Saturday, October 31, 2015. 06:47 PM.

When they arrived at the next house, one of the last ones they'll be visiting in the neighborhood, the three of them walked to the entrance, just like they did in the last four residences. After they were in front of the door, Chloe let go their hands and then she joined them, and right after that, she knocked at the door a couple times. The house was very nice, and even if it only had a few Halloween decorations, the light outside was on, a good sign for the kids to know they could get candies there.

But this time, when the little girl was not facing them, Phoebe and Max didn't let their hands like they did before, they remained like that while she was asking for her candies.

"Trick or treat!" Chloe says to the nice old lady who opened the door.

All this time, it seemed like the twins were now used to feel this special contact between them. Phoebe would never accept it, but every fall, her hands were really cold due to the weather, but feeling her twin's warm hand covering her palm, was enough for her to extinguish the coldness. As for Max, he looked like he left his doubts behind, because being this close to her, lead him to think that maybe one day he may recover what he regret losing some days ago; his twin's trust.

They felt so confused at first, but now, the simple action of holding their hands could actually clear their minds, because when they were able to feel comfortable with each other, they could finally put attention on the events around them. And seeing how happy Chloe was every time she received her candies, made them remember the old times where they used to go together on Halloween night.

No matter if they were dressed as Zan and Jayna, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, Woody and Jessie, Superman and Supergirl, the little twins always walked hand in hand during the whole trail around their old city. It was one of their favorite days, and every Halloween, they always used to have a good time.

They will never forget how much fun they had when they were 10.

Saturday, October 31, 2009. 08:47 PM.

That Saturday they spent several hours asking for candies around the houses of Metroburg. When they finally got home they were exhausted, but also satisfied with the big loot they could get, and their full pumpkins was the best proof of it. That year they decided to dress as Bonnie and Clyde, so Hank and Barb spend the whole day making their 30's costumes. Two elegant hats, a dress suit, a haute couture dress, and even two toy guns were matching with their disguise.

Billy and Nora wanted to join them but they were still learning how to use their powers, and their parents were afraid something could go wrong while they were outside, especially Nora, because she was only 5 years old. That's why Max and Phoebe left the house with no one else. It was the first "trick or treat" which Hank and Barb wouldn't be there with them, and they were really excited for this, and after they gained a better control over telekinesis in the last year, this made them feel even more grown up.

When they entered the house's front yard, they were so tired that they doesn't even bother to get inside, they just stopped by the front door and seated on the outside steps, as they watched everything they could get.

"Wow Max, look... We've filled the pumpkins! We can even share this with Billy and Nora." An excited Phoebe said, as she took off her elegant Bonnie hat.
"I know, they gave us everything, chocolates, popsicles, chewing gums, even some chips." Max replied, holding his pumpkin just as excited as her.
"Yeah, they gave us some chocolates but... I don't have any Twix." Little Phoebe commented, lowering her eyes while she watched her candies very carefully.
"I got one, look." He replied, taking a Twix out of his pumpkin.
"You're so lucky, I couldn't get any." She said, with a serious expression.
"It's okay, you know we always share them." Max replied, while he was opening the chocolate.
"Thanks Max." Phoebe answered, with a smile on her face.

Max gave her Twix half and kept the other for him, just like always. For some reason, since they were young they used to enjoy this chocolate together, and this time was not going to be different. They were eating their own chocolate half, and they smiled every time their eyes found each other's. Nobody could have known that these little siblings will be fighting some years later, just to decide who will keep a wrestling belt they won together.

Saturday, October 31, 2015. 06:50 PM.

"Thank you ma'am" The little girl says, receiving her candies.

Their sister's voice dragged them back to reality.

Being this close, Max and Phoebe were not feeling nervous anymore, but they were still trying to avoid eye contact as they waited for Chloe, but not because they couldn't stand each other, but because it made them feel awkwardly comfortable. And it was exactly their little sister's innocence what made their eyes found each other's by surprise, and the only thing they could do, was to share a sincere smile. A smile without any grudges or doubts. A smile they haven't seen in a while. A smile that Max has been secretly missed for so long.

