Summary: None.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Reborn (from Child! to Adult!), Sawada Tsunayoshi, Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, Lal Mirch, Basil, Sawada Iemitsu, Sawada Nana, Dokuro Chrome, Sasagawa siblings, Chiavarone Dino, Lambo, I-pin, Kurokawa Hana, Shamal, Natsu. R27, cannon!2377, implied!ColoLal and hinted!8059.
Rating: T
Warning(s): Cuss. A/B/O!AU. No Iemitsu-bashing even if he is presented as an idiot. Random shifts of PoVs.
Timeline: Not detailed, as it goes through the years, but at the end, Tsuna is at least 25 and Reborn has caught up (or almost). So, it might be slightly confusing.
Genre(s): Family, Friendship, Romance, (a bit of) Humor, Hurt/Comfort (at some point).
A/N: Anyway, I answered the challenge of "writing an A/B/O!AU without sex" so there it is. Let's hope that it isn't too cringe-worthy, and as the whole A/B/O business is not the most important matter, I have honestly no idea if it is a success or not. I'll let you be the judge of that, hmm?
Oh, and I got asked about the precedent one-shot. Sorry for the late answer, but I couldn't PM them, and as I don't like giving false hope by editing existing chapters without several motives, I am giving an answer in this one. It will be in the PS.
Hope you'll enjoy!
[Securing a Claim]
As expected from the Vongola Manor, the ball room was absolutely gorgeous. The waxed parquet was smooth beneath the guests' expensive shoes, gleaming in the white electrical lights of diverse chandeliers of the finest crystals. Two of the seemingly golden walls were covered with perfect mirrors, expanding the volume of the room, the number of dancers and dizzying some of the most intoxicated or unaccustomed guests. The high windows opened to the superb gardens, offering their splendor in the moonlight and the fresh air of the night. The sight was a vision from fairy tales, and yet, most eyes were locked on a unique figure.
Glances, flutters of eyelashes and smiles followed the Vongola Don, otherwise known as Vongola Decimo or Vongola Neo Primo for those caring about accurate titles, as the young man made his way through the crowd. Two of his Guardians, his Storm and his Rain, were staying close to him, acting as bodyguards. For the Sky, now used in dealing with gatherings but still awkward in fending off his admirers, needed their presence.
After all, everyone wanted a taste of one of the most powerful man in the world.
Or rather, the most powerful Sky and coincidentally, Omega, of the whole world.
Tsuna stoically ignored the hungry stares he was receiving, a mantra running in circles in his head. It's only a small gathering – never mind that there are more than fifty people in there – with your Family, and some Dons looking for an alliance – don't leave without securing their allegiance and don't even try covering your neck, damn it.
"Are you okay, Tsuna?"
The Don looked blankly at Takeshi. "Of course." His eyes shifted then towards their destination, and he inwardly cringed. "Who invited him?" He muttered under his breath, barely audible.
His Rain laughed sheepishly while Hayato tisked, sharing the displeasure. The pair, Alpha and Beta, shuffled closer to their Sky in a vague gesture of comfort. Steadily walking towards one of the ends of the buffet facing the mirrors, the trio reluctantly went closer to the few gathered members. Tsuna offered genuine smiles at Lal and Basil, always comfortable in their company, but felt his expression freeze when the older blond man gazed at him with an awkward stretch of lips in the parody of a smile. There was a brief silence, only broken by Tsuna who was all too aware that Vongola couldn't appear anything but united.
"Iemitsu." He blandly acknowledged, sharp eyes not missing the flicker of hurt in the other's face. "Nice night we're having."
And he mentally kicked himself for the even more awkward pleasantry, sounding as if he was speaking to a stranger. He spotted the entertained smirk that Lal was vainly trying to hide in her flute. If anything, Iemitsu looked even more uncomfortable. A spark of vindictive amusement crossed Tsuna's eyes, pleased to see that the old Alpha was once again reminded of his flaws.
"Son." Iemitsu answered, a vain attempt to regain some authority.
Instead of reacting, Tsuna dismissed him completely to greet properly Basil and Lal.
"By the way, how is Colonnello faring?" He inquired, referring to his latest mission more than his health. The Rain was certainly capable of taking care of himself, though Tsuna couldn't help but worry ever so slightly. "Adapting to the town?"
Lal's smirk softened, shifting to something gentler, as usual when talking about her Mate.
"He's doing fine." She evasively replied, knowing that the message would be understood easily enough. "So far, he hasn't been encountering any problems. As it should be, I've trained the idiot after all."
Before Tsuna could answer, Iemitsu cut in, annoyed for the dismissal and unable to mind his own business.
"Speaking of Mates, have you finally found an Alpha?" He asked a bit too loudly, his voice carrying enough to be caught by some guests who quieted down, looking over.
"This is highly inappropriate." Hayato snapped, trying to keep his growl several tones down to avoid bringing any more attention on them.
Tsuna resisted the urge to touch his neck and cover the bare smoothness with his hand. His face blanked, unreadable, as his eyes turned a lovely but foreboding sunset color. His grip tightened around his untouched flute of champagne, almost breaking it. Years of repressing instinctive reactions prevented the affronted growl from escaping his throat as well as the miserable whine that threatened to reveal his long-since buried uncertainty. Instead, he offered the perfect picture of impeccable composure, staring down at the soon-to-be-retired CEDEF leader.
In front of him, Basil had stepped away from his future-ex-boss, glaring at him while clearly distancing himself from the other, physically and metaphorically. Lal had an expressionless mask on her features, mimicking Basil's action as she leaned against the table and turned her head away from Iemitsu. Beside Tsuna, Hayato had a nasty scowl etched on his lips, looking close to downright snarling at the older man, while Takeshi had a fixed and unsettling smile, revealing too many teeth to be reassuring.
One question, and the older Alpha found himself without allies, facing two symbolical adversaries. Instincts kicked in, prompting him to draw his height to appear taller than he was, trying to loom over the Omega he was trying to intimidate.
Unimpressed, Tsuna stared right back and strengthened his shoulders. By now, the entire room had quietened down, letting an ominous silence fall. His eyes glanced at the mirrors behind Iemitsu, locking with dark eyes – fury hidden in their abyss – and he tilted his head, daringly showing his neck. At that moment, Tsuna didn't know if he was challenging his ever-absent-father or the Alpha whose smoldering intensity was fixed on him.
Iemitsu noticed the waver in focus, frowning. His mouth opened once again, and Tsuna knew that he was certainly not going to appreciate the coming lecture.
"I don't think that you grasp the subtlest implications of being the Don, Tsunayoshi." The Alpha started in a patronizing voice, uncaring of the listening ears and ignoring the growl coming from Hayato – whose aggressiveness was on par with the most territorial Alphas. "You are responsible for countless lives, shouldering the weight of the Family, and this privilege, usually reserved to the Alphas, had been graciously given to you by Nono."
Tsuna paid no mind to the lecture, eyes completely focused on the dark silhouette silently approaching them, with the gait of a predator. He could feel his Elements getting outraged by the implications of Iemitsu's words, even some of the guests were frowning at the CEDEF boss.
"Your status as an Omega puts you in a tight spot, implying a vulnerability that Vongola can't afford to show."
Distantly, Tsuna knew that it was only Iemitsu expressing his worry for his only son. And yet, it was awkwardly stated, dripping of prejudices and a touch of ignorance. For a moment, the Don felt a stab of pity for him. Hayato and Basil were bristling, and Takeshi's hand was clasped on the hilt of his sword. However, Lal had a smirk on her face, eyes following a certain someone above the Sky's shoulder. Tsuna was observing his advance through the mirrors, and at each step closer, his shoulders followed suite, relaxing.
"An unclaimed and unmated Omega attracts far too much dangerous attention on himself and I – "
"I don't need an Alpha." Tsuna cut him off. "I only need mine."
Arms wrapped around his waist –
[First Heat]
Nana glanced at the ceiling, a frown creasing her forehead, as she absently sat down at the kitchen table. She left her own meal untouched as she observed the third children in front of her, I-pin-chan and Lambo-kun bickering over their rice and Reborn-kun sipping quietly his cup of coffee. Her eyes flicked back to the ceiling before gazing at the door, waiting. She had already called out three times. Usually, Tsu-kun was already downstairs by the time she had prepared everything, sparing her the need to warn him. On the rare occasions he wasn't down, he was quick enough to arrive barely a few seconds after the first time – sometimes still falling down the stairs. She briefly wondered if he was still sleeping. A few years ago, she wouldn't have questioned the absence of answer, knowing that her son tended to oversleep. Nowadays, though, it only happened when the previous day had been extremely exhausting. Her fingers twitched as she aborted her movement to grab her chopsticks, contemplating the possibility that Tsuna was sick.
Her brown eyes flicked to the children once again, tearing away from the door, and met Reborn-kun's dark ones. He was staring right back at her, blank but piercing. Not for the first time, she held the strong impression that he was reading her mind.
"How was Tsu-kun, Reborn-kun?" She asked, her brow furrowing further.
Reborn-kun's cup clicked delicately as he put it back on the saucer. He assessed her for a few lingering seconds, eyes never straying.
"He's awakening."
