A/N: Wassup World! Trying my hand at a Naruto/RWBY crossover this time. Wanted to practice writing 1st person POV. This whole chapter is from Naruto's perspective.

Hope you like!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or RWBY

I keep getting told that I am too young to know anything. Looking at her though, there was not a soul alive that could convince me she wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world.

I knew she was.

The orange glow of the street lights and the unending beating of water complete the background of her breathtaking picture. She's sitting on the porch of what looked to be a shop, barely sheltered from the water fall by the awning above the entrance. She still looked wet from the stray droplets that struck her from the wind. The orange glow from the lights tinted her skin slightly, and the water on her body made her glisten. I took an eyeful of every available part as she shuffled closer to the brick of the building. She held a doll close to her center and squeezed it tightly. The action wrinkled the black dress that fixed itself to her frame. Her damp black hair stuck to her neck and cheeks. Her nose was red from the outside chill, and I couldn't see her eyes yet, but I already knew they must be beautiful. I could look at her all night as I stood, completely drenched, outside in the unexpected rain. It was love at first sight.

I knew it was.

My legs bring me closer to her even before I consciously tell them to. I'm right next to her, and now I could see her eyes. They were golden amber and they set upon me as she finally took notice of my company. She could control me with those eyes. One look and I'd be hers forever. I realized this because it just happened. From here I could now see that she was crying. Those eyes of hers told me that she felt alone. I felt like they were pleading for someone to be there for her. It was up to me to comfort her and show her that she wasn't alone. I'd proudly do that for the rest of my life.

I knew I had to.

"What's wrong?" I'm not sure if she heard my voice over the rain's increasing volume. She doesn't reply immediately, and I find myself awaiting the sound of her voice. I kneel down to her level. I'm about to ask again when she finally answers.

"I ran." Her voice was as melodic as I imagined, her words soft and short, but the tune in which they were presented was somber. Much more somber notes than I wished to hear.

"Ran from what?" I said looking around, watching for any threats. "Should I be running too?"

She shook her head. "No, I ran from the funeral."


The wind picked up and for many moments the whirling of the air and the drumming of water were the only noises. I sat next to her on the stoop of the shop. Her sadness hurt me as well in a way I couldn't explain. Turning away from her, my sight now remained fixed on the puddle forming before us. I wanted to say something to make her feel better. Several things went through my head. Though, my mouth stayed silent. In the end, what could I say to someone whom just lost a loved one that actually meant anything? Silence worked just as well as empty words of comfort. All that really mattered was being there.

A nudge on my arm brings my attention back to her. Wet black hair drapes over my side, and while it adds a new layer of dampness to my clothes, I'm happy she feels comfortable enough to lay her head on my shoulder. Looks like being silent was the right choice I think to myself, and suddenly I feel like I have the right thing to say.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll stay with you until you no longer feel like you have to run."

Her head tilts up to see mine, and those sad amber eyes peer deep into me. Another gust of wind comes, and now it's whipping her hair into both of our faces, but she doesn't look away. Neither do I.

"Okay," she says.

That settled it; If even this angel in black accepted my mission, there was no way I could deny this chance that fate has given me. It did not matter where this girl goes, or what she does, she would always have me. I was owned by her the first time she looked at me. I was willing to doom myself for her from the second.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki." My words were barely audible from the storm around us. The introduction I've been dying to give almost drowned out by the elements.

Her amber gaze stayed on me, not saying a word. Seconds pass before she tilts her head back down, looking at the same puddle that was only growing in front of us. She fixes the grip she had on her doll, and then the world stilled, the wind ceased for a moment, and the rain lapsed in its assault.

"Blake Belladonna," she softly spoke in this moment of otherworldly quiet.

God, everything about this girl was magical. I may be too young to know much, but looking at this girl, her orange-tinted skin glowing in the night, there is one thing I was sure of. Being able to meet Blake was going to be the best thing that ever happened to my life. There may be no reason for me feel this way, but sitting here on this rainy stoop, barely sheltered from the water fall by the awning above us, with stray droplets of water hitting us from the wind,

I just knew.


It had taken three weeks for her to decide to show me her friends. One of which was spent by both of us trying to get over the colds we had from staying out in the rain all night. We stayed together the whole time, going from one shelter to the other. She glanced towards me as we made our way to where we would meet her peers. Her nervous energy was starting to make me feel nervous. She held my hand the whole time as she lead me through a recently abandoned part of the city. The path was complicated, but she never let go. The more we walked, the more obvious it became that this was a White Fang hold up. Signs were becoming more visible in number. She looked at me again as I noticed this. Her hopeful and nervous gaze looking for acceptance. I smiled. She had no need to worry about that.