Chloe turned to face them, and seeing them this close made her so happy, because she thought they had stopped fighting. She thought her idea was working and soon, Max and Phoebe will be like they were before. And once she collected the candies from this house, the three siblings were ready to go to the next one, the second last of the afternoon. So one more time, the girl took their hands to walk between them, but before they could leave the garden, the old lady spoke:

"You have a beautiful family!"

After hearing this, Phoebe and Max were teleported back to 2009, due to how familiar this situation was for them, they couldn't help but remember something they thought they had forgotten, something an old lady told them 7 years ago.

Saturday, October 31, 2009. 08:35 PM.

Max and Phoebe were about to go back home, and when the last house's door was opened, an old lady came out, holding a basket with candies, and wearing dark glasses. She was blind. They could realize this but they didn't say anything about it. They simply raised their pumpkins as they said:

"Trick or treat!"

The woman touched the kid's pumpkins, in her attempts to find them, and when she did it, she gave them a lot of candies; she even took the time to give them the same quantity. And she gave them a gentle smile in the meantime.

"Thank you." Max and Phoebe said at the same time.
"My pleasure. I'm so happy to know that there still are lovely siblings around here. You are so lucky to have each other, you know? Some twins use to have something very special, and I think you have it. I think it's adorable that you're so protective to hold your hands when you go out. You have a beautiful family." She told them.

They thought it was kind of weird that this woman knew they were hand in hand, because she was supposed to be blind. But even weirder, how did she know they were twins? They were too young back then, and they quickly ignored what they heard, they simply smiled back, and then they left the place very happy, but still, very tired.

They didn't know it back then, but the house they visited was from a retired hero, Vortex or Bridget Bailey as her friends use to call her. She had the power of clairsentience, a very weird ability that allows her to see the history of all the things she touched, including persons. With her powers she saved a lot of people in the past, but when she lost her vision she had to hang her cape and get retired. But her powers were still working, and thanks to this she could see some details about Max and Phoebe, like how close they were. That's why she was smiling when she gave them the candies, because after touching the pumpkins, she could see they were good kids, and just like other twins, they really loved each other.

The short encounter they had with Vortex was now in the past, or that's what they thought.

Saturday, October 31, 2015. 06:51 PM.

That's the reason they were shocked after hearing what the woman was saying. Max and Phoebe slowly turn to face her, without being able to hide their facial expressions.

"Excuse me?"Max and Phoebe say at the same time, as they stared at the woman.
"I said you have a beautiful family, your children's so pretty and she looks like you." She said.
"Uhm... we're... not..." Phoebe tries to say, without success.
"She's... just..." Max was mumbling, not being able to give a proper answer.
"Well, have a nice time. See you soon." The kind woman says.

The twins stood there as the woman was entering her house and waving them goodbye. It was impossible she was the same woman they met back in 2009, because she wasn't blind. At this point, Max and Phoebe are very confused with what just happened, but not because they're remembering what they thought it was buried in the past, but because they're still trying to understand what the old woman said to them. She hadn't thought they were a family, right? She didn't think they're married and Chloe was their daughter, right?

This entire situation got them so confused, they even forgot they had a little girl between them, and she still anxious to go and get more candies. When they abruptly left their thoughts, they could only look at each other and for some reason, they shared an inevitable smile.

"Now, can we continue, please?" Asked Chloe.
"Yes." They say at the same time, and after that, they begin walking next to her.

And as they walked through the fresh Hiddenville suburbs, among all those disguised kids running from one place to another, all Phoebe could think about, was what happened in the last few days. It was true, Max had betrayed her and even if she has forgiven him, she wasn't feeling good about him, not yet. But this afternoon, she wasn't thinking the same way. She was starting to believe that things may work again, but she didn't know how much time it will take. As for Max, he could only think about the idea that one day he could recover Phoebe's trust, some days ago he thought he didn't care losing it, but now he knew how important it was for him. He just had to be patient.

The little pirate's pumpkin was almost full with all those candies, and luckily, she won't had to visit her dentist soon.

When they were getting close to the next house, the Thunderman twins looked happier than before, even their little sister had noticed this. As far as she knows, her little plan has worked. But maybe Max and Phoebe were just happy because they knew as soon as they get to the next house, they had to hold their hands again. They're almost feeling like when they were kids, they're even talking at the same time, just like they used to back then.

When there was nothing more important than being together.

Just like the way they came to this world.

The end