Take A Chance

Author; Nightstar Fury

Rated; M for Mature

Pairing; TallonXHector(ToothlessXHiccup)

Disclaimer; I do not own any of the HTTYD movies, or Dreamworks Dragons television series. I also don't own any of the songs I use. Everything belongs to it's original creator and artist! Enjoy the story! :)

74; Take The Chance

Six long months had passed since that day Hector declined the mission having realized that he needed to know his limits in order to control his life completely-and everything in it. Tallon and Hector were still married and living in their apartment together, happy as ever too. A lot of other things had happened since that day too. Freddie and Heather were engaged, also expecting a child-a boy in fact. Darius and Carmen were just enjoying life. Jessie and Ella were living together finally, but no plans to take it farther than that. Trent and Danielle were married-small ceremony with just friends and family. Reina and Skylar were planning their wedding. Drew and Mandy were also engaged now, living life with their daughter, Layla. Hector and Tallon never ended up doing a remarriage ceremony-there was no need for it. There had been plenty of pictures and videos from the actual day it happened for people to enjoy. They just all got together to have a small party to celebrate it-was definitely a good day.

Hector's depression wasn't nearly as bad anymore. True to his word, if he felt upset or his PTSD attacks got bad-he let Tallon know and they got through it together, and after a few months, they were easier to deal with. His arms were healed, barely any scars from his cuts, Hector still refused to forgive Spencer-and doubted he ever would. What his father did wasn't just something he could turn his head to. Hector still loved him and considered him his father but he wouldn't forgive him for what he did and said. Hector still played his instruments, and made songs-more for fun though instead of using it as an outlet. They still had guard the first weekend of every month and that always went well for them, Hector loved being able to see all his friends in one place-it was a reminder of how far he'd come in just six years considering where he started before the military. He really did love where his life was right now. Perfect friends, and husband. What could make it better? Nothing.

On a day like this, they were all just hanging out together-they did it pretty often. The month was September 2022, still pretty warm for the island of Berk. Hector was sitting on Tallon's lap-who was sitting in the recliner chair, he was laying against him too. Everyone was just sitting around, laughing it up and having a good time. The guys were telling stories from times in the barracks-both from tours and while in training for BCT, AIT, and drill. Hector was actually comfortable talking about the training he endured with the twenty nine others. That was the subject now too, he was talking about some of the things he was trained to handle.

"So they actually like put you through torture?" Carmen asked.

"Yeah, they wanted to see what we could deal with. Wasn't easy either," Hector groaned heavily. "I remember the second training month, we got subjected to having the crap kicked out of us for an hour each. Arms tied behind our backs or over our heads and hanging slightly off the ground. I swear, I no longer wonder what it's like to be a punching bag..." he chuckled slightly.

"Geeze man," Skylar stated.

"What else did they do to you?" Evan asked curiously.

"Learned how to hold my breath for over a minute, withstand the pain of being whipped, staying up for hours at a time without sleeping or eating. And one of my personal favorites: navigating in the dark without goggles, just your ears and touch. That was actually fun to learn," Hector stated.

"I now get why you can find your way around the apartment without turning the lights on," Tallon laughed a bit.

"Well, that and I know where everything is." Hector smiled now.

"True that," Tallon replied with his arms around Hector's waist and nipped at his neck.

"Hey, we have company over, baby," Hector reminded.

"And your point is what?" Tallon asked doing it again as Hector blushed.

"Can't you wait until later when we're alone?" Hector asked softly.

"I suppose so," Tallon mumbled and hugged him tighter as Hector only shook his head, then turned it and kissed Tallon deeply.

"Ugh, you two are sickeningly cute..." Thaxter teases as the guys laughed and the girls giggled, Tallon and Hector both lifted their hands flipping them all off and kept the kiss going. Although they joked, they were happy for their friends-it was good to see Hector this happy so none of them cared if the two were locked in a mini make-out session on the recliner. Hector's laptop was playing music, most of which was pre-recorded music he'd done but occasionally something would come up as just music. The cool think about it was that when something new started-it would come up on the big screen since he had it hooked up with the HDMI cord.