Nana firstly thought that he was speaking literally, not even wondering how he could possibly know such a thing without being in the bedroom. She then realized with Reborn-kun's pointed look that he was clearly referring to something else, something tremendously important. Her eyes widened, reflexively glancing at the ceiling, as she released a soft 'oh'. She half-stood without thinking it through, pausing mid-way. She brought a reflective forefinger on her lips, debating over her next reactions.
Tsu-kun, her wonderful Tsu-kun, was an Omega.
She was not.
Nana suddenly felt foolish. She didn't know how Omegas' heats occurred, whether they were painful or merely uncomfortable, if they could be soothed otherwise than with the presence of an Alpha, if she could be of any help really. She had meant to dig further into the matter, to get the information she needed for the inevitable moment her Tsu-kun would awaken, but the school intervention had happened when they were both at the hospital, and she had been worried and frustrated enough to push the issue away from her immediate concerns. She had, quite simply, promptly forgotten about it.
And now, she was standing in her kitchen, fretting over her next course of actions. She wanted to go up and check on Tsu-kun but she had heard of children reacting badly to their parents' presence. She could be as welcomed as rejected, nothing was certain. She glanced down at her untouched plate, wondering if she shouldn't try anyway and bring a trail of food or at least something to drink.
"I'll go."
Nana started at Reborn-kun's poised voice. He had spent the last couple of minutes observing her, correctly reading her hesitation. While his tone was absolutely composed and bland, she flinched nevertheless, believing that she had picked on a reproachful or disappointed glint in his dark eyes. He didn't say anything at her reaction, merely standing straight and dignified – without appearing ridiculous, amazingly enough – at his nearly ten-year-old height. Her hands were already moving before she consciously ordered them to, taking out a bowl and pouring some prepared miso soup in. She handed it to Reborn-kun, smiling softly at him.
"Thank you." She realized that her voice wasn't as even as she would like, faintly tainted by a sense of shame.
Reborn-kun offered no words, encouragement or otherwise, merely nodding back at her. His sharp eyes left hers, giving her an embarrassing relief to be out of their consideration, as he turned around and left the room. Nana stayed standing, gaze fixed on the door and missing the questioning glance the two children still seated exchanged.
Reborn went up with quick and silent steps, making his way stealthily as experience and habits drilled him to. He didn't bother knocking or announcing his presence in any way, slipping inside. He didn't close the door behind him, first gauging Tsuna's reaction to his trespassing. He was only slightly taken aback by the pair of sunset-colored eyes intensely focused on him, gleaming from inside the cocoon of covers and blankets, fortified by at least eight fluffy pillows coming from who knows where. When his student stayed still inside his nest, Reborn slowly approached, fingers loosely holding the bowl of miso. The Sky Flames flared briefly, a split-second warning before they crashed against his own, searing and inquisitive. They instantly engulfed him into an intangible hug when he was recognized.
Reborn stilled, adjusting to the sensation. His Sun Flames were undeniably purring, basking into the Harmony. It was slightly embarrassing, but considering that there wasn't any aware witness, the hitman chose to let the reaction go. He took a few steps forward, confident that he had passed the Flames checkpoint, to pause again when Tsuna inched back, burrowing deeper under the layers. Well, that should have been expected. His Sky tended to be quite skittish when facing unfamiliar faces. It shouldn't be surprising to see that he instinctively reacted so.
His student perked up at his name, shuffling closer but still staying hidden. Belatedly, Reborn realized that the high temperature came from the Flames saturating the room, naturally stretching to check on the surroundings without any conscious input from Tsuna. The hitman wondered how far the little Omega had given to his instincts, Flame-wise and first heat-wise meshed up together. Taking another step closer, he observed attentively the teen's reactions, gauging them.
For the first time, Reborn inwardly cursed his lack of concrete knowledge about Omegas. As an adult Alpha, even while collecting conquests, he had deliberately avoided any closeness with any Omegas. As a hitman, he had denied himself the possibility of finding his Mate, the supposedly One for him. Relationships as intense as the one shared between Mated pair would be a weakness that he couldn't afford – for his own sake, life or sanity. Obviously, it meant that he had no idea how most Omegas went through their heats, if said heats were always the same, or if there was any way to help Tsuna without being his Alpha. The research he had done before beginning his tutoring was insufficient, not enough detailed, and way too general to apply with certainty to Tsuna.
After all, how many Omegas were also Skies? Powerful Skies, might he add.
Certainly not enough to be noticed by anyone wishing to write about them. That, and their Alphas would undoubtedly convince their partners to forget about giving any interviews, thinking – rightly so – that any kind of advertisement would be detrimental to them, possibly threatening the Omega's health or life. When said Omegas were simply not whisked away to be sold or killed.
His temper flared at the thought, startling Tsuna. Reborn expected him to altogether flee under the covers, hiding away from view. Instead, his student took advantage of his remarkable speed and threw an arm out of the safety of his cocoon to grab Reborn's to tug him in the bed. The hitman went along with it, keeping a firm grip on the bowl in which the soup sloshed dangerously but didn't spill. He found himself lying on his stomach, his fedora askew, and lifted his head up to stare unnervingly at a sat up Tsuna.
Tsuna tilted his head to the side, unblinkingly appraising his tutor with narrowed eyes, most likely reacting to his brief lapse. Reborn had noticed how cold and clammy the hand that had grasped him was, as well as the shivers racking his body and the sheen of sweat on his skin. From the unflinching stare their eyes were currently locked in, the hitman could safely deduce that Tsuna wasn't exactly aware of his reactions. Even if their relationship had shifted from tutor-student to something more similar to friendship, Tsuna would have never dared to catch him like so and challenge him for so long, considering how shy he could be.
Slightly annoyed, Reborn was tempted to splash his Sky's face with the lukewarm miso soup. Not being one to waste food, he refrained. He did thrust the dish in the other's hands – who took it automatically – and sat up, crossing his legs. Sky Flames enveloped him once again into a snug embrace, irresistibly calming him down, much to the appreciation of his own Sun Flames. Seemingly satisfied, Tsuna broke eye-contact to glance at the miso soup. He sniffed it unabashedly, exhaling softly once the smell classified for what it was.
Reborn didn't say anything, opting to first observe and deduce Tsuna's instinctive needs and reactions his first heat was bringing out. While it seemed pretty simple by just noting his gestures and his body language, Flames tended to make more complex the reality. Fact was that Skies and Omegas were extremely compatible in nature, and so rarely in discord with each other, but manifested differently. The cold that Tsuna was experiencing came from his lax control over his Sky Flames that had chosen to answer his need of protection and safety, represented by the nest. Obviously, nesting also suggested the will to cuddle with a Mate, but as Tsuna didn't have one and was a Sky, his Flames could be looking for his Elements to bring them closer to their owner for comfort or something alike. An Omega who wasn't a Sky wouldn't stretch out his Flames like so, keeping them tightly around themselves to form a reassuring shield around them – and therefore keeping a rather high body temperature.
Tsuna hummed contentedly as he slowly sipped the familiar soup, watching Reborn twist around to bring the blankets closer around them. It was important to keep a (very) warm cocoon around him. Ignoring the sweat starting to form on his shirt, the hitman resumed his pensive stance, eyes flicking back to his Sky.
The clammy skin, some of the shivers and the uncomfortable fidgeting were side-effects of the cramps that Tsuna was currently suffering through. His already high pain tolerance and his drilled training stopped him from wincing or vocalizing his pain. Even the unceasing thrum of his Flames only revealed a dull echo of it. For the cramps, Reborn debated over attempting to soothe them. The warm soup trickling down Tsuna's throat was already relieving him, if only slightly. He theorized that his Sun Flames could settle him down if the pain became intolerable, with the consequence of making them both drowsy – Reborn from the effort to stabilize his wild Flames to heal instead of destructing, an annoying quality that the now-lifted Curse had only worsened, and Tsuna from the fatigue born from strains.
Tsuna shifted, lifting the blankets to put the bowl on the floor silently. His eyes flashed to the still open door and he froze, torn between leaving his cozy cocoon to shut it or staying hidden. The cold prompting goosebumps to rise on his uncovered arm was enough for him to decide to ignore the door, returning completely under the safety of his cocoon. Facing Reborn, he tilted his head on the side, waiting.
Reborn refrained from frowning, wondering what exactly his student was expecting from him.
"Tsuna?" He ventured, gauging the other's lucidity.
He only received a sound closely resembling a croon of all things, though it was brief. Narrowing his eyes, he returned the stare unwaveringly, deciphering any body language he could pick up. The Flames saturating the room, and highly concentrated in the cocoon, were certainly not helping any. The sheer Harmony engulfing them both was enough to relax him without his consent, and should he give in, he would undoubtedly doze off.
With a huff, Tsuna fidgeted once again, this time curling into a ball. Since he was still facing his Sun, Reborn easily caught the flicker of unease crossing his features. Trying to distract himself from the cramps, the Sky wrapped his arms around his middle, nails biting in his skin deeply. Flexing his fingers, crescent moon marks stood out with a red glare on the too pale skin. Releasing a short sigh, Reborn scooted closer with little reluctance. Seeing Tsuna like this was annoying, and he was already planning a thorough lesson about Alphas, Betas and Omegas once his student was lucid enough to understand – and remember – it. Especially since Reborn wouldn't always be there to keep his student company. As uncomfortable or painful heats could be, Tsuna would have to confront them by himself or until he found his Alpha.
