Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Warning: AU / Unbeta'ed / presence of OC (for plot mostly)

Rating: M because of violence and swearing (and just to be careful too)

Genres: Romance/Tragedy

Summary: Tsuna was working in a café in Italy, enjoying his simple life with his dangerous colleague and customers. He didn't expect meeting the (in)famous Reborn here nor did he expect him coming again. A phone call shattered his peaceful days, forcing him to make a terrible choice. Who will he choose ? Who will he save?

A/N: I thought that it was a good day to post it since it was Reborn's birthday (even if the story's a bit sad) :D
Hope you'll enjoy!

The café was in an alley, almost hidden. Many overlooked it, preferring to saunter along the main road and its multitude of shops. Sometimes, lost tourists would come across it and would enter to get both directions and something sweet to calm down. They would leave with a relax smile, appeased. For anyone, it was a usual and colorful café. The staff was nice and agreeable, carrying a peaceful air around them. For the Underworld, it was one of the few neutral grounds in the city. It was there that Mafiosi from different Families come to exchange pleasantries, forgetting for a moment who they were and how dark their world was. It was so appreciated and necessary that a silent deal had been made between all of them: no fights were accepted. No one wanted to disturb the peaceful atmosphere or scare away the only civilian working there.

It was refreshing to witness a normal person, uninvolved with their business, interact with them without freaking out. They felt welcomed and accepted. For this only reason, they would never harm the brown-haired young man named Tsuna.

Of course, the protective presence of Smokin' Bomb Hayato, also known as Gokudera Hayato, quickly discouraged anyone who wanted to hurt Tsuna. No one wanted to get several sticks of dynamites shove down into their throats. It was always a bit weird for new customers to see a softened expression on the explosive hitman's face instead of his usual scowl, but anyone who knew Tsuna understood. Especially when words had been spread about a certain event in which the brunet saved the life of Hayato, earning his friendship right away. Though there was no confirmation, no one doubted it. Tsuna's kindness was well known after all and never failed to bring him regular customers, keeping the café safe from closure. The place was their much needed little peaceful haven and nothing would take it from them.

Tsuna's first meeting with Reborn, also known as the World's Greatest Hitman –yes, with capital letters-, was surprisingly normal.

Working as both a pastry cook and a cashier when Hayato was absent, he left regularly the clients alone after they have been served. He was in the kitchen, preparing a cheesecake when he heard the bell settled on the door ring.

"Coming!" He shouted before putting the cake in the oven and activating the timer.

He cleaned his hands by habit and stepped out of the kitchen.

"Welcome." He greeted warmly, glancing at his customer and freezing in place.

A man in an elegant black suit was casually leaning against the counter, his hands in his pockets. His fedora covered his spiky dark hair and shadowed his face. The chameleon draped on his shoulders, eyes looking in two different directions, weirdly strengthened the impression of danger radiating from him. His smirk widened when he noticed Tsuna's surprise. The brunet knew the café was quite popular with Mafiosi but to reach Reborn's ears? He certainly didn't expect it.

"I'm impressed, even civilians recognize me."

Tsuna started a little, hearing the hitman's baritone voice. He tried to fight back a blush when he realized he had been caught staring. He had also been completely read. Tsuna approached the counter resolutely, refusing to be intimidated. He had a job to do.

"Well, considering who are my most regular customers, I'm not really a civilian." He replied, glancing at one of said clients, an unbidden amused smile on his lips.

Aldo, a tall Black man in his thirties, paid no mind to them, his eyes focused on his novel. He was alone in one of the corner of the café, quietly drinking his hot chocolate while savoring his strawberry chiffon cake. He was always there in the morning, often the first to enter, to get something sweet to drink and eat. Sometimes they would talk and sometimes they would simply enjoy silence.

"Do you wish to eat something with your espresso?" Tsuna asked, focusing on Reborn who hadn't moved an inch, observing him.

"If you know my tastes in coffee, you surely know that I'm quite demanding for its quality." The hitman smirked, almost threateningly.

Tsuna stiffened in nervousness but refused to cower. "How about this: this first cup will be free and used as a test. This way, you will be able to know if it corresponds to your taste without spending a coin. Do you wish to try?"

"Do your best." Reborn replied, his smirk widening.

He watched the brunet busying himself with the preparation, his honey eyes narrowed in concentration. The hitman leaned to the counter, carefully petting Leon who had his eyes on the front and kitchen doors. Since it was early in the morning –it wasn't even seven yet-, the café was even quieter than usual. Despite the sounds produced by the coffee-making machine, Reborn could still hear clearly Aldo turning a page of his book. He hummed thoughtfully to himself, turning his attention back to Tsuna. He wouldn't mind coming back here to enjoy this calm atmosphere if the coffee was up to his standards.

Several minutes later, Tsuna put a cup of coffee on the counter and pushed it towards Reborn. He then went to Aldo, taking away the empty plate. Aldo thanked him in a whisper, asking for another mug of chocolate. The brunet did as asked, momentarily disappearing in the kitchen before going back to his reading customer, trading the dishes. Tsuna entered the kitchen to wash everything and estimating that Reborn had had enough time to make his opinion on the coffee, he went back to the hitman.

Reborn nodded to him, expressing wordlessly his satisfaction. Tsuna sent him a beaming smile, genuinely relieved. For an instant, the entire room seemed to brighten up. Then, the smile subdued, turning a little bit more professional but still nice.

"Free refill?" He suggested with something akin to hope in his voice.

Reborn smirked. Yes, he would come back.

Reborn's appearances were irregular, sometimes he would come back every morning, other times he would come in the early evening, and there were times he wouldn't come at all, away for a contract. At first his presence had unnerved a lot of the Mafiosi who came regularly to the café. They kept a close watch on him, especially when he was casually discussing with Tsuna. Reborn didn't mind them. In fact, he was a little bit surprised that no one had already insulted or attacked him. He soon understood that it was because of the respect they hold for Tsuna. No one wanted to upset him since he was the one who brought the peaceful and warm atmosphere in the café by his smiling presence. Since Tsuna didn't seem to be afraid of Reborn –and wasn't that new for the hitman, so used to be perceived as terrifying-, they all ended by relaxing. After all, Reborn was also human, and even if he loved creating chaos, he also equally needed peace. As this realization settled in their minds, they left him alone, deliberately choosing to ignore him.

