I want to say sorry that I've been gone for so long. I haven't had enough inspiration to get this done and it's also very hard to juggle my lives around, both internet and home life. So Chat Noir found Marinette in an alleyway when she transformed and everyone was like "What that would never happen!", and well I'm sorry to inform you but if you haven't noticed that both Marinette and Adrien can't even recognise each other when they are in the mask's, even though it's so obvious. So here's a spoiler they will eventually find out who the other is, but until then I'm going to have fun with this story. So I now give you the second chapter of 'This can't be happening?!'.

Enjoy. ^_^

It was morning the harsh rays of sunlight began to beat down on Marinette. She tried to put a pillow on her face but the sunlight wouldn't give up until Marinette woke up.

"Marinette! You need to wake up and help us out with the shop!" Her mother called out.

Marinette didn't hear her as she was still having a battle with the sun. "Mari wake up!" Tikki said to Marinette, "You don't want to make you mother angry now do you?" Marinette heard Tikki while she was still battling the sun and eventually, she gave up her battle, but for two important reasons she didn't want to make her mother angry and it was pointless to stay in bed.

Marinette knew she had lost this battle but what she didn't know was the battle's that were still to come that she could not afford to lose.

"Morning Mama! Morning Papa!" Marinette said to her parents. "Morning honey did you get enough sleep?" Asked her mother.

"Not really," Marinette said

"Oh dear then maybe we shouldn't send you on this very special assessment from the Agreste's." Said her mother.


"OK but if you feel too tired come home." Said her mother concern in her eyes

"THANK'S MOM." And with that she ran all the up the stairs, nearly tripping a couple of times on the way up.

Marinette then closed her door and 'whoop whooped' around her room until-

"Marinette why are you running around the room yelling 'whoop whoop'?! YOU WOKE ME UP!" Tikki told her.

"Sorry Tikki, I didn't know you were still asleep."

"Well now that I'm awake why were you yelling around the room?"

"Well, I get to meet Adrien today because I have a delivery to make to his house."

"Then why are we standing here doing nothing you should get dressed."

"OH right thanks, Tikki."

And so Marinette got dressed in her usual clothes and started to make her way down the stairs to grab the delivery, with Tikki in her little purse bag.

"Hey, Papa."

"Morning Mari, are you ready to deliver that package to that Adrien boy yet?"

"Yeah I am, and just call him Adrien dad."

"Ok, here is what he ordered." Marinette had a look inside the box as her dad seemed to always get some of the orders wrong. So inside was two rows of double choc-chip cookies and another two rows of macarons.

"So dad is this what Adrien ordered?"

Marinette's father had a look within the box before it had closed.

"Yep, that's what the boy- ah I mean Adrien ordered."

And so he closed the box.

"Now go on honey before the cookies and macaroons get cold."

"Ok Papa," and Marinette gave her dad a kiss on the cheek,"bye mum I'll see you later." and she waved goodbye to her mum.

And before Marinette left, "oh and Marinette," Marinette's mother said,"I want you to promise me that you will give to him by hand."

"Ok mum," and out the door she went to her way to Adrien's mansion.

Adrien's place wasn't too far from her home so she walked all the way there and her mother was alway's saying that should get more exercise, (even though she is Ladybug and she get's all the exercise in the world), she went for a walk. On the way to Adrien's, she was beginning to think this was a very bad idea and began to doubt herself, and not only that she thought he wouldn't like them and do what Chole would do (she would throw them in her face).

Tikki could feel Marinette's anxiety towards Adrien become more and more as they to closer to Adrien's place. "Marinette," Tikki say's concerned, "are you ok going to Adrien's home?"

"Yeah I am, why do you ask?"

"Well, you keep shaking and it get's more vigorous the closer we get to Adrien's."

"Oh I'm just a bit nervous is all."

"Oh ok."

And so they continued to Adrien's place, not knowing what to say to the other.

On the way, Tikki started to think of what she had remembered from the night before. Marinette had de-transformed behind Chat Noir...She fainted and collapsed...and she and Marinette were taken home to bed by a mysterious stranger. Tikki doesn't remember the stranger's face or voice but whoever it was, they knew where Marinette lived and who she was. Tikki let it pass for now and would tell Marinette later when she was alone with just her.

"Hey, earth to Tikki."

"Oh, sorry Marinette what were you saying?"

"Well, we've just arrived."

Adrien's home stood tall and proud around all the other home's, with its pure white wall's and giant window's it would be hard to miss. Marinette felt like it was one of Paris's greatest masterpieces. She nearly forgot why she was here in the first place.

"Marinette you haven't rung the door bell," Tikki said.