Lying flat on his back and putting his head on the only pillow trapped in the cocoon – instead of outside – Reborn put one of his hands in Tsuna's wild and spiky hair. At the questioning squeak his gesture prompted, the hitman tugged on the locks.
"Shut up and sleep." He ordered, his focus shifting to his Sun Flames to somehow soothe his Sky, thinking that a Rain would have been better at this.
Tsuna buried his head in the sheets, sighing contentedly once again, and let his still sunset-colored eyes shut, almost purring as he gratefully accepted the calming petting of his hair.
At some point in the tranquil cocoon, they had both dozed off. Always the most alert of the two, Reborn snapped awake first as he sensed powerful and almost foreign Flames approach the house. Nana's humming presence was quiet downstairs, unaware. The lack of Lightening and Sun Flames informed him that the children had gone to school, and he picked on the faintest lingering traces of Mist in the garden. Chrome had obviously checked up on her Sky when the Guardians had passed by earlier, informed by Nana that Tsuna wouldn't come because he was sick, and had relayed the message to the other Elements. Reborn had noticed the brief visits and judging from Tsuna's reflexive shifting, he had also been conscious of their presences. The lack of a beckoning had stated his will to be left alone with Reborn in the quietness, a sign that his Elements had understood and heeded.
Now, though, the Flames were starkly different. Reborn narrowed his eyes, displeased. He absolutely hated surprises, especially when coming from unwanted visitors. Untangling his fingers from the brown locks, he sat up and grasped the covers. Glancing over his shoulder, he wasn't surprised to see sunset-colored eyes staring at him.
"Stay here." Reborn commanded, realizing a split-second later that it was quite unnecessary as Tsuna was certainly not going to move out of his nest on his own accord.
Still, his student nodded obediently and watched him leave the concealment of the blankets. Reborn, pointedly ignoring his mild trouble upon seeing an obedient Tsuna, felt almost cold when extricating from the nest. The room was unbelievably warm from the saturation of their combined Flames – even more so from the Sky ones – but the temperature was distinctly higher in the bed. Straightening his suit and fedora, Reborn mentally prepared himself to deal with an unexpected idiot. Closing the door behind him, the hitman silently made his way downstairs. His feet touched the last step as the front door was boldly opened, offering him the dubious pleasure of meeting first the goofing face of Sawada Iemitsu.
Whatever words the visiting Sky wanted to exclaim died on his lips. Features twisted into a snarl as his nose twitched, inhaling deeply the diverse scents in the house. Flashing eyes snapped to him, protective fury bleeding through his aggressive stance.
"Care to explain why Tsuna's scent is so strong on you, Reborn?" The old Alpha demanded, voice menacing.
Unimpressed, Reborn quirked an elegant eyebrow. While he usually appreciated when he was treated as the adult he was, the fact that his body was still one of a child – an unawaken one, might he add – remained. His senses were dimmed, and he was therefore unable to pick on any pheromones. There was no attraction, no luring and no intimidating threat to be sensed.
"Reborn-kun has been keeping Tsu-kun company since his awakening, dear." Nana informed her husband in a pleased voice as she delightfully welcomed him home after months of absence.
Reborn felt a flicker of amusement at the answer, reading Iemitsu's open-book expressions and guessing his thoughts. He nevertheless tuned out the reaction and following interaction, choosing to disappear inside the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. The caffeine would be needed to deal with the absurdity. He went through the motions automatically, keeping most of his attention on the movements of the couple in the hall. He reigned in his straying Sun Flames, pursuing his lips in a tight line.
The breaking of the Curse coupled with his abnormally fast growth spurts put a strain on his Flames, no longer restrained and drained, but frustratingly trapped in a still too small container, threatening to burst from his control. Every (ex-)Arcobaleno had to deal with the pain, except Lal. And yet, both Viper and he were fortunate to have found a Sky soothing the strain with their Harmony factor. Reborn knew that Colonnello and Fon had regular check-ups with Verde while Skull was confined with the Lightening in his lab, until the Cloud managed to regain a semblance of control over his Flames (cursing the Propagation ability for each hour passed in the mad scientist's company, even though it was for his own sake).
Leaning against the door frame, Reborn took a sip of the burning liquid without batting an eyelash. Nana had twirled somewhere else, arms full of ridiculous orange outfits, leaving the two men alone. Iemitsu had calmed down drastically with his Mate's intervention, now supporting a wide smile that instantly warned Reborn.
"So, Tsuna's awakening, huh?" Iemitsu mused quietly.
Reborn glanced sharply at him. He quickly finished his coffee, not minding the temperature and without taking the time to savor it. He put the cup on the table, tilted his fedora down and hid his hands in his pockets as he stared the old Sky down.
"It is best to leave him alone."
Iemitsu returned the gaze, a challenging glint in his eyes.
"He's my son." The Alpha forcefully reminded Reborn. "If I wish to see him, you will not stop me from doing so."
"He's my Sky." Reborn retorted, unaffected by the (invalid) argument, and suspecting that his presence wouldn't be well-received by Tsuna. "Should your presence upset him…" He trailed off ominously, eyes glaring under his fedora, gold gleaming in his irises.
He would stay back, though, knowing that Iemitsu needed to experience the rejection to fully apprehend it. No matter how bluntly the hitman informed him of the truth, Iemitsu would refuse to hear. Denial ran deep.
Iemitsu scoffed at the blatant threat, dismissing it. He enthusiastically climbed up the stairs, barely aware of the stealthy presence of a scorching Sun at his back. Reborn kept his laid-back attitude as he nonchalantly stepped beside Iemitsu, watching the man collect himself. Without knocking – and prompting a spark of irritation in the hitman – the Alpha opened the door widely and intruded.
There was no other word, as his approach prompted two immediate and unmistakable reactions. Tsuna's Sky Flames crashed against Iemitsu's in vicious hostility, searing unforgivably and simultaneously calling on Reborn's Sun ones for protection, spotting him right away. Sunset-colored eyes glared furiously at him from the depth of his nest, lips pulled into a silent snarl. The aggressive rejection startled Iemitsu who fought back an instinctive flinch, eyes widening.
"Tsu – "
"Reborn." Tsuna's raspy voice called out from beneath the mountain of blankets, cutting off his father, and sounding almost frightened, even as his Flames continued to intangibly roar threateningly at the older Sky, refusing to back down.
"Get out." Reborn coldly ordered Iemitsu, realizing that Tsuna didn't recognize his father.
Not that it was that surprising, considering the few times they had met each other, briefly and rarely pleasantly. The hitman stepped inside, physically blocking the Alpha from seeing the glaring eyes hiding in the nest. Iemitsu's head snapped to him, stunned and wavering between reason and instinctive reactions. Calmly, Reborn reached for his gun.
"I won't repeat myself, Iemitsu." The hitman purposefully slowed his movements, Sun Flames engulfing the special bullets inside to ready them for anything from a warning shot to a Chaos attack.
Iemitsu eyed the charged gun, all too aware that the ex-Arcobaleno wouldn't hesitate. He backed away, hurt flicking in his brown eyes for a second, before he forced an enthusiastic grin on to face his wife downstairs. Reborn took the necessary steps to close the door, figuring that he would interrogate the buffoon later about his visit, once his Sky was calm. Pulling the gun away, he turned around to find Tsuna staring intently at him, blankets off. The Flames swirling in the room thrummed in satisfaction at the removal of the supposed threat.
It took one look for Reborn to note that Tsuna was exhausted from the continuous strain of wild Flames and cramps of a first heat.
"Sleep, Tsuna."
The stare turned into hesitant glances as the Omega settled back in the nest, looking nervous. The shifting of moods was getting tiringly frustrating for Reborn who merely responded by slipping inside, resuming his position from earlier. Tsuna took one last long look before curling around his tutor without touching him, only humming in contentment when gentle fingers carded through his hair, lulling him back to sleep.
Left awake in the peaceful quietness, Reborn noticed another shift in the air. Unaware of its significance, he briefly frowned before the surrounding Sky Flames coaxed him into taking a nap, shushing his thoughts effectively.
[Revealing Discussion]
Reborn glanced at Tsuna, sitting cross-legged on his chair at the kitchen table, elbows on the wooden surface as he peeked at his tutor through his brown bangs. Several sheets and textbooks were spread in front of them, necessary material for his essay in Japanese. The hitman was timing his work, preparing him to take – and succeed – his exams quicker than expected. Of course, Tsuna was currently working on a text that he had never read before, complex and all levels of complicated. He was seriously considering that the author was a genuine sadistic person who just wanted to make their readers suffer in their vain attempt to understand anything, from the plot to the devices used in a structure making no sense whatsoever.
Yeah, Tsuna suspected that he wasn't going to achieve writing a half-decent essay for his unbelievably but confirmed sadistic tutor.
"You don't have the time to be distracted, Tsuna."
The young Sky's lips quirked up slightly at the absence of Dame, relishing in the reality that Reborn had deemed unnecessary to constantly use this forsaken nickname to push him further and beyond his limits. Now, when the nickname resurfaced, it usually meant that Tsuna had screwed up.
Eyes flicking to the English book Reborn had temporarily disregarded to raise a condescending eyebrow at him, Tsuna caught some words, enough to decipher the subject. His Sun's interest for insects would always be beyond him. Glancing up to meet a sharp gaze, the young Sky restrained from clearing his throat in discomfort. He couldn't stop the slight blush that crept on his cheeks, spotting amusement flicker in dark eyes.