"Hey, Hec?" Darius asked as Hector broke the kiss and glanced over.

"What's up?" Hector responded.

"What's this song playing? Doesn't seem your regular style," Darius questioned now, Hector looked at the screen to see the title of whatever was playing: Don't Give Up, Hold On.

"Oh, that's really old. It has lyrics but I never recorded them in with the music I'd made," Hector stated.

"Can we hear it?" Danielle inquired softly.

"I don't see why not. It was one of the songs I wrote as a distraction from depression, used to take my mind off it after a really long day of bullshit." Hector stated as he leaned forward a bit at restarted the song from the beginning.

"This world, this world is cold. But you don't, you don't have to go. You're feeling sad, you're feeling lonely. And no one seems to care. Your mother's gone and your father hits you. This pain you cannot bear..." he started gently while the others just listened. "But we all bleed the same way as you do. And we all have the same things to go through!..." the music picked up now.

"Hold on, if you feel like letting go! Hold on, it gets better than you know!" Hector sang out as Tallon smiled, he already understood what the lyrics represented and why Hector would write such a song.

"Your days, you say they're way too long. And your nights, you can't sleep at all. Hold on. And you're not sure what you're waiting for-but you don't want to know more. You're not sure what you're looking for-but you don't want to know more..." another pause. "But we all bleed the same way as you do. And we all have the same things to go through!..." Hector smiled now-as if recalling how happy the song made him feel to be distracted from all the sadness of his life previously.

"Hold on, if you feel like letting go! Hold on, it gets better than you know! Don't stop looking, you're one step closer. Don't stop searching, it's not over! Hold on..." there was a break in the music now, just some guitar solos, "What are you looking for?...What are you waiting for?...Do you know what you're doing to me? Go ahead! What are you waiting for?..." it picked up more now.

"Hold on, if you feel like letting go! Hold on, it gets better than you know. Don't stop looking, you're one step closer. Don't stop searching-It's Not Over!" he sang out as it picked up again. "Hold on, if you feel like letting go. Hold on, it gets better than you know!...Hold on!..." it stopped there and moved to the next song but Hector had it lowered in volume.

"I like it," Mandy smiled.

"Good song, real good. Your songs could inspire a lot of people, Hector. You should submit them," Heather smiled.

"I'm good on that. Too much of a process to get them submitted. Recording studios make you sing them live before they go out. I can handle you guys and the platoon, maybe a small crowd of one hundred but fuck singing in front of thousands. Nope. No way. Not happening." Hector chuckled a bit.

"Well, we're honored you're so comfortable with us," Viktor stated to him as Ryan and the others nodded in agreement.

"How can I not be comfortable with the first friends I ever had?" Hector smiled some.

"Yeah, we are pretty awesome, aren't we?" Ryan snickered.

"Oh now you're just being cocky, guys," Hector shook his head with a smile. However, all jokes aside-it wasn't far from the truth. His friends were awesome and he owed a great to them for accepting him when they all met six years ago, especially Tallon. The one who was always there for him no matter what. Tallon took care of him when he was sick, he gave him someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, someone to listen to him for once, made him smile, and he even showed him what love felt like-real love from someone who was loyal, caring, understanding, and kind. Tallon was everything to him and he wouldn't ever try to deny that factor. He loved his husband and he loved his friends-all of them even if some hadn't started out that way.

"Oh this is such a good song!" the girls squealed happily.

"Beggin' On Your Knees?" Drew asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's one of our favorites. Sleep over hit," Mandy giggled.

"Hard to sing though, so many pitches and tones to hit," Danielle nodded in agreement.

"It's not that hard, I can do it and I'm a guy," Hector shrugged softly.

"Let's see you do it then," Carmen challenged.

"I say we have a contest," Heather remarked.

"You're gonna challenge him to a singing contest, sis? You lost your mind?" Darius blinked.

