Zay never moved to New York in this story. Riley does find out about Lucas' past. He tells her. Zay will still be involved in this story though. Everytime else pretty much stays in line with the show expect that. This is my first fanfiction for GMW. I have written for other shows. I hope everyone enjoys this story.


I look at my watch and it is now 7pm. The party starts at 8 so I have about an hour to get everything perfect for my best friend. Today Maya Penelope Hart turns 18. YEEEAHH! So I have spent all day trying to make this perfect for her. The one thing I know she wants, I can't confirm yet that he will make it. My Uncle Josh or how she so fondly calls him Uncle McBoing Boing.

I have texted Josh probably a trillion times today to ensure he is coming. The last text came back in all caps FOR THE LAST TIME RILEY. I WILL BE THERE. I still wanted to text him one more time, but Farkle took my phone to ensure that wouldn't happen.

Maya and Josh have been playing the long game. Now that she is 18 she feels the game should finally would come to an halt. That she and Josh could finally become official. She was still hanging on to the words the girl in the dorms told them 4 years ago that when she was this age hopefully Josh would realize how great she was. I hope to God that is true.

I don't know what is going on in Josh's last year of college. I haven't heard of any girlifriend from him or my father. Josh has had an internship all summer so he was been so involved with, we have hardly seen him. I am taking the no news as good news approach.

"Farkle have you talked to Smackle? Is she still with Maya, and they will be here for the party at 8."

"Yes Riles, relax." Farkle lets out sigh while grabbing some serving bowls for the tables. He opens the bag of chips and pours them in. "Why don't you finish getting dressed? Charlie will be here any minute with the cake."

I smile with the mention of Charlie's name. This summer I finally decided to make it official with Charlie. He has had a crush on me since the 8th grade. We tried to date then but it didn't work out. At that time me and my best friend were infatuated with the same guy. Lucas Friar.

I hadn't said his name or thought about him in the last year. I be damned just thinking about him right now he still could send my emotions into overdrive. I don't know how he still has that effect on me. I should feel nothing but hate for him. Especially since he just left.

He promised no one would get hurt in this.

That his moment would be his moment.

I didn't know his moment would mean hightailing it back to Texas without a second thought and not making a choice at all. Lucas was supposed to go on the ski trip with everyone and he didn't show.

We attempted to call him while we were there but he would pick up. His phone would just go straight to voicemail. We just stopped trying after like the 10th call that weekend. When we went back to school he still wasn't there which worried me. All I got from my dad was a he transferred out of school Riley and he wouldn't be back. I felt like the wind was kicked out of me with that statement.

I asked him before it had gotten to that point of me being head over heels for him, if he was worth being the first boy I ever truly like? He said yes.

Lies, all lies.

I feel so foolish for ever believing anything that ever came out of Lucas Friar's mouth. How could he just leave? I thought what was happening between us was something more.

Something, special. Boy was I wrong.

It has been 3 years since I have let anyone get close to me. I couldn't risk my heart like that again. So must of my high school years. I spent time with my friends, and in the books. There had been other boys that were interested, but no one made me feel like Lucas had.

Then Charlie got transferred into our high school again junior year. He let me know that he was still interested in me. I told him I just wanted to be friends. He respected that and we were close friends all through our junior year.

Then I realized I didn't want to sit my senior year on the sidelines.

I didn't want to live in the past wondering about what might have been with someone who never made the decision to begin with. I needed to move on, and what better way than with Charlie Gardner. Someone I knew liked me for me. I realized that we did have a lot in common and I liked him too. So why not finally give this a real try.

I head to my room and open my closet. Farkle was right I had to change I was still wearing my sweats from running around to get this party together. It had been hard to plan this whole thing. It was hard to try to keep Maya out the the loop, and out of my house all day.

I look through for something to catch my eye. I grab the floral lace crochet pink dress that I saw at Forever 21 when I went shopping with Maya last weekened. I know if I don't wear it today it won't last much longer in here. Maya had already eyed it twice. Once it went to her house I'd never see it back. I slip the dress on and it fits like a glove. I do a quick spin and check out the dress one more time in m mirror.

I am thankful my parents weren't going to be at this party tonight. They would be out of town. If my father saw this dress he'd make me change. I could already hear his shriek now. "Too much cleavage." Which it totally wasn't, but if he had his way now all she would be allowed to wear is turtlenecks and pants. Every inch of my skin would be covered.

