If ever there was hope for you, it came in the form of your son. He was a ray of light, and even if you never wanted to be a mother, you wouldn't give this up for the world. The way Dag clutched at your hands, his toothless smiles. His eyes were such a pretty shade of blue.
You knew Loki was nearby, and that was motivating too. He didn't make himself known to you again, but you would see a guard out of the corner of your eyes every now and again and just know that it was him. He was always going to protect you.
Roland was delighted by Dag too, and when he approached you once you'd been able to get up and move about, he was all smiles.
"I was thinking we might name his after my father, Cornelius, if you would like that."
"Dag already has a name," you explained, trying to keep the bitterness from your tone. Not discouraged, he took your hand.
"Dag is a fine, princely name, Cornelius can be his second name." In a softer tone, he added, "Our prince will be beloved, no matter what his name may be. All I want is for him to grow to be a strong man, and for you to be happy."
He tilted his head towards yours, leaning in to plant a chaste kiss in your lips. You were unmoving against, a cold stone statue. Even as husband and wife, these tender actions were foreign and unwelcome. You feared the day that he might try to bring you to the marriage bed.
"I know you might not be happy here," he whispered. "I pray that one day you will grow to love me, as I love you..."
"I... can't." You shook your head, backing away from him and running down the hall.
"This is him? He's so... little." Yosef sat next to you on a stone bench surrounded by wild lavender, examing the baby dozing in your arms.
"If he was any bigger, he wouldn't fit into my stomach," you laughed. "I would have been even fatter."
"So am I his big brother or somethin?" he asked. His eyes grew bright with excitement.
"I suppose so. And I can think of no one better."
Yosef let out a woop, and Dag's eyes cracked open at the noise. "Oops!" he whispered. "Sorry, little brother."
"You should run along, I expect there is work to be done in the stables and I have to feed him."
Yosef saluted with a grin and tore off through the garden.
He ran past a certain guardsman, who knew now where to look for the queen.
You'd fed Dag and he was just beginning to doze again against your chest when a distinct clanking of armor began, drawing nearer by the second.
"Oh, hello... Loki?" You had to be sure it was him.
As an answer, he ripped off his helmet and tossed it to the ground. There he was, looking like he hadn't changed at all. His eyes twinkled with familiar mischief.
"Hello, (y/n)." He sat himself where Yosef had, right next to you. "I saw what Roland did. How he made you hurt."
"He has never hurt me," you said.
"Not physically." He moved to kneel in front of you, placing his hand over your heart. "Here."
You nodded, biting your lip.
"He tells you he loves you, that he wishes you would love him. And you won't let yourself. Why is that? He has everything, a crown, lands, riches galore, he would care for you better than any mortal in Midgard."
You blinked, feeling a sting behind your eyes. that had become all too familiar. "When they tried to sacrifice me that day, I sacrificed my heart as well." Your voice wavered. "It would never belong to Roland, no matter how great his kingdom is. He... he isn't... you."
Teardrops threatened to spill over your cheeks and Dag woke, sensing your change in mood. He began to whimper and cry.
"No, no. Shhh, darling..." You cradled him, rocking him gently in your arms.
A hand was on your cheek, wiping away stray tears.
"(y/n)... if I had only known," Loki started, his voice surpassingly gentle. "I would have never let you alone that day. I swear, I will make Roland pay for every breath he takes, everything he's done, every stolen moment fro-"
"Loki, please," you begged in a whisper. "Don't hurt him. Just let us run. Away from him, this place, everything." You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling suddenly exhausted. Then his lips pressed against yours, gentle, but oh so different from Roland. You sighed into his touch, feeling lighting run up your spine and stars behind your eyes. He parted, and when you opened your eyes, he had vanished.