Hey y'all. Yami584 here with an awesome new fanfic. (I hope I'm not making to many of these at once) Anyway I hope you enjoy this first chapter of "Azure Hearts" a Blazblue and Kingdom Hearts crossover.
Arrival in Traverse Town;
Ragna awoke with a splitting headache. He placed his hand on his head to try and lesson the pain somehow. When he opened his eyes he found himself in an alleyway.
"What the hell happened?" He asked out loud. He took a look at the Azure Grimoire which took the form of his right arm. As he looked at it the memories about what happened began to return.
(A few hours ago)
Ragna was taking a stroll around The 5th Hierarchical City of Ibukido. Kokonoe was working on something to help them defeat the Imperator the leader of the NOL and Ragna's younger sister who was kidnapped by a psychopath named Yuki Terumi.
Kokonoe said she was working on something to give them the edge against her, but couldn't get it done with a bunch of 'imbeciles' bothering her. So she kicked everyone out of her lab so she could work on whatever it was.
So everyone went out to do there own thing for awhile. Ragna thought he'd take a little walk to clear his head. Unfortunately his companion Tao had other idea.
"Meow good guy. Tao's starving." The kaka complained wobbling like she was drunk. Ragna glared daggers at her.
"You just ate breakfast not to long ago! How the hell can you be hungry again already?!" The reaper complained. Tao grabbed onto Ragna's waist forcing him to drag her as he walked.
"Tao's gonna waste away to nothing if she doesn't eat something soon nya." Ragna rolled his eyes in defeat.
"Alright fine I'll get you some pork buns or something. Now let go of me." Tao's ears perked up. She looked at Ragna with her useal grin.
"Really Good guy?"
"Yeah sure." Tao let go of Ragna and started doing a little dance.
"Meow good guy is the best! Tao can't wait! Nyaha!" As he watched her dance Ragna couldn't help but grin. Despite his life being absolute hell he was glad to have such good friends by his side.
And not just Tao. Noel, Celica, even Kagura and Rachel were good to be around once in a while. Suddenly a strange wind blew by causing Ragna's smile to quickly fade.
He looked around and saw people pointing towards the sky. He turned and looked up. His eyes widened in surprise. The cities weather control device should have still been active and yet the sky was completely darkened.
Not in a 'it's gonna rain' way, but something else.
"Good guy?" Tao said behind him. When he turned around he noticed Tao had stopped dancing and had a scared look on her face. "Tao's got a bad feeling all of a sudden meow."
"Yeah me to." Ragna looked back at the sky wondering what the hell was going on. Suddenly Tao let out a loud gasp.
"Good guy! Your shadow!" Ragna turned around. His eyes widened
(Cue Kingdom Hearts -Night Of Fate)
Ragna's shadow seemed to expand on it's own. Suddenly a strange black creature appeared from it. It looked kind of looked like an ant with yellow glowing eyes.
"What the!" Ragna shouted as he backed away from the creature. Suddenly he heard screams from all direction. He looked around and saw more of the creatures attacking people.
Ragna drew Blood-Scythe and stood back to back with Tao as the creatures surrounded them.
"What the hell are these things?!" He yelled not taking his eyes of the strange things.
"Tao don't know, but she doesn't like them nya." Tao answered bringing her claws out. The shadowy creature pounced at them. Ragna swung Blood-Scythe in wide arc and cut down 3 of them at once.
As soon as he cut them they turned into black smoke and got absorbed into his Azure Grimoire.
"What the hell?!" He yelled. Before he could put anymore thought into it he heard Tao who was fighting 5 of them by herself. She managed to take out 2 of them, but the other three jumped her before she could react.
"Meow! Good guy help!" Tao called. Ragna rushed over and cut down the three creatures in one move again absorbing them into his arm. Tao leaped back to her feet and quickly slashed at 3 more creatures.
Ragna followed suit and stabbed another creature with Blood-Scythe while grabbing another by the head and crushing it.
(end music)
After awhile they managed to destroy the last of the creatures. Ragna and Tao where panting really hard. As they tried to catch there breaths Ragna got a ring on his communicator.
When he answered he was greeted with the sound of Kokonoe's 'pleasant' voice.
"Ragna what the hell is going on out there?!" The cat scientist yelled causing Ragna to wince in pain.
"Ow! Don't freaking yell in my ear! You trying to make me go deaf or something?!" Ragna yelled back in anger.
"Oh quit complaining and answer the damn question. What the hells going on out there?! I'm getting these weird readings all over the place!"
"I don't know. These weird black creatures came out of nowhere and started attacking us." Ragna paused for a moment before he realized what he just heard.
"Wait. Your saying this shits happening all over the city?"
"I wish!" Kokonoe said causing Ragna to raise a brow. "The whole world is getting turned upside down! All the Hierarchical Cities are getting reports about strange creatures!