"Kyōko asked me if I could help her go through her first heat." Tsuna ended by blurting out, feeling exceedingly awkward as Reborn's amusement peaked in the form of a smirk. "She fears that Onii-san's presence wouldn't be enough to soothe her."
The hitman's smirk had taken a mocking edge, thoroughly entertained by his growing mortification.
"I take it that she already knows when she'll awaken." Reborn purposefully dragged the discussion. "She probably has been informed by either her parents or her brother."
"Onii-san did." Tsuna confirmed quietly, frowning briefly at the mention of Kyōko's parents. "It is supposed to happen this week. She knows that mine has passed, obviously, so…"
He trailed off under the hitman's heavy scrutiny, searching his eyes and, Tsuna couldn't help but think, his soul. Self-conscious, he froze on his chair, suddenly unable to tear his gaze away.
"Do you know why she purposefully asks for you?"
Blinking, Tsuna tilted his head slightly. There was something in Reborn's tone that belied the casualness, prompting him to look for deeper implications and other layers.
"We're both Omegas." He stated bluntly, wondering where his Sun was trying to get to. "She won't have to worry about pheromones, marks or claims with me. She knows that I'll protect her from anything threatening to harm her, from an unexpected presence or a fever. Besides, I'm a Sky, right? My Flames are as soothing as a Rain's, especially when around my family and friends." He hesitated, then shrugged. "And, I don't know, maybe she figures that because I've experienced it first, I'll somehow know how to help her through it."
"You're not expecting anything, then."
Tsuna shot Reborn an odd look. "Why should I expect something?" He asked in genuine puzzlement. "She wants comfort, reassurance and kinship. What else do you think there is?"
The smirk turned into a fleeting fond smile, causing Tsuna's blush to come back, taken aback but pleased to see it. He didn't know how or why but he felt as if he had answered correctly an extremely difficult question. The hitman's expression turned unreadable once again, assessing him.
"You'll catch up for each lesson and training you're going to miss, of course." He matter-of-factly affirmed, confirming Tsuna's thoughts and simultaneously giving his approval. "Now, your essay isn't going to write itself, and you have lost enough time as it is. And remember, I want something worthy of full marks."
Tsuna scrunched up his nose but turned back to his frustrating work. He absently reached for his glass of water with his left hand. Reborn waited for him to take a sip before thoughtfully adding.
"Glad to see that you're past your puppy love, Tsuna."
And Tsuna choked on his water, coughing and glaring tearfully at his Sun who merely chuckled, returning to his book. When a few days later, the young Sky received Kyōko's text, he desperately tried to ignore his tutor's amused gaze while preparing a bag for the stay and vanished from home after alerting his mother and his Elements.
It was Onii-san who opened the door of the household, brows pulled into a frown. He wasted no time in welcoming his Sky inside, stepping away. Tsuna observed Ryōhei silently, taking in the clenching of his fists, the stress lines etched on his face, the distressed flicker of his Flames and now that he was awakened, the scent of protective anger. Ryohei wasn't even aware that he was looming over his Sky, intimidating and reacting without thinking on his own emotions. Wriggling his nose, the young Omega almost took a step back. He didn't, all too aware that he was only going to hurt his Element. Focusing, Tsuna brushed his Sky Flames against the Sun's, letting them thrum soothingly.
"Onii-san." He finally murmured, keeping his tone low to avoid startling the extremely tense Alpha in front of him.
He paused, wondering which approach he should take. It was evident that Kyōko was the crux of the tension and bringing her name up could lead to a rather violent reaction. Of course, Ryōhei would feel guilty over his uncontrolled lashing, and that would bring another problem. No doubt that his friends would have something to say, growling reproaches at his ashamed Sun.
Yeah, no, Tsuna was certainly not going to let one of his Elements suffer through that.
Fishing his phone out of his pockets, he unlocked the screen and thumbed his way to his texts. Finding Kyōko's, he showed it to Ryōhei and waited, keeping track of the Sun Flames slowly settling down.
"Onii-san." Tsuna repeated patiently, drawing his Sun's attention back to him. "Where?"
"Upstairs, in her room." Ryōhei finally answered, uncertainty flicking in his eyes. "I can't enter."
Tsuna, who was getting out of his shoes, sharply glanced at his friend. "Can't?"
Reborn's lesson had been exceedingly informative, as usual, and Tsuna wished he could forget some of these information, for his own sense of modesty had been quite mortified, much to his tutor's entertainment. The teen suspected that it was the hitman's way to get back at him for forcing him to spend his heat together. Tsuna's cheeks heat up in embarrassment, and he focused on his Guardian's predicament to distract himself.
"Have you tried?" He asked Ryōhei a bit dubious, wondering why on earth Kyōko would refuse his presence.
Onii-san was his brother. His very protective brother. Alpha or not, he should be a reassuring presence at her side, a rock to hold into while suffering through the cramps and a shield for the threats the outside world seemed to be consisted of.
"No." Ryōhei admitted, aware that it was pointless to lie to his Sky. "I don't think that she would react well to my presence."
Tsuna sighed at his Sun uncharacteristic shyness. Then again, his concern for his sister prompted all kinds of reactions from him, from mild embarrassment when he was usually shameless to the constant worry that he could be the cause of any harm.
"Well, let's see to that, huh?" Tsuna muttered, snatching his Sun's arm and dragging him upstairs.
Ryōhei resisted as much as he dared – not much, considering that his Flames were purring merrily under the Harmony, and that though his Sky wasn't weak, Ryōhei still sometimes had trouble controlling his strength and didn't want to hurt him. Tsuna paid no mind to the faint struggle, finding quite easily the right bedroom. The Sasagawas' house was a lot like his own, a characteristic that every house shared in the street, so it wasn't difficult to deduce where each room was. Besides, one of the bedrooms reeked so much of Alpha that spotting the correct one was easy.
Keeping a tight grip on his apprehending Sun, Tsuna knocked gently on the closed door.
"Kyōko? It's Tsuna, and Onii-san." He announced serenely. "We're coming in."
The door opened in front of him, two bright and warm brown eyes staring them down. Her features were hard, narrowing her orbs as she assessed them. Slightly taken aback by her almost hostile demeanor, both young men stayed silent and suffered through the examination without complaint. Tsuna vaguely wondered how it was that he had been behaving like a skittish kitten – he remembered everything, never mind that he wasn't exactly aware – while Kyōko looked ready to rip their intestines out for daring to speak to her.
Reborn had told him that the awakening tended to bring out surprising core aspects of people. The hitman had taken vindictive amusement at stating that he had already known that Tsuna's first heat would only reinforce the fact that the Sky was too skittish, gentle and caring for his own good. From Reborn, these words were certainly not meant as a compliment, when one knew that Tsuna was supposed to be a (mafia) boss, the boss of the most feared and powerful Family in the freaking world. No, Tsuna reflected, Kyōko's current behavior was admittedly more fitting for someone holding power, though it was eons away from her usual patience and kind mien.
Then again, Tsuna had still been quite flustered by his tutor's words, knowing that the no-longer cursed Sun had chosen him as his Sky and would have certainly not done so if some of these qualities were not looked for or liked.
It was the confusion radiating from Ryōhei that pulled him out of his thoughts, realizing that Kyōko had apparently deemed them worthy of her presence – or something – and had promptly pulled them inside, shutting the door behind. Tsuna stood awkwardly for a few seconds, debating over what he should do, when he noticed that Kyōko was in the middle of building her nest. Suddenly, he understood. She was impatient to hide beneath a dome of blankets and with a few pillows to cuddle with, and their interruption had spiked her anxiety up.
"Right." Tsuna muttered, eyes flicking between her brother and the closet. He scrunched up his nose a bit but sighed, knowing that it would be better for Kyōko. "Onii-san," he called out softly, "we're going to need a pack of ambient temperature water bottles and a few of your recently worn shirts. Also, lock the front door and the windows downstairs. We're not going to move from here for a while."
Ryōhei nodded, slightly overwhelmed but trusting his Sky. Tsuna stepped away, humming and relaxing his hold on his Flames to wash over the room comfortably, and put his bag on the floor. Kyōko paused in her movements, frowning at the opened door and worrying her lower lip.
"Hey, Kyōko, it's alright." Tsuna murmured quietly from his spot, taking out a worn out but fluffy blanket from his bag. "Here, another one for your nest. Onii-san's coming back soon."
She didn't hesitate to approach him, soothed by his words and tone. They both built the nest, taking care of making it large enough for three people to sit cozily in it. Kyōko practically snatched her brother's shirts from his hands when he came back, as she curled around a pillow and cradled them to her chest. Tsuna got up to close the door while Ryōhei glanced at him for guidance, at a loss over what to do next. Chuckling slightly, the young Sky took the bottles and put one near Kyōko, leaving the rest on the floor near the bed. Gesturing to his Sun to imitate him, Tsuna sat down close to her while her brother opted to face her. He was also the closest to the door, clearly taking up the role of a guard. As he suspected, her passive aggressiveness had melted away once she was safely ensconced in her nest, with a familiar Alpha – who was kin – to protect her from threats and a close Omega to soothe the ache of the heat. Of course, as Reborn had pointed out, she was not as indulgent as Tsuna had been, watching them sharply and glaring when they were doing something she didn't like.
