Arthur Kirkland sat in the meeting room. Bored, annoyed, and hacked off.

As normal, Alfred was claiming he was the Hero and that they should just make a giant robot to get rid of earth's problems. Feliciano was waving a white flag for no apparent reason. Yao was trying to offer everyone treats, then scorn them for being annoying.
Ivan was scaring the daylights out of Toris, Edward, and Ravis. Francis was provoking him by flirting and making fun of him in every way possible. Kiku was agreeing with Alfred on everything, causing great annoyance to Basch, who was threatening him
by saying he'd beat Kiku with his peace prize. Gilbert was exclaiming how awesome he was and spilling beer everywhere. Antonio was talking with Romano who was insulting everyone.

Things like these were going on throughout the whole meeting. Fist fights, bickering, insulting, sleeping, flirting, drinking, everything to expect at a meeting.

Just the normal.

Finally, Ludwig had gottenfed up with everyone's nonsense, and slammed his hand down on the table to shut everyone up and to gain their attention.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP! WE CAN'T HAVE THIS MEETING BE LIKE THE LAST TWO HUNDRED OR MORE MEETINGS!" He roared, a vain poking out on his head and his face bright red from fury and frustration.


Arthur sighed a rested his head oh his hand and gazed at nothing. He eventually closed his eyes and blocked out the other nations.

He opened them after a while, and found that half of the nations were staring at him. He gave them a questioning look before turning his attention to the speaker. He blushed when they were giving them the look of: "what do you think on this matter?"


After the meeting, Arthur was walking down the hall and stretching his joints. He heard a kink pop from his neck and back, causing him to cringe.

"Engrand-san? Are you arright?" Said nation jumped in surprise and spun on his heal to see Japan.

"Sorry chap, what was that?" He asked with a slight blush.

"I said, are you arright?" Concern lacing his voice. England paused for a moment and considered how he was feeling.

"I'm alright. Just stressed and sore from work. I've been working for the past two weeks straight, and gave probably got at least three hours of sleep total and that meeting sure didn't help..."

"Oh, I'm terribry sorry." Japan apologized. England laughed a little before speaking. "It's not your fault, so don't be."

Japan nodded and the two set out to leave the building together.

England looked over and noticed that Japan looked deep in thought. He raised an eyebrow and looked at the younger nation.

"What're you contemplating about?"

Japan kept his gaze but answered to his friends question. "I'm thinking of ways of how you can rerax." England blushed at this.

"Y-you don't ha-" Japan held up his hand to signal the Brit to stop talking. England closed his mouth and kept silent.

"Prease ret me do this. I want to make my friend and arry reraxed and happy. Seeing you rike this makes me worried." He placed a hand on the gentleman's shoulder. England blushed at the touch, but kept his gaze to be polite. He heaved a sigh and let his
shoulders slump.

"Alright. If that's what you wish, then fine." Japan looked like a kid on Christmas at this. "Thank you, Engrand-San!"

The two then continued on their way to their respective hotels that they were staying at while they were in Canada for the World Meeting for a change.

As they came to a pitchfork in the road, they said their goodbyes. But, before they could each leave to their hotel and get the much needed rest, England placed a hand on Japan's shoulder. Said man looked up at the Brit in surprise. "Engrand?"

"Thank you. For everything. It's nice to have someone who cares about me as much as you, Japan." Japan wanted to say something, but no words were able to leave his mouth. Just a blush appeared on his face that soon traveled to his ears.

England smiled and removed his hand from his friends shoulder, turned around and took his leave.

Arthur was sitting in a little cafe in Waterton, and was gazing out the window as he waited for his tea to come. He hadn't decided on what he should eat yet, so he just went with some tea for now.

"Here's your tea sir." An older woman said as she placed a cup filled with tea in front of him. She smiled sweetly at him, and he returned the gesture.

"Thank you ma'am." Her smile gained even more fondness at his voice. Arthur blushed a little at how kind the old lady was being to him. She reminded him of Japan.

Just then, out of nowhere, it began to rain hard. It wasn't exactly bright whether that day, so it was a little expected. Huge drops jacked against the window, people were running about outside, trying to take cover from the rain.

The old lady laughed, causing him to look her way. He gave a questioning look, so she sat down in front of him in his booth.

"Looks like you came in just in time. Say, where're you from? England is where I'm guessing, hearing your accent and all." England nodded. "That's lovely. I've always wanted to visit there, but never had the chance." A look of gloom crossed her features.
Her wrinkles on her skin that said of old age, old adventures, fun memories, and a good past, came together.