Even Okoto is getting over run!" Ragna stood there in shock. The whole planet was getting attacked by these things. He couldn't find any worlds to say after hearing that. Fortunately Kokonoe managed to snap him back into reality.
"Earth to Ragna! Will you pay attention already?!" Ragna shook out of his confusion and responded.
"Uh. Y-yeah. Sorry what?"
"Listen dumb ass! Celica, Noel, and Makoto are still at the shopping district! I've been trying to get a hold of them, but it's not getting through! I need you to go to them and bring them back!"
"I'm on my way!" Ragna hung up and turned towards Tao. "Tao we need to go help Noel and the others now!"
"But good guy!" She yelled like it was urgent.
"What?! What is it?!" A large growling sound came from Tao's stomach which she rubbed with a weak look on her face.
"Tao's still hungry."
A little while later Ragna was running towards the shopping district with Tao right behind him carrying an arm full of meat buns that Ragna 'borrowed' from a nearby abandoned stand.
'Please be alright.' Ragna prayed silently as he turned a corner. When he turned he stop suddenly with Tao bumping into him and nearly dropping her meat buns. Ragna stared at the site he saw before him.
In front of him with there backs turned were a large number of those black creatures surrounding his three friends who were standing in front of a shop. Celica stood at the door way with Minerva right beside her.
Meanwhile Noel and Makoto stood nearby taking out any dark creature that came near. Ragna wondered why the creatures didn't just swarm them until he remembered Celica.
"guess these creatures can't stand her power either." He said out loud. That was a mistake cause as soon as he spoke some of the creatures turned and proceeded to charge.
(Cue Blazblue Rebellion)
Ragna charged in with Blood-Scythe while Tao quickly stuffed her meat buns into her mouth and followed Ragna while still chewing on them. As soon as he started cutting down the black creatures Noel and Makoto finally noticed him and Tao.
"Ragna! Over hear!" Noel cried out even though it wasn't really necessary. Ragna swung down and cut one of the creatures in half. Another one attempted to attack his back, but he swung his left arm and nocked it into a group of other creatures.
"Why the hell are you just standing there?!" He yelled as he delivered an uppercut to another creature. "These things won't attack if you stick with Celica!" Stabs another creature in the head. "Just stick together and you'll be find!"
"We would if we could!" Makoto yelled back as she smacked one of the creatures in the face with one of her tonfa's. "But we can't leave all those people here like this!"
She pointed behind her to the shop. Sure enough there was a crowed of people hiding in the shop which thanks to Celica was for the moment the only safe place.
"Shit!" Ragna cursed while he grabbed one of the creatures and sucked it into his right arm. "This can't get any worse can it?"
(end music)
Suddenly the ground began to shake. Ragna and the others had a hard time trying to keep there balance. The dark creatures disappeared all to suddenly. Finally the shaking stopped.
There was a brief moment of silence before suddenly the ground became covered in a large shadow.
(Change music to kingdom hearts destiny's force Extended)
Out from the shadow came a giant black creature. It had small wings on it's back and what looked like hair wrapped around it's 'face', but most disturbing of all was the giant heart shaped whole in it's stomach.
"What...the...hell?!" Was all Ragna said before the giant creature launched a punch at him knocking him into a building.
"Ragna!" Celica cried out. The giant turned it's attention on the girls. Noel pointed her Bolverk at the creature and began to fire at it. Sadly this didn't seem to do anything to it as it reached out to grab her.
Luckily for Noel Makoto ran at the hand and delivered a powered up punch that knocked it away.
"How do you like that?!" She taunted the giant creature, unfortunately it didn't do enough damage cause it went and grabbed her with the same hand she punched.
"Gah!" The beastkin cried out as the giant began to crush her.
"Makoto!" Noel cried as she tried shooting the giant in vain.
"DEAD SPIKE!" Came a familiar voice as a serpents head shot out and hit the giant dead in the face causing it to drop Makoto.
"Minerva!" Celica called out to her Ex Machina which quickly flew up and caught Makoto and brought her done safely. Celica and Noel ran over to the barely conscious Makoto with the former beginning to heal her.
The giant turned toward the one that attacked it. Ragna walked out of the rubble made from the building he was knocked into with Blood-Scythe resting on his shoulder.
"That hurt you bastard." He said sounding calm, but was completely pissed. He charged at the giant and slashed at it's left leg causing it to kneel.
The giant retaliated by launching another punch at the reaper, but this time Ragna side stepped it and made a large cut on the outside of it's arm.
As the giant attempted to bring it's arm back Ragna jumped onto it and ran up it towards it's face. When he got close enough he changed his blade into scythe mode and delivered a powerful slash to it's face.
The giant began to fall forward before using it's arms to stop itself before hitting the ground face first. Ragna jumped down and ran at it with Blood-Scythe (ones again in sword form) over his head.
