Chapter Sixteen: An Offer and a Decision
Palpatine looked in shock at the blaster wounds and looked back at the clones in anger. "Rex and Cody, kill the Jedi!" The Sith ordered. Rex took off his helmet and glared daggers at the former Chancellor. "No, sir, I'm afraid I can't do that." Sheev stood up slowly. "I am the Ruler of the Republic! You will do as I command or be court marshaled!" Other clones walked into the office and leveled their weapons at the Chancellor. Anakin shook his head. "No…you're not." The Jedi said as Upgrade walked up to the group. "Broadcasting all over the Galaxy!" Ben said in his best announcer voice as Palpatine paled, "It's 'The Sith Revealed'!" Anakin pulled up the Holonet on a local access point and smiled. "Ben, you are a sly little devil." Anakin said as he motioned Ahsoka and the others over. "Look at this, guys." On the screen, it showed Ben's Loboan form being thrown back into the wall by Sith Lightning. Then, when The Sith was distracted, Ben went Upgrade, slid into the security cameras in the office, and made them broadcast the battle over everything that was linked to the Holonet.
Ahsoka laughed, "You couldn't have done any better, Skyguy." Anakin raised an eyebrow and smiled before he pulled her close. "No, I couldn't have, Snips." After he said that, Anakin kissed the Tugrota passionately. This made Ben and Gwen blush. Then, Ben smiled and started laughing because… "Hey, Love Birds." Gwen said with a grin. "We're still live." Ahsoka and Anakin blushed feverishly and quickly pulled away. As Ahsoka smiled and was about to kiss Anakin again in spite of the whole Galaxy watching, Anakin's wrist communicator beeped. "What is it, R2?" After a few beeps and clicks, Anakin let out a heavy sigh. "Patch her through." Padame was furious. "What the hell was that?!" Anakin shook his head angrily at the communicator. "Look. You're pushy, arrogant, manipulative, deceitful, and just…" Anakin didn't want or need to be angry right now, but he had to set the politician straight. "Goodbye…Padame!" As he raised a finger to cut the transmission, Padame said, "Ani, wait! I'm-" He cut her off. "Of course you are. That's what happens to sluts." He said dryly before he cut the connection. "Good bye and good riddance," He then turned back to the party going on without him.
Anakin looked at the pair of children and smiled at them. "That's a load off me." Anakin said happily as Ahsoka hugged him. She then looked at the other couple. "Are you guys going to stick around?" She asked with a smile. "The Jedi could definitely use your help." She told them. Ben and Gwen looked at each other and shook their heads. "No," Ben said. "The Galaxy is in safe hands without us. We have to get back home." Anakin nodded in understanding but was still sad to see them go. Ben sighed, closed his eyes, and concentrated. As the Force portal opened, Ben heard someone clear their throat.
He and Gwen looked up to see Luke Skywalker in a Force Ghost form. Ben almost started to spout off mile a minute questioning at the ghost but halted himself, though it took all his will to do so. "I like this version better," Luke told them. "Sure, I don't exist in this timeline, but any universe without The Empire is a good place in my book." Luke looked at Ahsoka and Anakin. Then, he did a double take. "That's Dad?" He whispered to Ben and Gwen in mild shock. The two nodded. "It's strange to see him happy and not trying to cut me to ribbons." Luke commented. "I'm glad he found happiness though."
It was then the elder Skywalker and Ahsoka noticed the ghost. On instinct, Luke reached for a nonexistent saber at his side. "Who are you?" Anakin asked. Ben and Gwen looked at each other and back at Luke. "Boy," Ben said as he scratched the back of his head in nerves. "This is awkward." Ben said. "More awkward than when Leia kissed me." Luke agreed. "Dude, don't remind me!" Ben said as he squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to get rid of the scene. Luke looked at Anakin. "I'm your son in a universe where Ahsoka doesn't exist and Sidious was not stopped until I came along." Anakin fell backwards and almost passed out. "How could Ahsoka not exist?" Luke shrugged. "All timelines are bound by the Force, and the Force binds everything else." Ahsoka smiled. "That sounds like Master Kenobi." She said as Ben laughed quietly to himself. "Oh and Dad…please stay away from Mustafar." With that, Luke's form faded. Across Time and Space, a meditating Luke Skywalker opened his eyes to look around Degoba with a smile on his face. "Glad there's a place where you found happiness, father." Luke mumbled.
As Luke's form faded, Anakin recovered and looked at the children. "Safe journey," Anakin said as Ben stuck a foot in the portal and looked back at Anakin and Ahsoka. "We will." He said with a smile. Gwen looked back at the pair as they waved and smiled before she joined Ben. "If love can survive almost certain destruction like theirs," she said to herself. "I know ours can endure." With those words, Ben and Gwen returned to their world and time more certain than ever than ever that their love was meant to be and would last forever.
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