Huffing out a laugh, Tsuna let his Flames coax his two Elements to relax, lulling Kyōko to sleep while they both stayed awake to watch over her. He absently hummed a tune in sync with the thrum of his Flames, low and steady. He stopped when he noticed that his energetic Sun was swaying in rhythm, looking ready to fall asleep. Baffled, he stared at Ryōhei.
"Onii-san?" He called out cautiously, keeping his voice down to avoid waking Kyōko up.
When there was no answer, he leant forward and reached out. His hand tapped Ryōhei's arm, snapping him out of whatever trance he had been in. The Sun blinked, startled and glanced at a concerned Tsuna.
"What is it, otōto?" He asked loudly, seemingly not noticing his weird behavior.
Tsuna cringed, frantically shushing him. He then shook his head in exasperation. Ryōhei fell silent, glancing at his sister who was peacefully sleeping.
"Are you worried?" Tsuna's voice was soft as he caught his eyes.
His Element shot him a look, as if it was the dumbest question he had ever heard. Which, admittedly, was quite obvious, Tsuna conceded with a wry smile, thinking back of the Future-That-Won't-Be. Nevertheless, Ryōhei nodded gravely. For a few seconds, the young Sky contemplated over his words. He couldn't, without being a hypocrite, tell that he shouldn't worry for his family. Tsuna spent his days – and most of his nights – worrying about them, after all. He thought of assassination attempts succeeding, of sacrifices to save him, of his adopted brother and sister taken away for ransom, of his mother getting executed by revenge. There were countless possibilities, and his mind seemed quite adept at conjuring them. His vow to change Vongola back to its roots was a tremendous task, appealing to a few and disgusting to most. Shouldering such a history in such a world… it was painting a target on his back – a lot like the cross scar he had on his back. A target that divided in several, him being the jackpot and his family being bonuses.
Lips pressing into a tight line, Tsuna exhaled slowly.
His family was threatened by merely existing. And yet, despite this ominous menace hovering over their heads, Tsuna wouldn't give up. None of them would give up.
"It's alright to worry." Tsuna whispered, drawing Ryōhei's attention back on him. "We're family, after all, aren't we?" His lips quirked up. "And family worries about each other. Do you know what else family does?" He glanced at his Sun, sunset-colored eyes flashing as his Flames thrummed, a grin spreading. "Family protects each other."
Ryōhei sucked in a breath, inhaling the words and keeping them trapped as he stopped breathing.
"As long as we know that, no one will touch us." Tsuna's grin softened but his eyes burned. "As long as we're all together, nothing will tear us apart."
"Yeah." His proclaimed big brother exhaled, letting his trouble go and fueling with renewed determination. "We'll protect each other to the extreme!"
His shout startled both Tsuna and Kyōko, the former laughing slightly at the vibrant enthusiasm while the other whined at her disrupted rest. Her brother instantly apologized, offering his bottle of water as peace offering.
[Health Care]
Reborn gazed at the Beta taking out a cigarette, standing up to open a window of the infirmary. Seated on a chair, the hitman reigned in his impatience, waiting for his idiotic student to come. It was only a matter of minutes, listening to the tell tales sounds of steps coming closer. The light feet were accompanied by almost silent ones, suggesting that the Omega was accompanied. Considering that it was in the middle of the day, during classes, there was a huge possibility that it was one of his Guardians.
The door slid open enthusiastically, Yamamoto's sharp eyes scanning the room even as a good-natured expression pulled at his lips. The Rain backed off when catching the glare aimed at him from an annoyed hitman, almost fear crossing his face. There was a sigh behind him, a mix of irritated and guilty, and Tsuna gently pushed his Rain aside. Slipping inside, the young Sky was about to dismiss his friend to return to his lesson, sparing him from Reborn's ire.
"He's staying." The Sun's voice brooked no argument.
The teens exchanged a look but didn't protest. While Tsuna went to sit on one of the free beds, Yamamoto stayed beside the door, easing into his position of vigil.
"Wasn't smocking forbidden inside the infirmary, Shamal?" Tsuna quietly remarked, preferring to focus on the doctor than on his tutor.
"Sometimes, a drag is necessary to deal with the absurdities of youth." Shamal evasively answered. "Do you know why you've been called here, brat?"
Tsuna glanced at the hitman's unreadable face, dark eyes steadily staring Takeshi down. The poor Rain shifted his weight, wondering why the hostility was aimed at him.
"Don't bother lying." Reborn snapped at his Sky, Flames coiled around his core.
Tsuna pursued his lips into a tight line, annoyed by his Sun's refusal to meet his gaze to glare at his Rain. Yamamoto's eyes flicked between the three of them, wondering what was escaping him. He had a suspicion, but he couldn't be certain. At his friend's stubborn silence, he spoke up.
"It's about the suppressants, isn't it?"
Shamal breathed out the smoke out of the window, collected as usual when in doctor mode.
"Spot on, brat." The assassin confirmed, still watching outside.
Whatever Reborn was looking for, he found it. His gaze instantly snapped to Tsuna, highly displeased. His student held the stare steadily, refusing to back down. Takeshi observed the interaction, minutely relaxing when the focus shifted its target. He mulled over the scene, quickly connecting the dots. His hazel eyes glanced at his Sky.
"You deliberately chose to take the suppressants, right, Tsuna? Even though neither Reborn or Shamal approved of your decision."
When Tsuna crossed his arms, he knew that he had correctly guessed. The Rain sighed. Their Sky hadn't lied, only opting to keep silent the two older men's disapprobation, and letting his Elements form their own conclusions. Most of them had – wrongly – assumed that Tsuna taking suppressants had been approved by the hitman. It seemed that the truth was different.
"You thought that I wouldn't notice because my current body has yet to awaken." Reborn flatly stated, onyx eyes glaring at his student. "Unfortunately for you, the suppressants don't only affect your scent, but also your overall behavior. It was easy to pick on the shift." The fedora shadowed his face. "When will you cease to underestimate me, Dame-Tsuna?"
Takeshi winced at the nickname.
"I don't see where the problem is." Tsuna stubbornly stood his ground, his Flames swirling to rest on him as an invisible cloak.
"The problem, shitty brat – "Yamamoto started at the usual fond insult aimed only at Hayato, staring at a furious Shamal, "– is that suppressants affect your hormonal system. The masking of your scent is one of the numerous side-effects that they have on your metabolism, among the delay or removal of your heats, an increase in aggressive and/or irrational behavior, and in the worst cases, a stunted hormonal growth. There is a reason as to why suppressants are only proposed to matured adults."
Takeshi was no expert in biological science, even less concerning the whole Alpha, Beta and Omega thingy, but he understood enough to be worried. From the biting of lips that Tsuna had taken to do, his Sky understood plenty enough. The flicker of uncertainty wasn't missed by anyone in the room.
"You already know all that." Shamal realized, cigarette forgotten between his fingers. "Then why are you taking them?"
Reborn abruptly scoffed, attracting everyone's attention on him. For a split-second, Tsuna looked offended. Then, he scowled at his tutor.
"I don't expect you to understand." The Sky snapped at his Sun, leaning back and frowning. "It's nothing you ever had to deal with, isn't that right, Reborn?"
Takeshi exchanged a bewildered look with Shamal, feeling distinctly uncomfortable. They both had the impression that they were missing a vital piece of information, something to decode the equivocal discussion taking place, to read the true meanings lacing their verbal and non-verbal languages.
"As I've said before, no student of mine is weak." In contrast to Tsuna's agitation, Reborn was appearing as composed as ever, if a little harsh. "No student of mine should hide."
"It's called self-preservation." Tsuna snarked, Flames tainting his eyes as he grew defensive. "Any student of yours tend to develop this skill." He drawled, heavy sarcasm lacing his voice.
"Apparently not, as you're currently showing a dreadful lack of it." The hitman shot back.
"Hide?" Takeshi repeated – only to be ignored.
"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself." Tsuna retorted, all audience forgotten. "I know what I am doing."
"I frankly doubt it." Reborn didn't miss a beat, sounding faintly condescending. "If I didn't know any better, I would think that you're purposefully sabotaging yourself."
"I am not – "
"And for what end?" The hitman interrupted the teen, tilting his hat awry. "Avoiding some stares? Escaping from some whispers? Haven't I taught you that the best strategy in this kind of situation is to stand straight and strong, and to stop cowering?"
"I did that!" Tsuna fired back, a flash of hurt crossing his eyes, and his Flames flickered briefly in distress. "It didn't work! What was I supposed to do? Doing nothing?"
"Taking suppressants is not a solution." Reborn insisted unflinchingly, though his Sun Flames gave an odd reaction.
"It's the only solution I found!"
"When are you going to think before doing something stupid?" The Sun ended up snarking, a hint of frustration piercing through his otherwise posed tone.
"Well, maybe I'm not as smart as you seem to think I am." Tsuna replied quietly, flatly. "And if you can't see something as simple as that, then I don't understand why you're still there."
A deafening silence fell as the young Sky suddenly lashed out, Flames flaring and roaring against them, and in a spectacular show of inhuman speed, Tsuna was out of the room. Takeshi blankly blinked, barely registering that one of the windows had been shattered, even as Shamal choked on his smoke. They stared at the window in bewilderment, taken aback by Tsuna's outburst.
