Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long, but here is the big chapter 6! Oh, and Lima Syndrome is similar but opposite to Stockholm Syndrome. If you don't feel like looking it up, just keep reading the story and you'll learn!
Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats: Elite Force.
Riker entered his room feeling rather conflicted. He needed to speak with Bree, needed to hear from her a logical explanation for her actions. So that way he didn't have to hate her anymore than he already did.
"Wake up," Riker demanded, grabbing her arm and shaking her awake.
"R-Riker?" Bree groaned. "What's going on?"
"I need to talk to you," Riker told her.
Bree swallowed. "I, I can't tell you were the superheroes are,"
Riker sighed. "That's not what I meant. I need you to tell me what you did to my father. What you did, and why you did it,"
Bree's face visibly softened. "Riker, I didn't have a choice, he went after my brother, I-"
"What exactly did you do to him?" Riker growled.
"I blasted him," Bree whispered.
"I see," Riker said, avoiding eye contact with her.
"I'm going to go get some air," Riker said, fleeing the room before she could say anything else.
Davenport Tower,
Chase stood at the desk in mission command, desperately working to find his sister. Frustrated at his lack of progress, Chase slammed his fists on the desk.
"Aw, poor Chase. But hey, I can always help you," Roman chuckled from behind him.
Chase spun around, fists now raised. "Roman, what are you doing here?!"
Roman smiled at the boy. "I came to give you one last chance to save your sister,"
"You mean, one more chance to give you the list?" Chase snapped.
"Same thing," Roman shrugged.
Chase gritted his teeth together. "You know I can't hand it over Roman,"
Roman sighed. "Fine then, she dies,"
Without thinking, Chase violently swung at Roman.
Roman easily dodged his attacks and chuckled. "You know I won't make it quick. Maybe I'll soak her in gasoline and light her on fire,"
Chase swung again.
"Or beat her until she bleeds to death,"
Another swing.
"Or maybe I'll just continue to have fun with her until she finally gives up,"
Chase managed to get a hit in, punching Roman's face with a strength that rivaled his elder brothers/
Roman stepped back, a bit surprised but he pulled himself together quickly. "Nice one bro, but it won't be enough to stop me," he laughed. And in only a moment, he disappeared.
The Hideout,
"Hello Bree," Roman smiled, entering the room to find her still laying on the bed.
"R-Roman? What are you doing in here?" Bree asked, now visibly trembling.
Roman waltzed over to the side of the bed. "Well, you see Bree, I've finally been given permission to kill you,"
After hearing those words Bree attempted to spring into action, but her weak state made it easy for Roman to grab her. He easily and quickly pulled the sheets off of her, revealing her naked body.
Roman held her close to him tightly. "But you see the thing is Bree, I want to take my time and enjoy this,"
Bree struggled against his grip. "Let me go!"
Roman just laughed as he dragged her out of the room. "You have only yourself to blame for this Bree. You made your choices,"
"You're despicable," Bree spat.
Roman simply rolled his eyes. "That hurts so much coming from you,"
Bree gritted her teeth together as Roman dragged her into his bedroom and threw her onto the bed. She tried to get up, but he pinned her down. Even while he tied her hands down, Roman's strength kept her from escaping.
Nevertheless, Bree attempted to kick Roman away from her. "Get. Off. Of. Me!" she screamed.
Roman slapped her across the face with a growl. "Hold still and cooperate and this might hurt less,"
Bree continued to struggle and even began to cry. "R-Roman, please,"
Roman chuckled while he held her legs apart and tied them down as well. With an almost gently touch he ran his hands down her thighs and legs until he got to her calves. Roman then tied her feet down, ignoring her pleas.
"Roman, you don't have to-"
Roman smiled at her. "Oh, but I want to," he chuckled, quickly pulling his shirt over his head.
The moment he dropped his shorts, Bree went into full panic mode.
"Riker! Riker!" She cried. "Help!"
Roman stood over her, sliding a hand around her neck. "No need to cry, Bree. No one can hear you, especially Riker,"
"Please, don't," Bree whimpered.
Roman gave her throat a tight squeeze and climbed on top of her.
"R-Roman please!" Bree cried.
Roman looked her cold hard in the eyes, a glaring smile chilling her to her core. "No,"
Many hours later,
After taking some much needed time to cool off, Riker decided to head back home.
When he entered, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Riker didn't see his brother or Bree, but he could hear them.
The sounds coming from Roman's room made his blood boil. Cries, pleading, screams, they were too much for him to handle. He burst into his brother's room to find Roman still on top of Bree, whispering in her ear.
"How about we go for another round?" Roman smirked. He was too focused on his own actions to notice his brother in the room.
Riker grabbed one of his brother's dumbbells from the corner of the room and hit it against Roman's head.
Roman fell to the floor with a thud, but that was not enough to quiet Bree's sobbing.
"Bree, Bree, it's okay now," Riker tried to tell her, slowly approaching her side.
Bree was slow to words, still shaking from the ordeal. When Riker came close to her, she flinched away.
Riker took a calming breath, trying to figure out what to do.
"Um, Bree? We should probably leave before Roman wakes up," Riker said gently.
"I-I can't," Bree mumbled.
"Bree, we really need to get out of here," Riker told her. He thought for a moment. "Bree, if you can't get up yourself, can I help you?"
Bree tearfully nodded, allowing Riker to gently lift her into his arms.
"It'll be okay Bree," Riker whispered. "Now let's get out of here,"
With a gentle yet firm hold on Bree, Riker turned into his black particle cloud and whisked Bree to safety.
Yay! Bree's finally saved... or is she? It is dependent on where Riker is taking her. Just because Bree is no longer captive doesn't mean the story is over yet! Please go ahead and leave a review!