgwarts. Her husband was dead in a car accident one year ago and she was now a lawyer.

"Good morning Lily and you as well Cissa."

"Good morning Andy and you too Dora. Do you know who I am?"

"You are aunt Lily and aunt Cissa. Where ate Harry and Lucretia."

"They are in nursery go there." Dora nodded and went there. It was then Corney came and told them that Bella is now awakened.

Bella's room

They entered her room and saw a very beautiful woman was sleeping peacefully there. She looked about 28 years of age with pale skin and black hair. She wore a tank top and jeans. Lily nodded to Cissa and Andi to wake her up. They nodded and slightly nudge her. She started to groan and rubbed her forehead.

"Aww… what hit me." she groaned started to fluttered open her eyes. First she saw everything blurry but after adjusting with the light she started see clearly. She saw her sisters but slightly older. Then she saw the other woman who was a stunning red head with glowing emerald green eyes. It was like her little sister in all but blood Lily's. But she kept that later for thinking. She greeted her sisters.

"Whoa Andi, Cissa; what happened to me. I challenged him to free myself from the marriage but last I remember I was hit by a powerful curse from Rudolphus and then nothing." She asked to her sisters.

"You were in magical coma 9 years. Rudolphus used another woman to impersonate you and made her do some atrocities in your name. But don't worry you have been found not guilty." Said the red head. Bella looked at her and recognized her.

"Lily is that you." Asked Bella.

"Yes how are you feeling."

"Quite fine actually."

"You should. I have been trying to heal you all day yesterday."

"Yes Lily about that. What did you mean that Harry was the heir of Ototsuki." Asked Cissa.

"What! What do you mean Harry is heir of the first clan. And who is Harry anyway." Asked Bella.

"Harry is the son of James and Lily but I do not know about the heir part." Said Andy and she looked at Lily for answers.

"Alright. It is went like this…" started Lily and she told them the shinobi history her seer abilities and her ninja training and Harry's real father. She left the alteran part of the ancestry hidden and decided to reveal them later. She thought that they are not ready for that now.

"So what now." Asked Andy.

"Let Bella heal for one week then we need to leave Europe. If we stay here then Dumbles will try something to intrude in our life. He needed Harry for his plans." Said Lily.

"That is right. We need to get out of here. But the question is where."

"I was thinking to go to Japan. As I was thinking to train Harry in shinobi arts. It will be a very good alibi as in Japan training in martial arts is a very common thing. I do not want the world to know that the Otsotsuki clan is alive again right now." Said Lily.

"This is actually good idea. It will also protect Harry from Dumbles influence." Said Cissa.

"Enough about depressing things, where is my nephew. I want to see him." said Bella.

"Yes come with me. But be very careful as you are still weak." Said Lily.

With that Lily supported Bella to the nursery. When they came to the nursery they saw that Harry was entertaining Lucretia by floating some of his soft toys in the air, Lucretia was clapping happily and giggling and Dora had a bug eye expression on her face. Bella seeing the happy face of Harry squealed loudly and almost ran towards him took him in her arms.

The moment she took him in her arms the toys stopped floating and Bella was almost fainted by the feeling of his magic. Andy also felt it was about to question it then they both remembered his lineage. 'Well he is the heir of the first house after all.' And with that their day went by.

Next day Lily went to Gringotts and was very pleased to know that she took precaution. Her account manger said that there were attempts to remove her from her position as the regent of the Potter house as she was not a pureblood. But by James's will they were negated even the attempt of the sealing of the will also barred as it was already read.

Then Lily told her manager to move all of her accounts to their Japan branch buy a plot of land in midst of a forest if he can. The goblin nodded and told that he will see to that and sent a portkey to her of that place. She nodded to that. When she was about to go to the house she thought that why not check on the Longbottoms. She then apparated to St. Mungo's to meet them.

After coming to the long term care ward she saw that the Augustus Longbottom was already there with her grandson and her godson. She exchanged the pleasantries with her and took the baby from her and started to coo at him. The baby was very happy feeling a familiar feeling coming from this woman that was very much like his mother. It was then when a healer came and said they have some formalities to complete. The Longbottom matriach nodded and requested Lilly to look after Nevile which she accepted.

When they were gone she made a Shadow Clone to hold Nevile and looked into the future of the results if she healed the Longbottoms now. She was very pleased to know that she could and their future again it is good. There will be still some difficulties they will be fine. So she started to heal them.

It was no problem from her. The problem of the Longbottom was nothing but some after effect form a very powerful genjutsu like the Tsukoyumi of the Mangekyuo Sharingan. So she was very sure that she could heal them. And heal them she did. They will be fine within one week. As she did not want them to connect the dots to her.

After the healing she dispelled the shadow clone. Took nevile and started to wait for the Longbottom matriach to come. She came after sometime and she told her good bye to her.

One Week later

The documents came from Gringotts and they were ready to the land she bought. In the week she arranged the passport and visas for them in the muggle world and some quick crash course in the muggle world just for the trip. They were ready to go. Lily told Corney and some Potter Manor elvs to pack everything come to her when she called them.

It took one day for them to come in Japan by plane. The Black sisters grumbled about the time that took them but none the less were happy to travel in the muggle way. After checking in a hotel Lily called cortney to look after the kids. Then they apparated to the plot.

It was 10 acres large plot with a stream in the back. It was in the middle of the forest and the nearest road is 500 meters from the front gate that she thought to make.

"Okay Lily now what." Asked Andy still somewhat skeptical about the plan she made.

"Watch the magic of the ancients Andy." Said Lily as she made a hand sign and shouted "Wood Style: Four Pillar House Jutsu."And with that roots started to come to life and started to make a mansion out of nowhere. When it was over it was very big mansion in the style of the ancient Japanese Feudal lord's mansion (House style was like the Otstsuki Mansion).

"… A wooden house." Andy deadpanned at her. Lily seeing this got a little annoyed and said to her to fire the strongest curse she can pull off. Andy was about to apologize about her intrusion but Lily insisted.

Andy fired a very power blasting curse. When the smoke was removed the sisters were astonished that there was not even a scorch mark. They looked at Lily and saw that she was looking at them smugly.

"This is a wood style jutsu. In the time of the shinobi said to be the able to restrain and calm a tailed beast, pieces of a primordial deity. The first and the most powerful user of this style made an enormous forest, bigger then this forest from a barren wasteland within moments and it lasted for hundreds of years." Lily said making the sisters looking at her in a new light.

"And the most beautiful part of this is that Harry will be even more powerful than me." said Lily again making them speechless. Lily just looked at the house and whispered the words "This is just a new beginning."