I chek my hair out in the mirror I still had my curls from earlier. If the curls hadn't lasted it would have to do I had no time to do my hair. I reapply some of my mac pink lip gloss before heading back into the living room. Charlie was now here and he just put the cakes down. He stares and me and states, "Wow Riles you look great tonight."

"Thanks Charlie. You don't look so bad yourself." I told him while walking over to him. I place a small kiss on his lips.

"I got the cake and did another soda run as you asked. Farkle just put them in the fridge so they will get cool. Anything else." Charlie asked me.

"No, I just need Josh to get here already."

"I'm here." He said while opening up the door. I smile at him and run over to hug him. "Good to see you too niece."

"Thank you, thank you." I repeated. I pinched him to ensure he was real. He winced and stared at me. OK it was real. So I smile wider.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world. I won't miss yours either in another 4 months." Josh reassured me.

"I just buzzed up a few of the kids from school. I got a message from Smackle. She is on her way with Maya" Farkle told her.

"It's finally coming all together." I all but squeal. Ok I did squeal. All three guys just smile at me. I can't contain my excitement though. I had been planning this day probably since she climbed through my window at 7.

"The decorations are in her favorite color." I state. Everything was purple. Purple ballons, purple plates, napkins, even the cake and drink was purple.

"Your favorite color Riles." Farkle told me.

"Our." I corrected him. He just shakes his head and laughs.

I hear a knock on the door and I rush over to let class mates in. I wanted to get as many of them in before Maya gets in for her surprise. I know the only person that mattered was Josh. Even though he told her to date other guys while we were in high school. She rarely did. If she did they were never her boyfriend for too long. She didn't want to get so attached. She wanted Josh.

The room started to fill up with a lot of our class mates. I look at Farkle for the update. We were going through Farkle for all updates since Maya wouldn't question why Smackle was texting so much. Farkle and Smackle have been dating for years and they text like this all the time.

"They are on their way up." Farkle tells me. He puts his phone in his pocket and starts to get everything in some good hiding places.

I dim the lights and take Josh's hand. I needed him close for this surprise.

"I don't know if I want to come to this traitor's house. She hasn't called or texted all day. Did she forget it's my birthday?" Maya said from outside the door. I smile knowing it killed her just as much as it killed me.

"Behave Maya I told you she wasn't feeling good earlier." Smackle opens the door.

I cut the lights on and the whole room ups and yells. "Surprise."

Maya smiles ear to ear. Even though she hates surprises. She hugs me tight. "Aww so you still love me peaches?"

"Always I told her. Happy Birthday." She smiles at me and hugs me again one more time.

"Thank, you. When did you have time to plan all this?" Maya asked me.

"Oh this has been going on for probably a year." Farkle sighed. "I'm so happy this day has finally come."

He gives Maya a hug and takes Smackle's hand and leads her over to the couch. Maya look behind me and her smile grows wider. She just realized that I managed to get the best guest in the house.

"Josh." She said. She sounded breathless. Her smile grew wider for him which makes me smile.

"Hey Maya. Happy Birthday." He said while pulling her into a hug. She mouths oh my god to me while he does it. When he pulls away she is so cool and calm again.

"Thanks, how have classes been going." Maya asked him.

"Just started last week. It's going to be a tough year but the last year." Josh said with a smile.

"So is the long game over?" Maya asked him.

"We can talk about that tonight." He told her while taking her hand and walking over to the window where they both take a seat.

My smile was as wide as it possibly could be at this moment. I'm so happy for Maya that she might be finally getting what she wants with Josh. She has waited a long time and she deserves it.

"All this planning for the party and your Uncle is stealing the show." Charlie joked.

"I'm just happy if Maya is happy." I told him while throwing my arms around his neck. I kiss him quick and hard on the lips and he takes my hand and leads me over to the couch with Smackle and Farkle where we all chat.

A few more classmates come in and out so I greet most of them for Maya since she is still engrossed in a conversation with Josh. I can't read the conversation from here right now. I don't know if they have ended this long game stuff or extended this game into another overtime. They haven't broken their gazes though since they sat by the window.

"Farkle, how about you casually go over there and see what they are saying?" Riley suggested. I am still looking at them trying to gauge what is going on between them.

"No way Riles. Let them have their talk. Maya will tell you anyway you guys don't keep secrets from each other anyway." Farkle said. I know he is right, but the romantic in me wants to ensure this works.

The room fell awkwardly silent though, and I hear lots of hush whispers all throughout the room. I almost don't want to turn to see what is going on. I hear the front door shut now. I turn and look there he was. Lucas Friar standing in my living room with a present in tow.