"We're almost there. They are good people, and they helped me through a lot."

I'm not sure why she feels the need to defend her being a part of a protest group. I know what happens to our kind and I'm glad that at least someone is willing to speak up about it.

"I bet they have. I've seen how the white fang rallies have helped." My words appeared to have soothed her. She smiled at me. The nervousness she showed smoothed over and gave way to a more pleased energy. I could see it as she looked at me. These last few weeks allowed me to see many sides of her, but this side was my favorite. It showed a reassured happiness, a contentment.

It was a few minutes after that I found myself in a room full of people. Blake was trying to maneuver us through the crowded bodies, towards people that she knew. Her hands gripped onto mine tightly, the push and pull of the crowd tried to force her many times, but she never let go. Murmurs and whispers start to grow louder as we made our way to a relatively empty spot in the room. We are just about to get there when she stops.

"Blake?" I question.

She says nothing. So I look to what got her attention. There was a male with red hair, and what I believe to be horns, in front of her. He was dressed in mostly black, but the biggest thing to note about him is that he strangely wore a white mask, almost reminiscent of the armored faces of the grim.

"So you're Blake?" He asked. From my angle a bit behind her, I could barely see her face as she'd eyed him warily and then moved her focus behind him to where I assumed her friends were.

"Yeah." She offered. I'm a little confused as to what's going on between them. I squeeze her hand a little to remind her I'm here if she needs me.

"I heard that your parents died a couple of protests back. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thank you," she replied, her shoulders drooping slightly at the reminder of her loss. She squeezed my hand a little tighter.

"My name is Adam Taurus, apprentice to the new leader of the White Fang. I am looking for a partner for what's to come, and I wanted you to be that person. Will you join me?"

She didn't say anything. She just looked at him. Her eyes were wide, I could see, as she processed the information. I could see the gears turning in her head. Maybe asking the same questions I was. Why did he choose her out of everybody? Did he have some sort of agenda? This could be a really good thing for her, kjthough. If he was an apprentice, that meant he was probably next in line to lead the White Fang. If she was his partner, that means she'd be able to really make a difference. She could be a big part of the change she wanted for the Faunus. I was happy for her for this opportunity. I was very happy.

Then she walked forward and left me behind…

… She let go of my hand.


Months passed since Blake accepted to be with Adam. It's been months since I joined the White Fang so that I would never be too far from her. It was nice, I had a home to come back to now because of that. Being a part of something that strived for a greater good was nice as well. The protests were a little different for me now that I was participating in them, but I felt like it was making a difference just letting people be more aware of the foul treatment Faunus receive. Though I was starting to hear word that in some places the protests were starting to become more violent, less focused on awareness and more focused on vengeance. It made me think that I might want to start learning how to fight in case a fight breaks out during one of Blake's or my protests.

I could say honestly, that at this point I was pleased with my decision to join. Blake comes to see me whenever she is not out with Adam. So I make sure that whatever I need to do, I can do at the desk in my room, that way she'll always know where I'll be. Currently, I'm tinkering with a little locket I found in one of the abandoned buildings on the outskirts of town.

A knock comes through the door.

A smile comes to my face.

I open one of the drawers of my desk, slip the locket inside, and bring out the doll that she left behind long ago. It has the likeness of a cat Faunus, and the little ears have been recently resewed on. I tried to give it to Adam to give it to her, but he said she should learn to not need such things. He just didn't understand.

She walked in without waiting for a reply as she always does when she comes into my room. She knows it's always open for her. I put the doll behind me in my back pocket and turn my chair to meet her.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"Hey." She smiled at me.

Her mellow personality could never really match my exuberance. Seeing her happy to see me was more than enough though.

"How was your day?" I ask, watching her plop down onto my bed and make herself comfortable. The girl had feline grace when it came to everything else but my bed. I think I might get a new one that has more padding so she has something softer to land on when she does that.

"It was really nice." She said as she decided going under my covers and cuddling my pillow was her most comfy option. "I've started learning how to fight today. I thought it was unnecessary, but Adam said that since some protests are getting more violent, it'd be better if I could defend myself."

I let out a small chuckle at her words. She glances at me.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking the same thing before you came in, but I was thinking more along the lines of being your knight in shining armor. Looking dashing, and suave, and handsome as I save my queen."