Reborn cursed. Out loud.
Takeshi absently recognized one of Hayato's favorite Italian cuss. He glanced at the broken window and at the floor, noticed with relief the absence of blood and shifted his weight on his left leg. Tsuna shouldn't be left alone. Someone needed to go after him.
"Stay with the others." Reborn commanded him, getting up swiftly.
"What do I tell them?" Takeshi ventured a question, gaze following the hitman's steps going towards the window.
"I'll take care of our Sky." The Sun's glare pointedly ordered them to not interfere.
And he was gone. Takeshi stared at the spot where the hitman had seemingly vanished from, before glancing at Shamal.
"If you could explain what just happened, that would be great."
Shamal sighed, taking a long drag of his well-consumed cig. "You know, brat, I'm not entirely sure myself. And if I'm right, then most of it isn't our business."
Takeshi glanced at the blue sky outside, lazy cotton clouds drifting. "Well, it's Tsuna and Reborn. I'm sure that they'll be fine."
Shamal inclined his head slightly but didn't answer, privately thinking that the discussion between the two of them would be one of these unexpected pivots. Of what, the doctor wasn't entirely certain, but it would bring irrevocable change, no doubt.
Predictably, Reborn knew where to go to find his fleeing student. When Tsuna wanted peace and tranquility, a place to gather his thoughts and calm down his agitation, when he wished to reflect serenely to a problem or engage someone in a difficult conversation, there was only one spot he would go to. He had met several times Hibari there by sheer coincidence, and while the first occasions had startled him, the Sky had ceased to mind once he realized that the fortuity could helped for their tentative friendship.
It was a safe heaven that had once been attacked but had been restored since then. Ironically it had also served to the Arcobaleno as a meeting point when they were still conferencing secretly, chained by the Curse. Nowadays, the powerful Elements had stopped bothering going there, opting to go to Tsuna's, figuring that the Sawada household was as good as any, with the bonus of getting free food and drinks. It had also been the stage to a few fights, but its aura of serenity had never been shattered.
Slowing down, Reborn forced himself to relax as he tilted his head up to stare at the top of the stairs. He calmly climbed the steps of Namimori Shrine, letting his bond to his Sky guide his feet. He found Tsuna sitting against the wooden fence behind the shrine, chin resting on his crossed arms propped up by his knees, sunset-colored eyes gazing at nothing. His Sky Flames had called out Natsu who was pacing up and down in front of him, mane flamboyant.
The cub was the first to acknowledge Reborn, growling at him half-heartedly. Even if the little lion wasn't acting as a scaredy-cat, he wasn't behaving as fiercely as he usually did during fights. There was the recognition that Reborn had somehow upset Tsuna, and yet, this reason was not enough to provoke hostility. In fact, by merely observing Natsu, it was easy to deduce that Tsuna's temper had cooled down, and he was now withdrawing to either reflect or entertain depressing thoughts.
When Reborn steadily approached the duo, Natsu didn't try to stop him. If anything, the cub resumed his pacing a little further, guarding them while giving them space.
"Something happened."
At the statement, Tsuna's eyes flicked to briefly meet Reborn's before he glanced away. Taking the silence as an assent, the Sun reviewed his memories from the past weeks, trying to pinpoint the origin of his student's brash decision and annoyed to have missed it. There had been a time when Tsuna had behaved unusually, surely. On that day, something had happened. Something to trigger this unreasonableness. And since Tsuna had kept the habit to worry first for the others and himself second, it involved either family or friends.
Nothing happened at the household, so it was obviously at the high school. The behavior of the Guardians didn't offer any clue, as they had gone along with Tsuna's decision without any real protest. In fact, Reborn rectified, it was possible that they knew what prompted it but had dismissed the incident. An incident that had touched Tsuna and/or a friend, on some sensitive spot, harmless enough to be ignored but nevertheless important to raise the need to use suppressants. For once, it wasn't a mafia problem, but an Omega-related one.
Reborn inclined his head slightly, shadowing his expression with his fedora. A high school filled with recently-awakened and puberty-foolish brats, ignorant of most of their changes and influenced by their parents' and medias' conceptions of them, mainly prejudiced and downright degrading at times… The hitman could accurately guess the troubles Tsuna had been facing. When still stuck in the adolescent world, Alphas were looked up to, Betas generally acknowledged and Omegas pityingly despised. Only as the years passed, and world shifted, that they would realize that Alphas were not all-powerful, Betas were more balanced than any of them, and Omegas were certainly the most strong-willed of them all.
"It's fine." Tsuna's voice cut through his thoughts, his sunset-colored gaze fixed on him as he no doubt used his perceptiveness to try to decipher his thoughts. "I'll stop taking the suppressants."
The suppressants were the consequence of the trouble, Reborn knew. Instead of letting it go, he insisted. Bullying had stopped within the years following his first appearance, but the constant hurtful words and actions had been there long before the hitman's and had left deep wounds in the young Sky's core. A scarred injury only needed a few slashes to bleed once again. Tsuna's insecurity needed time to shift into humble self-confidence, and as it was a work in progress, it sometimes smacked into resistance, staggering a few steps backwards. Reborn couldn't let the matter lie unattended, for his little Sky's sake.
"Tell me what they did." The hitman ordered firmly but patiently, a gentleness that was certainly not present before their meeting.
Tsuna, distinctly uncomfortable, sighed. It was easy to recognize that stubborn look in his Sun's eyes.
"It was the usual thing, you know." He evasively began, blinking at the sting of his eyes reverting to brown. "A bunch of guys harassing someone else."
"It wasn't you."
Tsuna didn't ask how Reborn knew. "No, it wasn't."
"Yeah." He confirmed quietly, stretching his legs to prevent them from numbing.
"Alphas picking on an Omega, then. And you've decided to serve as both a distraction and bait to help her."
Despite himself, Tsuna was faintly amused. Reborn knew him very well, and his ability to predict people's behavior was unnerving for most and entertaining for a few.
"That's the idea." The young Sky felt his lips curved slightly upwards, before the amusement faded. "Two Alphas and one Beta, harassing an Omega. Kyōko was still adjusting, struggling to keep her bearings from overwhelming her, and these guys just had to come and – "He trailed off, anger flashing on his features. "I interfered, of course, I couldn't let Kyōko deal with these assholes."
Reborn let the cuss slide, reading Tsuna's emotions with sharp eyes. "They tried something."
"One of the Alpha tried this thing you told me about, to impose their will over mine, to dominate me and force me to cower since it was obvious that I was certainly not going to back down." Tsuna grimaced, looking almost sheepish but mostly unregretful. "I didn't react very well."
That, Reborn could easily imagine. Common opinion gripped about Clouds and their insufferable independence, preventing any bounding. Most thought that Clouds were the most difficult Elements out there, on equal footing with Mists. How wrong they were. All Elements could be tamed, charmed and coveted. And yet, no one could hope to sway a Sky's thought without Breaking. Skies didn't submit, ever. They took low profile, feigned, retreated, bargained, argued and fled, but they never submitted. Skies were the one to offer stability, home and acceptance to their Elements. A Sky who easily submitted to anyone's will would certainly not be able to do anything for their own. No Elements would willingly bond with them. A rejected Sky, an empty Sky, was as close to a Broken Sky as they could get without being Broken themselves.
Therefore, Tsuna's Flames had most likely flared up at the challenge. Against a civilian, Flameless or not, a Sky instinct wouldn't hesitate to lash out.
Besides, most Alphas tended to forget but Omegas didn't submit. This intimidation technique was best used on Betas, and weaker-willed Alphas. After all, Omegas weren't supposed to submit. Even when they gave this impression, they didn't, not really. Between the three, the real master of manipulation would be an Omega, because it was them who had what everyone else wanted – not only symbolically speaking. This was a lesson that was always forgotten, apparently.
"They're still living, I take it." Reborn plainly commented, unconcerned.
Tsuna took on an offended expression. "Of course, they are! I didn't use my Flames, Reborn!"
"You don't need your Flames to kill someone, Tsuna." The hitman pointed out easily.
"I reacted badly, yes, but not that bad." The teen grimaced. "Though they didn't get up for a while afterwards."
"Good." Reborn approved with a sharp nod. "In this case, what is troubling you?"
Tsuna hesitated, but at the menacing glint entering his Sun's eyes, he knew that his Element's patience was getting to an end. "I almost gave in." He blurted out quickly, and almost unintelligibly.
Reborn's expression blanked, the statement contradicting him, then realization struck. "No, you didn't." He corrected confidently. "Your awakening is fairly recent, so you have yet to find out and sort through your instincts and intuitive impulses, something that the suppressants had been disrupting, so you're not very adept at discerning them. With the prejudices running around, I don't expect you to understand them fully for what they are." A sinister gleam entered his dark eyes. "You also seem to have forgotten my lesson."
Tsuna predictably paled and tensed, shifting slightly and preparing himself to throw himself to the side to avoid an attack. His reaction amused Reborn who pointedly ignored it.
"What did I tell you about Omegas primal drive?"
The young Sky frowned, keeping a wary eye on his tutor even as he thought back. "That it was similar to Sky's… drive… Oh."
"Yes, oh." Reborn repeated mockingly. "You weren't thinking of submitting, idiot, you were searching for his potential as a Mate. Evidently, he failed spectacularly and with good reason. It's a reaction that you couldn't control, considering your lack of experience."