Arthur felt his heart shatter at the sight. The old lady had her hands on the table as she looked out at the window. Arthur reached over and took her frail hands, and gave them most charming smile he could muster for the lady.

"It's alright. Besides, nothing exciting really happens down there. Just rain and rain," he finished with a chuckle. Oh how he wished something exciting would actually happen at his place. It's been quite a while since there's been any adventures or anything
exciting really, and the old nation was beginning to get bored.

The old lady laughed along with the Brit for a bit.

"Say, what's your name? I'm Shirley Grover, how 'bout you?" She asked as the gentleman. Said man cleared his theorist in order to gain and clear his voice before speaking. "Arthur, Arthur London Kirkland. It's a pleasure to meet you, Shirley."

The two talked for a little longer before Shirley had to get up and get back to work.

Arthur sat there with a new found smile gracing his features. The rain hadn't come down one bit, and from the looks of it, was only getting worse.

He gazed down into his warm cup of tea, and picked the China up and placed it to his lips, getting a good whiff of mint, honey, and more. He had ordered some Grey Earl with just a dash of mint and honey. Shirley had told him that it was an interesting
combination and that she'll need to try it in the future, which Arthur highly recommended.

He brought the cup down and placed it on its saucer. He gazed at the liquid for a moment. He was taken out of his gaze by the feeling of his phone buzzing.

He pulled his phone out from his coat's pocket, and looked at the ID. NekosAreLife was calling him. It took a moment to register who in the world it could be, till he remembered that at one meeting he had left his phone in the conference room, so the
nations changed their names (some changed other nations who weren't present or didn't want to bother changing it.)

He answered the phone and brought the device up to his ear.

"Hello? Kiku?"

"Herro Arthur-san"

"Hello. What can I do for you?"

"Actuarry. This is about you."


"I've had an idea for your rerazation. Where are you? If you're just at your hoter, wourd it be aright if I stopped by to discuss what I have in mind?"

"I'm actually not there. I'm at a little dinner that's about three blocks away from my hotel."

"I'rr be there soon."

And with that, the call ended.

The British gentleman leaned back in his chair and gazed out the window once more.

There was a clearing of a voice that snapped the tired Brit out of his half nap. He blinked a few times to get better vision, and looked up at the speaker. It was Kiku.

"Oh, hello chap. Sorry about that…" Arthur said with a blush of embarrassment. Kiku waved him off and took a seat in front of Arthur, the seat where Shirley had previously been sitting before.

"Arright. So I was going through some fires on my country and seeing what might suit your needs," Arthur couldn't help but feel as though he was a student at school, and Kiku was his adviser, helping him plan for his future and see what he should do to
get his goals.

"-and I came across a fire that caught my eye. It's unexpected and strange, but I think it might do you some good. It's firred with smart and werr refined peopre." Arthur was intrigued with what he was hearing so far. "Go on," he ushered.

"I was thinking that you might want to go to a Highschoor carred Ouran High Schoor Academy."

There was silence.

A deafening silence.

An uncomfortable silence.

A disbelief silence.

"You're joking, right?"

Kiku shook his head. Seriousness painted him from head to toe. "...oh…"

"It'rr onry be for a year. Unress you'd rike to stay ronger that is." Arthur stared wide eyed at Kiku, and began to think if this could be possible.

He had his paperwork, meetings, annoying people and nations to put up with, work…

Oh what the heck. Why not!

"Alright. But, how do I tell my boss?" Arthur inquired/tested to see if the Japanese man was prepared for this. He didn't flinch, didn't look like he had just walked in at the wrong time, nothing. Just sat there, sadate was the only thing you
could read off of him.

"I've arready tarked to them. They said it was an rright and that you needed the break." Arthur stared at Kiku impressed.

He heaved a sigh and lowered his head.

"Alright then. When do I start school?"

"Schoor has arready started, so you'rr be joining in a rittre rate. I know you'rr enjoy the school." Kiku said as though he had been there a hundred times before. Arthur looked at him in disbelief.

"You're joking aren't you." he said with a deadpanned tone in his voice, reminding the younger nation of a certain Norwegian nation. "No, I am being serious. I attended that schoor a whire back and it's rather reraxing. The students there aren't annoying
and follow rures."

Arthur looked into his friend's eyes, and gave in.

"Alright. I'll do it."