"Queen? Don't you mean princess? Usually the knights in shining armor save princesses in fairy tales."

"Yea, but I'm not talking about fairy tales. I'm talking about you." I said, crawling onto the bed to her. "and there will never be another girl above you, so for this humble knight, that makes you my queen."

I took great pleasure in the blush that was on her cheeks. My smirk was almost predatory as I take in her features. It was a rare break in her composure and I was going to revel in the moment.

"W-well, I'll be perfectly able to defend myself. So I'll won't need a knight."

"I have no doubt in that," I say, still looking into her eyes. "but no matter how strong you become, I'll always be there. Always, until the day you feel you won't need me anymore."

Her cheeks reddened a bit more at my words. It wasn't fair of me, I knew that. She wasn't really used to such words and treatment, but today was a special day. Sometimes it was good to do something pleasantly unexpected.

"You promise?" She asked. "That you'll always be there?" Her golden amber eyes were reading into mine again as she waited for an answer. I did not hesitate.

"I promise."

She tucked herself closer to my pillow, and now all I could see of her face was her eyes. It was still more than I needed to see how happy she was. Those eyes of hers shined in delight.

"I got something for you." She straightened up, and I leaned back from my position over her. I take the doll from out my pocket and show it to her. Once she recognizes it, I barely have enough time to brace. She tackled me off the bed. My back crashed lightly to the floor, and I hold her to make sure she didn't hurt herself in her enthusiasm.

"I thought I lost this! Thank you!" I felt her excited voice in my chest as much as I heard it with my ears. That was twice today she lost her usual composure, and I couldn't be happier. She stopped hugging me and sat up.

"I know I'm probably too old for dolls," she paused, "but this is all I have left of them."

The little black haired doll was held tightly to her. Her thumbs play with the ears on top of its head. I don't need her to tell me that she noticed the patchy sewing job I did on them. The look on her face tells me all she didn't say.

"Thank you so much, Naruto. I wish every day could always be like this."

"It's the least I could do." She hugged me again. I could get used to all this affection she is showing me. It felt really nice to be held.

"No. No it isn't at all. You've done so much for me since I've known you. I don't think I deserve it."

I pull her from me to look into her eyes. I shake my head to show my disagreement.

"Since I've met you, my life has only gotten better. I'm happier now than I have been in a long time. You deserve all the happiness I could ever give you." She looked away from me again, her cheeks a bit red. I placed a kiss on her forehead. A flash of light covers us for a moment, and then I lean back. Her wide eyes quickly came upon me again, and I chuckle at her astonished expression.

"Happy thirteenth birthday, Blake."


I'm sitting on my new desk, looking at a miniature version of the picture I took with Blake a little over two years ago, during her thirteenth birthday. She had asked me to delete it multiple times out of embarrassment, but this was the only picture I had of her. With her being gone more often on missions, looking at this is sometimes the only chance I get to see her face. We've had to move a lot. The White Fang has slowly become a more violent group over these last years.

When I first joined them I didn't even know how to fight. Now I never go anywhere without my weapon. The new aggressive behavior of the White Fang has caused it to become a targeted group. The nations of Remnant all consider it a terrorist organization. Now every high ranking person in the White Fang has a target on their back. A target that might one day consider placing Blake in its sights. It was only a matter of time. Adam and I were her only friends in the White Fang still alive.

No need for those thoughts I tell myself, and I get back to my task. I know it's old school, but I decided to put the picture into the locket I found a couple years back. It had a space for two pictures inside of it. I just needed to find one good enough to put in it. Other than that, the gift was complete. I spent a lot of time shining the locket and every silver link on the chain connected to it to make sure it looked just like new. I place the picture of me kissing her forehead into the locket, taking a second to laugh again at her wide eyed expression. My moment of contentment was ended by a knock on my door.

She came in looking flustered. I wonder what happened.

"Anything interesting happen today?" I call out to her. She looks a bit hesitant to answer.

"Adam just started his training to formally take over as leader." She responded and dropped down onto my bed as she normally does, bouncing a bit from the extra cushioning.

"That's good," I say, "I don't actually talk to him much, but this seemed like something he's wanted for a long time." I watch as she sits up long enough to take off her boots and unstrap Gambol Shroud from her back. She then promptly falls backwards and lets out a happy sigh. Her head turns towards me and takes notice of something behind me.

"What is that?" She motions to the top of my desk with her head. I knew better than to try and hide it now. Once her curiosity peaked, there was no denying her.