Tsuna frowned at the explication, mulling it over as he replayed the moment in his mind. "Are you sure that I was testing him? I have the impression that I was going to…" He trailed off, looking suddenly embarrassed.
"The other option is that you were going to lure him into a false sense of superiority by using your pheromones and a façade of submission to charm him, before striking hard." Reborn arched an eyebrow, curious. "That kind of reaction usually happens when an Omega already has an Alpha in mind, and deliberately sabotages the other possibilities to avoid distractions."
"In this case, I would have realized afterwards that it was merely a manipulation, an instinctive one, but as I was interrupted by my Flames' intervention, I got confused." Tsuna rubbed his forehead, utterly disbelieving and deliberately ignoring Reborn's unspoken question. "Is it always this complicated?"
"Your perception will sharpen with time, as you train to control your responses and get experience." His Sun matter-of-factly answered, narrowing his eyes. "Of course, you need to stop taking the suppressants for that end."
"It's something that I'll have to figure out on my own, right?"
"Afraid so." Reborn apathetically replied, mind more interested on a piece of information that had been unwittingly uncovered. "Already has an Alpha in mind, then?"
Tsuna lifted his head up, glancing sharply at his tutor. His gaze turned contemplative, almost speculative. Calculation glinted like a flash of steel in his otherwise honest warm brown orbs. He blinked, and everything disappeared, replaced by wry amusement.
"How should I know, Reborn? I can't even read my own actions."
Reborn wasn't fooled. "Doesn't matter. You know that you can't hide anything from me."
A smirk curled Tsuna's lips, and he looked genuinely expectant, faintly tainted with knowing melancholy. "We'll see about that, Reborn."
[Sweet Sweet Traitorous Temptation]
In the subdued mood of an extremely early morning in a spacious pied-à-terre not far from Bologna, Reborn leaned his hip against the dining table, unseeingly staring at an open folder. His fedora had been taken off, resting on their kitchen island. His suit was still as impeccable, though the tie had been put away. Shuffling absently the papers, he tried to focus on the printed words. Fruitless endeavor. He couldn't concentrate. Shaking his head slightly, he shifted his position to lean forward and put his hands on the table. His shoulders stiffened at the sound of stumbling light feet approaching. He inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly, relaxing his muscles.
"You're still no finished?" He asked nonchalantly, voice low but audible.
"Almost done." Tsuna yawned, rubbing one of his eyes tiredly. "I just need some coffee."
Reborn suspended his respiration as the young Sky passed by him, vaguely glancing at the folder.
"I'll make some for you too, looks like you need it." The young man commented off-handedly, not really paying attention to his surroundings.
The hitman closed his eyes without answering. Even if he shut off most of his senses and attention, he was hyper aware of Tsuna's presence, opening and closing a cupboard, taking the beans, getting water…
"Not as much as you." Reborn clung to the conversation, turning his head away from the kitchen part of the room.
"Yeah, yeah, I shouldn't have pulled an all-nighter yesterday – or is two days ago, I don't know what time it is – but you know that I wanted to speak with – "
I can give you sleepless nights for much interesting fun. The thought, unbidden and greatly unnecessary, drowned whatever words Tsuna was saying and caused Reborn to freeze at the crudity. The hitman sucked in a startled breath and inadvertently inhaled what he had been frantically trying to ignore – Tsuna's scent.
Reborn bit back a snarl, infuriated with himself. Damn it, he had forgotten how much of a pain being an awaken Alpha could be. Especially when sharing a house with an unclaimed Omega who was also his Sky, his to teach, his to guide, his to protect, his to care for –
"What do you think, Reborn?" Tsuna's voice, tiredly earnest but hopeful, asked and Reborn realized that he hadn't heard a single word.
"Nothing's earned without taking risks." He answered evasively, sounding as confident as ever, not betraying anything.
The irony of the statement struck him a few seconds afterwards, as Tsuna hummed pensively, completely oblivious and apparently satisfied at the (probably) odd advice. A mug of coffee was put in front of him, the black liquid freeing its tantalizing aroma in volutes. A glance informed him that the college student had also opted for a mug, cradled between his hands without any care for the burn of the ceramic, standing barely two steps away from him. Lifting his hand, Tsuna swallowed a good quantity of his hot coffee, his Adam's apple moving up and down. A shiver ran down his spine, raising goosebumps on his arms and he let out a content sigh. Scent of alluring burning amber, enhanced by the sting of lemon, merged with the bitterness of the coffee beans. And yet, the underlying spicy sweetness of an incoming heat could not be hidden.
Forcibly tearing his gaze away, Reborn refrained from lunging on either Tsuna or his own mug of coffee, a thirst drying up his throat and mouth. He slowly reached for his coffee, his fingers gripping it by the rim and idly turning it in short circles. He calmly strengthened, composed and unmovable.
"Don't you have something to finish, Tsuna?"
His baritone voice brought the college student back from his thoughts to reality.
"Alright, I'll let you focus on whatever it is that you were doing before I distracted you." The Sky smiled, faintly apologetic but cheeky. "The coffeepot isn't empty, by the way."
Reborn listened to his retreating steps and chugged down his coffee, exasperated that the burn of the temperature didn't divert his attention at all. Closing his eyes, he released a deep sigh. Being seventeen years old again, living through puberty and the wildness of an awakening, was a nightmare he dearly wished he didn't have to go through a second time. The first, while a walking disaster, was nothing compared to the second. Worst was that, this time, he still had a masterful control of himself. Then again, even the awareness of cohabiting with an enticing Omega could only do so much when faced with the reality of it daily. At least, some of the other Elements, such as Gokudera, Kurokawa and Dokuro were also living with them.
"If you have something to say, spit it out or leave." Without opening his eyes, Reborn knew that an Alpha was observing him.
"I've only come to get some coffee." Kurokawa smoothly replied, a smirk audible in her voice. "Tsuna isn't the only one completing his Law essay." She didn't approach or make any move to come any closer. "I think that I'll pass this time. I'm not the one who needs it the most."
Reborn threw her a glare, not in the mood to indulge her games. Her smirk stayed firmly in place, as self-confident as ever, and she angled her body slightly away from him, ready to take her leave.
"I've always found interesting that Tsuna spends his heats alone, you know?" Hana didn't wait for an answer, aware that she was treading on dangerous water. "I asked him once, and the only thing he admitted is that he has one exception, one exception who can soothe his heats. When I insisted on knowing why he didn't pursue his exception, Tsuna calmly told me that he was waiting." She kept her gaze on the hitman, her fellow Alpha currently glaring daggers at her with a frightening hostility. "I wonder who it is that he's waiting for. Don't you?"
She slipped away hastily, not keen on observing Reborn's reaction and content with her prompting. She could only hope that he would think and connect the dots on his own. As evident as it appeared to everyone, it seemed that Reborn stayed blind to the signs wittingly or not, and it was frustrating her to no end. She wasn't the only one. Tsuna wouldn't mind her intervention, she knew, considering how patient he was with his stubborn Alpha and how understanding he was in general.
Taking his mug, Reborn went to the coffeepot. Infuriated, he slammed it down on the counter, breaking it. Staring at the shattered pieces, he took a deep breath to calm down. That question had been haunting his mind for years, the answer still eluding him despite his efforts. It was maddening to not knowing something so important. Interrogating Tsuna would probably be the most efficient way to get an answer, but Reborn wanted to discover their evasive identity otherwise.
Thing was, the lack of clues was hindering. While he was aware that it was known of Tsuna's Elements, he also knew that it wasn't a civilian. His Sky would never involve an outsider to their troubles. Tsuna wouldn't choose someone he barely knew either, as his trust over his vulnerability wasn't easily won. Assuming that he didn't mind his Alpha's gender, Tsuna could have fallen for any of his friends – Shimon, Chiavarone, Haru – or allies – ex-Arcobaleno, the Kokuyo Gang, even the Varia – though the latter was highly doubtful. As for the ex-Arcobaleno, Colonnello and Lal were a Mated pair. Aria already had a Mate, Yuni was too young even if she turned out to be an Alpha and Verde was uninterested. Skull was an Alpha, but he was still stuck within the Lightening's lab. As for Fon, he was a Beta, and Reborn didn't even know what Mammon really was.
"This is ridiculous." He muttered and grabbed the nearest towel.
Determinedly pushing away any thought of Tsuna's mysterious Alpha and stoically ignoring the tenacious little hope in the back of his mind, Reborn resumed the cleaning of his shattered mug and the drops of coffee scattered around.
[Quiet Conversation]
It was the celebration of the end of five years of exhausting studies, rewarded with a diploma and the overwhelming impression of freedom. A celebration that Dino had prepared and launched in his manor, inviting the graduates with a wide smile and bottles of champagne. As usual with anyone associated to Reborn (or Vongola), the Chiavarone Sky had spared no expense and persuaded friends and family to come no matter where they were, for this occasion in June. As unusual with anyone associated to their happy bunch, Dino had refrained from encouraging craziness and along with Romario, tried to keep a reasonable front.
At least, that was what Tsuna thought.
As Takeshi and Hayato engaged on the thirtieth row of the night, the former slightly tipsy and the latter stone cold sober, their Sky was idly chatting with Chrome about Mukuro's latest stunts. The tranquil young woman suspended their discussion when she noticed a staggering Dino coming towards them, her amused smile morphing into an entertained smirk. Tsuna simply shot her an inquisitive look.
