Welcome Readers:

So this Idea came around because I thought of this one simple Idea "What would Scyther look like as a weapon?" so I looked on the internet found some cool Pictures and then I realised something, there have been a few stories that involve Pokémon as weapons like Pokémon/Soul Eater crossovers but what if I could add RWBY into it and this is the result

Now Ladies and Gents, Boys and Girls Please enjoy RWBY DELTA

(Disclaimer: TSC dos not own RWBY, Pokémon, Soul Eater or Attack on Titan)


10 Years Ago


Calm and serene nature.

Even though it rarely is calm on this planet.

Grimm, the creatures of darkness, vile things that feed on fear and flesh, hunt and prowl, looking for something or someone, to feast upon, and they have a specific target in mind.

A young man, 19 years of age, short red hair, his piercing eyes of icy blue, scan his surroundings, alone yet not alone, he knows the Grimm are near, waiting for the chance to strike. His scared face remains in a passive look as he scans the area.

His clothing, while simple allowed him to blend into any crowd, a simple black high collar shirt with long sleeves, sleeves that go up to under his yellow gauntlets that cover his forearms, with fingerless black gloves on his hands, his legs are adorned with a pair of simple blue pants held up by a black belt with six strange red and white balls, perfect for movement without hindrance, and covering his feet and the rest of his legs after the knee, are a pair of simple black combat boots, for armour a bronze breastplate with a strange symbol on it: a Galaxy with 4 quadrants surrounded by a nebula.

"Come on, you vile creatures" the young man whispered whilst retrieving on of the balls from his belt, with the push of a button the ball expanded to fit inside his hand "come and get some".

Suddenly, everything around him seemed to stop, the sounds of nature he had been hearing up to now, simply gone, the rushing wind, died down.

It was time.

The Grimm jumped from the shadows of the forest, large and bear-like in appearance, white plates of bones covering their bodies and faces, the man snorted in disgust, Ursa minor's, true they weren't the big version but for somebody with skill, their glowing red eyes weren't all that intimidating.

And then they started to move in, closer and closer till one of them decided to strike only their prey was no longer there and the Ursa who struck soon found its head sliding off of its body.

"Nice save, Sickle" said a voice from the trees, it was the man, by his side was a Mantis the size of fully grown human, with piercing yellow eyes that glared all around, that gave forth a piercing cry of "Scyther" and a floating sword and shield with what looked like an eye in the guard that gave a haunting cry of "Aegislash".

"Balmung, Sacred Sword!" the man cried and the sword went into action by itself the blade glowing and carving through the Grimm, like a hot knife through butter, some Grimm managed to get out of the way and charged to the tree where the young man was.

"Fools" the man spat putting his hand on the shoulder of the mantis which started to glow, inside the light, the mantis turned into a beautiful green scythe.

"Let's Harvest Sickle, Fury Cutter," the man said as the blade started to glow green.

As the Grimm was approaching the man shot off the tree with surprising speed holding the scythe horizontally and spinning at high speed becoming a green buzz-saw of death carving right through the remaining Grimm.

Suddenly a deep roar sounded from deep within the forest and from the bushes came an Ursa Major, several more Ursa Minors, and an Alpha Beowulf, the man smirked resting his scythe on his shoulder "Now the games can finally begin" he said as he quickly commanded the sword back to his side before tossing the scythe into the air quickly transforming back into the mantis from before, and pulling out another ball, "Bring darkness to the light: Genesis" and from the ball burst forth a small purple creature that cackled madly before jumping back and landing next to the man with an insane grin before calling out "Gengar".

The Grimm held back feeling the power radiating from the creature in front of them, it was just like their power but…pure?

"Genesis, let the games begin" the man said as he held his hand out towards the small creature, Genesis jumped and high-fived the man transforming into a beautiful black Katana with its sheath, quickly drawing the Katana the man shouted "Rebellion armour" and was suddenly covered with shadows, the Grimm took this opportunity to try and sneak closer to have an advantage but just as they moved a ball of condensed shadows shot at them from behind. There emerged the man clad in an eerie suit of armour. "Shadow Ball Barrage," the man said with a cackle as hundreds of balls formed from the shadows around him and launched themselves at the Grimm obliterating them from existence. The man sighed before turning around and pointing his sword at the neck of a young blond haired girl. Sighing again he dispelled his armour and spoke to the girl "Sorry little one, I'm a bit on the jittery side."

"Sorry for sneaking up on you" apologised the young girl "but I was looking for my mommy, have you seen her?" she asked nervously.

"My apologies little one but other than myself and the Grimm there is no one" the man said before a smaller voice cried out "Yang" looking behind the blond girl the man saw a small cart and inside that cart was another little girl this one with a red cloak over her head, "Well isn't convenient" the man mumbled before throwing his katana up into the air turning it back into the small purple creature from before, "Genesis, could you do me a solid and make sure there are no more abominations around" the man asked to which the creature merely cackled a bit before flying off.

It was then the man heard another voice this one a lot older "Yang, Ruby, where are you" the voice obviously belonged to a man.

The girl in red suddenly looked happy, obviously, she knew the man as did the blond girl who the man guessed was Yang "Sickle, find him and bring him here" the man commanded the mantis who nodded and flew off towards the sound.

It took almost a minute before the mantis flew back with two men on its tail one being blond, with gauntlets over his arms, the other having black hair and carrying a large collapsible sword when they saw the two girls standing with an unknown man and a strange purple creature.

"I believe these two are yours," the man said with a smile

"Who are you stranger, and why are my daughters with you?" the blond man asked surprisingly calm.

"Well this is a different tactic coming from the Blonde Berserker aka Tai-Yang Xiao Long" the man said with a laugh "I thought that your usual tactic was to punch first, ask questions later, or was that the tactic of the infamous ScareQrow aka Qrow Brawen?" he said as the sword from before raised its shield to block an overhead swing from the dark haired man. "My name is Daemon and the reason why the girls are with me is because they were looking for their mother not knowing they were in Grimm territory, I was about to tell them to run along home before I heard one of you two so I sent Sickle to retrieve you, sorry if she attacked or taunted you." That made the two men relax a bit but keep up their guard.

"She did attack us, what is she some new type of Grimm?" Asked Qrow.

This made Daemon frown. "No, she is not even a Grimm at all, I would tell you more but I have must leave now" Daemon said as he turned away, then he turned around and added "Unfortunately I'm going to have to ask that you forget that you ever met me" Daemon said as the purple creature came back "Genesis, Hypnosis" Daemon commanded.

"But wait" were the word out of Yang's mouth before she felt rather sleepy, as she fell she saw Ruby Qrow and Tai-Yang also falling asleep and then Daemon said something "I am afraid that I cannot be revealed at this moment of time, Don't worry we will all meet again, until then, Genesis, Dream Eater". And with that there was darkness.

So that's the introduction to my OC: Daemon Black, we will get more information on him as the story goes on. Hope you all enjoyed it.

This was Hell's Watchdog TSC, see you all next time.