So, I've been on an ATLA kick for the last month or so, and have been reading LOTS of fanfiction. However, I have yet to find a fanfic that suites this little dust bunny that has been growing in the back of my mind. So, I hope you enjoy, because I'm super excited for this fic. There will be a lot of time jumps as the OC who will be the main character for the most part (not so much as main character like Aang, but this story will be from her point of view, therefore we won't be with the Gaang, or Zuko, or Azula the entire time, just for small bits so that we know what ep/season we are in). There will also be no kept schedule for updates, I will not make any promises seeing as I am a college freshman, and you are lucky I am even writing this, seeing as I have a 5-7 page paper due November 5th along with a history group report. So, you can see that I'm a horrible person and will procrastinate with both school work and this story...

Anyways, on with the story!

... Chapter One...

twenty- five years before the Avatar is rediscovered in the South Pole...

The piercing shriek of Prince Ozai's first born child breaks through the pained wails of his young wife. Su Li was only a year younger than Ozai, but he felt passionate about her. She was firm, yet graceful like the willow tree, with an unconventional beauty. Her lips were full, often set in a slight pout due to her slightly large lower lip, her topaz eyes were doe like, but held a spark that contended with his own inner fire. Ozai stood, waiting for the nursemaid to come and bring him to his wife. However, he only heard panicked voices as the babe was brought out, against customary rules. The young maid handed him his squirming infant, quickly informing him of his child's gender. A girl. Her face was scrunched up and red. She wailed pitifully, obviously wanted her mother. Before Ozai could protest, the child was in his arms and the girl rushed back into the room. He stood there with his screaming daughter, as he listened, an uncertain feeling blooming in his chest. Su Li had gone in labor a month early, as was expected with a high risk pregnancy, but the doctors had assured him that she would most likely make it even if there were minor complications.

Ozai stood in the corridor with his unnamed child until an elderly woman, who he recognized as Lu Ten's wetmaid, approached him warily, offering to take the child and calm her. The Fire Nation Prince glanced down at the screaming newborn and nodded, awkwardly handing her over to the maid who carted the child off while cooing at her. Fears began to plague Ozai's young mind, he was only twenty-two. How could this happen to him? He recalled back to when Iroh's young wife had died in childbirth with Iroh's second child, another little boy who had passed on hours after his mother. Iroh was left to raise a son on his own, not including the maids of course. And Ozai didn't want a stranger raising his daughter, he wanted his wife, who he specifically chose to bear and raise his offspring.

It would be another two hours before the doctor would approach the Prince. She was unnerved at Ozai's cold facade as she informed him of his wife's passing. Complications in the birthing process had led to internal bleeding that they couldn't stop in time, she had already bled out by the time his daugher had been taken to the nursery.

"The Princess did say something, your highness." the doctor continued, "She said a name, I assume for your daughter."

"What was it?" Ozai finally spoke. His voice as cold as the South Pole.

"Roka, in honor of her grand father, Avatar Roku." the doctor replied. "It was her dying wish."

Later that night, after Ozai had grieved Su Li, a woman he respected as an individual and as a Fire Nation warrior, he made his way to the palace nursery where his daughter was. He was sure that his father and brother and other palace officials were notified of Su Li's passing, and of his daughter. When he turned to the private room he knew was his daugher's, Ozai was surprised to see his father, Firelord Azulon already waiting for him.

"I have heard that Su Li passed on." Azulon's gravelly timber wafted softly into the room as he turned to face his son. In the Firelord's arms was the new Fire Nation Princess, nestled comfortably in the older man's arms. "Her daughter has fire within her, though."

"Thank you, Father." Ozai bowed respectfully. "Su Li's dying wish was to name he Roka. But, only if you approve."

"I assume it was to honor Roku, Su Li's grandfather." Azulon stated. "It is a strong name, for one so little, who is already faced with hardships."

"Then you approve." Ozai goaded. Azulon nodded, letting his son's slight insubordination slip by this one time.

"I do. I also expect you to have a new bride in the next six years. Su Li wasn't the only grand child of Roku." Azulon decreed as he passed on his own granddaughter. Ozai held his daughter stiffly, unsure of what to do, and Sozai wasn't going to stand around and help him.

Ozai eventually laid the princess back in her cot. He watched as she slumbered away peacefully, unaware of the chaos going on around her.

"I expect great things from you, Roka. Just as your mother was expected of. I hope you don't fail me as she did." he muttered as he closed the door to the nursery behind him.


Nine years later...

Ozai stood with Roka as they waited quietly for Ozai's second child to be born. They were expecting a boy this time. His new wife, Su Li's younger cousin Ursa, had eventually fallen for his charms and they had married four years ago. He waited for a child, this time, not wanting a repeat of Roka's birth.