"Well," I drag out, "I wasn't planning on giving this to you yet, but here you go." I grab hold of the locket and place it into her hands. Its silver was shining nicely in her hands, and I could tell it'd look good on her.

It's quiet again as she looks at it, stunned. She turns it over in her hands a couple of times, and gently inspects it. Her fingers go over every inch of the locket and chain before they rest on the clasp at its side. She pauses slightly and then opens it. The hush is broken by a soft chuckle from her lips. She runs her thumb over the picture.

"I thought I told you to get rid of this stupid picture. It's so embarrassing." She said, but there is only affection in her tone. A deeply appreciative look is sent my way, and faint evidence of wetness could be seen on the corners of her eyes. "Thank you."

"I was going to wait until I found another picture good enough to put in it, but I guess this works just as well." I tried to say as casually as possible, but her reaction was much better than imagined, and I was finding myself full to the brim with jubilation. "I could always find a picture later."

She looked to be debating something internally. Looking to come to a decision, she scooted closer to me.

"Could you help me put it on?" She asked, placing the locket into my hand.

"I'd be glad to."

She is facing me, so when I lean in to connect the silver chain behind her neck, I get an unprecedented view of her eyes. This was the closest I've ever been to them. The locket is secured, but neither of us pull away. I can feel my face flush a bit. A quick glance to her cheeks shows it's the same for her. My eyes snap back to hers, and her gaze holds me there. Her eyes start to dilate. My breath starts to quicken. I bring my lips closer to hers, and she tilts her head to meet me.

I close the rest of the distance, but it wasn't her lips that mine met. My eyes close in acceptance, and I let out a breath, a small sigh at the rejection. I leaned back at looked at where I had kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry Naruto," She almost cried out. "I'm so, so sorry."

I move away from her a bit, and she looks a little hurt from the action. Or at least what I think is hurt. Apparently, I've been misreading signals. God, I feel so stupid.

"There's no need to say sorry Blake. I….I shouldn't have." The least I could do is make sure she doesn't feel bad because I saw something that wasn't there. It was my mistake.

"No, you don't understand-"

"It's okay Blake, you don't have to explain." I interrupt. I just want to move on and forget about this.

"No, Naruto, listen to me! You don't understand. I… Adam…" she paused. "After he was told about his formal training, he asked me to go out with him." Her eyes looked like they were imploring me to understand.

"I said yes," she finished. I look away.

"I figured." I try to laugh out, keep up a semblance of good humor about the whole thing. She was right. I am having a hard time understanding. I knew they were close, but I didn't think that close. And if she just accepted being in a relationship with, why did she let me get so close to kissing her? I'm so confused.

"I'm sorry," I say. When I look at her, she has tears threatening to escape. Now, I'm even more confused. Am I saying something wrong? I'm trying to not make her cry. I get to my feet and start to walk away from her. She raced to her feet and hugged my back. Her arms are squeezing against my front tight enough to affect my breathing slightly.

"I'm so sorry Naruto."

"Blake," My hands work to loosen her grip and I turn around. "You don't have anything to apologize for. This just means nothing changes. I'm still always going to be there for you." That was something that's been decided since the first time my eyes caught sight of her. She's only gotten more beautiful as time passed. My fingers go under her chin to gently guide her to face me.

"If there ever comes a time when you decide to be with someone else, I just ask that you consider me."


"Now," I said quickly, a small smirk on my face. "I need you to do something for me real quick."

A bewildered expression took form as she tried to process my sudden change in tone.

"What is it?" She asked after a moment. My smirk turns into a full blown smile. I definitely know she is not going to be ready for what I am about to do next. I fall onto my bed dragging her down with me. A small noise of surprise escaped her mouth as she crashed beside me. Her hair is spread widely behind her from her sudden fall. I'm to her side as she turns to look at me. I stop her with a soft kiss on her cheek; the same one I kissed earlier. Her eyes went wide. A flash of light went over us, and I know she knew what happened.

"Looks like I found the other picture for the locket!" I said happily, admiring the picture on my scroll. I have some serious skills in photography I can't help but think. The picture showed Blake's hair displayed wildly behind her, as a happily surprised look from my kiss took her face.

I maneuver to my side to face Blake fully. Her face was red, but a relieved smile was what stood out the most. "You are just too beautiful sometimes. The rest of the world always looks dull after I take a second to look at you." I say to her in a joking manner. She rolls her eyes and turns away, but that smile on her face didn't escape me.