Tsuna relaxed this day, smiling softly. The café lost his tense atmosphere, becoming serene again.

One morning, Reborn came to the café without Leon, his chameleon. He glanced absently at Aldo, with his hot chocolate, his strawberry chiffon cake and his new book, and went to the counter. Tsuna stepped out of the kitchen, welcoming him warmly. He raised his eyebrows in surprise when he noticed the lack of green on the hitman's shoulder.

"Leon isn't with you today?" Tsuna tilted his head interrogatively as he mechanically began to prepare a cup of espresso.

"He's sick."

The brunet turned to him, recognizing concern in the voice. He approached thoughtfully and searched around the cash register. He took out a piece of paper and looked for a pen, failing to find one. He lifted his head to meet Reborn's curious gaze.

"Well…" Tsuna drawled. "I thought of giving you the name and address of a good vet in case you didn't find one but…" To his silent embarrassment, he blushed. "I don't have anything to write with."

Reaching for one of his pockets, Reborn chuckled as he lent him an elegant black pen. "I was looking for one."

The brunet gave him an awkward smile and wrote down the vet's address and name before turning towards the coffee-making machine. As he returned to his work, he calmed down.

"She is used to receive all kind of patients." He quickly assured the hitman as if to reassure him. "One time, when I went to her because Natsu was ill, I saw someone with a boa. It was winded all around the guy since it was so long."


Tsuna turned around with the cup of espresso, putting it in front of Reborn. He smiled wistfully. "Natsu was only a lion cub at that time though he looked more like a scared cat."

"You had a lion cub?" Both Reborn's eyebrows shot up in his surprise.

"It wasn't planned, you know." Tsuna laughed a bit before his mouth twisted into a frown. "I saved him from death. The circus which owned him was falling apart and they needed people to take care of the animals. They had gotten them illegally so they hadn't dared going to the authorities." He leaned to the counter, lost in his memories. "I just happened to pass by and well, I kind of fell for Natsu. I took care of him until I found a reliable zoo."

The hitman hummed in acknowledgment, his impression of the brunet changing once again. It wasn't everyone who would rescue a lion, no matter how young it was.

"He still recognizes me when I visit him." Tsuna's voice trailed off, completely absorbed by his thoughts.

"You're full of surprises, Tsunayoshi." The hitman commented.

"Call me Tsuna." The brunet automatically replied before he scratched his cheek, a little bit embarrassed. "It sounds weird to be called by my full name."

"As you wish, Tsuna." Reborn answered in an almost-whisper, leaning in to pick up both his pen and the paper, making Tsuna flushed at the proximity.

Reborn merely smirked, leaving the café in a much better mood than before.

Aldo lifted his eyes up, quietly watching the brunet.

"Another one fell."

He then went back to his book, deaf to Tsuna's spluttering protests.

Reborn had officially earned the title of 'Regular' a long time ago. Yet, most of the Mafiosi stayed away from him, never forgetting who he was. The only brave enough to approach him were the few civilians who came in the café, mostly by accident. Each time, Reborn would clearly state that he wasn't interested and his suitors would leave, disappointed. After all, he came to the café to enjoy quietness and that would mean being alone. He only accepted to chat with Tsuna who was able to determine when the hitman was in the mood to talk or on the contrary, when Reborn wished to be left alone. It was surprising at first, but he had soon learnt to appreciate it.

One day, Reborn came at six o'clock, even before Aldo. He knew the café was open even though the lights were turned off. Inside, he immediately spotted Tsuna standing grimly beside a human form. Reborn recognized a foaming customer, leaning on the back of his chair, his body spasmodically twitching and breathing with difficulty.

"Hello Reborn." Tsuna greeted him without turning his head, still looking at the agonizing man. "It will be over in an instant."

"Who's the soon-to-be corpse?" Reborn asked, approaching to see if it was one of the many faces he knew.

It was not.

"I only know that he's an assassin sent to kill me." Tsuna answered, refusing to move closer. "He was part of a group that shared the same goal."

The hitman narrowed his eyes, glancing at him thoughtfully. "You took care of him."

The brunet nodded. "This one tried to pass for a customer. To fit in the role, he commanded a cake. He apparently didn't expect it to be poisoned."

"Amateur." Reborn scoffed as they both heard a last rough wheeze before the man slumped. "Bianchi had taught you a few tricks about poison. She's not the Poison Scorpion for nothing after all."

"You know Bianchi?" Tsuna asked distractedly, grimacing as he got closer.

"She had been one of my former lover and partner in crime." The hitman stayed put, clearly not bothered by the dead body.

"Former?" The brunet repeated absently, wondering how he would dispose of the body and break the news to Gokudera.

"Is it jealousy that I hear?" Reborn smirked.

"W-what?" Tsuna spluttered, sending him a shocked look. "We're not talking about this over a dead body!"

"You didn't deny it."


Reborn laughed –laughed- and walked to the counter as Tsuna huffed, flustered, and turned around to make a quick call. It was obvious that the hitman wasn't going to help him since he was too busy preparing two cups of coffee, letting Leon on a table nearby. There was a beep sound near his ear, alerting Tsuna that his friend had answered.

"I'm sorry Hayato to wake you so early," The brunette began to apologize, knowing that Gokudera just came back from one of his other jobs. "But I have a problem to dispose of."

"Where?" Hayato asked, wide awake.

"I'm at the café."

"Any witnesses?" Judging by the sounds, Gokudera was hurrying in his preparations. His voice betrayed his tenseness and his worries.

"Huh…" Tsuna glanced at Reborn besides him, holding two cups of coffee. "Yes but he's safe."

The hitman hid his satisfied smirk by sipping his espresso. The brunet nodded at him in thanks before taking a gulp of his own. He had –and it was a secret for no one- a sweet tooth but he needed the bitterness to focus. He would eat a piece of cake later when everything was settled.

"Alright, I'm coming." With that, Hayato hung up.

Tsuna pocketed his phone, letting a tired sigh. Avoiding the cooling corpse, he walked to the front door to lock it. He didn't need any more witnesses and as much as he appreciated Aldo's calm presence, Reborn was enough company. He also pulled the curtains in front of the window, just in case. He then joined Reborn and Leon, sitting in front of them, a few tables away from the assassin.

"Are you going to deal with this group of his or have you done it already?" Reborn casually asked, his sharp eyes focused on the full of surprises brunet.