My jaw dropped in shock. I keep instructing myself to close my mouth but I can't. His emerald green eyes lock with mine. The stare was so intense that I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I feel the same butterflies I felt when I used when I was just 12 years old. Now they are intensified even more though.

How is that possible?

I try not to stare at him but I can't help it. He was hotter than when he left here three years ago.

How is that possible?

His shoulders were broader and he looked more muscular. You could see that with the snug little blue tee he wore. It made his dirty blonde hair look hotter. He was also taller now he had to grow at least another 2 to 3 inches. His biceps were bigger. I could see a trace of a tattoo on his right arm peeky out under his sleeve. It intrigued me. What was the tattoo of?

Lucas looks me up and down now sending goosebumps up my spine. A smile curves to his lips. Even his smile seemed sexier.

He still hasn't moved from his spot or said anything. He just continues to look at me. His stare makes it hard for me to think or even react right now. I'm mad as hell that he just waltzed back in here like nothing happened. I'm mad that these feelings that I thought were finally gone, aren't as gone as I thought.

Charlie puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to his body so now that my back is pressed against his chest. This was Charlie's possessive move to let Lucas know I was taken. I don't think I'm imagining this but I see his face fall a little from this. He forces up a smile and still keep his eye contact with me and Charlie.

Why is he back? Today of all days? How did he even know about the party? I turn and glare at Farkle and he holds his hands up like it wasn't me. I was sure he had to have something to do with this. If not him then who told him? I look back at Lucas. Wanting answers. I needed answers now.

"Hey." He finally choked out. Three years and all we get is a hey!

Words still couldn't form yet for me. Anger and so many mixed emotions were pumping through my veins right now.

"Lucas." Maya said while standing from the window. She walks over to him and hugs him. I feel a ping of jealously shoot through me when she does this. He hands her the gift and she tells him thank you. He's back with a present for Maya.

Did he come back on her birthday to tell her it was her he would have chosen? My heart felt like it was ripping in two with just the thought of that. I hate that I could still feel this way.

"Happy Birthday Maya." He told her. He looks back at me to say something but I look away.

I'm not ready for this.

I'm not ready for him being here right now. I definitely wasn't ready for these feelings and emotions to consume me like this.

"What are you doing here?" Maya asked him. She was still in his arms. This pain in my heart and jealousy just grew stronger. It felt like the hug was an eternity but It may have only been a few seconds.

"I got back yesterday. I saw Smackle at the store and she told me about this party." Lucas remarked.

I turn and look at Smackle. I give her the deadliest of glares. She just scoots closer to Farkle. He won't protect you is all I can think. Girl Code you definitely warn your friends about old crushes being in town. You definitely don't invite them to a party without telling you.

"Hey Riley." He said while stepping closer to the couch now. His southern accent seemed thicker now and more pronounced then the last time I saw him. His drawl seemed sexy sending a shiver down my spine.

I try to shake it off.

"You can't just walk in and say hey after all this time." I yell at him. Words were finally formed. I didn't mean for them to come out so loud or so angrily. It was how I was feeling at the moment though.

"Riley- " he starts to talk again but I cut him off.

"Maya bay window right now." I take her hand and we go to my room. I shut the door closed and lock it so no one can come in.

"How could you hug him?" I asked her.

"That's the first question you ask me!" Maya yells. "Riley he's a friend that we haven't seen in a long time."

"Correction Maya, he was the first boy we both crushed on Maya." I reminded her.

"No Josh was the first boy. I have ever crushed on." Maya told her. "Lucas was your first crush, first kiss, and first date."

"I don't need any reminders on how many first's Lucas was to me Maya." I said while running my hand through my hair. I turn to her and ask, "How do you feel about this?"

"Riles it's been a long time." Maya said. It makes me anxious because she really didn't answer the question. Does she still like Lucas?

"It has been a long time. Do you still have feelings for Lucas?" I ask her again hesitantly. I hold my breath waiting on the answer unintentionally. Every second she doesn't answer it felt like an eternity.

"To be honest like I told you then I don't think I ever really did know what I felt about Lucas." Maya said with a sigh. I was searching her eyes for the truth. It felt like she was telling me the truth but that still wasn't an answer either. It was still ambiguous. Then Maya continued her answer, "He was a great guy and all Riles. I don't think he was the guy for me." It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders when she said that. I feel finally take a breath in. "Seeing him now, I know that he doesn't give me the same feeling as Josh does."

"He doesn't." I said matter of factly. Why did it feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders when she said that?