"Thanks, Tikki," Marinette said and so Marinette rung the door bell. A woman answered the door with a camera, "Yes who is it?" She said with very little expression. "I'm um Marinette Dupain-Chang and I was told to give these to Adrien in person," Marinette said holding the box of sweets in front of the camera. "Ah, so you're the delivery girl," the woman say's,"right through the gates please, I'll meet you at the door." There was a little beep for when the intercom went silent and the gates began to open. Marinette went through and went straight to the door, there the woman stood, holding the door open.

"Hello Miss Dupain-Chang," the woman said,"my name is Natalie. Would you like me to take you to Adrien's room?"

Marinette just nodded, and so they headed up the flight of stairs to the right to Adrien's room.

When Natalie got to a door she stopped and knocked on it. "Adrien," she said,"there is someone here to see you."

"Who is it Natalie?" said Adrien through the door.

"She say's her name is Marinette."

And when he heard her name he came running, "Hey Marinette it's nice to see you," Adrien said, "come on in, Natalie you can now leave me thanks for bringing Marinette up here." Natalie just nodded and went back to whatever it was she was doing before she brought Marinette in.

Adrien's room was incredible, it had so much colour, and everything was in just the right place. "I don't usually get many visitors," Adrien said, "it's usually photographers or Chole so I was very happy to hear it was actually you." Especially because of yesterday I wanted to know if you were ok...BECAUSE YOU'RE MY FRIEND.

"So Adrien," Marinette said with a blush on her face, "these are for you." Marinette gave Adrien the box full of macarons and double choc-chip cookies. Adrien looked at the sweets for a moment, then at Marinette, then back to the sweets.

"Marinette these are-"

"Awful, disgusting, hideous."

Adrien just laughed, "that wasn't what I was about to say." Marinette just blushed as she knew she interpreted Adrien out of being nervous. "I was about to say that they smell amazing, they look so pretty," Adrien then popped on into his mouth, "and they are just the right sweetness, no too sweet but not too bitter, it's like heaven." Marinette was relieved that the cookies were to Adrien liking. But Adrien wasn't done, as he went to his closet and grabbed something from it and then came back with it behind his back.

"Marinette," Adrien said,"do you mind taking a seat on the couch? I want to give you something."

"Adrien you didn't have to give anything to me," Marinette said.

"Actually Marinette," Adrien said,"I've been wanting to give you this for a while." And Adrien gave a small gift to her from behind his back. Marinette looked at it for a while with its neat foldings and the beautiful ribbon on top. She then began opening the gift, inside was a box, inside the box was a beautiful necklace with the pendant as a blue bell coloured tear drop.

"Oh Adrien, it's so beautiful."

"I did think you would like it," Adrien said,"would you like me to put it around your neck?" Marinette nodded and so Adrien put it on her neck, they both talked a while about school, Chole, Alya & Nino being a cute couple, and about Ladybug and ChatNoir. Soon it was 6:00 at night and Marinette had to go home."Sorry Adrien to spoil things but I have to go home," Marinette said.

"Oh ok, but then let me walk you out through the door," Adrien said, and continued their conversation about Ladybug and Chat Noir, but soon they reached the door and had to say their goodbye's, for now. "It was nice talking with you Marinette and thanks for the sweets."

"No problem see you at school." And with that Marinette walked to the gate, waved goodbye to Adrien and walked all the way back home with the biggest grin in the world.

When Marinette got home she had dinner and straight away went on her phone to talk to Alya. Alya picked up straight away and she began the conversation with-"Hey Marinette how was your date with Adrien today?" Alya said.

"WHAT! Hang on how do you know I went to Adrien's today?"

"I went to call you on your mobile but you weren't picking up, so I called your house phone and your mum picked up and she said that you went to Adrien's. So how was it? Did you kiss?"

"Alya no, wait let me start from the beginning. I went to Adrien's for a delivery I was told to do. I went, gave him the order, talked for a while and came back. There was no kissing involed."

"Oh really Marinette," Alya said with an eyebrow raised, "if that's true what's that around your neck?"

Marinette looked down around her neck, "Nothing."

"Mari you can't lie to me so spill."

"Ok Alya if I tell it won't go to the public, right?"

"Look I promise."

"Ok, I got this as a gift from...Adrien."

"Ha, I knew it you and he are dating."

"Look, even though he gave me this doesn't mean me and him are dating, yet."

"All right ok, and my lip are sealed."

"Thanks, Alya."

*Beep Beep* Marinette looked at her phone and saw it only had 5% left on it. "Sorry Alya I've got to go, my phone is running flat."

"Ok, I'll see you maybe tomorrow if I have time."

"Ok Alya bye," and with that, she turned off her phone and put it on charge.

"Wow that was a long conversation I thought, it would never end." Something said from up top with the trap door open. It was Chat Noir.

What is he doing here?