"It's already done." Tsuna answered with a frown, clearly displeased. "They came to my apartment last night." He then sighed, holding his cup with both of his hands. "I need to find a new place now. The fight destroyed the flat."

"It isn't the first time that you had to kill." Reborn quietly stated. "A civilian, even more or less involved with the Mafia, wouldn't react so calmly if he actually managed to survive an organized assault and two assassination attempts."

Tsuna gave him a humorless smile, looking suddenly much older than he was. He put down his coffee with a soft sound and folded his hands on the table in front of him. When he looked up, his eyes had lost his warmth light for a sadder one.

"You know who I am, don't you, Reborn?"

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, Sawada Iemitsu's son, nicknamed Young Lion of Vongola who is Vongola external advisor and head to the CEDEF. Your mother is Sawada Nana. Before moving in Italy, you lived with her in Namimori, Japan." Reborn recited emotionlessly. "Throughout your school years, you were known as Dame…"

"I get it, Reborn!" Tsuna shook his hands, interrupting him. "No need to go further."

He hated hearing this old degrading nickname. Even when he had somehow managed to get better grades, his classmates had still called him so until he graduated and left for Italy. He huffed in annoyance at the memories before focusing once again on the hitman.

"Because of my father's carelessness, assassins were sent to kill both my mother and me." Tsuna carried on, playing with the cup in his hands. "I learned truth the hard way and I had to react in consequence. My first kill was at fourteen when a man entered into the house under the excuse of needing to phone to someone to pick him up since his car had broken down. I came home to find him threatening Mom with a gun, I didn't think and threw my bag to him, snatched his gun and shot him in the head."

Reborn listened quietly, without interrupting. He could imagine how horrible it was for a civilian to be thrown into such a dark world. He himself hadn't always been part of it but he had to, to survive after losing his parents.

"Since then, I dealt with each attempts, learning how to protect my mother and me, how to dispose of a body and how to cover or erase any tracks leading to me." Tsuna stilled, his grip loosening around his cup. "When I graduated, I placed protection around Mom and built my own network to be informed of anything happening in Namimori. I left for Italy to track down my father and give him a piece of my mind."

"Why did you stay then?" Reborn had no doubt that the brunet had found Iemitsu.

"I have a project and I need money for that. An acquaintance of mine offered me a job here, well-paid, so I accepted it." Tsuna shrugged. "I'll be able to go back home in two years, maybe less."

"Does Iemitsu know?"

"Even if I shoot a man in front of him, he wouldn't probably believe it." The brunet scoffed. "I can count on my hands the number of people who knows, including you, Reborn."

The hitman raised an eyebrow, finishing his espresso. "You are awfully trustful."

Tsuna rolled his eyes. "That or I know that you're not going to blab around." He hummed thoughtfully before adding. "Besides, who would make you such delicious espresso if you sell me out?"

"Cheeky brat." Reborn retorted in amusement.

"I'm twenty-two, not twelve." The brunet protested with a forming pout. "You're barely older than me, old man."

He dodged the spoon thrown at him with a laugh, not at all scared. Reborn huffed and crossed his arms on his chest, leaning on his chair. Leon crawled slowly towards Tsuna, his eyes looking briefly towards the doors.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Reborn asked, tilting his fedora up.

Tsuna sobered and shook his head, reaching to pet the chameleon. "No, not yet. Hayato wouldn't mind letting me stay at his home but I don't want to trouble him. Plus, he's already rooming with someone else so there's no place for me."

"I have an apartment a few blocks from here. You can stay in there until you find your own place." Reborn suddenly offered.

The brunet actually gaped incredulously at him. "S-seriously?" He spluttered, his honey eyes widening. "Wait, aren't you already living in there?"

"I'm a hitman, Tsuna, of course I have other places to stay. Besides, even if we do share the flat, between our respective jobs, I doubt that we'll meet often."

"B-but we know each other for only six months!" Tsuna protested, looking at Reborn as if he was insane. "Shouldn't you be more suspicious of me?"

"You won't even be able to scratch me even if you wanted to." He scoffed with a condescending gaze. He then got up, silently approaching the brunet who sat still in his seat, feeling like a cornered prey. "I expect an answer tomorrow morning." Reborn whispered in his ear, slightly leaning over.

He then smirked at the blush spreading on Tsuna's cheeks, caught gently Leon and unlocking the door with the stolen key, he left.

Gokudera came in a few minutes later, pausing at his flabbergasted friend who was mumbling about an infuriating hitman and completely ignoring the corpse behind him.

Tsuna was finishing disinfecting and cleaning the tables and chairs –while Gokudera was taking care of the body- when his phone vibrated. He paused in his task and dug it out.

"Congratulations for taking them out." A female voice spoke even before he could utter a word. "You're exactly what I've been looking for, Sawada Tsunayoshi."

"Who are you?" He asked, stilling unnaturally. He didn't know this woman. How did she find his number?

"All you need to know is that the Spregevole Family currently has the pleasure to receive Sawada Nana's charming presence among them."

Tsuna felt a cold shiver ran down his spine. He sat on the floor, clenching painfully his phone. They had taken his mother! That couldn't be. He had left her safely in Namimori, under Hibari's protection. She was still there. Hibari would have warned him if anything had happened. She had to be there.


He froze upon hearing her voice.

"Mom?" He croaked.

Nana hummed happily. "Tsu-kun, you never told me that you had such nice friends! They even paid my ticket for Italy, offered me to stay with them and to see you as soon as you're free. It has been a while since I last saw you, Tsu-kun. I miss you, you know?"

Someone spoke in the background, asking politely for the phone. His mother gave it back obligingly with a quick goodbye to her son.

"Do you believe me now, Tsu-kun?" The female voice asked mockingly.

"Release her. Now." Tsuna hissed in his phone, drown in his anger and his fear.

"You're not in position to order me, Sawada Tsunayoshi." She retorted coolly and he figured she was probably the boss of the Family. "In fact, if you ever want her to live, you should obey. After all, we don't need a useless hostage."

"What do you want?" He whispered, clenching furiously his jaw, hating to feel so powerless.

He had always done everything he could to protect her from the Mafia. He had killed, lied and manipulated many men and women to make sure she would be safe. He closed his eyes tightly, fighting to stay in control of his emotions.

"I heard something really interesting, Tsu-kun." The Spregevole Family's boss purred, grossing out Tsuna. "Apparently, one of your regular is none other than Reborn, the best hitman out there. He's been troublesome lately, taking out my allies."