It had been three hours since Ursa had gone into labor, and Ozai was becoming impatient. He was impressed by his daughter's iron will to stand with him. Neither spoke, nor showed any signs of irritation, impatience, or even boredom on Roka's part. Then again, Roka had always been quiet and calm, never once breaking a smile or cry in front of Ozai, Sozai, or even Iroh in the past three years. Of course, Iroh had been promoted to Admiral and was often away in the Earth Kingdom.

Finally, the door opened and Ozai was beckoned into the room, he turned and instructed Roka to wait for him to allow her in. She nodded stoutly and remained where she was. Ozai entered the chambers to find his wife Ursa holding their newborn son. She was slightly disheveled, and had a tired and pained look etched into her beautiful features, but the glow of pride the swathed her aura was almost overpowering. His son was already suckling away at her swollen breast. Ozai gazed down uncaringly at the babe.

"His name is Zuko." He finally announced before nodded to one of the maids to bring Roka in to meet her new brother. She entered and stood by her father's side, gazing curiously at the small bundle in her stepmother's arms.

"Would you like to hold Zuko, Ursa asked Ozai softly, looking up uncertainly. The boy was resting quietly, observing his mother with somewhat blind eyes, having only been able to see for a short half hour.

"No." Ozai said sharply. Silence insued as the family stood watching the maids clean the room and check the babe every now and then.

"Father, may I hold Prince Zuko?" Roka's soft voice was like firelily petals floating on the wind, lilting but bold. Ozai looked down at his daughter who gazed up at him imploringly. He nodded and watched as she moved to sit beside Ursa on the bed. Ursa helped Roka hold Zuko in her arms, watching her carefully. The infant eventually fell asleep in the young girl's arms, but she held fast to her brother, the look of awe in her eyes was new to Ozai, not having seen much emotion in his daughter's face for several years now.

"Firelord Azulon." a servant announced his father's arrival softly before bowing and leaving. Azulon entered the room, coming to stand at the foot of the bed. Ursa introduced Zuko to Azulon.

"Roka, bring him to me." Azulon demand. She looked up at her grandfather, surprise in her doe eyes, but she does as she is told and slowly slides off the bed careful to not jostle Zuko, who remains asleep. She steadily approaches her grandfather and attempts to pass the baby to the taller man. Roka, even though she is almost ten, is rather short for her age, much like her mother. Azulon, even in his elder years, stood well above six feet and had to stoop down to take Zuko from his granddaughter. In this exchange, Zuko awoke from his slumber and began to cry. Azulon held the wailing babe for a few moments before Zuko eventually calmed down, choosing to stare at the Firelord with wide dark eyes. After passing her younger brother off to her grandfather, Roka bowed respectfully and stepped back to stand slightly behind her father.

"... His fire is there but it is weak." Azulon stated as he passed Zuko off too Ursa, who cradled Zuko protectively in her arms. "It will grow in time, however." Azulon said as he left the family. Ozai chose to ignore that last part, feelings of disappointment and irritation welling inside him against the child.

"We will see." he muttered under his breathe as he left his wife and children.


It wouldn't be for another two years before his next child is born. Azula is much more promising, even more so than Roka, who is eleven and rapidly improving as a firebender on a daily basis, having recently been able to almost overpower her older cousin Lu Ten, who had joined the Fire Nation Army to follow his father's footsteps. However, Lu Ten was more experienced than her raw power, and he had outsmarted her in the end. But, Ozai was pleased.

He was watching Roka train right now. She had long since passed the intermediate level and was training at a much higher degree. Sometimes, her fire would burn a bright blue, cutting through her opponent's bight yellow-orange flames. But, it was a rare occurrence, and only a flicker at a time when she was blasting fire at rapid pace. With enough training she could probably burn her fire at a hotter degree, but for now, he fire remained a pale yellow. Ozai glanced across the training pavilion to see Ursa watching over a young Zuko while toting Azula on her hip, who had just turned one. They were by the turtle-duck pond that always seemed to fascinate the young boy.

Zuko had not shown any prowess in the element. In fact, he could barely summon a flame in his hand, but Azulon says it will take some time for his fire to grow. Ozai has already given up on the boy, deeming him a hopeless cause and not worth the time to have him properly trained. He turned back to Roka's training session to see her bodily toss her sparing partner over her shoulder and twist his arm until the distinct sound of bones popping out of joint and the man's cry of agony as he relents to the Fire Nation Princess. She quickly releases the man and moves to give him medical aid, moving meticulously as she pops the man's arm back into joint and helps him to the medical wing of the palace. She then bowed to her masters before she was dismissed to go to her studies. Pride bloomed in Ozai's chest as he watched his eldest child move swiftly on to her next daily activity, head held high, her face blank.

He turned and moved through the corridors. He had a war meeting to attend.


So, that's chapter one! Everyone, I'd like you to meet Roka! Roka, meet everyone! Please review, tell me what you think, and if there are any problems please tell me (politely)! See you next time.