Yes...I know. Another Inu/Sess. I SHIP THEM SO HARD! This is the 6th one I've written! And yes, it's only the 5th one I've posted. I have another that I'm writing and dont know if I'm gonna port of not. I might. I wrote what I have of it so far over a 2 day period when I hadnt slept the entire time so its a little weird. But this one Ive worked hard on. And I decided not to post it until it was finished. It's 30 chapters. I'll spread out the postings to keep you in suspense! Maybe...I might get a bug up my butt one day and just post all the rest of it at once. But here is the first chapter. This one is kind of dark...sort of...yes...ENJOY!

Chapter One

"I'm bored." Inuyasha rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling of Kaede's hut.

"That's the third time you've said that. If you're so bored, go do something. I'm sure there are plenty of people in the village that could use your help with something." Sango looked up from her sewing only briefly.

"I did that yesterday. I mended four roofs, helped a farmer finish building a wall, and cut down three trees and turned them into firewood."

"There is always something needing to be done, Inuyasha. Go find something to do. You're annoying me." Sango set aside the socks she had just finished mending and picked up another.

Inuyasha grumbled and left the hut. He needed to find something to do. He wandered toward the forest. Maybe he would walk around and make sure there weren't any demons around that could threaten the village.

After killing four minor demons, Inuyasha was washing demon blood off of his arms in a river when he heard the unmistakable sounds of a fight. And it sounded like a big one. He moved towards the noise and stopped in the shadows of a tree further up the riverbank. Trees had been toppled in a wide swatch around a section of the river and in the center of the chaos was Sesshomaru. His face was bloody and his arm was wrapped around himself, cradling his ribs. He looked like someone had been using him as a punching bag.

A deep rumbling growl sounded a moment before a very large demon burst up from under a fall of trees before Sesshomaru. The demon's fist lashed out and Sesshomaru went flying backwards to hit a large boulder further up the riverbank. He slumped to the ground, coughing blood. The large demon stalked after him, strangely light on his feet for something so big. It bent and lifted Sesshomaru up with a hand twisted in his clothing. He slammed Sesshomaru back against the rock. Inuyasha could hear the sound of his skull cracking from where he stood. Sesshomaru's eyes fluttered as he struggled to stay conscious.

Inuyasha was turning to leave, he couldn't care less if the demon killed his half-brother, when he caught a strange scent. He turned back in time to see the big demon spin Sesshomaru around and tear his clothes off. Inuyasha raised a curious eyebrow and took a deep breath. An incredibly enticing scent filled his nose and his cock swelled to full stiffness instantly. He moved towards the scent as the large demon tore his own clothes open. He held Sesshomaru against the rock with one huge hand and used the other to take his massive erection in his hand. With one swift movement, he thrust himself into Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru screamed, his claws digging weakly into the rock, as blood ran down his thighs.

Inuyasha suddenly realized what was happening. That scent, it was coming from Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru was an uke demon. And he was in heat. Before he had fully comprehended the situation, his sword was arching through the air. The large demon didn't even realize what had happened to it. It fell to the ground, dead. Sesshomaru slumped down after it, whimpering as the dead demon's cock left his body. He lifted his eyes and saw a flash of red before darkness swept him under.

Inuyasha watched Sesshomaru fall forward onto his face. He was covered in blood. His face was partly smashed in on once side, both of his eyes were swollen and turning black, his bottom lip was ripped down the middle. And that was just his face. He had deep claw marks down his back, and it looked like his left hip was dislocated. He was a mess.

Inuyasha smirked. This demon had tormented him his entire life. And now he was laying broken and bleeding at his feet. Leaving Sesshomaru where he was, he dragged the dead demon into the forest and left him for the scavengers to find. He gathered some wood, made a small fire, and cooked himself a few fish. He didn't know how long he would need to wait.