Tsuna didn't need to hear the next words, growing more and more horrified.

"I want him dead." She stated quietly as if she wasn't ordering him to do the impossible. "You, Tsu-kun, will be the one to kill him."

"I can't do that." He whispered, his chest hurting and his mind spinning.

He couldn't. Apart from the fact that Reborn was, well, the world's greatest hitman, Tsuna couldn't kill someone he actually liked the company. The hitman was almost a friend.

"Really?" The Spregevole's boss replied in a disappointed tone which filled his guts in dread. "Then, I have no interest in keeping Nana with us…"

"Wait!" Tsuna desperately shouted, knowing the implication of these last words. He opened his eyes to stare grimly at the floor. "I'll do it."

He felt as if he was condemning himself to death. He didn't have any chance against Reborn but-

"I'll do it." He repeated firmly, biting the inside of his bottom lip.

"Good." She hummed in appreciation. "Remember, Tsu-kun, Nana's life is tightly linked to Reborn's one."

She hung up, leaving Tsuna to stare blankly at his phone. He buried his head in his hands to muffle a scream, knowing that he would only have one opportunity and if he missed… Both his mother and he would die. And even though he succeeded, he had no guarantee that the Family would let them go. What could he do?

He didn't have a choice. He had to do it. He was ready to bet on this very little hope to save his mother than giving up already. Since the hitman had offered him a place, he would begin with that.

Tsuna was finishing preparing a cake for next morning when he heard the bell from the front door. He took a deep breath, putting everything away and trying to act as usual. He quickly grabbed his stuff before stepping out of the kitchen. Reborn was near the counter, looking composed, glancing with disinterest at the Mafiosi still in the café. Gokudera eyed him with distrust, tempted to reach for his dynamites. When he spotted the brunet, he walked to him.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay at my place?" Gokudera tried one last time.

"Yes I am, Hayato." Tsuna protested gently. "You worry too much."

"I have good reasons to."

The brunet simply rolled his eyes, patting his friend's arm to ease him. Tsuna still hadn't said anything to Hayato, thinking on how he would announce it. The young hitman would no doubt try to attempt a rescue by himself, considering his impulsive temper. While Tsuna counted on it, he wished Gokudera was more composed to elaborate a true plan. After all, if the brunet didn't succeed, he wanted his mother to be free from her capturers. Gokudera was his only hope.

"Everything's going to be alright, Hayato." Tsuna insisted, moving to join Reborn. "Reborn doesn't want to harm or kill me. If that was the case, he would have done it long ago."

"That's not exactly a comforting argument." His friend grumbled, glaring at Reborn. "Fine." He sighed finally, realizing that he wasn't going to win. "Call me when you're settled."

Some Mafiosi around the trio watched the exchange, silently agreeing with Gokudera. They didn't intervene, though, afraid of Reborn's reaction. Tsuna casted a glance at them, tempted to roll once again his eyes but resisted. He should be respectful towards his customers. Instead, he huffed silently and tugged on Reborn's sleeve tentatively, gaining his attention. With a last infuriating smirk making most of them scowling, the hitman followed the nervous brunet outside who tripped on his way out.

"I should have known." Tsuna muttered when he lifted his head to stare at the apartment block, ten minutes later. "You had to choose one of the most expensive and luxurious apartments in the entire town."

"Obviously." Reborn answered with a smirk. "I only settle for the best."

"So, you do like my espresso, after all." The brunet smiled, stepping inside the hall and didn't manage to avoid the hit on his head, courtesy of the hitman.

Tsuna felt really awkward, unused to such blatant show of luxury and unconsciously stuck close to Reborn, only element he was familiar with. Reborn huffed and directed him towards an elevator. He glanced at his watch and pressed the button to call it. He pulled out a key from his pocket and handed it over to Tsuna, pushing him inside the elevator as it came with a discreet ding. The brunet yelped, turning around to look at the hitman with startled eyes.

"I'll come back later, when I'm done with my job." Reborn simply announced with a smirk, letting the doors close between them.

Tsuna sighed, rolling his eyes and pushed the button for the last floor, knowing that the hitman would have chosen to be as high as possible. Since he was only given a key and no further instructions, there was probably only one really spacious apartment up there.

He was right.

He didn't want to think of how much Reborn had to pay to acquire such a place and instead, dropped the only backpack he had brought with him. There wasn't much inside but it was the only clothes he had managed to save from his apartment. He would have to go shopping tomorrow to get new ones and groceries too. Resolutely ignoring the luxury around him to stop gaping, he started to list what he would soon need.

Reborn came back later as he had said, bringing back dinner with him. They settled on the bar stools of the open-plan kitchen, eating their nice looking salads and hot ravioli. It was simply delicious and Tsuna couldn't help but wonder if he would be able to reproduce correctly the recipes. Feeling Reborn's gaze on him, he snapped out of his thoughts.

"So, how long can I stay here exactly? I don't want to take advantage of your kindness by staying too long." Tsuna asked, reaching for his glass of water.

Reborn smirked and tilted his fedora up. The glint in his eyes made the brunet suppress a shiver and he shifted awkwardly, trying to decipher it.

"As I said, you're free to stay there until you find your own place. Of course, expect me to pop once in a while." The hitman quietly answered, enjoying the uneasiness of the other.

Tsuna waited a moment to respond, carefully thinking about it. "Well, I'm okay with that. Actually, I'm really grateful to you for letting me stay there." He added with a smile, leaning in unconsciously. "Thank you."

Reborn felt his smirk morph into a small smile, both surprised by receiving thanks and pleased to hear them. He watched the brunet as he stood, taking away the dishes. He hummed quietly to himself, aware that his interest in Tsuna was clearly changing into something else, something stronger and possibly dangerous for the both of them. Glancing at Leon dozing off besides him to stop his eyes from staring at the brunet's nice ass, he found that he didn't mind at all.

They quickly fell into a routine with Reborn coming for dinner almost every day, sometimes picking Tsuna up to take him in a restaurant. For the brunet, it was almost terrifying how fast they grew closer. Quite a few times, he actually managed to forget why he was spending so much time with the hitman, enjoying himself for a few blessed hours. However, each times, memory would strike him once again, and he was back to watching Reborn, waiting for an opportunity. Two weeks passed with Tsuna growing restless, almost panicking and afraid of the Spregevole Family's reaction if they considered he was taking too long and decided it was time to break the deal.