"Your dead!" He yelled out as he brought Blood-Scythe down on the giants head decapitating it.
(end music)
As the giant began to dissolve some of the darkness got sucked into the Azure Grimoire. Ragna took a deep breath before turning. Makoto was still lying on the ground with Noel holding her head up.
Despite getting hurt she gave Ragna a thumbs up while both of them smiled at him. Tao was doing a little happy dance while Celica stood next to her with her right hand over her heart. Ragna smiled back at them.
Before he could take a step towards them however the ground began to shake again causing there smiles to fade.
(Cue Fire Emblem sorrow) [I know different game, but it seems to fit]
A large hole appeared in the sky. The others looked at it in horror, but that wasn't the worst of it as all around them everything seemed to get swallowed by darkness.
"Shit." Ragna said as he began running towards the others, but as soon as he took 3 steps he began to float upwards. "What?!" He cried out as he tried in vain to get back to the ground.
"Ragna!" Celica cried as she ran towards him. She held her arm out to try and grab his which also reached out to take her, but just as she got close to take it he flew just out of reach. Ragna held his hand out still as he kept floating upwards. As he rose up he could see everything around him become smothered by darkness as it made it's way to his friends.
He watched helplessly as Noel, Makato, and Tao became swallowed by the darkness with fear upon there faces. He looked down at Celica who looked back at him. There hands still desperately trying to reach out to the other.
Then she was consumed by the darkness as well. Leaving Ragna to cry out:
"NNOOOOOOOO!" Before he was completely sucked into the black hole. His world completely vanishing.
(end flashback and music)
Ragna sat there. His back against the alley wall. His arm shacking as he continued to look at it. His face somewhere between sad and angry.
'Celica, Noel, Tao, Makoto, master, Rachel, Kagura, everyone.' He thought as the cold hard truth hit him hard. His friends, his comrades were gone. He clenched his fist tightly as tears made there way down his face.
"DAMMIT!" He screamed as he slammed his fist into the wall behind him causing it to crack. He sat there for a little while trying to calm himself down. As he did he began to think. 'What the hell happened? What were those things? And what happened to everyone?' As he thought a flicker of hope emerged. 'Maybe some of the others managed to survive all that as well.'
With that little piece of hope he stood up. "Alright. I need to see if I can find anyone else. Maybe figure out what happened and what those monsters were."
He made his way out of the alleyway and looked around. "Before all that though...I need to figure out were I am."
Traverse Town
As he looked around he didn't see anything he recognized. Suddenly he heard a loud BANG nearby. "That can't be good." He said as he ran to were the sound came from.
Nearby a kid with brown spiky hair ,wearing a weird looking outfit was fighting a young man with a scar across his face, a black jacket, and black pant. The man wielded what looked like a cross between a hand gun and a sword.
While the boy wielded a rather large key. The boy was panting hard as he was clearly no match for the man before him.
"Just give up already." The man said with his gun sword resting on his shoulder. The boy looked at him with gritted teeth.
"D-darn it!" The boy said before charging at the man. The man sighed as he swung his sword knocking the boy out cold. The man stood over the boy staring at the key in his hand.
"Hey you found it Leon!" Came a feminine voice. The man now known as Leon turned his head. Standing behind him with her hands on her hips was a young looking ninja girl.
"Yeah. Still. It looks like things are worse then we thought. A lot worse." The two of them looked at the boy for a few seconds. Leon gave out a sigh before walking towards the unconscious boy.
"We better take him back to the inn." He said as he reached out to pick up the boy.
"HELL'S FANG!" A voice rang out. Leon looked up in surprise before quickly holding his gun sword up and blocking the incoming attack. The impact sent him sliding back a few feet.
"Leon!" The girl cried before turning toward the attacker. Ragna stood there between the two people in front of him and the unconscious kid. The girl brought out a large throwing star.
"Yuffie get back!" Leon called to the girl now known as Yuffie. Yuffie jumped back quite a good distance. She stood next to Leon.
"Who is this guy?" She asked not looking away from the new arrival.
"I don't know." Leon said with his gun blade raised. "But that attack just now looked like it was made out of darkness." The three stared each other done for a while before Leon spoke.
"Who are you? What was that attack just now? Are you with 'them'?" He said 'them' with a dark tone.
"I don't know what you mean by 'them'." Ragna said bluntly. "But I do know that anyone that attacks a kid is a real piece of shit." He reached behind and grabbed Blood-Scythe.
"Hold on!" Yuffie said raising her hands. "We don't wanna fight! We just want the boy...ok that came out wrong."
"I don't know why you want this kid so bad, but if you think I'm just gonna move aside and let you do it-" Ragna drew Blood-Scythe and got into a fighting stance."-Then your a real dumbass."