"There's no way he can hit those tones, they're too high..." Carmen added in. Hector shook his head then got off Tallon's lap going to the music room and bringing out a few wireless microphones as well as a speaker and set it on the ground, flipped it on and synced up the microphones to to it-he handed them out to the girls and then adjusted the one on his ear before restarting the song as the karaoke version.

"This is gonna be good," the guys all sat closer together to watch. Girls VS Hector? They were actually really interested to see how this would go.

"Ladies first," Hector stated starting the song from his laptop and stepping back.

"You had it all the day you told me, told me, you want me. I had it all but let you fool me, fool me, completely. Yeah I was so stupid to give you all my attention, 'cause the way you played me exposed your true intentions..." the girls paused now at the chorus began. "And one day, I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me. Yeah one day, I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede. You mess with me, I mess with her. So I'll make sure you get what you deserve. Yeah one day, you'll be beggin' on your knees for me," they finished as Hector stepped forward now.

"So watch your back, 'cause you don't know when or where I can get you. I've set the trap, and when I'm done then you'll know what I've been through. So oh, Mister Player, do you feel like the man now? And I bet you're nervous, 'cause this song makes you freak out." the girls nervously bit their lips, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Hector could change his pitch so easily. Granted he wasn't singing in a female's voice, it still sounded really good. "And one day, I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me. Yeah one day, I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede. You mess with me(yeah), I mess with her(yeah). So I'll make sure you get what you deserve(yeah). Yeah one day, you'll be beggin' on your knees for me."

It was now where they were all supposed to sing together but the girls were surprised when Hector had grabbed his guitar and started playing the guitar notes and singing, "I know I'm being bitter but I'mma drag you under. 'Cause you just don't, don't deserve 'happy ever after', for what you did to me after you told me you never felt that way! It was only just a game!" he held the note a few minutes as the music just played.

"(You had it all)" played in the background. "And one day! And one day, I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me(beggin' on your knees for me). Yeah one day, I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede(crawlin' like a centipede). You mess with me(yeah), I mess with her(yeah). So I'll make sure you get what you deserve(yeah).Yeah one day, you'll be beggin' on your knees for me." it finished as he put the guitar against the side of the couch and shrugged at the girls who were blinking in surprise.

"Told you girls not to challenge him," Darius chuckled seeing their faces.

Hector shut off the speaker and put his headset microphone down on the table before taking his place back on Tallon's lap-who locked his arms around his husband's waist and snuggled into him.

"That should hardly count," Heather mumbled.

"Oh give it a rest, Heather. It was just for fun," Hector chuckled some as he closed his eyes and leaned against Tallon gently and relaxed there.

"So when are you two gonna settle down and have kids?" Mandy asked looking to Tallon and Hector now.

"Well, for starters...we're both males so that's not happening," Tallon remarked.

"You know what I meant. Like surrogacy or adoption?" Mandy mumbled rolling her eyes.

"Surrogacy can get pretty expensive, and as for adoption-don't really know. We haven't talked about it, wouldn't be a good time anyway with us still being in the military. Well, full time that is," Hector stated.

"I'll babysit!" Heather offered quickly.

"You'll have your hands full with your own," Darius pointed out, Heather was due in another six months for hers and Freddie's son-who they were naming, Liam Ingerman.

"I would too," Skylar smiled.

"Offers appreciated but we don't want kids right now. We're just enjoying us and we can discuss the topic in another eighteen months when the contracts are up again," Tallon smiled, "There's a lot that goes into both processes, plus we'd have to move to have a bigger place," he added. They did want to have a family, just not at the moment-they enjoyed it being just them after everything they'd both been through in the last six years.

"Well, we should be going. We have to pick Layla up from daycare," Drew stated as he got up with Mandy and they said their goodbyes and left the apartment.

"Speaking of our own, we have an appointment at 3:00pm today babe." Freddie reminded Heather after checking the time. It was about 2:30pm right now.