Tsuna got a reminder one evening. He was walking in the streets with his grocery bags, wondering if he should try poison the hitman since Reborn ate everything he did. For a reason he couldn't completely grasp, the idea disgusted him and he pushed it away. Besides, he doubted that poison was enough for Reborn. No, he should be quick and deadly since he would only have one short occasion. Deep in his thoughts, he had missed seeing two men who had strolled up to him and nothing could have warned him to the abrupt beating and threats he had been subjected to. The Spregevole men left him in a deserted alley with his scattered bags and his clothes stained with blood.

He carefully gathered the few bags and items he could use and walked slowly to the apartment, his mind and heart frightened at the perspective of losing his mother. He couldn't be hesitating. He had to act and fast.

Opening the door, he jumped and dropped the bags, startled when he noticed the hitman sitting on a stool, sipping a cup of espresso. Reborn turned to him with a quirked eyebrow before freezing upon seeing the blood. Standing up, he walked to the brunet, his eyes looking over his form to spot every injury.

"What happened?" He asked sharply, catching the other's wrist to lead him to the bathroom.

Tsuna flinched, not from the pain, but from Reborn's presence. He didn't want to see the hitman, not yet, not when he was still shaken by the men's words. Reborn forced him to sit on the edge of the bath tub and reached for the first-aid kit, placing it near the lavabo. He sent a pointed look at the brunet's shirt, telling him silently to take it off. Tsuna stared at him with an unreadable look, trying to fall back into his usual act but failing spectacularly.

"It was just some thugs." He finally answered with a strained voice and smile. "I'm fine."

Reborn knelt in front of him, unimpressed. Taking matters into his own hands, he removed forcibly the stained shirt, making the brunet squeak. He scoffed when he noticed that bruises would appear soon and touched lightly his chest, looking for any broken ribs. He distinctly felt Tsuna shiver under his fingers but it wasn't from pain, rather from his cold fingers. He came back only a few minutes before the brunet after all. Judging from how the brunet had carried the few bags and walked there, his arms and legs were fine.

"At least, you don't have any broken bones." Reborn huffed, getting up.

Throwing a wet washcloth to Tsuna, it slapped him in the face with a splash, drawing out a yelp from him. The brunet frowned at the hitman, pouting.

"Take a shower and change." Reborn ordered, unaffected. "We'll talk after."

He then left the bathroom, letting Tsuna alone. Back to the open-plan kitchen, he prepared another cup of espresso to replace the cold one. The preparation helped to calm him down, breathing the smell of coffee beans, petting Leon settled on a stool nearby. Reborn then leaned on the counter, arms folded safe for one holding his cup. He was about to take a sip when the doorbell rang. He didn't move, waiting for the unwanted guest to give up and go away. He certainly wasn't in the mood to deal with whoever it was. However, the doorbell got pressed again and again, even some knocks got heard. Still, the hitman didn't answer, drinking his espresso.

"Reborn?" Tsuna called out a few minutes later, as the noise became furious on the door.

He had hurriedly got out of the shower, hastily dressing up. His clothes stuck to his wet skin, drawing the lines of his muscles. He was looking interrogatively at the hitman, trying to dry his hair with a towel. Reborn would have appreciated the sight if there wasn't an annoying idiot by the door. Since the hitman wouldn't budge from his spot, Tsuna decided to deal with the problem. Reborn was probably not in the mood to trouble himself with others, but the brunet wasn't in the mood to deal with insufferable and unwelcome noises. His towel in one hand, he walked silently to the door and opened. His face immediately blanked upon seeing Iemitsu, his father, looking annoyed. Without even thinking, Tsuna threw his towel to his face, blinding him momentarily, and slammed the door before the blond could utter a word.

"Who was it?" Reborn asked from behind him, approaching.

"No one of importance."

"Tsuna! Open the door!" Iemitsu shouted, his voice quite loud.

Tsuna huffed in annoyance, passing a now free hand in his flattened hair. He narrowed his eyes, displeased at the thought that his father had found out where he was living. Judging by Reborn's look, he didn't like it either. The hitman stepped forward, opening once again the door.

"Chaos Iemitsu." Reborn greeted without hiding his soon-to-be irritation. "You're not welcomed here."

The CEDEF leader pressed his lips in a thin line, glaring at him. His black suit made a soft sound as he lifted his arm to give back the towel. Tsuna went besides the hitman, taking it. Iemitsu's eyes traveled between the two of them and he scowled.

"What are you doing here with Reborn, Tsunayoshi?"

It wasn't hard to guess what the man was thinking. Tsuna was still dripping from his shower, standing close to the hitman, probably living in the same apartment too.

"What I do, where I go and who I am with is none of your business." He stated matter-of-factly, not caring of how he sounded. "Why are you here?"

"I'm your father, Tsuna. Of course, I will be concerned about your life."

"You lost any right to call yourself as such when you left us years ago." Tsuna shot back, irritated. "I don't want to hear your excuses or any explanations of the sort, so skip that part and get to the point. Why are you here?"

Iemitsu frowned, thinking about arguing but decided against it. Instead, he sent a glance at Reborn who was calmly listening, seemingly indifferent.

"I prefer to speak to you alone, Tsuna."

"And I don't. So, whatever you wish to say to me will be heard by Reborn too."

The blond glared at the smirk on the hitman's face which only widened at his reaction. With a deep breath to calm him down, Iemitsu turned to his son. His entire attitude changed, switching from disapproving and hostile to nervous and ashamed.

"Nana has been kidnapped-"

He didn't have a chance to finish as Tsuna suddenly punched him, sending him harshly to the ground. Fury flashed in his eyes which seemed to get an almost sunset color, colder than his usual warm chocolate ones.

"Are you actually telling me that you had deemed necessary to send people to watch me, but you didn't place any protection for Mom?" He snarled and would have leaped on the fool to shake him if Reborn hadn't caught him by the waist.

As much as Reborn agreed with the brunet's actions, Tsuna was injured and needed to avoid stimulate his sore body.

"How much of an idiot can you be?" Tsuna carried on, stilling in the hitman's arms, aware that he was trapped. "I'm actually quite surprised the CEDEF is still standing."

Iemitsu looked at him with widened eyes, causing his son to scoff. "I spotted your men the first day they walked in. I even had to stop my customers to beat them up for finding them highly suspicious."