"I think that Dino-san wants to speak with you, Boss."
"How many times will I have to tell you to call me Tsuna?" He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Besides, you can stay, no need to leave."
She giggled, shaking her head. "I have something to do."
As she discreetly slipped away, Dino glanced at her knowingly. Putting his arm around his proclaimed little brother – a bond forged by surviving Reborn's torturous tutoring – he steered Tsuna away from the crowd. Releasing the younger Sky, he leaned against the wall, nursing another glass of white wine. He honestly didn't know how many glasses he had downed but since he wasn't feeling too terrible, he wasn't overly concerned. Looking around, he spotted Chrome nodding at him and flared briefly her Mist Flames. His relaxed his control on his own, concluding the silent exchange.
Well aware that they had been noticed by two people among the drunk or oblivious guests, one being a curious Tsuna pointedly raising an eyebrow at one of his self-proclaimed older brother. Dino chuckled and gave him a wink, waiting for a few seconds to be certain that he had caught the targeted attention. The younger Sky finished his champagne flute, absently counting that it was his twentieth, and thinking that it should be the last.
"I'm surprised he hasn't done anything yet."
Tsuna's eyes sharpened, the mist of alcohol clearing briefly, as he searched Dino's face. Wondering why he would bring up the subject now of all times, where anyone could listen. Not that Tsuna thought that the secret was one, with all of his Elements, friends and family knowing about it. Still.
"You seem sure that he is going to do something." Tsuna retorted tiredly, not up to another discussion on this matter. "For all we know, he might not be interested."
"Tsuna, it's obvious that he's interested, no matter how much he denies it." Dino almost patronizingly assured him, although he was trying to reassure him.
Being more than a little inebriated – the only reason he dared bringing up this point while the concerned individual was no doubt eavesdropping – he had slight troubles to put on the correct intonation. Tsuna didn't seem to mind, oblivious or ignoring the tone, merely shooting him an uncertain look.
"Besides, if you really think that you have no chance, why are you still waiting?" Dino pointed out. "Especially considering that your mind has been set for years now."
"I don't know." Tsuna admitted quietly, almost too softly to be caught by the older Sky. "I just have the impression that not all hope is lost."
"And you're completely right." Dino confidently assured him. "Once he gets his head out of his ass, and stops being so uncharacteristically indecisive, he'll know what to do."
Tsuna offered a nervous laugh, sweat-dropping and inching away from him, cringing not so much at the crudity but at whom it was addressed. Judging that the discussion was turning life-threatening, he changed the subject.
"I'm more worried about the Inheritance ceremony coming up, the real one, this time."
"Well, it's only a formality, isn't it? You have already taken over, though it was a progressive process." Dino remarked amiably, accepting the shift.
Glancing over Tsuna's worried form, his eyes met with frighteningly dark ones. A chill ran down his spine, and he couldn't help the instinctive jerk of his body, his elbow bumping painfully against the wall behind him.
"Are you okay, Dino?" Tsuna's voice tore his attention away from the deadly glare he was subjected to.
Livid and trembling, Dino slowly shook his head. "I think that I am going to die."
His only consolation was that his last action had served its purpose well.
[Securing a Claim, Definitely]
– tightening their hold, a comforting and strong presence at his back, ensuring that he wouldn't leave. A face buried in the crook of his neck, inhaling Tsuna's scent before lifting dark eyes up to meet Iemitsu's with a clear challenge. As the two Alphas glared furiously at each other in a threatening silence, Lal and Basil looked more amused than worried, to the point that the former muttered a finally under her breath. Hayato and Takeshi kept their guarding positions but relaxed slightly.
"Took you long enough." Tsuna lightly complained even as he wanted to melt in the embrace, deliriously delighted despite the lingering doubt.
There was the possibility that Reborn was merely playing along to infuriate Iemitsu, acting on his own annoyance and refusing to let his student lose face.
"I know." Reborn replied, and that was as close as an apology as it would ever get. "I was awaiting the perfect opportunity."
"The perfect opportunity." Tsuna repeated in complete deadpan, beyond annoyed and frustrated.
It had been a while since he had wanted to struggle his tutor with his bare hands. Judging from Reborn's amusement, the Sun was very aware of this.
"Reborn." Iemitsu cut in their shushed exchange, looking positively murderous. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I thought I had been clear the first time." The hitman retorted, unimpressed. "When I stated that Tsuna was mine."
"You were speaking as an Element protecting his Sky." Iemitsu frowned. "There was no Claim."
Lal chocked on her champagne, shooting him an incredulous look. Tsuna started, glancing at the fedora brushing his cheek. He had no idea that Reborn had taken the first step long before he, himself, did. What, did they spend the last decade and a few more years waiting for each other?
"When Reborn said something, it usually has more than one laying, idiot." Lal admonished her ex-boss. "It was clearly a Claim regarding the loyalty and the bonding of his Flames to a Sky, but also a Claim from an Alpha to his courted Omega."
Iemitsu looked dumbfounded, staring wide-eyed at the duo in front of him. "You declared your intentions and I didn't even notice?" He faintly asked.
"I've always known you were an idiot, Iemitsu, but I have apparently underestimated how much." Reborn plainly replied, smirking.
"And you agreed?" Iemitsu turned to his son, comfortably snuggled against the hitman's chest and clearly not minding. If anything, he was more relaxed than he had ever been, almost content. Iemitsu slumped in defeat, recognizing a defeat when faced with one. Still, something bothered him. "Then, why the lack of the Mark?"
And Tsuna suddenly understood. What better opportunity than during one of the gatherings organized by Vongola, where rumors and gossips traveled faster than light during and after them, to announce to the world who exactly Tsuna belonged with? Considering that the Inheritance ceremony had been a mere formality, with only a few people, this one was the perfect moment to create waves.
"You can't be serious." Tsuna hissed at his Alpha, squirming in his hold. "You can't do that now!"
"And why not?" Reborn kept him safely trapped, tilting his head to meet his Sky's frantic gaze.
"You very well know why!" The Omega proceeded to glare heatedly. "It's going to trigger one! And we're in the middle of – "
"I can't dream of an even better moment." The hitman interrupted him with a devilish smirk. "Besides, we have waited long enough, don't you think?"
"Exactly!" Tsuna exclaimed in frantic exasperation, shivering as he felt lips brushing against his neck. "A few hours are nothing in – "
His sentence wasn't meant to be finished. Choosing this precise moment, Reborn bit down hard, white teeth sinking deeply in his skin, prompting Tsuna to give an instinctive low moan even as his knees gave out at the pure wave of pleasure crashing down at him. Humming in smug satisfaction, Reborn delicately released his neck and strengthened up, hoisting up a mortified Omega in his arms. Unwilling to meet anyone's eyes and aware that the Mark was provoking one of his heats, almost three weeks earlier.
"This answers your question, Iemitsu?"
The Alpha, too shocked to answer, numbly nodded, while Lal shook with silent laughter near the buffet. Basil and the two other Elements had looked away, embarrassed on their friend's behalf.
"Now, if you'll excuse us, I have a Mate to take care of."
Reborn turned around, walking confidently in the passage created by the splitting of the crowd, every eye watching them leave.
In the corridor, Tsuna smacked his Alpha's shoulder. Chuckling, Reborn looked down at him. The young Sky huffed at his Sun, not as annoyed as he should be. Difficult to be with his incoming heat, the sting of his Mark, the giddiness at knowing that Reborn wanted to be his as much as he wanted Tsuna to be his, and the delighted thrumming of their mingled Flames at their shared happiness. His mood grew pensive for a moment.
"The world will be terrified tomorrow, won't it?" He asked rhetorically.
Reborn smirked, eyes alight with sadistic pleasure and fond amusement.
"It already is."
A/N: That was insanely huge for a one-shot that was supposed to only reach 5,000 words.
Anyway, thanks for reading and don't hesitate to point out any mistakes! Any questions or requests/prompts? I might take some (like this one).
See you next time~
PS: About Tomorrow Is (Not) Another Day.
The review made me laugh a bit, because I haven't realized that it could be interpreted in such a way. Indeed, Reborn took a bullet targeting Tsuna (let's say that it was the only solution) and was promptly saved from death by both luck and Sun doctors, but he nevertheless fell into a coma. The coma itself wasn't deep enough to prevent his external senses (like his hearing/slumbering Flames/indistinct awareness of his surroundings) from sending information to his mind, so, yeah, he hears conversations.
His looped dream has several purposes, among which: making him remember what happened to him and dealing with his infatuation with Tsuna by reminding him of the signs and hints he had always picked on but never believed/decided to act on. As for dream!Tsuna, he also has several roles: symbolism of their bond (Flames), of Reborn's infatuation and Reborn's own hopes regarding them, the messenger (along with Yuni) his brain has chosen to transmit the information his senses otherwise notice in the real infirmary and evidently, the main reason as to why Reborn is apparently stuck in a loop. That's why Tsuna is involved in most of the relevant conversations, and why his physical appearance shows his real and physical exhaustion (because Reborn has, without being aware, noticed).
Alright, I hope that I've clarified anyone's doubts/confusion. If not, do tell as I can try to explain more via PMing for anyone possessing the option.
Until then, take care!