I was only half joking. I look at the picture again. I may be a good photographer, but I'm more inclined to think that it's the black haired beauty in the picture that makes it worth anything.


I cannot remember the last time I was this tired. Why was I the only one to get a mission right after the White Fang had changed locations again? It was bad enough that we cycled back to a base near Atlas, but asking me to go solo on a sabotage mission felt unnecessarily risky. We lost so many people the last time we were here. Everyone in the White Fang had a story of someone they lost in this territory. The stories of those that survived from being hunted from the Schnee were they only things more haunting. The Schnee company didn't just pay for Faunus blood, they celebrated it. Anyone baring proof of torturing a Faunus before killing them got extra pay from the company.

"Honestly, and they wanted me to sabotage a train by myself? It's almost like someone here wants to kill me." I grumbled out loud as I kicked my shoes off. It was successful though. I smirk at the thought. There was going to be no killing of Naruto Uzumaki anytime soon. My smirk dies quickly. I may have lived, but how many have I had to kill for the Fang's cause? I try to spare as much as I can, but…


"Why couldn't those idiot's just leave when I gave them the chance!" I know I'm yelling at no one, but I have to get it out; the frustration, the anger, the guilt, it all became too much. I had told them about the explosives on the train. I told them to leave. I told them that some dust wasn't worth it.

Tonight was going to be another long night.

I'm about to fall onto my bed when my door bursts open. I don't even have time to react to the noise. A weightless feeling overcomes me, and suddenly my face is approaching the bed much faster than I planned. A pained grunt leaves me as I recover from being tackled onto my bed. A familiar scent hits my nose, and it's not one I'm glad to smell on my guest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I offered after a minute of silence.

She shakes her head into my back.


There really wasn't much more for me to say. I eventually ease her off my back so that she is laying down beside me. She curls up against me, and her hands press against my chest with the smallest whisper of strength. We stayed in the position for a while.

"I had to do it," she finally murmured into my neck. "They were going to kill me if I hadn't." I nod in understanding. It was something that I never hoped she had to do. I would be lying if I said I'm glad it wasn't them instead of her, though.

"Adam didn't even care. He kicked the bodies, said that they deserved it." I pull my her closer to me. She didn't need to add what he did to her guilt. "When I got back, I was told they had you on a solo mission. I was worried. I'm glad you're alive."

"I'm glad I'm alive too," I say jokingly.

"I'm serious! It's really dangerous for us so close to Atlas." She admonishes.

"It's not too dangerous if you know what you're doing," I say, as I move to pinch her ears a bit. "All you really need to do is hide these and no one would even know you're a Faunus. A nice hat or bow, and then people would think that you're just fashionable. Problem solved."

"What about you?" She asked. I could feel her hands playing with the wolf ears on top of my head.


"Yes, you. I doubt you'd get away with wearing a bow, and having a hat all the time could be suspicious." Her ministrations on my ears did not stop, and I was starting to feel my body tingle.

"I don't know. I pretty sure I could pull off a bow pretty well." My light hearted words seemed to finally get a ghost of a smile to appear.

"You wearing bow is probably the ugliest thing I can think of," came her reply.

"Even uglier than Adam in a bikini?" She let out a sharp laugh, and I was glad that she was feeling better now.

"He doesn't like you, you know." I raise my brow at that. I don't remember doing anything that should have upset him.


"He doesn't like how close we are."

"Is that it? Tell him not to worry." My hands reach for her ears again, and I move my head to look her. "I'm a wolf Faunus. I got no interests in cats." I tell her with a smile.

"Is that so?" She playfully challenged.

"Yup, those are my honest opinions. Cats are gross." She slapped me on my chest. I assume that the only place she could really aim with how we are laying.

"I'm glad you said that. Now I don't have to feel bad about admitting that I don't like overgrown mutts."

"Hey! That's different."

"How so?" She asked with a bigger smile on her face.

"Cuz you actually do hate dogs!"

I as rewarded with the biggest laugh I have ever gotten from Blake.

She tucked her head into my chest.

"Those are just my honest opinions. Dogs are gross." I felt a breath on my neck as she let out another small laugh. "But maybe, there are one or two I'm willing to keep around."

It wasn't much later that she fell asleep in my arms.


'Why does everyone look so anxious?' I think as I make my way through the camp we set up for our new Atlas base. I take off my mask that we are all acquired to wear now, and I see my tent. I was just about to make it into my tent when a lights fly across my vision. I blink a couple of times to realize that I am now on the floor. The crunching of leaves under my hand echoes in my ears as I struggle to regain balance.