Reborn actually snorted at that, imagining it. Tsuna straightened soon after, seemingly calmer. The hitman could feel him slightly tremble, indicating that he was still clearly upset.

"I take it that you're doing everything you can to find her, right?" The brunet continued, narrowing his eyes into a glare. "As you can see, you don't need to worry about me. Now, leave. Next time I see you, you will be with Mom. If not, you're dead in my eyes."

He then resolutely went back to the apartment, followed by a very amused Reborn by Iemitsu's misery, and locked the door. He pressed his forehead against it for a few seconds, taking deep breaths. When he sensed Reborn moving, he detached himself from it.

"I'm preparing dinner." He announced without looking at the hitman and focused solely on the task, tuning out the world around him, feeling even worse than before, both disappointed in his father and furious at himself for acting like him. If he had stayed with his mother, then maybe, he would have been able to protect her.

It was his fault.

Tsuna settled the plates with a portion of eggplant gratin on the table, feeling Reborn's eyes on him. The hitman was waiting for him to sit down to talk obviously. He offered him a break before getting answers. The brunet closed his eyes, fighting an incoming headache, and sat on his stool.

"I already knew that Mom had disappeared." He began quietly, eyes completely focused on his plate. "I already knew that she had been kidnapped by the Spregevole Family."

Reborn's eyes lit up in recognition. He had come across this name when he had been dealing with bosses allied with them. This Family was rather troublesome, and he didn't doubt that he would soon be called to take care of them.

"Mom is fragile." Tsuna carried on, picking at his food, bringing attention back to him. "When she had seen me kill that time, she kind of snapped. Ever since then, she is living in her own world, manipulating her perception of reality to accept it. For her, time had stopped years ago. Each time I see her, she welcomes me as if I'm going back from school, asking about my day, my friends and my homework."

He paused briefly, putting down his fork. He didn't have any appetite, and the idea of eating almost disgusted him. He lifted his head up and met Reborn's sharp gaze.

"She's probably thinking that she's visiting friends for an undefined amount of time." Tsuna whispered quietly, knowing how true it was.

He was tired. The situation was horrible. His mother who he had been protecting since he was fourteen had been kidnapped. What had been the point for him to come to Italy? He had hoped that his presence in the country would have attracted most of the assassins to him, choosing to target the son since he was already there. It had worked in a way. Attempts on Nana had dropped but apparently, it hadn't been enough. She had been captured anyway, brought here and now, she could be dead for all he knew. Sure, he had heard her voice but it had been two weeks ago. How could he know that she was still safe? And his only way to get her back was to kill Reborn?

Even if he succeeded, then what? He would have to go to their place, showing a proof or whatever, take back his mother and leave? Right. There was no way they would get out of this damn place alive.

Either way, there was no escape for his mother or for him.

A thumb gently caressed his cheek, catching his tear. Tsuna hadn't even realized he had silently begun to cry. He blinked and looked at Reborn who was standing up beside him, slightly leaning.

"What will you choose to do?" He asked, cupping Tsuna's face, patiently wiping away the tears.

"Save her." The brunet immediately answered, getting calmer as he stared into Reborn's strong and dark eyes.

The hitman hummed appreciatively, an almost devilish smirk lifting his lips up. "Good answer."

Tsuna shivered and pointedly ignored it. He then frowned, thinking. "I'll ask Hayato for help tomorrow to form a plan but I'll need people. Where am I going to find them?"

Reborn snorted and flicked his forehead, surprising the brunet. "Your customers will do. If they are ready to beat up agents from CEDEF and Vongola, participating in a raid against a smaller Family won't scare them."

"I can't involve them, Reborn! They're risking their lives. Besides, they're not even part of the same Families –some are even enemies outside the café! There's no way-"

"They will." The hitman interrupted, crossing his arms on his chest. "I'll come with you tomorrow. Don't even think that I'm going to miss a good occasion to have some fun."

"We're basically attacking a Family, it's not a funny matter!" Tsuna objected, staring with disbelieving eyes at Reborn who only chuckled, ruffling affectionately his spiky hair.

As a very smug Reborn pointed out, all regular Mafiosi customers were ready to participate in the crazy and almost unreasonable plan. Even those who were enemies outside the neutral grounds of the café agreed to cooperate for once. Hayato had been honored to be personally asked by Tsuna to come up with a strategy. His genius mind was famous in the Mafia and with the help of the most experienced ones, he ended by proposing a plan which took into account the distrusts between some of the Mafiosi and their own abilities.

Tsuna had followed every step with a soft smile on his lips, serving as usual slices of cakes and hot beverages. He was really grateful to them for being willing to help him. It was after all his only hope left. Near the end of the day, he stood a little way, observing them with a sad look. He knew that the attack wouldn't go as planned. He didn't know how or why he knew, he just knew. He also had the distinct impression that it was the last time he would see them all.

When he came back home –alone, Reborn had gone to gather last bits of information- he was met with a horrible surprise. A man sent by the Spregevole was there, waiting for him.

"I see that you're the kind to get close to your target to strike accurately in the most unexpected moment." He commented, approaching Tsuna with silent steps. "I'm here to lend you a hand since Boss was worried that you wouldn't find the right time to act."

The warning couldn't be clearer. Tsuna didn't think. He leaped on the man, catching him off-guard, stole his hidden gun and shot right in the forehead. The Spregevole fell heavily on the floor, bleeding. As Tsuna stared at the corpse, he immediately understood that there was no turning back. The Spregevole would definitely find suspicious that their man wasn't coming back. It was time to act.

When Reborn came back, he tensed at how wrong the apartment felt. It was the kind of atmosphere he left behind him after a clean assassination. He reached for his faithful gun when he heard light steps coming towards him. He paused in his movements upon seeing Tsuna. The brunet had an odd look on his face, hard to decipher, as he slowly approached.

"Tsuna?" Reborn called out with a quirked eyebrow, finding his behavior strange. "What happened?"

"This place is not safe anymore, Reborn." Tsuna answered distantly, stopping just in front of the hitman. "Someone was there for you. I took care of it."

Reborn immediately understood and checked for any injuries. After all, the brunet had been quite beaten up on the day before.

"I'm fine, Reborn."

The hitman wasn't exactly convinced. There was something off about the other, something that worried him. He honestly expected the brunet to be stressed, unnerved and scared. This calm was almost startling. He frowned.