"Riles, you are with Charlie. Why do you care if Lucas is here or not? Do you feel the same way for him as you did?" Maya asked me.

"No." I shriek.

"Thou protests too much." Maya said with a smile. Now I can tell she is searching my eyes for the truth. So I look away from her.

"I don't." I try to say in the strongest voice I can muster right now. This morning if someone asked me this. I would definitely be convincing with the I don't. But seeing him today. I don't know what I feel. Seeing him today stirred something in me I thought I was long gone.

Maya just shrugs her shoulders and leans against the bay window after my remarks. She obviously wasn't buying what I was selling. I continue to try to sell it anyway. "I'm just really upset. He didn't make a choice. He just left. He never called or anything. He just left us for 3 years."

"I'm sure he will tell us why. I'm sure he had a good reason. Lucas isn't a quitter. That trait about him is what always seemed so odd to me about him up and leaving three years ago." Maya reassured me. She puts her hand on top of mine and gives them a gentle squeeze.

"What if the reason isn't good enough Maya?" I questioned. I fold my hands together and nervously start to bounce my knee.

"You have to let him tell you the reason why Riles. Don't freak out and let him stay." Maya told me while squeezing my hand. I give her the look of do you know who you are talking to woman. She just starts to laugh.

She knows that is impossible.

I'm already freaking out. That is why we are sitting at the bay window. I needed answers and clarity.

I thought we'd feel the same way about this situation but we obviously don't. Maya isn't as mad as I am with Lucas. I don't think any reason he gives me will be good enough for me. That scares me.

We stand back up and head back into my living room. He was still there. He was talking to Smackle and Farkle now. He stops talking and those emerald eyes lock with mine again. My heart beat starts to quicken it feels like my heart just wants to jump out of my chest. Stop it now heart!

"Riley can we talk just for a minute?" Lucas asked her.

"I don't know what there is to say Lucas. You said everything by just leaving." I told him. I see his face sink and he goes to speak again. I continue with what I'm saying. "Really tonight isn't the night for this. It's Maya's 18th birthday. It should just be about that tonight."

"There is so much to say." Lucas said adamantly. He bites his bottom lip. He is obviously fighting on starting an argument. He stares deep into my eyes before he speaks again. "but you are right tonight should just be about Maya's party. I don't want to ruin that. Riley we will talk about everything though"

"Are you going to stick around Ranger Rick?" Maya asked him. I give her a death glare. She ignores it and just continues to smile ahead. She was blatantly ignoring my look probably because I didn't listen to her when she told me to hear him out. Since the question was asked I'm curious and hanging on to his every word even if I'm not looking his direction currently.

"As long as you guys let me stay here tonight and yes I'm back for our senior year of high school."

My heart starting pounding with that confirmation. I can't subdue the butterflies that were now out of control in my stomach. I hated that my body was betraying me like this.

"Let's dance Charlie." I said while grabbing my boyfriend's hand and leading him upstairs to roof top.

When we get up top. I look around the rooftop. Farkle hadn't let me actually come up here. He told me to let him take care of the rooftop and I would take care of the actual apartment.

Farkle had strung up Christmas lights that were a mix of white and purple lights that glistened against the moonlight. It was amazing up here. There were already a few kids from the party up here dancing.

I look behind me to see Farkle, Smackle, Maya, Josh, and Lucas had followed us up here. A few more classmates came in behind him.

Those emerald green eyes still lingered on my body. I could feel them burrowing a hole through me. Straight to my heart again. It was still beating at it's insane rhythm right now.

I took Charlie's hand and took him with me to the dance floor. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close to his body. I wrap my arms around his neck and he smiles at me. I smile back at him. Even though I am looking at Charlie I can still feel those eyes on me. Lucas was leaning against the door frame with his jaw clinched just staring at us. You can practically see the anger radiating off his skin.

"I love this song." Charlie whispered in her ear. It startled me. I jump a little and looks at Charlie. I hadn't even noticed what was playing. I was just fixated on Lucas and that stare.

"Me too." I lied. I still didn't even take the time to concentrate or listen to it.

"I can't wait for our senior year to start tomorrow. I think this is going to be the best year." Charlie told her. She nods her head and rests it on his shoulder. When I did this she could feel the eyes had left me now. I could still feel the anger radiating on him. His jaw was still locked in a firm scowl. He was finally moving from the door frame. I tried not to stare to see where he was going. He smiles and starts to walk over to Farkle, Smackle, Josh, and Maya. They were all dancing together.

She watched him dance and she knew senior year was going to be a tough year now that Lucas Friar was back.