"Oh crap, that's right. We'll catch you guys later," Heather smiled hugging Darius, Hector, Carmen, and Tallon before they left next.

"And we have a wedding cake testing to go to." Reina mentioned to Skylar, they were getting married in another five months. Skylar nodded shaking hands with everyone and then leaving with his fiance.

"So that leaves Jessie, Ella, Trent, Danielle, Inferno, and us." Tallon chuckled some.

"We're actually about to head out too. Ella's still recovering from being sick the other day, she's too stubborn to admit she's exhausted right now," Jessie smiled as he connected hands with Tallon and Hector before waving to the rest and leading Ella out of the apartment.

"Anyone else?" Tallon asked with a smile.

"Well, the rest of us were gonna bail because we figured you wanted some time with your husband," Evan offered. "I know I have to get Aiden from preschool in about fifteen minutes and then Mia will be home around 3:30pm-dinner at her parents house tonight." he added.

"And I've got a date with Trish to get ready for," Thaxter beamed brightly.

"I swear you two just need to start dating. You've had like one hundred dates," Tallon rolled his eyes.

"I'm planning to ask her out tonight, Mr. Pushy Pants." Thaxter stuck his tongue out.

"I have a doctor's appointment too, been feeling sick the last few weeks. Trent over here thinks I'm pregnant so, yeah. Guess we'll find out today if that is true or not," Danielle smiled as she got up with Trent and said their goodbyes as they left the apartment behind Evan and Thaxter.

"You two gonna head out too?" Hector asked looking at Viktor and Ryan.

"You and Tal look like you're ready to have it just be you the rest of the day and night, so yeah, we're gonna go too." Ryan smiled. Those goodbyes were next and then with the door shut it remained to be just Tallon and Hector in the living room.

"I have the sneaking suspicion they just wanted to get out before you and I got to heavy in the make out sessions," Tallon chuckled slightly.

"Glad I wasn't the only one, least Ry and Vik were honest about it." Hector giggled.

"Well, let's clean up a bit. We can lock the doors and..." Tallon kissed his neck. "have a little time to ourselves?" he offered as Hector blushed deeply and nodded. The two got up and began to clean the apartment: dishes, taking out the now full garbage, pulling something out for dinner later on, finally wiping things down and locking the doors. Tallon and Hector instantly started kissing and moved it to the bedroom, Tallon pushed Hector down carefully and laid over him as the kisses became more intense.

"I love you, Tallon," Hector said softly between kisses. Tallon looked in his eyes and stroked his cheek lightly.

"I love you too, Hector," Tallon replied as they continued their kissing and shirts came off immediately following that.

(Four Hours Later)

With the time being now 6:30pm when they'd finished making love, they just laid there in the bed while coming down from the intense pleasure they'd both experienced. Gods, Hector loved it all so much. His friends, family, and his husband of course. Considering where he started to just six short years later, he was happy as he'd ever been and it was all because he saw a chance to change his life and he took it. How could he not be happy? He had everything he could ever want-the best being that the man lying beside him, holding him close was his husband and his best friend in the entire world. Chances and taking them got him where he was today and from now on, if he saw a chance to do something, he would take it because he would never know how awesome or happy it could make him unless decided to take a chance.

~Author's Note: Well my lovely fans, this concludes "Take A Chance". Sorry there isn't more but I honestly thought it was a good place to end it where Hector is just happy with his family, friends, and husband. So thank you all for the support and I promise to have a new story up soon. I believe next on the vote list was the Hiccup & Astrid have a one night stand, she get pregnant, discovers Hiccup is famous and then the craziness ensues of him trying to be with her and protect her from his celebrity lifestyle, but will it cost him the love of his life? How far is he willing to go to, and sacrifice to keep her in his life so they can be a family. Be sure to vote for the story you want to see after this one! And before I forget a second time, I'd like to give thanks to both harrypanther and warriornun for beta reading over my chapters before I posted them. Thank you both so much! Excellent work! Until next time, -Nightstar