He cut himself when the brunet lifted a hand to gently caress his cheek with a soft smile. His fingers brushed against Reborn's curl, forcing him to suppress a shiver.

"Thank you, Reborn."

It sounded so much like a farewell, as if Tsuna would vanish right before his eyes, that Reborn couldn't stop himself. One of his hands immediately caught the brunet's waist, pulling him against him, as his other hand ran into the brown locks, and brought their lips together. It was a messy and desperate first kiss between them but neither of them cared. Tsuna all but melted against Reborn, completely surrendering control to him.

Tsuna was the one to break the kiss, panting for air, hands gripping the hitman's shirt. Reborn smirked in satisfaction, pleased.

"I won't stop, Tsuna." He leaned in, their lips a few inches apart.

"Then don't." Tsuna whispered as he wrapped his arms around his neck, bringing them closer. "Please, don't."

Tsuna woke up suddenly, snapping his eyes wide open. Staring quizzically at a really nice chest and trying to control his irregular breathes, he took his time to get his bearings. He managed to recognize his bed and realized that he was trapped into Reborn's arms. The hitman had buried his face into the younger's fluffy hair, still blissfully asleep. Tsuna, remembering last night, felt his blood rushed to his face but he didn't move. He was actually comfortable in his position, his legs entangled with Reborn's, and his hands and head hidden in his chest, breathing in his reassuring coffee scent with a faint trace of cologne. Tsuna ended by calming down, snuggling closer. He wished they could stay like this, peaceful and uncaring.

They couldn't.

"Nightmare?" Reborn asked in a muffled voice, having noticed Tsuna's agitated state.

"I don't really remember it."

Reborn shifted in the bed, freeing an arm to grab his phone on the nightstand. It was almost two hours before dawn. Tsuna blinked lazily, ready to fall asleep anytime.

"We have fifteen minutes to get prepared." Reborn stated, nudging his lover awake. "We won't make them wait for us."

"You first." The brunette mumbled as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

They quickly shared the tasks between the two of them, one getting ready while the other called Gokudera to make sure everyone else was on their way or already there. Exactly twelve minutes later, they stepped out of the building, walking briskly in the quiet streets, the night and coldness dissuading anyone to come out without a good reason.

It had been decided that they should all be as inconspicuous as possible, as their attack had to be quick and effective. They split into four teams of five, with an exception of a group of four. They had to avoid confrontation since they were up against roughly twice –or maybe more- their number. In fact, as Tsuna was trying to silently follow Reborn, Gokudera and Aldo, he wondered how on earth they thought such a crazy and foolish plan would work. Sure, Reborn was the World's Greatest Hitman, Hayato was a genius hitman and Aldo was downright terrifying when he wanted to, but none of that mattered when they were facing fifty Mafiosi, right?

Also, how on earth did Aldo know that the Family was located in the neighboring town? He even had the blueprints of their building. Their group was currently hiding in one of the apartments next to their target. They had taken out the Mafiosi in there with little problem, completely catching them off-guard. Aldo was looking outside, observing attentively. Reborn was guarding the door, caressing absently his faithful gun. It reminded Tsuna of how Leon enjoyed being petted and was glad to know he was safe in the apartment. Gokudera was taking care of controlling the other groups' locations.

"Alright, we're in control of the small buildings surrounding our target." Hayato quietly stated, resisting his urge to smoke. "Now, we need to enter."

"I will walk in alone." Tsuna suddenly announced, making the men twitch. "I'll distract the Boss' men."

"No." Reborn growled, snapping his eyes to the brunet. "Too dangerous."

"We already have this argument, Reborn." Tsuna frowned, ignoring Gokudera's growing tension who completely agreed with the hitman. "I'm the least suspicious people in our entire operation. I'll be fine. Besides, we need someone in."

With that, he snatched Reborn's fedora, earning a surprised and annoyed look. However, the brunet had dressed up purposely in a matching outfit. Before leaving, he smiled softly, brushing lightly their lips together. Reborn let him go with the foreboding feeling that he would regret it.

A few minutes later, Tsuna walked inside the Family's building which looked exactly as if there were only innocent business offices hidden behind these not-so-glassy windows. As he expected, he was searched for any weapons. He didn't bring anything with him, knowing it would be pointless to. A plain looking man approached him then, his face neutral.

"What's your business?"

"Boss has asked for my presence." Tsuna answered calmly, pointing to the perched fedora on his head, placed askew on his wild spiky hair. "We have a deal."

As the men whispered to each other to confirm his claim, the brunet shot a quick glance around him. Strolling towards the man who had searched him earlier, he slightly leaned in.

"I notice bugs outside, in the apartment blocks in front of us." He evenly informed, knowing for a fact that his allies had already moved out to spread in the street and following Gokudera's instructions.

"Boss will receive you." The plain man interrupted, signaling Tsuna to follow by a gesture.

The two Mafiosi nodded almost imperceptibly, sharing an unspoken message. Sure, Tsuna could be an enemy, purposely trying to mislead them but if he was stating the truth, then they needed to check. Besides, the Family was supposed to have guards so they would simply send a few men.

Tsuna easily followed, unexpectedly calm. He needed to be if he didn't want to fuck up. The man led him to an elevator, reaching to press on a button. The brunet didn't let him. He struck hard and fast on his throat, causing him to choke on his Adam's apple. Tsuna then blocked the elevator where it was for a bit, waiting and preventing anyone to use it. Thank god it wasn't in the hall but in a hallway, just a few steps away. A few minutes later, he heard a commotion and figured it was probably his teams taking care of the hall. Reborn joined him in the elevator as the others split again, stealthily leaving to search for Nana.

"Reborn?" Tsuna started a little, clearly surprised by his presence. "Shouldn't it be Aldo who were supposed to come with me?"

"Change of plan." Reborn answered evenly, even if his gut feeling was getting worse by the second. "I'm going with you."

The brunet chewed on his lips, looking awfully worried and almost frightened. He then looked to the hitman's eyes and sighed.

"There is nothing I can say that will change your mind, right?"

"Glad to see that you understand."

Tsuna ruffled his hair with a frustrated huff and pushed the button for the penultimate floor.

"Let's go meet the Boss then." He muttered as the elevator steadily rose in a relative silence.