"Get up." I hear. It's a voice I'm familiar with, but I'm unfamiliar with its tone. I could feel the anger and hate in every letter. Which was impressive given the little amount of words used.

"Why the hell are you so mad?" I question heatedly as I recover from the sucker punch he gave me. I managed to get into a kneeling position when another punch brought me down to the ground again.


"I said. Get up."

Oohhhh! I'm starting to hate this guy. He is so lucky that he is in a relationship with Blake. That is the only reason I haven't knocked that sneer right off of his stupid face.

I make my way to my hands and knees when a kick breaks into my ribs. I feel myself lose control of my body as I roll and crash through the surrounding woods.

"Looks like you're having a hard time listening to instructions. I'm sure you'll agree that deserves punishment. It wouldn't do well if others saw you disrespecting their leader, would it?"

His foot pushes me onto my back and I blearily see him taking Wilt out of its sheathe. I can feel my eyes widen. This was serious now. What the hell happened to make him this livid? He places the tip of his sword at my cheek, and waited. Dreadful realization come over me, and he smiled at my expression. A foot stomped onto my chest and held firm. I tasted the gush of blood that started to gather in my mouth. I try to spit it out but all I manage are nasty sounding coughs.

"You," he said looking towards a random bystander. "Record this, I'll have this be a nice gift to someone later on." He barely waited before another foot stomped onto my chest. A few more bloodied coughs were worked out of me. I try to focus on my breathing.

"Are you… trying… to kill me." I managed out. I grab hold of his foot to try and move it, but it stays planted on my chest.

"Yes. But you have a great deal of suffering ahead of you first." Wilt was raised above his head. Another sadistic grin was seen as Adam brought the blade down. A flash of pain raced across my face, and I cry out. I could feel a cut open just beneath my right eye to my jaw. His blade was still tilted downwards. He took the tip and started sawing down from the end of the cut. I tried not to move too much once he got to my neck, but he still worked downward, and my whole world was pain. I don't even know if I'm screaming anymore. He finished once he got to my collarbone. The cuts were not deep enough to kill me; I guess I should be thankful.

"Of course you could just end this now if you tell me what I want and stop playing games. Either way you die, but one way is much faster." I stop a whimper from coming out of my mouth. There was no way in hell this man was going to anything he wanted out of me.

"Stop playing?" I coughed out. "I was just starting to have fun." I gave him my most heated stare. Boyfriend or not, the second I recover, I'm going to give this man a royal beat down.

He pointed his blade at me again. I turned to my good side and spat out blood.

"Tell me where she is!" Adam demanded. His foot digging into my chest again. I could not help the groan of pain that followed.

"What the hell are you talking about!"

He tilted his head and paused. It looked like he came to some sort of conclusion.

"Oh, this is precious. You don't know do you?" He said. Though his voice lacked the anger, it almost sounded pleased, in a vindictive way.

"That's what I've been telling you, you idiot." I started to feel my strength come to me. Now that I finally had time to get my wits about me. I could feel my aura heal my injuries, but the stinging sensation persisted where he had cut me.

"Then I offer a different proposition to you. I need someone to become my new killer for hire. You'll do since you've been living through all those suicide missions I've been giving you throughout Atlas. You do that for me and I won't hunt her down like the scum she is."

Trepidation filled me, and a new question came to mind that demanded to be answered. I have better things to do than waste time with this stupid bull. I shove his foot of me and stand up. A take a breath and settle myself. I can feel my body returning to normal. Now time to teach this prick that I'm not someone to be messed with. Once he's drinking his own blood, I'll take Blake far away from here. The White Fang are just too dangerous to be a part of anymore. I reach to my hip for my weapon, when he sheathes his. His smirk was still in place, and I could tell he was about to take too much pleasure in what he was going to say next.

"She's gone, Naruto. Blake left you."

A/N: I already know some people are going to be displeased with Naruto getting knocked around in the last scene. I have accepted this, haha :P

But, the point of the scene was to show Adam's negative tendencies and behavior, and Naruto's lack of knowledge of Blake living him behind, not how well Naruto can fight. He's a heavy hitter in this story, no worries. There will only be a couple of people that could beat him in this, and he's certainly going to be above the freshman students at Beacon.

I wanted this one to feel slightly oneshot-ish. Which is why it skips around so much. That and I have no interest in writing about children, but I still needed to in order to show how far and deep their bond goes.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. Let me know what you think, what you liked, what you hated. I read it all.

Also, have great rest of your day!