The doors opened with a light sound, showing a carpeted hallway with dim lights leading to an only room. Neither of them expected to see usual offices though. Reborn reacted quickly, taking care of the two guards near the double doors. Stepping forward, they tensed in wariness when the doors opened by themselves.

"Come in."

Tsuna recognized the Boss' voice. He clenched his hands into fists, a frown on his lips. Beside him, Reborn narrowed his eyes, suspecting –correctly- a trap. They had been expected which meant that their intrusion had been carefully watched. He briefly wondered how the others were doing. He had no doubt that the groups were currently being attacked by the Spregevole men. Well, they came knowing what was awaiting them so they were at least prepared to face any challenge thrown in their way. He snapped out of his thoughts when Tsuna took a step forward.

"It's not as if I have much of a choice, Reborn." He turned to look at the hitman, gazing sadly at him. "I should go alone."

"And get yourself killed?" Reborn retorted.

"I'll be fine on my own." Tsuna insisted. "Besides, I'm worried about Gokudera, Aldo and everyone else. I would really be grateful-"

"They're Mafiosi." The hitman interrupted. "They're experienced. They know how to take care of themselves. You, on the other hand, are not." He walked up to the brunet, pulling him closer, and tilted his head to stare determinedly in Tsuna's eyes. "I'm coming with you."

"It's a trap." Tsuna shot back, refusing to give in. "If guns are waiting for me to fire bullets through my head, you are not going with me. You will not die if I can help it."

"That's precisely why I'm going with you, Tsuna." Reborn huffed, sounding as if he was dealing with a disobedient child. "I can deal with this kind of threat blindfolded. I'm the World's Greatest Hitman for good reasons, including my awesomeness."


"There's nothing you can say to change my mind." He reminded him with his infuriating smirk. "Now, we shouldn't keep them waiting."

He then just strolled into the room, seemingly completely relaxed. His eyes immediately noticed the three armed men besides their boss, tensed and ready to draw their guns. He carefully looked at the only woman. She was pretty but not beautiful, holding herself proudly, sitting behind an impressive desk. She didn't manifest any surprise at seeing Reborn as if expecting his presence. Tsuna slowly joined the hitman, his face carefully void of any emotion. She smiled gleefully at him and folded her hands in front of her.

"I must say, Tsu-kun, that you are full of surprises." She commented, her eyes gleaming.

Reborn raised an eyebrow at the familiarity she displayed, far from the hostility he was expecting. After all, they did intrude into the building and take out her men, basically attacking them. She was now facing two of the perpetrators of the current havoc and instead of threatening them, she was calmly talking. If anything, she sounded amused. Reborn narrowed his eyes. She was too cheerful, hiding probably something really important.

"I'm not here to entertain you, Signora." Tsuna frowned. "I'm here for my mother. Where is she?"

"I didn't expect much when I passed this call, you know." She continued, completely ignoring his question. "My first goal was to negotiate with Vongola or rather, with the CEDEF. Considering my allies' fate, I needed a striking argument to save my Family. Sawada Nana was one way to achieve this objective. While I was doing my little research, I stumbled into some interesting information. Apparently, the CEDEF leader had a son who was living in the next town, working in a café highly appreciated by Mafiosi, including the famous Reborn."

The hitman was starting to guess where it was going and God, did he hate it. Tsuna was growing paler by the second, his nails digging into his palms.

"Of course, I immediately jumped on the occasion." She hummed in satisfaction, her smile widening. "Using Nana as hostage, I convinced you to hear my request." She paused then, briefly, her expression taking a sly edge. "I should be honest with you, Tsu-kun. Negotiations have failed with your father so I've decided to take my revenge. You see, since my Family is doomed, I want to give this stronzo a lesson he will never forget."

There was a sharp intake of breath as realization settled in Tsuna's mind. He didn't need to hear the next words to understand what had happened and what would happen.

"Whether you had managed to kill Reborn or not wouldn't have changed anything." She carried on, sounding positively happy even though she was announcing terrible news. "I've already planned to get rid of you. If it can console you, know that you'll soon be able to see your charming mother."

Tsuna's mind blanked, struggling to keep the words from reaching and crushing him. He distantly noticed how Reborn had stiffened in cold anger, his eyes burying holes into the Boss' head.

His mother was dead.

He had failed her.

In the end, he had lived up to his nickname of No-Good, of Dame-Tsuna.

"At least, you brought him to me." The Boss commented with satisfaction, flicking one of her wrist. "That's enough for me."

Her men immediately reacted, drawing their guns out of their holsters. Reborn was faster though, killing one on his spot. He then ducked and grabbed an unresponsive Tsuna with him. He cursed when a bullet grazed dangerously his left cheek and retailed by shooting the fool in the stomach who would certainly bleed out. Two left.

Tsuna snapped alert when he noticed the Boss rolling away from the desk, using her men as decoys. She raised her gun with a maniacal glint in her eyes, already savoring her victory. Focused on the henchmen, Reborn wouldn't react on time even if he managed to see her. Without thinking –with the sheer will to do something right for once, to save the one he had fallen for- Tsuna shoved Reborn away as he shot down the last man. Their eyes locked briefly for a brief and suspended moment. Tsuna smiled and his lips moved to form his last words.

'Love you.'

Then a bullet pierced through his heart, stealing away his light.

Reborn felt his eyes widened in horror, and as Tsuna's form began to fall, he viciously emptied his gun into the Boss' body. He then stood still for a while, wanting to go on a rampage in the building, killing anyone on his path. As his eyes shifted towards Tsuna once more, he felt his fury fading away, replaced by overwhelming pain. In the following silence, Reborn slowly approached Tsuna, kneeling. He gently closed his eyes and placed his own vest on his lover's chest. Refusing to leave him with the dead Spregevole, he cradled Tsuna's petite form in his arms, whispering in a last feathery kiss.

"I knew."

They both vanished in the dark hallway, leaving behind bleeding corpses and a lonely fedora.


First try in R27 (yes, it's my favorite pairing), and first try in Romance too, now that I think about it...
Well, I hope I managed to put some of it inside, that it wasn't too rushed or awkward. I also hope that the characters aren't too OOC.

If I made any mistakes or if you wish to comment or just ask some questions, don't hesitate to review! I'll be happy to improve. That also means that I might edit the story to make it better.

I'm already thinking about another story, but it's only an idea for now. As for Conciliator, don't worry, I'm on it (I don't know when I will update, though).

Thanks again for reading!

See you next time~